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Teen held for rape of 6-year-old


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A 16-year-old boy was charged on Saturday for allegedly raping a 6-year-old girl in Takeo’s Borei Chulsar district.

The boy was brought in for questioning on Saturday after police were tipped off by villagers and the NGO World Vision about the incident, according to Borei Chulsar district policeman Khem Sophal.

The 16-year-old reportedly admitted to raping the girl, who lives in a neighbouring house, on Wednesday and luring her to his house, Sophal added.

“This is the first time that the suspect raped the girl,” Sophal said. “[she] often goes to take the tamarinds at the suspect’s house, but on the day of the incident, the boy’s parents were not home.”

The girl’s family did not file a complaint to police, but officers got wind of the case and arrested the boy after the confession and receiving confirmation of the rape from one of Takeo’s referral hospitals.

The boy was also sent to court and charged on Saturday, said Soun Phun, Takeo provincial deputy police chief, who’s in charge of penal crime.

“The court has charged him with raping a minor and he’s being detained for further investigation,” Phun said.



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