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Sounds like you've got a chip on your shoulder. Are you a diabetic, and is somebody telling you that you ought to eat saccharides?

Where is that graphic from? I would not say that carbs are non essential. They are our biggest source of food energy. If you eliminate complex carbs from your diet, where do you plan to get the 2000-2600 calories you need every day? All from fat & protein? 500 grams of daily protein is more than double the maximum safe limit. You'll ruin your kidneys trying to get all your calories from protein.

Speaking as a non diabetic, a life of eating nothing but sugars would be pretty miserable, flavor and variety-wise.

As to why we should eat complex carbs, for one they are an important source of fiber. Secondly, in pursuit of the vitamins & minerals we need to live, we eat a lot of fruits, veggies and grains. Complex carbs make up most of the bulk of these food groups. It's sort of a package deal.

And lastly, we're not that great at metabolizing simple carbs when they're consumed alone. Take alcohol, for example. Alcohol provides almost twice as much energy per gram as sucrose, but if we don't send some protein down the hatch when we drink, our bodies can't metabolize it and it goes into storage around your waist.

This is all off the top of my head from biochem classes (years ago), so there are probably other good reasons I'm not thinking of at 2 o'clock in the morning.


Sounds like you've got a chip on your shoulder. Are you a diabetic, and is somebody telling you that you ought to eat saccharides?

Where is that graphic from? I would not say that carbs are non essential. They are our biggest source of food energy. If you eliminate complex carbs from your diet, where do you plan to get the 2000-2600 calories you need every day? All from fat & protein? 500 grams of daily protein is more than double the maximum safe limit. You'll ruin your kidneys trying to get all your calories from protein.

Speaking as a non diabetic, a life of eating nothing but sugars would be pretty miserable, flavor and variety-wise.

As to why we should eat complex carbs, for one they are an important source of fiber. Secondly, in pursuit of the vitamins & minerals we need to live, we eat a lot of fruits, veggies and grains. Complex carbs make up most of the bulk of these food groups. It's sort of a package deal.

And lastly, we're not that great at metabolizing simple carbs when they're consumed alone. Take alcohol, for example. Alcohol provides almost twice as much energy per gram as sucrose, but if we don't send some protein down the hatch when we drink, our bodies can't metabolize it and it goes into storage around your waist.

This is all off the top of my head from biochem classes (years ago), so there are probably other good reasons I'm not thinking of at 2 o'clock in the morning.

Carbs are non essential, you can live without problems and don't eat any. 2000-2600 Protein and Fat. 500 gram Protein only if you don't eat any fat which is impossible as the body needs fat.

But I don't advocate eating "no-carbs" for a long time (different for a short time diet). It is a question of balance......

Alcohol isn't counted as carbohydrate in nutrition and it doesn't make you fat easily. If you drink alcohol with food, your body uses the alcohol as fuel and stores the fat and carbs from the food around your waist.


No i am not a diabetic and i will never be a diabetic , my father & grandfather were both diabetics ..... both i believed were fed the wrong information on what to eat and why they had diabetes .

I find it mind blowing that someone such as diabetes australia advocates diabetics still eat , bread , cereals , pasta and consume a low fat diet ....its no different to promoting cigarettes to someone with lung cancer ....

This is an official site that new diabetics read and follow , it is criminal that they are posting such poor information...

Diabetics do not need processed carbs of any kind , a diet change away from these poisons will see a major improvement in health , i ask why more doctors " the gurus" are not advocating for change in what people eat that have diabetes , it has been proven type 2 diabetes can be eliminated by change in diet /exercise .... i just dont get it .....


No i am not a diabetic and i will never be a diabetic , my father & grandfather were both diabetics ..... both i believed were fed the wrong information on what to eat and why they had diabetes .

I find it mind blowing that someone such as diabetes australia advocates diabetics still eat , bread , cereals , pasta and consume a low fat diet ....its no different to promoting cigarettes to someone with lung cancer ....

