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PM Prayut shrugs off US diplomat's 'snub'


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Yeah if I was the USA I would try and shed a poor light on this current political situation as well. If there is one developed county in the world that could really benefit from a coup and some political reform it is the USA. They have one of the most corrupt and dysfunctional governments on the planet.

Congress needs a good kick in the ass. Lobbyists should be outlawed. Stop the banks and bog business from owning congress and the senate.

Democracy running wild with no checks and balances and corrupt politicians is what screwed Thailand in the first place. This is the ONLY way to fix it. Let's hope it works.

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""When an elected leader is deposed from office, then impeached by the authority that implemented the coup — and is being targeted with criminal charges while basic democratic processes and institutions are interrupted, the international community is left with the impression that these steps could, in fact, be politically driven," Russel

He did not know a thing.

YL was not impeached by the junta. He was impeached by the Thai people.

YL was alleged guilty with corruption and stealing 500 Billion of the poor farmers money. This will be proven later by Thai judges representing the Thai people, not by junta.

Time to take your medication I think.

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Maybe you're Ukrainian? Do they have Geordies in the Ukraine? Mabe Andy Capp.

You know Ukraine where Obama's regime helped rebels overthrow an elected president who was allegedly corrupt (the fact he favored Russia was just a coincidence of course!). Said rebels then became the elected government and now a civil war rages. As does one in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libyia - see if you can spot a similar denominator?

US Government is a little bit like a sales office: someone has to find markets and customers for all the nice corporate companies dealing weapons: they have always been a big support during elections :)

Respect the boss or get another job Mr President..

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Russel ... stressed the United States would not be taking sides in Thai politics, but that the US government remains concerned about the juntas continued use of martial law and restrictions on free speech and assembly.

"We're also particularly concerned that the political process doesnt seem to represent all elements of Thai society," Russel said. "An inclusive process promotes political reconciliation, which in turn is key to long term stability. Thats where our interests lie. The alternative a narrow, restrictive process carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that theyve been excluded from the political process."

That is a sensible statement ... wonder if the Fascists in Thailand will get their hair up over it.

Gen. Prayuth repeated to reporters today that his military government is not allied with either of Thailand's political factions,

Which is why the current 'NLA' is so representative of the broader Thai society.


he jests

These restrictions on freedom of speech were largely there before anyway. Moaning now when there are lese majeste laws permenantly in place is irrelevant.

not really, IMO.

LM is a permanent issue that no one dares tackle. The junta has increased its use and is now taking cases to military courts and behind closed doors...

Then there are the bevy of restrictions on free speech and assembly in place due to the 'PM' and company

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"...the news that a US State Department official was meeting with two former Prime Ministers in Thailand today, but not the current one."


And no photo op.


Face baby. Face.


I am sure the American want to meet Prayuth, so he can take photo with the greatest junta of all time.

But that Amigo is no Obama, hence may be it is the greatest junta reject the appointment.

They are not peer to peer.

Please send Obama next time, and the great junta may consider giving him a 15 min time slot.

Now you're just being ridiculous. (Not to mention delusional) And a Troll.

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"Thai junta leader ... Prayuth Chan-ocha says he understands why US diplomats are reluctant to meet with him in person."

"Why would they come to meet me? They aren't meeting with me because they know how I came to power,” explained Gen. Prayuth biggrin.png

You get an early start on the Sangsom today?

Edited by iReason
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Typically arrogant, impolite, and totally rude behaviour of Washington. High time they learned all the facts as to why we currently have this excellently run military junta Government and while it will and should remain until proper democracy can be returned, which is after all their aim. NO I am not US bashing at all but I am Washington bashing, and also bashing most other US puppet nations like the UK and much of the EU who are not much if at all any better.

One point that needs clearly bearing in mind is that the US currently and truly do not have real democracy anyway, as their Government ( it seems no matter which party is in power) is almost totally controlled by, and works for, the fat cat corporates and minority elite and NOT for the people at all. Compare that to here where our current albeit unelected Thai Government certainly seems to care far more about peoples' happiness and promoting fairness than corruptly supporting dictatorial style corporate greed and fat cat self gratification. I can only hope when sensible democracy is restored here it will be as good as this if not better. Certainly I hope it will be nothing like as bad as the current US "democracy".

