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Australia's knighting of Prince Philip prompts puzzlement


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Australia's knighting of Prince Philip prompts puzzlement

SYDNEY (AP) — Australia's prime minister on Monday dismissed criticism of his decision to make the husband of Queen Elizabeth II an Australian knight, saying Prince Philip has a long history of service Down Under.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's announcement that the Duke of Edinburgh would be awarded Australia's highest honor came on Australia's national holiday, prompting some to question the wisdom of knighting a British royal on a day meant to commemorate Australians.

"It's a time warp where we're giving knighthoods to English royalty," Opposition Leader Bill Shorten told Fairfax Radio. "On Australia Day, we're talking about Australia, Australian identity. The government's managed to find a British royal to give a medal to, a knighthood to."

Adam Giles, government head of the Northern Territory, questioned whether he'd confused his holidays.

"I woke up this morning and read the wires and I thought it was April Fool's Day," he said. "I think it takes away from the legitimacy of the knighthood role. I think it makes a bit of a joke in a range of areas."

And Terri Butler, lawmaker with the opposition Labor party, tweeted her own puzzlement: "He didn't really knight a prince, did he?"

Despite the criticism, Abbott insisted the prince was a good friend of Australia and therefore, a good candidate for the nation's knighthood.

"The monarchy has been an important part of Australia's life since 1788," Abbott said. "And Prince Philip has been a great servant of Australia. He's been a great servant of all the countries of the Commonwealth. Here in this country, he's the patron of hundreds of organizations."

The Order of Australia — the nation's official honor system — first introduced categories for knights and dames in 1976, and awarded 14 people those honors until the categories were abolished a decade later. Abbott reinstated them last year.

Former Defense Force chief Angus Houston, who has overseen the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 off Australia's west coast, was also knighted on Monday.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-27

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Does this fool have no bounds? Reintroducing British awards to Australians, threatening to "Shirt Front" Putin and now this!

The Labor party just need to show up to win the next election, we are knackered either way.

BTW - What has "Phil the Greek" ever done for us?

You've got a lot of Greek Australians over there - maybe he started the trend. All those yummy kebabs after the boozing. Yummy.

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How is that possible? I mean technically... From my understanding of history, a knighthood is given by a royal person to a deserving subject. Now, PM Tony is not royalty, he is an abbot (give or take a 't'). Or was there a clandestine change in the constitution for Tony to become Tony the First, Abbot of Australia?

Maybe he wants Philip to kneel in front of him, while he swings a sword bestowing the title?

I think the Australian government should change that designation from a 'knighthood' to a 'kangarooship', much more in line with democratic principles.

And 'Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Kangaroo of Australia' sounds cool, too!

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Tony dumb, dumb strikes again. I agree what has this Greek guy ever done for Australia. What has the royal family ever done apart from put a drain on taxpayers when they come over for a free holiday.

He seems determined to crawl and suck up to Obama and the British establishment for some reason. Is he after a job as most think he'll be a one term wonder?

Britain founded the modern Australia - claiming land, mistreating the Aboriginal people already there and then exporting lots of criminals and undesirables from the UK and colonies. Followed by periods of migration.

More recently Southern Europeans, S E Asians, and lots of Chinese have migrated there.

So to answer your question, without the patronage of the Royal family, there wouldn't be the modern Australia you know today. Just a land at one with nature and it's aboriginal people.

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I do wonder whether the writer intended the double-entendre - they are going to give Prince Philip a Knighthood "for his long history of service down under!"

But seriously folks, can we list the services rendered to Australia by the prince? Oh, sorry, that was the second joke! How stupid of me!

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Tony dumb, dumb strikes again. I agree what has this Greek guy ever done for Australia. What has the royal family ever done apart from put a drain on taxpayers when they come over for a free holiday.

He seems determined to crawl and suck up to Obama and the British establishment for some reason. Is he after a job as most think he'll be a one term wonder?

Britain founded the modern Australia - claiming land, mistreating the Aboriginal people already there and then exporting lots of criminals and undesirables from the UK and colonies. Followed by periods of migration.

More recently Southern Europeans, S E Asians, and lots of Chinese have migrated there.

So to answer your question, without the patronage of the Royal family, there wouldn't be the modern Australia you know today. Just a land at one with nature and it's aboriginal people.

Same old yadayada, "mistreated", "exporting criminals" (got that bit right and their still there) "at one with nature", "to many Chinese" (that's probably right) but it's enough to make anybody puke.

Actually Phill tG has done more than almost anybody else in modern history to promote good relations between nations.

