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Moved house - 90 day report

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A question for one of the mods:

I had been submitting my 90 day report at the immigration office in Hua Hin for the 2.5 years that I lived in my previous house.

In November I left Thailand to get a new visa isssued and returned after a week.

I'm aware that my 90 day report starts 'fresh' again from the day I returned.

However, I moved house 3 weeks ago. As the first 90 day report started afresh, can I inform immigration of my new address when I make my first 90 day report or should I have informed them of the move when I actually moved?

If the latter is the case and I don't report the mover until my first 90 day report, am I facing a THB2000 fine?

Any advice much appreciated. Thanks.

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You're supposed to report new addresses within 24 hours. There'd be an issue if you were pulled up before report time for whatever reason, but realistically it'll be fine to report on due date as normal, putting new address in. You won't be fined. By the by, if you still have your sip from last report, I'd be inclined to still report on that date irregardless of spending a week out the country.

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You're supposed to report new addresses within 24 hours. There'd be an issue if you were pulled up before report time for whatever reason, but realistically it'll be fine to report on due date as normal, putting new address in. You won't be fined. By the by, if you still have your sip from last report, I'd be inclined to still report on that date irregardless of spending a week out the country.

Why would you do a report of staying longer than 90 days in the country if you didn't stay that long.

The report is due 90 daya after you enter the country including the date of entry in the count.

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Section 37 and Section 38 of the Thai Immigration Act deal with the procedure if moving residence

Section 37 : An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom

must comply with the following :

2. Shall stay at the place as indicated to the competent official.

Where there is proper reason that he cannot stay at the place as indicated to the

competent official, he shall notify the competent official of the change in

residence , within 24 hours from the time of removing to said place.

3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such

alien resides, within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of

change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area with the

former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the police

station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival.

Section 38 : The house – master , the owner or the possessor of the residence ,

or the hotel manager where the alien , receiving permission to stay temporary in

the Kingdom has stayed , must notify the competent official of the Immigration

Office located in the same area with that hours , dwelling place or hotel, within 24

hours from the time of arrival of the alien concerned. If there is no Immigration

Office located in that area , the local police official for that area must be notified.

Immigration will also want a TM30 along with the TM28.

My local Immigration office isn't within the same province, so I completed a TM28 and had it stamped by the local Police station.

The Police however do not report it to Immigration.

I went to Immigration in person when my next 90 day report was due, taking the police stamped tear off strip of the TM28, but completed another TM28 and TM 30 for Immigration to officially amend my residence details on their database. They'll attach the notification of change of address in your passport along with the next 90 day notification.

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Every immigration office will want different things. Most will just want the normal TM47 form for a 90 day report.

There have even been reports of immigration offices tossing the TM28 in the trash because they did not want it.

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Actualy i Have a similar problem. I did the 90 day report at The begining of dicember. But i am Now moving to another Condo. Also at the end of february i am traveling abroad for 1 week. Should i inform them of the change of adress Now or should i Just write the new adress in the arrival card at the end of february ?

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Actualy i Have a similar problem. I did the 90 day report at The begining of dicember. But i am Now moving to another Condo. Also at the end of february i am traveling abroad for 1 week. Should i inform them of the change of adress Now or should i Just write the new adress in the arrival card at the end of february ?

I suggest you go to immigration before leaving to report you change of address since you will not be making a 90 day report for some time.

Putting you new address on your arrival card is not considered an address notification.

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Filling the arrival card with the new address won't inform Immigration of change of address.

You need to fill out a TM28 form for that. You can do it before or after your vacation.

Immigration certainly don't adhere to the 24/48 rule for change of address. In fact they have no idea when you changed residence other than the date you notify on the form, so just put the previous days date on it when you submit the form.

Edited by Faz
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I recently did my 90day also, and I had moved 5 weeks before check-in to a new address also. But my immigration office knows me for 4 years, I guess it depends on your relationship which unless you moved to a new Province that's touch.

Has a side bar, has anyone read the new law for SIM card registration within a 6 month period, Frangs are by law to present a Passport to get a throwaway SIM card?

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A 90 day report and landlord registering your address are 2 completely different things. Register your new address and then when your next 90 day is due, report it then. Or when you go to register your new address, do a new report.

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  • 3 months later...

Every immigration office will want different things. Most will just want the normal TM47 form for a 90 day report.

There have even been reports of immigration offices tossing the TM28 in the trash because they did not want it.

Hey Joe,

I am moving to Hua Hin from Samui

I have a 1 year O-A expiring December.

just to clarify thing in my mind. Should I go to HH immigration fill out a TM 28

Then when my yearly renewal is due in December Do it in Hua Hin?

or am I missing something to this successfully?

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You cannot renew a OA visa here you can however apply for an extension of stay based upon retirement at immigration.

In order to make your 90 day reports at Hua Hin immigration after you move you will need formally change your address.

I suggest you complete the TM28 and take proof of residence with you to Hua Hin immigration after you complete your move.

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