This is an official site that new diabetics read and follow , it is criminal that they are posting such poor information...

Diabetics do not need processed carbs of any kind , a diet change away from these poisons will see a major improvement in health , i ask why more doctors " the gurus" are not advocating for change in what people eat that have diabetes , it has been proven type 2 diabetes can be eliminated by change in diet /exercise .... i just dont get it .....

Where would be the profit in eliminate type 2 diabetes? Does GM tell you to better by a bicycle than a car?

Diabetes is a billion if not trillion USD business.


Lies Lies and more damned Lies ... when will people begin to question the advice of Doctors ? perhaps i should have posted about a good medication for Type 2 diabetes ? then i am certain people would engage ...


Lies Lies and more damned Lies ... when will people begin to question the advice of Doctors ? perhaps i should have posted about a good medication for Type 2 diabetes ? then i am certain people would engage ...

It's just that most people are blessed with common sense. On the whole you go for advice, especially in complex scientific or technological matters, to people who are experts in these fields.

Just as you would not want to fly in a plane routinely serviced by circus clowns rather than qualified mechanics, you would not want to take your health advice from websites devised by people who have no knowledge of medicine or biochemistry and just make stuff up.

advice about a diet related illness from a doctor who is a glorified rep for pharma companies ? your right, doctors do not have anywhere near the training to advise on diet ....so they give them the meds its just easier ... and more profitable ....the website i mentioned is 30 years old www.diabetesaustralia.com or should diabetics go to the Qantas site for information ? have a read you may be surprised , hell you may even learn something new ....


Lies Lies and more damned Lies ... when will people begin to question the advice of Doctors ? perhaps i should have posted about a good medication for Type 2 diabetes ? then i am certain people would engage ...

It's just that most people are blessed with common sense. On the whole you go for advice, especially in complex scientific or technological matters, to people who are experts in these fields.

Just as you would not want to fly in a plane routinely serviced by circus clowns rather than qualified mechanics, you would not want to take your health advice from websites devised by people who have no knowledge of medicine or biochemistry and just make stuff up.

Well there is the fact that many things like high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes 2, etc etc can be controlled with diet and exercises instead of medications. Problem is, no matter what the Doc tells most people won't follow it....

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Doctors do indeed provide counseling on what people with diabetes should and should not eat (or refer them to a nurse or dietician for it). And processed carbs are certainly what they tell you to avoid. Nothing new or contrary to standard medical practice in this.

Complex carbs are not processed carbs. They are things like vegetables and whole grains.

While it is possible to survive on a no carb diet (since the body will if necessary break down proteins to produce glucose), it is (1) expensive and wasteful (and not very "green" for the planet); (2) likely to run into issues with micronutrient deficiencies and (3) likely to be overly high in saturated animal fats.

Understand that the body cannot survive without glucose, it is what cellular metabolism depends upon. So the issue is not avoiding it but rather what form you get it in. Processed carbs deliver such a high level of blood glucose so quickly that it taxes the pancreas to produce enough insulin to manage it, which in time can lead to type 2 diabetes and, in the case of people who already have type 2 diabetes, the pancreas won't be able to do it. Complex carbs deliver lower levels over longer time periods so less insulin needed to handle it.

Type 1 diabetics of course produce no insulin at all, a whole other matter; no matter what they eat, they will have to have insulin injections, but avoiding foods with a high glycemic index (i.e. processed carbs) will enable them to get by on a lower dose and also make it easier to stablize the insulin dose.

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so why not a diet which includes complex carbs ( veg) , moderate protein & healthy fats ... with zero processed carbs/sugar?


this link advises a very low carb diet is bad for you and some sugar is ok ,,,, am i missing something here ? a 30 year old foundation that advocates fueliing the disease instead of treating it ,,,, what hope have people got .

why not use healthy fats as fuel instead of relying on carbs ?

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