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Plant I.d. Please.


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I just showed your picyutre to the wife, shes says that it is a plant that is grown a lot in the Karat area and they also have white flower.

She knows part of the thai name for this 'Po-ung' we have a plant book somewhere will try to find out for you.


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Thanks for that Mac. You've just jogged my wife's memory. Po-ung followed by the colour, as in Po-ung sat (orange?). I'd love to see a white one (cow?). My brother in law has a green one (turquoise really) and my wife says she has seen a pink one (shompoo). If any buffs out there can give me a latin name I'd appreciate it.


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I check this thread from yesterday ..and i thought it was "Puang Sead" พวงแสด

scientific name :Pyrostegia venusta., Miers.

common name :Orange Trumpet, Flame Flower



. . . .

The final answer is "Puang Gomen" พวงโกเมน

scientific name : Mucuna bennettii F. Muell.

common name :Newguinea Creeper, Red Jade Vine


Edited by BambinA
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Anyone know what this dowdy looking thing is? :o it's a climber of some sort. Thanks.



It is a vine,to wit Mucuna bennettii,commonly known as the Red Jade. It is origanaly from New Guinea.It is a very rare and hard to grow flower. Where in Thailand did you see this I am very interested?

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The poung saat is very common in the Khon Kaen Province and very easy to grow. They can be bought in most all nersurys.

When we first built our house, there was no shade and in the afternoon the sun would beat down on the west side concrete wall. It would get unbearably hot in the house and the concrete would retain the heat. So, I built a trellis alongside the house using concrete posts and wood slats. I planted poung sats every 2 meters. As they grew, I trained them to spread out over the trellis. Within a year, the trellis was full and thick. No sun gets through and the walls stay cool, making a huge difference in the inside temperature.

The orange flowers bloom once a year, around March or April if I recall, and last about a month.

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