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Yingluck's rural supporters 'not happy'

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Ex-PM's rural supporters 'not happy'
Jitima Janphrom,
Prasit Tangprasert,
Supachai Wisessan
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The impeachment of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra has caused a stir among her rural supporters. "I absolutely disagree with her impeachment," Northeastern Farmers Association chairman Panupong Pattarakon-ngarm said yesterday.

He felt the move represented efforts by the new power clique to destroy Yingluck's camp.

Yingluck was impeached over her role in her government's rice-pledging scheme. National Legislative Assembly (NLA) members yesterday voted 190 to 18 to impeach her.

"Many red shirts who disagree with the current government are now political undercurrents. They are waiting to rise to the surface," Panupong warned.

A security source in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen said security agencies had been monitoring the situation, but to date no group had made any clear move to rise against the impeachment motion.

The news, meanwhile, clearly attracted much attention from people in Nakhon Ratchasima. Yesterday's newspapers sold out fast, apparently because headlines about her impeachment were eye-catching.

"We are worried about what will happen next because there are so many red shirts and yellow shirts here," a resident said on condition of anonymity.

Pol Senior Sergeant Major Pichit Tamoon, a red-shirt leader in Chiang Mai province, said he wondered how the NLA could impeach Yingluck given that she did not hold any political office any longer.

Pichit said he may be pessimistic but he felt both the 2006 and 2014 coups were staged to eradicate the base of the now-defunct Thai Rak Thai Party and the Pheu Thai Party.

But he felt the red shirts would not be able to do anything under the current circumstances.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Ex-PMs-rural-supporters-not-happy-30252610.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-24


A week or so back didn't a red leader say if she was impeached there would be no street protests etc unless Mr. T said something and if he didn't he would lose a lot of support and provoke the idea of a personal deal with the junta ?


Same old ignorant responses. She was impeached, even though she no longer holds office, to set an example of culpability, and ensure a future PM, in particular Yingluck, does not come up with such a hair brained scheme. Seems like a good idea if you are the farmer benefitting but who's paying for this unsustainable practice. Rather just write out welfare cheques for the poorest of the farmers.

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"A security source in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen said security agencies had been monitoring the situation, but to date no group had made any clear move to rise against the impeachment motion."

Watch what happens if they try to send her to jail.


The crux of the problem lies in the future, I cannot under the present state of things see how Thailand will move forward , it all depends if Thaksin makes any moves and just what those moves will be, I hold grave fears of Thailand , I hope they don't become a reality. coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

All Politicians do bad things, in EVERY COUNTRY. They over promise and under deliver. they care about lining their won pockets. Yingluck and her ilk are part of the SUPER ELITE and there can be no doubt about it. Give me 1% of the daily interest on their wealth for sure!

So she has had an example made of her. Isn't it time to stop grudges and try to move on?

Somehow I do not think so but I do not see mass riots either. People are sedated now with being paid.

All I can see is this country falling behind the others in the region and personally, I cant wait as the arrogance and costs here need adjustment the same as the idiots ruling and who try to rule. But wouldn't it be nice to see this place actually learn and take a lead again and be the REAL powerhouse of the region instead of pettiness and infighting over past issues?

Yes totally agree and certainly the politicians in the so called Western World ie Europe and yes definately the UK and frankly can not stand any of them and have stated before time and again, they are only interested in lining their own pockets, but the nonsense of it all, the ordinary people follow them, but if they are being offered so much a day!!! Well here, but sure it happens elsewhere this payment for so called service.


"A security source in the northeastern province of Khon Kaen said security agencies had been monitoring the situation, but to date no group had made any clear move to rise against the impeachment motion."

Watch what happens if they try to send her to jail.

She'll do a runner before that happens.


"But he felt the red shirts would not be able to do anything under the current circumstances." - Very good, this means that we should not change a single thing, and something has been done right. We need to make sure they stay the heck out of Bangkok.

Indeed, these thugs burned part of BKK down while their leaders advocated it on stage, then some pillaging.

No more rule of red thug because they are not happy with a decision. Thailand must move away from rule of thugs good thing the men in green have things under control now. They can do justice without fearing a red riot.