It must make you inverted snobs very unhappy that somebody is recognised for anything except dying from a mere cricket ball to the head. I would have thought that would improve the intelligence quota of most wimpy Aussies. Ergo, it must mean a dead digger is the most intelligent, so you must have written this rubbish from beyond the grave.

Phill tG is a modern day Hero and deserves the recognition, get over it.

NB This is not Ausi bashing (much).

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Keating had the right character assessment on these guys two decades ago

Keating and his predassessor Hawke got nothing right.....fool socialists. I can't imagine he got anything right.

Abbott is a tool, what a waste of money and pathetic suck job. it will be a one term govt this one and the shorten and his mates can get on with the job of destroyingb Australia completely.

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Keating had the right character assessment on these guys two decades ago

Keating and his predassessor Hawke got nothing right.....fool socialists. I can't imagine he got anything right.

Abbott is a tool, what a waste of money and pathetic suck job. it will be a one term govt this one and the shorten and his mates can get on with the job of destroyingb Australia completely.

Vote Australian liberty Alliance.

It's the only way to turn it around.

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Keating had the right character assessment on these guys two decades ago

Keating and his predassessor Hawke got nothing right.....fool socialists. I can't imagine he got anything right.

Abbott is a tool, what a waste of money and pathetic suck job. it will be a one term govt this one and the shorten and his mates can get on with the job of destroyingb Australia completely.

Vote Australian liberty Alliance.

It's the only way to turn it around.

Vote a nuclear explosion under parliament house first day of sitting....all dead start again.

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Tony dumb, dumb strikes again. I agree what has this Greek guy ever done for Australia. What has the royal family ever done apart from put a drain on taxpayers when they come over for a free holiday.

Well I can tell you one thing though like many of his generation he does not like to brag about it.As a young naval officer in WW2 he acquitted himself courageously in several brutal and highly dangerous naval engagements.So if his personal commitment in the struggle against fascism strikes you as nothing, that is your prerogative.

Personally I admire him greatly and it seems mean spirited to use the kind of language used on this thread.If the ghosts of the ANZAC heroes could materialise and express an opinion I feel it would be to raise a cheer for this quirky brave and loyal old man.

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Two points:

Firstly, you don't make a prince a knight; a prince is well beyond knighthood by birthright. The traditional role of a night is to protect their lord / king / royal family.

Secondly, if there is a need or desire to acknowledge a particular royal for their commitment / achievement / whatever, then surely there are other ways to do so. In the good old days they erected a statue in your honour.

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Keating had the right character assessment on these guys two decades ago

Keating and his predassessor Hawke got nothing right.....fool socialists. I can't imagine he got anything right.

Abbott is a tool, what a waste of money and pathetic suck job. it will be a one term govt this one and the shorten and his mates can get on with the job of destroyingb Australia completely.

Keating has probably been the most right wing australian treasurer in the past 40 years. He make an excellent first australian president.

And yep I'm being serious.

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I do wonder whether the writer intended the double-entendre - they are going to give Prince Philip a Knighthood "for his long history of service down under!"

But seriously folks, can we list the services rendered to Australia by the prince? Oh, sorry, that was the second joke! How stupid of me!

Risked life and limb serving as a Midshipman on a battleship protecting the Australian Expeditionary Forces in WWII.

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'Australia's prime minister on Monday (said) ... Prince Philip has a long history of service Down Under.' He has a longer history of putting his foot in it, Down Under, Up Over, Around About and just about everywhere else. I should imagine his wife is as bemused as numerous Australians.

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It's difficult to imagine where the push for this came from, even within his own party - surely they have much larger fish to fry with the mining boom fizzling and the eurozone on the brink of possible collapse ? Australia has worked hard to convince various Asian nations that Canberra wants to be taken seriously in the region, then they go and hoist the Union Jack over Parliament House - it's worse than Howard's most embarrassing cuddles with GWB. Those two may have needed a cold shower, but at least he didnt try to pin a medal on the guy.

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Keating had the right character assessment on these guys two decades ago

Keating and his predassessor Hawke got nothing right.....fool socialists. I can't imagine he got anything right.

Abbott is a tool, what a waste of money and pathetic suck job. it will be a one term govt this one and the shorten and his mates can get on with the job of destroyingb Australia completely.

Keating has probably been the most right wing australian treasurer in the past 40 years. He make an excellent first australian president.

And yep I'm being serious.

Ohh good heavens.....give me the strength. :P

Ps: won't happen. ;)

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