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Thought we got out of jail with AVB's selection of Caulker and Dawson, for the goal they all over the place and several other times, just lucky Utd didn't take advantage !

Further confirmation (as if we need it) that we need a decent centre forward and that Dembele needs to play further forward.

You said it yourself Alfred

Yes i said

just lucky Utd didn't take advantage !

Because Utd were'nt

fantastic and looked dangerous
as you claimed 40.gif40.gif Edited by alfieconn
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In short if he was playing for us in place of Defoe have a guess at the scoreline!! How many league goals is that now, 22 i think! I wouldn't say heøs as much a one man team for Utd as he was for Le Arse last season but their league position and points standing would be a far cry without him. Basically look at the amount they've conceded. Fact is Ferguson knows they only need a couple of half decent chances to score.

it was staggering to read that this is the best start united have ever made to a league season. the. best. ever. couldn't get my head around that when i first heard it - because apart from van persie they've been and are pretty dam_n average. think it speaks to the general quality of the rest of the division really, where defending is considered an afterthought.

Thats what i was saying a couple of weeks ago. Utd's position and points tally is a poor reflection on the rest of us. Funny, i stated i meant no disrespect but i just felt that to be so far ahead on the basis of 'we'll score more than you' is piss poor. I met a lot of sensitivity which tells me i'm close the the truth.

Think where Arsenal would have been last season without his 37 goals

Demoted ???? lol !!

Well can you imagine how Wenger must have been crapping it everytime someone tackled RVP. Still wenger managed to stay his usual arrogant one sided self despite the obvious concerns over his one man team. Now he's got another one man team surrounding little Jack Wilshire but it won't be good enough this season because he won't score 30+ goals and we don't do pre match lasagne

Shame reallysmile.png

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They committed twice as many fouls as us as well Alfredo. They are a dirty team these days....mind you that's what happens when you are defending for long periods of the game. smile.png

Fantastic and dangerously creating 6 shots on goal to our 23. cheesy.gif

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Rather irritating to see the gutless self proclaimed guvnor Paul ¨'too frightened to take a penalty Ince being the usual knob alongside Curbishly and Townsend. Why do they think anyone would want to listen to the utterings of that gormless imbecile i'll never know.

Sincerely hope he doesn't become a regular fixture because listening to the others is hard enough as it is

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Rather irritating to see the gutless self proclaimed guvnor Paul ¨'too frightened to take a penalty Ince being the usual knob alongside Curbishly and Townsend. Why do they think anyone would want to listen to the utterings of that gormless imbecile i'll never know.

Sincerely hope he doesn't become a regular fixture because listening to the others is hard enough as it is

I know, and what was with the merchandise united wankfest at the end?

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Rather irritating to see the gutless self proclaimed guvnor Paul ¨'too frightened to take a penalty Ince being the usual knob alongside Curbishly and Townsend. Why do they think anyone would want to listen to the utterings of that gormless imbecile i'll never know.

Sincerely hope he doesn't become a regular fixture because listening to the others is hard enough as it is

I know, and what was with the merchandise united wankfest at the end?

Have you also noticed the manlove thing that Curbishly seems to have for Redknapp. Craig Burley on the other hand seems perfectly happy to sit there behaving like a tw8t

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Rather irritating to see the gutless self proclaimed guvnor Paul ¨'too frightened to take a penalty Ince being the usual knob alongside Curbishly and Townsend. Why do they think anyone would want to listen to the utterings of that gormless imbecile i'll never know.

Sincerely hope he doesn't become a regular fixture because listening to the others is hard enough as it is

i don't have the sound on to hear that lot but if they were looking for someone, anyone, who talks more misinformed garbage than that berk townsend then all mouth no trousers ince is a fine place to start.

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In short if he was playing for us in place of Defoe have a guess at the scoreline!! How many league goals is that now, 22 i think! I wouldn't say heøs as much a one man team for Utd as he was for Le Arse last season but their league position and points standing would be a far cry without him. Basically look at the amount they've conceded. Fact is Ferguson knows they only need a couple of half decent chances to score.

it was staggering to read that this is the best start united have ever made to a league season. the. best. ever. couldn't get my head around that when i first heard it - because apart from van persie they've been and are pretty dam_n average. think it speaks to the general quality of the rest of the division really, where defending is considered an afterthought.

