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I don't know rijit it was 3 years ago i have read.... but he only signed as a professional last season.

Ok,almost irrespective of the club, its always nice to see and hear of good young talent coming through. if you want 2 be you can be critical of clubs so called poaching youth, but we never know the full picture, i worked with a guy for a few weeks whose son was c/b in the arse wipes youth team and capt they really rated him and they didn't want him to leave but he left to join charlton <deleted>!!!!,but this guy was a single dad and just couldn't manage full time work and the driving from south london to north every day ish. so moving club was the only option.

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As carmine has pointed out repeatedly the metro isn't the most reliable source and as the lads contract is up pretty soon

I would suspect his agent has been hard at work !!! However We did turn down an offer from qpr for him

which sounds slightly more realistic.

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A late entry in the "Understatement of the Year" awards:

A Tottenham Hotspur supporter has been seriously injured and nine others hurt in clashes with rival fans in Rome.

Spurs are due to play Lazio in the Italian capital later in a Europa League match, and hundreds of their fans are in the city.

The Gazzetta dello Sport newspaper reported the Spurs fan was seriously injured in the bar brawl.

He is understood to have suffered a serious injury to an artery after being stabbed.

Nine of the injured fans are believed to be British and the 10th is American.

The BBC's Rome correspondent, Alan Johnston, reported police as saying 30 people - armed with iron bars and with their faces covered - approached the bar where the English fans were drinking in the early hours of Thursday and fighting broke out.

Our correspondent said the bar was wrecked and five people were arrested.

All of them were Italians who the police believe to be Lazio fans.

Some Lazio supporters have in the past been associated with fascism - the club was supported by Mussolini before the war - while Tottenham have traditionally drawn support from the Jewish community.

I take it this particularly witless writer knows nothing about football.



Keep safe out there, I've been to Stadio Olimpico -in their end - and they really are knuckle-dragging simians. Fortunately we had Bobby Pires to wipe the smug grin off their ugly faces. How I kept a straight face I'll never know.


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The newspaper La Repubblica said "urban warfare" broke out at the Drunken Ship bar in the Campo de' Fiori with up to 100 "Ultras" attacking Spurs fans.

It said Lazio fans were armed with knives, baseball bats, and knuckle dusters.

A spokesman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office said it was investigating and would provide consular assistance.

Ah the FCO eh, where would we be without them?

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You call 1 in 4 not bad, for a centre forward 40.gif

yeah thats what ide call it what would you call it alfie?

Crap !

AHH That explains why they call you the class dunce then alfie, adeboy goals to game is 1 in just under 3, crouch's is 1 in just over four And the benders is 1 in just over four as I said not good but not bad.

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You call 1 in 4 not bad, for a centre forward 40.gif

yeah thats what ide call it what would you call it alfie?

Crap !

AHH That explains why they call you the class dunce then alfie, adeboy goals to game is 1 in just under 3, crouch's is 1 in just over four And the benders is 1 in just over four as I said not good but not bad.

So Crouch is the benchmark for Premiership goalscorers now is he 24.gif24.gif and Ade's is 1 in every 2.3 games ( if your going to quote facts at least get them right ).

By the way we are at home this week.

The new stadium is still going ahead by the way, just a few other important facts you've got wrong recently and i'm the class dunce 65.gif

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Lets hope there's no more injuries, tonight sounds like our boys are going to get some stick with the monkey

chanting ect ect PERSONALLY I think its time players made took it tin there hands, did something like walk off,

cos why the --c should they have to work under those sort of awful conditions, that might make uefa ACTUALLY


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If an English club or fans behaved like this bans would be dished out like fliers. Roma has had this problem for too long I think. Why do uefa do nothing??

They need there arms forcing, its time the players put there foot down and said this happens and we ain't playing!!! the

media would go crazy but eufa would soon sort things out.

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If an English club or fans behaved like this bans would be dished out like fliers. Roma has had this problem for too long I think. Why do uefa do nothing??

Roma has not had this problem for too long. Lazio have. They are just unfortunate enough to share the same stadium.

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Even the cops from my experience are nasty f----ers, granted it was in the mid 90's, even so went to the market in tha am g/f bought a load of terracota stuff, fair do's they wouldn't let us into the match, roma v fiorentina, with it, didn't have time to go bac to the hotel as we were flying out in the evening so the cops took it 4 safe keeping!!!!, went bac there after the match, there was only a girl in the pre fab office but they'de smashed the lot, gf was well up set. Interestingly enuf went to san siro last year and they wouldnt let you in/buy a ticket without an id card/passport , which they photocopied? & or took details off, chatted to a couple of locals and seemed it was normal so if there's trouble tonight from the fans cant see any excuses from lazio they should be able to trace the culprits.

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If an English club or fans behaved like this bans would be dished out like fliers. Roma has had this problem for too long I think. Why do uefa do nothing??

Roma has not had this problem for too long. Lazio have. They are just unfortunate enough to share the same stadium.

Roma are just as bad,been there and was attacked as we headed to the ground just as we got to the bridge,inside was tasty also not for the weak....have found all Italian trips to be the same but they seem to let it role,Turin is a dodgy one too.Then again after Istanbul most are a picnic.

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5 ish mins gone and bale times a run 2 perfection scores and lines man calls it offside incorrectly <deleted> !!!!

CAnt say i'm overly confident in the way the bac 4s lined up 2 left sided c/bs and a right full bac playin on the l/hs

still we live in hope.

get in there spurs

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If an English club or fans behaved like this bans would be dished out like fliers. Roma has had this problem for too long I think. Why do uefa do nothing??

