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Barking Dog

experienced expat

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I have got a neighbor whose dog's barking is driving me crazy.

I don't want to poison this animal...I'd rather poison his owner.

Is there something I could feed it to take his bark / voice away without doing real damage to the animal ?

Any suggestions ? I have no experience with this problem.

Experienced Expat

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Talk to the owner?

Most sensible answer is that one. In my experience dogs only bark for a couple of reasons, either they are craving something (food, attention etc) or they are just mental.

If it's the first option, it has to be the owners responsibility (or you look after the dog for him) if it's the second, buy a squirt gun :o

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A humane way is to purchase an ultrasonic electric powered whistle. Inaudible to humans it will stop dogs barking. Range about 30 metres, be sure to purchase the high powered one. It also keeps rodents away; useful for keeping rats out of the kitchen.

Good luck, try not to resort to violence or murder.

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A huge pair of speakers pointed in the direction of the annoying dog, and cranked up as far as you can go without completely damaging your own hearing, blasting out a recording of a pack of fiercely barking rottweilers (naturally on indefinite repeat) might shut the dog up, and failing that, should alert the dog's owner to the problem (as well as all your other neighbours).

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