I stopped reading this post after "excellently run military junta Government"...

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Typically arrogant, impolite, and totally rude behaviour of Washington. High time they learned all the facts as to why we currently have this excellently run military junta Government and while it will and should remain until proper democracy can be returned, which is after all their aim. NO I am not US bashing at all but I am Washington bashing, and also bashing most other US puppet nations like the UK and much of the EU who are not much if at all any better.

One point that needs clearly bearing in mind is that the US currently and truly do not have real democracy anyway, as their Government ( it seems no matter which party is in power) is almost totally controlled by, and works for, the fat cat corporates and minority elite and NOT for the people at all. Compare that to here where our current albeit unelected Thai Government certainly seems to care far more about peoples' happiness and promoting fairness than corruptly supporting dictatorial style corporate greed and fat cat self gratification. I can only hope when sensible democracy is restored here it will be as good as this if not better. Certainly I hope it will be nothing like as bad as the current US "democracy".

I stopped reading this post after "excellently run military junta Government"...

I stopped after reading "US"
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"...the news that a US State Department official was meeting with two former Prime Ministers in Thailand today, but not the current one."


And no photo op.


Face baby. Face.


I am sure the American want to meet Prayuth, so he can take photo with the greatest junta of all time.

But that Amigo is no Obama, hence may be it is the greatest junta reject the appointment.

They are not peer to peer.

Please send Obama next time, and the great junta may consider giving him a 15 min time slot.

No, the greatest Junta was Idi Amin in Uganda, then General Prayuth as second place and in 3rd place, Kim Jong Un, which although the method of governance in N Korea isn't strictly Junta it is the Generals who are the backbone of of it all!

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Prayuth doesn't need to learn to speak English, nope no way, he's Thai and that's good enough, Thailand is the most important country in the world and Prayuth being the head, is the MOST IMPORTANT MAN IN THE WORLD...world leaders, when they meet HIM should learn to speak Thai

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Russel ... stressed the United States would not be taking sides in Thai politics, but that the US government remains concerned about the junta’s continued use of martial law and restrictions on free speech and assembly.

"We're also particularly concerned that the political process doesn’t seem to represent all elements of Thai society," Russel said. "An inclusive process promotes political reconciliation, which in turn is key to long term stability. That’s where our interests lie. The alternative – a narrow, restrictive process – carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that they’ve been excluded from the political process."

That is a sensible statement ... wonder if the Fascists in Thailand will get their hair up over it.

Gen. Prayuth repeated to reporters today that his military government is not allied with either of Thailand's political factions,

Which is why the current 'NLA' is so representative of the broader Thai society.


A sensible statement - from a country that denied African Americans and Native Americans any form of inclusion for a very long and fairly recent time.

The US seem happy to deal with crooks, and dictators when it suits that catch all exemption "the big picture". Other Western governments were quick to jump on the bandwagon and also don't have clean sheets.

Thailand has a thick skin.

Well, they certainly are thick-headed ....

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Russel ... stressed the United States would not be taking sides in Thai politics, but that the US government remains concerned about the junta’s continued use of martial law and restrictions on free speech and assembly.

"We're also particularly concerned that the political process doesn’t seem to represent all elements of Thai society," Russel said. "An inclusive process promotes political reconciliation, which in turn is key to long term stability. That’s where our interests lie. The alternative – a narrow, restrictive process – carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that they’ve been excluded from the political process."

That is a sensible statement ... wonder if the Fascists in Thailand will get their hair up over it.

Gen. Prayuth repeated to reporters today that his military government is not allied with either of Thailand's political factions,

Which is why the current 'NLA' is so representative of the broader Thai society.


A sensible statement - from a country that denied African Americans and Native Americans any form of inclusion for a very long and fairly recent time.

The US seem happy to deal with crooks, and dictators when it suits that catch all exemption "the big picture". Other Western governments were quick to jump on the bandwagon and also don't have clean sheets.

Thailand has a thick skin.

Well, they certainly are thick-headed ....

