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Prayut says drawing foreign interference in Thai internal affairs is an embarrassing act

Lite Beer

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I am a farang from the US, and do not see threat to Thailand face because US has a few representitives to convey their thoughts! I agree Thailand should be able to conduct their bussiness with out actual interferance from outside influence. But, as far as that democratically Govt that took office, that was a complete joke! No one from the rural village did much of anything without being paid Payments and threats won the last election, and although this only my opinion and thoughts, I'm glad to see the military step in and help sort out a certain family from power. Sometimes you have spank the kids to get them listen, and I hope all goes with eyes wide open and see why this govt had to take over, and maybe they can now have a real democratically run election. The general is simply trying to rid out some of the riff raff, and he is doing it the only way it can realisticley be done! Again all this is my opinion!

And it's an incredibly patronising one at that. You're suggesting the Bangkok and southern elite are the only ones with the intelligence and integrity to vote honestly. No, you're not just patronising, you're a patronising fool.

Seriously you are from the USA and speak such pigeon? Get for <deleted> real and stop your trolling!

I thought the exact same thing.

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Keep it up dear General. Your bone-headed nature may someday finally free the Thai people.

Loved this comment - it's a perfect example of his Orwellian double-speak...

He suggested asking all the Thai people what they really want, and not just asking certain groups, and jumping into conclusion.

Which of course would have been the July 2014 elections.

He has never been serious about asking all the Thai people. He has never been serious about helping all the Thai people. He's never, ever been a 'democratic soldier' ....

He is interested in enforcing the status quo of military dominance in Thailand into the future ... as far as the eye can see....

You are so right he is the one showing favors and causing further division in the country. Very sad for the people.

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Agree with him. Thailand does not need US interference. Sort your own country out first and then maybe countries where there are huge human rights issues.

Junk you are exactly that a piece of junk, comparing a military junta to a country that 240 years later still uses it original constitution and has never had a military coop. You are exactly that "junk"
You get my vote!
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I think the General is doing okay - maybe not perfect but better than the fighting before. I dont think the Americans should be poking their nose in and should stick to sorting out their own police state. Land of the free my ass.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am a farang from the US, and do not see threat to Thailand face because US has a few representitives to convey their thoughts! I agree Thailand should be able to conduct their bussiness with out actual interferance from outside influence. But, as far as that democratically Govt that took office, that was a complete joke! No one from the rural village did much of anything without being paid Payments and threats won the last election, and although this only my opinion and thoughts, I'm glad to see the military step in and help sort out a certain family from power. Sometimes you have spank the kids to get them listen, and I hope all goes with eyes wide open and see why this govt had to take over, and maybe they can now have a real democratically run election. The general is simply trying to rid out some of the riff raff, and he is doing it the only way it can realisticley be done! Again all this is my opinion!

And it's an incredibly patronising one at that. You're suggesting the Bangkok and southern elite are the only ones with the intelligence and integrity to vote honestly. No, you're not just patronising, you're a patronising fool.

Seriously you are from the USA and speak such pigeon? Get for fu__ing real and stop your trolling!

I thought the exact same thing.

Me too!

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"He suggested asking all the Thai people what they really want"

That is called elections.

No it isn't

That would be a referendum

Is it so difficult to understand that Thailand is currently going through a process of political reform

A necessary task due a failed political process that led to years of strife and turmoil on the streets

Once the reforms are in place elections which will hopefully not be spoiled by vote buying will take place .

Vested interests particularly the PT party and their supporters would love to see the country in turmoil..some even suggested a division of the country

They think democracy is just elections....

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I am no expert on this situation but comparing it just a little bit to what Thailand had going it seems to me that Prayut is a huge improvement. So he isn't Buddha of Christ, but for a man he has a hell of a lot better interest in Thailand than the past cronies had.

It's unbelievable how some of you foreigners can be so critical and you don't really understand crap about the situation.

Agh!!!!!..... "you don't really understand crap about the situation."...............

I think we do.......but you certainly are living blindfolded.....

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I think the General is doing okay - maybe not perfect but better than the fighting before. I dont think the Americans should be poking their nose in and should stick to sorting out their own police state. Land of the free my ass.