Thats what i was saying a couple of weeks ago. Utd's position and points tally is a poor reflection on the rest of us. Funny, i stated i meant no disrespect but i just felt that to be so far ahead on the basis of 'we'll score more than you' is piss poor. I met a lot of sensitivity which tells me i'm close the the truth.

Think where Arsenal would have been last season without his 37 goals

Demoted ???? lol !!

oi !

tea boy, dream on !

and as for your good self smokie 40 and how ever many days.............. tut tut tut.

we might be <deleted> at the mo, but you know the words The Arsenal and relegation go as well together as your beloved Spuds and premier league champions.

BTW isn't it about time RVP got his customary mid season injury ?

now that would be funny to see old red nose bricking it again with City coming up on the rails. biggrin.png

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oi !

tea boy, dream on !

and as for your good self smokie 40 and how ever many days.............. tut tut tut.

we might be <deleted> at the mo, but you know the words The Arsenal and relegation go as well together as your beloved Spuds and premier league champions.

BTW isn't it about time RVP got his customary mid season injury ?

now that would be funny to see old red nose bricking it again with City coming up on the rails. biggrin.png

I thought you'd dropped by to announce you were giving up the race for a CL spot my fishy friend.

You're right though....without RVP that manure team really would be stinking by May! biggrin.png

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No matter how bad any of this lot are, they are still leagues above that "onion bag" onanist, Tommy Smyth.

i still refuse to believe he actually exists and isn't just a piece of software. though there's that north-east pillock on the american coverage as well who is in fact more annoying, if that were possible.

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No matter how bad any of this lot are, they are still leagues above that "onion bag" onanist, Tommy Smyth.

The biggest gobshite in so called modern day football journalism is that idiot Adrian Durham. Says all you need to know about Talksport

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Congrats to Spurs for the fightback. Well played, especially in the second half. Comments about us parking the bus i think don't give enough credit to the home team, who really started coming at us and to some degree helped determine our tactics. And don't forget, we did have the lead, so had something to protect. Not like we were defending a draw. Concentrating on the defending, and trying to get a second on the break seemed the right thing to do... and were it not for the last 45 odd seconds, would have worked a treat.

Rooney should have had a penalty. Don't have a clue what Pleat was on about. But sometimes you get 'em, sometimes you don't, and overall i think a draw was a fair result. I think if Spurs had got their goal earlier, it would have felt like a much better point, but there you go, we snatch enough points late on against other teams to not snivel when it gets done to us! Well the manager might have done some sniveling, but i best not go on about that, or i'll be told that all managers do all they can to win and that there are much bigger problems for the FA to deal with than a manager running his mouth.

Lennon was fantastic by the way. If he did that every game he'd be world class.

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who really started coming at us and to some degree helped determine our tactics.

Your tactics were determined before the game when you replaced Young with Jones ! the ironic thing is that if you played your normal game then you would have probaly won as our central defence wasn't good enough.

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Congrats to Spurs for the fightback. Well played, especially in the second half. Comments about us parking the bus i think don't give enough credit to the home team, who really started coming at us and to some degree helped determine our tactics. And don't forget, we did have the lead, so had something to protect. Not like we were defending a draw. Concentrating on the defending, and trying to get a second on the break seemed the right thing to do... and were it not for the last 45 odd seconds, would have worked a treat.

Rooney should have had a penalty. Don't have a clue what Pleat was on about. But sometimes you get 'em, sometimes you don't, and overall i think a draw was a fair result. I think if Spurs had got their goal earlier, it would have felt like a much better point, but there you go, we snatch enough points late on against other teams to not snivel when it gets done to us! Well the manager might have done some sniveling, but i best not go on about that, or i'll be told that all managers do all they can to win and that there are much bigger problems for the FA to deal with than a manager running his mouth.

Lennon was fantastic by the way. If he did that every game he'd be world class.