Sure, they and their children and grandchildren would live and die here. Those in Washington, and one in Dubai would not.

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DJJamie you still cannot bring yourself round to see that Terrorism isn't just a UDD thing, it's been ongoing down in the South, not once have I seen you write about any of the 5000 deaths, which are no less significant than the deaths at the hands of the UDD.

I do not need, nor want your pity, save that for yourself, as your blinkered views on Thailand have clouded your moral compass, so much that you're almost blind!!.

Not once have I ever downplayed any terrorist act, and neither has Gweiloman either, you are the one who's downplaying them, by failing to acknowledge there has been terrorist activity in Thailand for a lot longer than the UDD has been on the go, but hey, in your world it must be awesome.. My world deals with realities, not figments of my imagination.

I'm happy that the PTP has gone, but I'm not a supporter of living under a Junta, or the D-word which we're not allowed to do, I will tolerate it for the sake of my family, it doesn't mean I agree with it, no lover of democracy should ever feel that a Military Junta is the answer to anyone's problems.

I don't believe in celebrating anyone's downfall either especially if I neither have a say nor a vote, and especially when I'm still a guest in their country, I'll leave that to the Thais, as it's their problems to solve, not ours.

Just to reiterate, I've always stated that IF I WERE A THAI, I'd be more of a Dems supporter, but I'm not, so that doesn't make me a supporter or a fan of any political entity, whether that be Dems, PTP or the Junta, Thai politics are the issues of Thais, not us Farangs who preach democracy and yet chose to leave our wonderful democratic countries behind.. I never voted in my life, so I never left anything behind, unlike you, who made a passionate point about how you missed your democracy so much!!

But you chose to live here? Kind of says it all, if you truly wanted your children to live in a democratic society where you had all these wonderful things, you'd take them and your wife back home with you, but my guess is she's got you by the and isn't the democracy loving Thai woman you make her out to be, as if she had the same thoughts as yourself, and especially after your claim you and your family were threatened, she would have begged you to take her and the kids away from all that crap, but she didn't ... why? because she's a Thai girl through and through and has no interest in improving her or her children's education or lifestyles, and would rather stay close to Mama and Papa, so you my lad have to sit there and suck it up, pretending life is awesome. You're a Charlatan Jamie.

Don't pity me, I don't need it, as I've never made such outlandish claims, and sat back and did NOTHING!!

I will never forget one of your posts in which you made the statement about your Rice growing Father In Law having to watch his tiny little TV in his home where the water poured through the roof, and I questioned you why you didn't spend a few Baht fixing his roof for him, and buy him a bigger telly so he doesn't need to strain his old eyes so much, or why you don't assist him better financially, as most other farangs tend to do, and you answered that you bought him a book , something about making improvements, that to me tells me exactly what type of person you are, your contempt for the Issan people here is obvious too, as many many times you've posted condescending crap about them, often labelling them buffaloes, and how so uneducated they are, as if it makes you so much more a better person because you perhaps do have an education of a significant higher standard, but that does not give you the right to look down upon them.

I'd rather spend my time with an Ill literate Rice farmer helping him as and when I could, than sit and look down on people with other farangs who should know better..

I really pity you Jamie, as you sound like the nice young guy who had the world at his feet but knocked up a Thai bird at a young age and has been shackled to that family ever since, thinking you were doing the right thing, but you obviously hate the Issan people so much as many of your posts come across that way. You may have a couple of cracking kids, but if you truly loved your previous way of life and the democracy post was genuine, and your wife wanted that same life, you would have moved heaven and earth to take them home to Australia, or whatever country you hailed as home.. !!

You chose to stay in a country that has had severe political issues since 1936, so accept it that no matter who is in power, that cycle is repeating itself over and over and over... until the date in the future when everything as we know it will change!! wink.png

Interesting post, but a little verbose.

You hit the nail on the head with "IF I WERE THAI"

But then again.

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Thailand isn't ready for democracy. Left to their own devices they will destroy this country as they fight for power. They NEED a military government. I'm surprised the US doesn't see this.

Confirm that with the electorate.

They might not fully agree with you.

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