Roma has not had this problem for too long. Lazio have. They are just unfortunate enough to share the same stadium.

Roma are just as bad,been there and was attacked as we headed to the ground just as we got to the bridge,inside was tasty also not for the weak....have found all Italian trips to be the same but they seem to let it role,Turin is a dodgy one too.Then again after Istanbul most are a picnic.

My understanding is that Italian football fans have a hatred towards any english teams fans travelling to Italy.

This was told to me by an Italian mate who supports Inter, apparently they want to prove themselves against English

fans cos of their reputation of violent hooliganism dating back over the decades.

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If an English club or fans behaved like this bans would be dished out like fliers. Roma has had this problem for too long I think. Why do uefa do nothing??

Roma has not had this problem for too long. Lazio have. They are just unfortunate enough to share the same stadium.

Roma are just as bad,been there and was attacked as we headed to the ground just as we got to the bridge,inside was tasty also not for the weak....have found all Italian trips to be the same but they seem to let it role,Turin is a dodgy one too.Then again after Istanbul most are a picnic.

My understanding is that Italian football fans have a hatred towards any english teams fans travelling to Italy.

This was told to me by an Italian mate who supports Inter, apparently they want to prove themselves against English

fans cos of their reputation of violent hooliganism dating back over the decades.

They are living in a sad past then sots. Let the clubs be punished by FIFA then maybe things will change for the better.

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Good point for spurs. MOM has to go to Hugo, barring a couple of dodgy throws in the first half thought he was outstanding

once vb put defoe and lennon, sort of went for the kill we seemed to open up and they just seemed to be able to run at us at will. good organised defending though. Still happy with the point.

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There was a taste of things to come from Lloris....I reckon he will be bossing that defence by Xmas if he is allowed to continue playing every game. Sadly they need it at the moment....Kaboul will be back around then thankfully....can't be soon enough for me.

Adebayor is starting to look sharp....some good close play and movement but Bale doesn't get enough of the ball for me at times.

Sandro playing well....risky subs by AVB when we looked like nicking it left us a bit short through the middle....Dembele will have benefitted from a run out though.

Happy with the draw overall. smile.png

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There was a taste of things to come from Lloris....I reckon he will be bossing that defence by Xmas if he is allowed to continue playing every game. Sadly they need it at the moment....Kaboul will be back around then thankfully....can't be soon enough for me.

Adebayor is starting to look sharp....some good close play and movement but Bale doesn't get enough of the ball for me at times.

Sandro playing well....risky subs by AVB when we looked like nicking it left us a bit short through the middle....Dembele will have benefitted from a run out though.

Happy with the draw overall. smile.png

Yep thats the keeper situation sorted once and for all. Lloris showed AVB very clearly it should have happened two months ago but there you go. Its not as if brad played poorly at all, he's just not as good. I thought Walker was much better than i've seen him recently and thought the back four were generally very good.

Nice to see Dembele getting some game time before the derby. Decent point for us.

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You call 1 in 4 not bad, for a centre forward 40.gif

yeah thats what ide call it what would you call it alfie?

Crap !

AHH That explains why they call you the class dunce then alfie, adeboy goals to game is 1 in just under 3, crouch's is 1 in just over four And the benders is 1 in just over four as I said not good but not bad.

So we have a difference of opinion and you resort to name calling, you continually get facts wrong, Chelsea away ! West Ham away ! stadium not going ahead, getting smokie mixed up with carms, me mixed up with smokie etc, which i would have thought would be more reason to call someone a dunce, anyway i will be joinging carms in putting you on ignore, so toodle pip and keep the crap coming as i won't be able to see it !

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Just seen pictures of injured Spurs fans that were attacked in rome. Thats about as bad as its gets without killing someone. I'd have thought ample cause to have Lazio thrown out of the competition before someone is actually murdered.

It will be very interesting to see how this is dealt with baring in mind that this wasn't english hooliganism.

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According to the BBC, Lazio have already stated it was nothing to do with their fans. blink.png How convenient, but then again its a hell of a coincidence this happens every time Lazio/Roma have a home game in European competition.

It's about time UEFA did more than some paltry fine. But i'm not holding my breath....

Hope all the fans injured recover quickly and fully.


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So we have a difference of opinion and you resort to name calling, you continually get facts wrong, Chelsea away ! West Ham away ! stadium not going ahead, getting smokie mixed up with carms, me mixed up with smokie etc, which i would have thought would be more reason to call someone a dunce, anyway i will be joinging carms in putting you on ignore, so toodle pip and keep the crap coming as i won't be able to see it !

Difference of opinion LOL Dont jump on the i'm the wronged poster soap box now , almost daily for months you and your brainless yet sly little doppelganger side kick have nastily picked holes on seemingly every other post I've made, slyly lesser so carmine after people noticed, so you and your insipidly nasty little oik pressing ignore rest assured the pleasure will be all mine.

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According to the BBC, Lazio have already stated it was nothing to do with their fans. blink.png How convenient, but then again its a hell of a coincidence this happens every time Lazio/Roma have a home game in European competition.

It's about time UEFA did more than some paltry fine. But i'm not holding my breath....

Hope all the fans injured recover quickly and fully.


Yes Sepp and Michel don't seem to show the same abhorrance of football related violence when english fans are the innocent victims. I very much doubt anything much will happen to Lazio.

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Be interesting to see if lazio themselves take any action as i said b4 they more than have the tools to do so.

No chance. The club is institutionally fascist and racist from top to bottom. Remember when they got fined for making monkey noises at black players?

The next week a load of fans turned up blacked up and the club still let them in.

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