A week or so back didn't a red leader say if she was impeached there would be no street protests etc unless Mr. T said something and if he didn't he would lose a lot of support and provoke the idea of a personal deal with the junta ?

etc unless Mr. T said paid something and if he didn't he would


National Legislative Assembly (NLA) members yesterday voted 190 to 18 to impeach her.

Apologies, but I cannot help reminding the 1/15th democrats of this little fact.

We have an NLA that have never purported to be democratic voting this way.

Then we have 310 - 0

That was a vote against the wishes of the majority by a party that did purport to be democratic.

As some remind me yingluck was elected at every single opportunity, I will remind others of this at every single opportunity……..

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I think all these posters who believe the "Reds" have lost support for Yingluck or the PTP are delusional. Go back and read the TVF topics after Thaksin was convicted and then fled, you will see the same conclusion from what I call the "vocal minority" who said the "TRT were finished as well as any support for Thaksin". Fast forward to today and I am reading the same things again.

Now they say they will not support them because of all the rice farmers lost money because of the scheme. The same people said before only 20% qualified to take part in it and the majority of the money went to large commercial farms and people importing rice from Cambodia. Seems a bit like they are trying to have it both ways whilst contradicting themselves.

Many Thai's I spoke to yesterday were angered by the verdict and were far from indifferent about it.

Seems like Yingluck in adamant about fighting this and will not just go away quietly. I would predict she will file a case with the supreme court to fight the ruling instead of waiting out the 5 year ban. I don't see her fleeing and I don't think the Junta is stupid enough to put in jail over this.


The truth is that the Red Shirts in general will not act unless financially motivated , free transport to demo site plus food or 500 B a day.

There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters, many of those supporters were the victims of the great rice pledging scam scheme, they do have long memories and they do hold grudges.

They are very aware of how a number of there fellow members were ignored while in prison where some still are and they are still being ignored.

They are well aware of how a select few made themselves very rich as a result of their positions in the Red Shirt hierarchy by amassing property and airline operations to name but a couple of the bonuses awarded for the leading of the Red Shirt pawns.

"There are very few actually Red Shirt supporters," Don't know where you are mate but I see a hell of a lot of supporters, tens of thousands actually.

The thing is she doesn't hold the office of PM for the last 8 months so impeaching her isn't really correct now is it?

they did it to keep her from running again, as the charging her for corruption, well find the money she supposedly took, good luck with that but hey, pay the right people and documents can be created, anything is possible yeah, now that's corruption.

Their will be another rise of the people and the elites will deal with them as they have the last few times get their mates with the guns and steal the government yet again, Why? Because they are sick of the elites attitude just stupid dirty buffalo's should not have a vote and shut up and not ask questions.

And a common attitude of the people of the south think they are far superior then all the rest of the people.

You've been bingeing on the red Kool-Aid again, haven't you. Hallucinations, confused thinking, delusions of importance. Stop it or you'll go blind.

Maybe going blind is preferable to being as "one eyed" as you are .


I think all these posters who believe the "Reds" have lost support for Yingluck or the PTP are delusional. Go back and read the TVF topics after Thaksin was convicted and then fled, you will see the same conclusion from what I call the "vocal minority" who said the "TRT were finished as well as any support for Thaksin". Fast forward to today and I am reading the same things again.

Now they say they will not support them because of all the rice farmers lost money because of the scheme. The same people said before only 20% qualified to take part in it and the majority of the money went to large commercial farms and people importing rice from Cambodia. Seems a bit like they are trying to have it both ways whilst contradicting themselves.

Many Thai's I spoke to yesterday were angered by the verdict and were far from indifferent about it.

Seems like Yingluck in adamant about fighting this and will not just go away quietly. I would predict she will file a case with the supreme court to fight the ruling instead of waiting out the 5 year ban. I don't see her fleeing and I don't think the Junta is stupid enough to put in jail over this.

Or maybe, just maybe

A new leaf has turned and this is not about the junta as you put it

I have lived here in Thailand for 2 years and hope for a bette future

why so many people want it to stay the same as it has in the past

as John Lennon ne said


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