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2 Australian ministers brush off leadership speculation

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. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them?

They did?

Please enlighten me.

Are you an Australian? If you are and you don't know what can I say. If you need an education in politics, I don't have the time to educate you so I suggest you enlighten yourself by listening to Australian radio broadcasts and do some reading. Then you won't need to ask because you will know

I can't think of anything good they have done so far. That's why I questioned you about it. A lot of failed policies and initiatives is all I have seen.

By your bluster sounds as if you can't name any yourself.

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. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them?

They did?

Please enlighten me.

Are you an Australian? If you are and you don't know what can I say. If you need an education in politics, I don't have the time to educate you so I suggest you enlighten yourself by listening to Australian radio broadcasts and do some reading. Then you won't need to ask because you will know

The budget is still in limbo. His agenda shattered. And he has used up the last of his political capital in knighting prince Philip.

Yep, Sir Prince Philip? Or is it Prince Sir Philip?

Oh yeah, carbon tax, stop the boats. Electricity prices are still risking. He's indexed fuel instead - a quasi carbon tax, and the boats are still pushing off from indo.

Yep, achieved heaps.

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Tony did a good job in Pauline Hanson many years ago.........;)

Very true. But even he might be responsible for her return in qld I hear.

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Tony did a few funny radio interviews where he winked a bit and pissssed of an entire nation of old ladies ..... Especially granny sex worlers


Tony did a good job in Pauline Hanson many years ago.........;)

Very true. But even he might be responsible for her return in qld I hear.

Lol. YEAH. Classic


Tony made a funny.

He said, " As a Politician he was a frustrated reporter, As a Reporter he was a frustrated Politician and when he was a trainee Priest, he was just frustrated.


Tony did a few funny radio interviews where he winked a bit and pissssed of an entire nation of old ladies ..... Especially granny sex worlers

Check out this video on YouTube:


I like the way tony licks his lips....much better than the way kevin eats his own earwax.

Bring back Hawkie.....at least the man knew how to drink a beer.....and still does.



Tony did a few funny radio interviews where he winked a bit and pissssed of an entire nation of old ladies ..... Especially granny sex worlers

Check out this video on YouTube:

I don't see a video.


I like the way tony licks his lips....much better than the way kevin eats his own earwax.

Bring back Hawkie.....at least the man knew how to drink a beer.....and still does.


The country doesn't need another trade unionist. It needs strong character and business acumen. Something the Labour Party lacks, albeit Keating was sharp.

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I like the way tony licks his lips....much better than the way kevin eats his own earwax.

Bring back Hawkie.....at least the man knew how to drink a beer.....and still does.


The country doesn't need another trade unionist. It needs strong character and business acumen. Something the Labour Party lacks, albeit Keating was sharp.

Agreed totally. I wasn't serious about Hawke but believe Malcolm Turnbull would be a much better leader and OM

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Tony did a few funny radio interviews where he winked a bit and pissssed of an entire nation of old ladies ..... Especially granny sex worlers

Check out this video on YouTube:

I don't see a video.

Yeah seen it before, classic

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Abbott is a goner. His defiant stand 'People voted for me' and the 'Abbott government this, the Abbott government that' will have upset many from his own side. His National Press club address was full of the usual tired four word slogans, the 'carbon tax is gone', 'the boats have stopped', but nothing about the future like tackling 'human induced climate change' which is to be expected I guess as he is the international embarrassment among developed countries on 'climate change'. If his own side don't want to turf him out soon and mitigate some of the damage to their own party then the people will later next year.

Who are the people who voted for him to actually be P.M? It definately wasn't the Australian people, maybe a few people in his seat of Warringah but definately not Australia. His numbskull party chose him to be P.M not the people.
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Turnbull is the only one who can save them. Barbie's grandmother is not the answer.

Lol.....well said and true sir.

Barbies grandmother lol.

I do like that. But oh, the irony of it all. Abbott getting done iin the same way as Rudd.
In the words of Tony, "<deleted> happens, doesn't it."
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Not an Aussie it appears. Otherwise you would have been right on me for asking such a question. If you are an Aussie, then educate yourself and don't be so politically naïve or if you aren't, then why are you putting your two bob's worth in to something you tell us you know little about?

Looks like you need to be educated. I wasn't going to waste my time but seeing you are telling me that I am blustering and can't name any myself. The first part of your education. Bluster, used in the wrong context, don't know about Aussie politics or the English language. If you think you are correct then show me how you concluded that I am talking loudly, in an aggressive or indignant manner?

