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Palestinian girl, 14, in Israel prison for throwing rocks


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Between 2008 and 2013, 53 young Israeli settlers were arrested for throwing stones. Your so-called "double standards" are imaginary.

Whatever the statistics, there is no doubt that the Palestinian Arabs have legit gripes. The trouble is their leadership and tactics for trying to resolve them.

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Between 2008 and 2013, 53 young Israeli settlers were arrested for throwing stones. Your so-called "double standards" are imaginary.

They should be arrested for being settlers. Not for throwing the rocks. But oh, I just remembered... the government gives Israelis economic incentives for stealing land. They steal land, right? Or has the UN lost its purpose as the official opinion of the world.

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If if if.....respect the law

Sometimes the law goes against your core values.

If two gays have sex in secret, in private, in Brunei, but for some reason get caught in action. Should they blame themselves when they get stoned to death? I mean, since they didnt respect the law.

Im not talking about this case though.

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The poor Palestinian child was jailed but settler youths are treated leniently.

This from AP.

While Israeli settlers in the West Bank fall mostly under civilian rule, Palestinians are subject to Israeli military law. Israeli and Palestinian youths face inequities at every stage in the path of justice, from arrests to convictions and sentencing, according to police statistics obtained by The Associated Press through multiple requests under Israel's freedom of information act.

Here is an example of the disparity and the facts that a certain poster has omitted.

Only 53 Israeli settler youths were arrested for stone-throwing over the past six years, the data shows, and 90 percent were released without charge. Five were indicted. Four of those were found "guilty without conviction," a common sentence for Israeli juveniles that aims not to stain their record. The fifth case was still in court as of October, the most recent information available.

By contrast, 1,142 Palestinian youths were arrested by police over the same period for throwing stones, and 528 were indicted. All were convicted. Lawyers say the penalty is typically three to eight months in military prison.

Israel's Justice Ministry said more than five Israeli stone-throwers were indicted in the past six years, but declined to provide examples. Itzik Bam, a lawyer who represents Israeli settler youths, said he knew of 20 Israeli minors in the West Bank indicted for stone-throwing in recent years, including six who pleaded guilty and six who were cleared. He said the other cases are still in court.


Edited by Jay Sata
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Thanks for proving my figures correct. 53 Israeli settler youths were arrested for stone-throwing over the past six years and your claim that you have never heard of one being arrested is BS. Of course, more Palestinians were arrested. Palestinians threw more stones than Israelis and their offenses were worse.

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Thanks for proving my figures correct. 53 Israeli settler youths were arrested for stone-throwing over the past six years and your claim that you have never heard of one being arrested is BS. Of course, more Palestinians were arrested. Palestinians threw more stones than Israelis and their offenses were worse.

The Israeli youths were treated under civilar law and the 'palestinians' under military law and the only thing you get from reading his post were that you had a correct number of arrests? Is it a rhetoric/showing proof of great rote-learning/verbal acrobatics/side-stepping contest?

All sorts of incarceration is not the same as prison. And under civil law you can be shown leniency (no incarceration).

Edited by BKKBobby
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One poster claimed that he had never heard of any Israelis being arrested for throwing stones. Another suggested that it was a lie. I said that they had been and I was correct. I could care less what type of law anyone was charged under, but I suspect that the Palestinian criminals were not citizens of Israel and therefore subject to military law. Nice attempt to deflect from the facts though.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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One poster claimed that he had never heard of any Israelis being arrested for throwing stones. I said that they had been and I was correct. I could care less what type of law anyone was charged under, but I suspect that the Palestinians were not citizens of Israel and therefore subject to military law. Nice attempt to deflect from the facts though.

Ive actually thought the rock throwing discussion is a bit silly. Even if there was hundreds of Israeli youths that were occasional rock throwers I would see it as exactly nothing compared to dangerous/illegal actions done by Israelis and 'palestinians'.

There are double standards of course. Which always are wrong, no excuses.

But its not important when its unproportional warfare.

You get the remains of a firework-rocket scattered on your garden and bring out your 21th century, newly minted, top of the range, missile launcher and start shooting missile after missile straight into the "home" of the one you suspect messed up your garden.

Yes, some Israelis have died because of rockets. RIP, and im sorry for their families.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Yes some Israelis have died because of those rockets. RIP, and im sorry for their families.

Now you've got it. There have been plenty of deaths, injuries, property damage and psychological damage caused by those "firecrackers." If one is stupid enough to attack a stronger opponent, they can expect a very strong response. As usual, the Palestinians are mostly responsible for their own misery.

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Yes some Israelis have died because of those rockets. RIP, and im sorry for their families.