This has always been the problem with Lennon, he blows hot and cold.

Incedentally i have watched a repeat of the "exceptional"challenge by Caulker about one hundred times. In no way whatsoever was that a penalty. He took huge care to take the ball "first" and the fact that Rooney went over was more about the sizeable difference in weight and height. Foy also had a decent sight of it and both were correct in my view. Pleat is biased i agree but no way was that a penalty. To me Rooney looked more frustrated than hard done by. It would have been a total travesty if that had been given, so we'll have to hold vastly conflicting views on that. Ferguson deserves to have his knackers chopped off though if nothing else other to be a deterant to others to not behave in the manner he has become accustomed to.

I also think Ferguson would love to have Caulker to replace Ferdinand. wink.png

I was interested to hear Gary Nevilles comments on Sky saying that Dempsey should have gone down in the box and he would have been given a penalty without a doubt. Seems very inbred in our football culture if Nevilles views are widespread!

Edited by carmine
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Incedentally i have watched a repeat of the "exceptional"challenge by Caulker about one hundred times. In no way whatsoever was that a penalty.

I only saw it about half a dozen times and it looked nailed on to me... if after further examination, it was clean as you say it was and as i have no reason to disbelieve, well then they got it right. Would be academic to me if they didn't as we really didn't deserve to win.

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Congrats to Spurs for the fightback. Well played, especially in the second half. Comments about us parking the bus i think don't give enough credit to the home team, who really started coming at us and to some degree helped determine our tactics. And don't forget, we did have the lead, so had something to protect. Not like we were defending a draw. Concentrating on the defending, and trying to get a second on the break seemed the right thing to do... and were it not for the last 45 odd seconds, would have worked a treat.

Rooney should have had a penalty. Don't have a clue what Pleat was on about. But sometimes you get 'em, sometimes you don't, and overall i think a draw was a fair result. I think if Spurs had got their goal earlier, it would have felt like a much better point, but there you go, we snatch enough points late on against other teams to not snivel when it gets done to us! Well the manager might have done some sniveling, but i best not go on about that, or i'll be told that all managers do all they can to win and that there are much bigger problems for the FA to deal with than a manager running his mouth.

Lennon was fantastic by the way. If he did that every game he'd be world class.

This has always been the problem with Lennon, he blows hot and cold.

Incedentally i have watched a repeat of the "exceptional"challenge by Caulker about one hundred times. In no way whatsoever was that a penalty. He took huge care to take the ball "first" and the fact that Rooney went over was more about the sizeable difference in weight and height. Foy also had a decent sight of it and both were correct in my view. Pleat is biased i agree but no way was that a penalty. To me Rooney looked more frustrated than hard done by. It would have been a total travesty if that had been given, so we'll have to hold vastly conflicting views on that. Ferguson deserves to have his knackers chopped off though if nothing else other to be a deterant to others to not behave in the manner he has become accustomed to.

I also think Ferguson would love to have Caulker to replace Ferdinand. wink.png

I was interested to hear Gary Nevilles comments on Sky saying that Dempsey should have gone down in the box and he would have been given a penalty without a doubt. Seems very inbred in our football culture if Nevilles views are widespread!

I questioned the penalty against the Arse over on their thread and they simply accepted it...as if by sheer manner of sticking your leg out and a player chooses to fall over it then a penalty is given.

Sad state of affairs that especially when you see the cheating <deleted> getting all cross legged rather than following the ball. I'd have given him a clip round the ear Cloughie style!

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Incedentally i have watched a repeat of the "exceptional"challenge by Caulker about one hundred times. In no way whatsoever was that a penalty.

I only saw it about half a dozen times and it looked nailed on to me... if after further examination, it was clean as you say it was and as i have no reason to disbelieve, well then they got it right. Would be academic to me if they didn't as we really didn't deserve to win.

Results aside my point is that it was actually a superb interception. He just got his toe on the ball and Rooney just went down. He's allowed to take the ball first and thats what he did. Nothing nailed on at all. Ferguson ofcourse is trying to create an injustice to be rewarded back on another game. I also find it quite remarkable that he feels it acceptable to react like he does based on his eyesight, from the touchline, in real time when its being "debated" by the media after action replay.