I'm not a fan of violence, the last PM, or the US either. But what is to say to a comment so willfully in the clouds?

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He seems to be talking himself into a hole with these rather puerile whingeing comments every time he is criticised; every time he opens his mouth, he puts his foot in it.

Step by step he's guiding Thailand along the path to become an international pariah.

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I thought the exact same thing.

Me too!

"Hello, as you can plainly see, I am farang from the US and I have arrive on this day at this hour, to discuss the latest events which farang face may typically cause to speak at this hour. Expressly, that Thailand is clearly greatest!'

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My God for those of you that continually complain about US 'interference, and the tiresome, 'sort out your own problems';

If the US press and public were continually complaining every time a foreign country, diplomat or newspaper made some disparaging comment about US policy, domestic or foreign, the entire country would grind to a halt in self absorbed agony!

Sometimes the 'adult' thing to do is take it on the chin, reflect on it, or not, but that's your choice...but whining, nah come on get real

Indeed the west has nonstop media 24 hours a day wingeing and moaning about the current state of politics in the usa, gb or EU

The entertainment media industry whinging hardly compares to a Sovereign Government whinging!

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I find it fascinatingly disappointing that so many have ignored the original rhetoric.... The coup is intended to "restore" a democratic constitution. There has been no denial of martial law being imposed and the temporary unelected Govt. is in place to facilitate the outcome. To resist is is to extend the timeframe. TVF members who appear so critical and compare with home country conditions I think should maybe shuffle back home! Few Asian countries actually need long term stayers who minimize expenditure. Even less do they need socially incompetent rejects who assume they are adding something of value purely by their presence. By comparison to tourist spending it pales in value to the country. Expectations and critical comments about what is not yet are pointless because whatever transpires will be Asian in flavour. Thais have been led down a path of dependancy for decades. Now an attempt is being made to find a way to encourage Thais to discover some independancy. If in the process it requires cutting the testicles off the old herders and their trained dogs so be it. I can see that if it can be achieved and serfdom is negated and replaced by democratic freedom then the outcome may unwelcome to many but will be democratic.And the vested interests of "some" international countries and their internal allies may just have to adjust to compliance. I believe that this coup is unlike any previous in that it has been well planned as to the intent of outcome and will not be relented until that is achieved.

" To resist only prolongs the application of change. Support it and if it is wrong will decrease the application time of change and then fail. If it is right it will survive".

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Respect the justice system?, would he mean the one that lets rich murderers off without a day in jail, while at the same time bangs up a pensioner for 20 years for allegedly sending 2x LM texts, how can anyone respect such an unjust system?

I am currently on bail for a totally false accusation of assulting a Thai who actually assaulted me. All the courts want to do is mediate which the Thai does NOT want to do. Because the Thai put their case before the court first it is assumed I am the guilty party. Had the policeman who took 10,000B from me to take the case in the first place taken this person to court as promised a resolution may have happened by now but the fact is this will probablly go on for a couple of years at least, it has been over 12 months to - date. Sorry Mr PM if you find corruption within the police don't just move them on - sack them and check their assets and if they can't account for the large sums of money they have then confiscate the lot. Having said this give the police a living wage and corruption may reduce as I understand some police get 8,000B a month and have to buy their own uniform, bike and gun so talk about telling them to be corrupt just so they can make a living wage because with those wages you will never get rid of corruption

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I believe the snails pace of the transition from military rule...self-appointed PM to elected officials is causing the natives to become restless...

Progress seems to be in the rhetoric...not in the action...

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How successful can a multi-millionaire Thai military general, reform the Thai government. Its a perfect example of hypocrisy.

Anyone who has more in the bank than they could possibly have earned doing whatever job should be inestigated and if they cannot account for the money should be sacked from their job and the money confiscated. Perhaps with threats lke that corruption could be dramatically reduced

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This translation is so poor, it's hard to understand what he's actually saying.

It must be difficult to speak clearly while you have your foot in your mouth on a regular basis.

An easy and conclusive way to end the comments and international criticism would be to hold a general election. What is the problem with that, why the delay?

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