Now you've got it. There have been plenty of deaths, injuries, property damage and psychological damage caused by those "firecrackers." If one is stupid enough to attack a stronger opponent, they can expect a very strong response. As usual, the Palestinians are mostly responsible for their own misery.

Isnt collective punishment considered a warcrime?

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Aren't suicide bombings and shooting rocket's at civilians?

Yes its warcrimes commited by individuals/groups, not by the general population living in 'Palestinian' territories which are the people that usually get injured/killed.

Sorry, I dont have statistics. But I doubt that there are more than 1/100 of the 'palestinians' killed in those big blasts that are shooting/bombing Israelis. Probably less than 1/100.

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The people behind the terrorism were democratically elected. whistling.gif

And you are sure those democratically elected are behind current unprovoked terrorism in Israel?

When your opponent are much stronger you can only use guerrila warfare or terrorism.

I dont have any source to prove you wrong.

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Anyone posting with several thousand rants on the same subject should get out and enjoy some Thai sunshine or maybe just go live in the promised land.

I'll bet there would some serious issues if a settler Israeli child of 14 was locked up by Hamas for throwing stones.

That would probably be considered kidnapping even by Palestinian authorities. No settlers in the Gaza strip, and the Hamas got no authority to arrest anyone in the West Bank - that would be the PA. Said authority would apply in specific areas(A areas), the most relevant being al Khalil (aka Hebron), and then again - depending on specific locations within.

Don't let them pesky details interfere with making obscure points, though.

His post was cogent and to the point.

Your pesky details obscure it.

You sound like a lawyer that anyone would want on their defense team.

No, his post was simply factually incorrect, deal with it.

If you'd bother reading my earlier posts on this topic, you'll find that I do not contest that there are double standards, nor do I find the Israeli action taken in this case to be reasonable.

Thanks for your well thought out contribution to the discussion.

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The people behind the terrorism were democratically elected. whistling.gif

And you are sure those democratically elected are behind current unprovoked terrorism in Israel?

When your opponent are much stronger you can only use guerrila warfare or terrorism.

I dont have any source to prove you wrong.

Actually, as usual, UG, to use his description of wrong information, "is telling lies".

Hamas, the elected government, is a separate body to the military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade. So separate, in fact, that the UK does NOT consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but does consider the military wing a terrorist organisation. If any terrorism occurs, it's by IaDaQB, not the elected government.

Keep that in mind.

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Forget all your cut and pasting plus pro Israeli rants and produce some figures to back up claims that settler rock throwing teens have been slung in jail as this girl was.

The truth is you,never ever have any genuine numbers to back up your crazy claims.

There has never been a Israeli girl of 14 locked up in prison for a couple of months.

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The people behind the terrorism were democratically elected. whistling.gif

And you are sure those democratically elected are behind current unprovoked terrorism in Israel?

When your opponent are much stronger you can only use guerrila warfare or terrorism.

I dont have any source to prove you wrong.

Actually, as usual, UG, to use his description of wrong information, "is telling lies".

Hamas, the elected government, is a separate body to the military wing, Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigade. So separate, in fact, that the UK does NOT consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation, but does consider the military wing a terrorist organisation. If any terrorism occurs, it's by IaDaQB, not the elected government.

Keep that in mind.

Trying to sell us a dance of several veils. Pull the other one.

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The truth is you,never ever have any genuine numbers to back up your crazy claims.

Yet another falsehood. You claimed that you had never heard of an Israeli being arrested for throwing stones and I pointed out that they had and posted the figures. YOU are the one making claims that you can't back up.

Between 2008 and 2013, 53 young Israeli settlers were arrested for throwing stones.

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The truth is you,never ever have any genuine numbers to back up your crazy claims.

Yet another falsehood. You claimed that you had never heard of an Israeli being arrested for throwing stones and I pointed out that they had and posted the figures. YOU are the one making claims that you can't back up.

Between 2008 and 2013, 53 young Israeli settlers were arrested for throwing stones.

You copied the numbers but omitted the true story from the Associated Press item.

Here is the part you conveniently omitted....

Only 53 Israeli settler youths were arrested for stone-throwing over the past six years, the data shows, and 89 percent were released without charge.

Six were indicted. Four of those were found "guilty without conviction," a common sentence for Israeli juveniles that aims not to stain their record. One was cleared. The sixth case was still in court as of October, the most recent information available.

By contrast, 1,142 Palestinian youths were arrested by police over the same period for throwing stones, and 528 were indicted. All were convicted. Lawyers say the penalty is typically three to eight months in military prison.

Now which bit of the truth do you not understand?


Edited by Jay Sata
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