Edited by carmine
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Results aside my point is that it was actually a superb interception. He just got his toe on the ball and Rooney just went down. He's allowed to take the ball first and thats what he did. Nothing nailed on at all. Ferguson ofcourse is trying to create an injustice to be rewarded back on another game. I also find it quite remarkable that he feels it acceptable to react like he does based on his eyesight, from the touchline, in real time when its being "debated" by the media after action replay.

In real time i think it certainly did look nailed on. Looked pretty nailed on in the few replays i saw too. But i haven't given it the cross examination you have. If what you say is true, well then they got it right, and pretty remarkable that they did, because 9 times out of 10 i reckon the ref points to the spot.

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Results aside my point is that it was actually a superb interception. He just got his toe on the ball and Rooney just went down. He's allowed to take the ball first and thats what he did. Nothing nailed on at all. Ferguson ofcourse is trying to create an injustice to be rewarded back on another game. I also find it quite remarkable that he feels it acceptable to react like he does based on his eyesight, from the touchline, in real time when its being "debated" by the media after action replay.

In real time i think it certainly did look nailed on. Looked pretty nailed on in the few replays i saw too. But i haven't given it the cross examination you have. If what you say is true, well then they got it right, and pretty remarkable that they did, because 9 times out of 10 i reckon the ref points to the spot.

The sad thing about the modern game is that most great tackles (not referring to this situation where opinions are divided) will result in a penalty. You even have seasoned pro's like Neville suggesting a player should hit the deck. The games come to a jucture where the governing bodies need to act, making a very big decision either using technolgy or empowering the referees through the laws of the game.

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Very worrying rumours circulating about a fairly serious injury to Defoe.

Even more concerning is the way the club is trying to suddenly Dempsey into a striker instead of an attacking mid which is what he really is. Sounds like Levy's way of informing us we arn't spending anything on a new striker.

Sounds par for the course. The sooner Togo get knocked out the better. Ivory Coast/Togo match attendance was 2000!!. Doesn't seem like anyones interested in the tournament overthere either. Lord forbid South Africa are knocked out.

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Jermaine Defoe in training yesterday...


For those with fb.......https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151282060203505&set=a.10151282060153505.469220.351687753504&type=3&theater

Don't believe that photo for one moment.

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Jermaine Defoe in training yesterday...


For those with fb.......https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151282060203505&set=a.10151282060153505.469220.351687753504&type=3&theater

Don't believe that photo for one moment.


Thanks for the info and lets hope its true. We won't have long to wait before Adebayor is back for what thats worth. Lets hope he's in the mood to do what he's being paid a fortune to do.

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Jermaine Defoe in training yesterday...


For those with fb.......https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151282060203505&set=a.10151282060153505.469220.351687753504&type=3&theater

Don't believe that photo for one moment.

I don't believe that photo either, it looks like the ball is actually on target !

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Jermaine Defoe in training yesterday...


For those with fb.......https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151282060203505&set=a.10151282060153505.469220.351687753504&type=3&theater

Don't believe that photo for one moment.

I don't believe that photo either, it looks like the ball is actually on target !

Ahhh come on gents....let's hope he's hitting the target a few times this year!

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Jermaine Defoe in training yesterday...


For those with fb.......https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151282060203505&set=a.10151282060153505.469220.351687753504&type=3&theater

Don't believe that photo for one moment.

I don't believe that photo either, it looks like the ball is actually on target !

Ahhh come on gents....let's hope he's hitting the target a few times this year!

His goal cratio from chances is absolutely appalling which is why i find it so annoying the way all the commentators bleat on about him being such a natural goalscorer. i wouldn't be surprised if Andy Cole had a better convertion ratio.

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Jermaine Defoe in training yesterday...


For those with fb.......https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151282060203505&set=a.10151282060153505.469220.351687753504&type=3&theater

Don't believe that photo for one moment.

I don't believe that photo either, it looks like the ball is actually on target !

laugh.png Nice one Alfie. Tickled me that one.

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