Now, Abbott, almost single handily lifted the Libs from almost oblivion during their time in opposition from 29% in the polls to a stunning victory in 2013. He saw off Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, as PM's because they could not get the better of him. In the 1st 12 months, repealed the carbon and mining taxes, resolved the problem with the live animal trade with Indonesia, stopped the boats, closed the open border policy that saw 50,000 illegal migrants hit our shores and, in turn saved 12 billion dollars. By stopping the boats it also stopped the deaths at sea, some 1200 estimated. He has also strengthened our anti terrorism laws and saw a Royal Commission into Unions commissioned. This has found endemic corruption in one union, one which a number of labourites have come from.

He took on Putin in relation to the downing of the plane over the Ukraine, and saw access granted to various Investigators and Police. He has been feted by world leaders and has never been an embarrassment in the eyes of the western world. House building is at a record high, new jobs have been created by almost 3 times the 2013 rate to 4,000 a week in 2014. Economic growth has increased from1.7% to 2.9%. Now what are the failed policies and initiatives you have seen? I hope you are not talking about economic policies put before a hostile senate and the feral independents, together with Labor and the Greens, have blocked and refused to pass in any shape and form.

Hope I listed enough good things to satisfy you search for knowledge? Sure he has made mistakes, what politician hasn't, yet everyone, lefties, Labor and greenies,and independents have been relentless in their attacks on him, every since he became PM. What are they frightened of? The now opposition set fire to our country's finances and Abbott is trying to put out that fire. Swan, the world's greatest treasurer,555, estimated in 2013 that the deficit would be 18 billion dollars, what a joke, it turned out to be 47 billion, and now he and his party are in total denial. a lot of the Aussie people have the "ME" mentality, want all the handouts and dare behold any one who tries to reduce them. They no longer care about the country, just themselves. .So Abbot tries to reign this in and everyone is now blaming him and are baying for blood.

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Abbott is a goner. His defiant stand 'People voted for me' and the 'Abbott government this, the Abbott government that' will have upset many from his own side. His National Press club address was full of the usual tired four word slogans, the 'carbon tax is gone', 'the boats have stopped', but nothing about the future like tackling 'human induced climate change' which is to be expected I guess as he is the international embarrassment among developed countries on 'climate change'. If his own side don't want to turf him out soon and mitigate some of the damage to their own party then the people will later next year.

Who are the people who voted for him to actually be P.M? It definately wasn't the Australian people, maybe a few people in his seat of Warringah but definately not Australia. His numbskull party chose him to be P.M not the people.

The people who voted for him were the cabinet of the coalition. This was done prior to the election, therefore, the Australian people accepted that he would be PM when they voted for the Liberal Coalition, so indirectly the majority of Australian people voted for him. This is how it occurs with the Labor and Green parties, with Rudd Gillard, Rudd and Milne all being elected as leaders of their respective parties. If the Libs are a numbskull party, what are the others, Labor and Greens?

The internal politics in the Libs may bring about his demise, however, it is not only members of the Labor party but the union hierarchy, who determine their parliamentary leaders. Because of the union involvement this gave rise to the unceremoniously knifing of Rudd, Gillard Rudd. The only person voted to PM, indirectly by the Australian voters was Kevin Rudd. Just look at Shorten. Put in by the left and union factions, not the Australian voters..

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Not an Aussie it appears. Otherwise you would have been right on me for asking such a question. If you are an Aussie, then educate yourself and don't be so politically naïve or if you aren't, then why are you putting your two bob's worth in to something you tell us you know little about?

Looks like you need to be educated. I wasn't going to waste my time but seeing you are telling me that I am blustering and can't name any myself. The first part of your education. Bluster, used in the wrong context, don't know about Aussie politics or the English language. If you think you are correct then show me how you concluded that I am talking loudly, in an aggressive or indignant manner?

Now, Abbott, almost single handily lifted the Libs from almost oblivion during their time in opposition from 29% in the polls to a stunning victory in 2013. He saw off Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, as PM's because they could not get the better of him. In the 1st 12 months, repealed the carbon and mining taxes, resolved the problem with the live animal trade with Indonesia, stopped the boats, closed the open border policy that saw 50,000 illegal migrants hit our shores and, in turn saved 12 billion dollars. By stopping the boats it also stopped the deaths at sea, some 1200 estimated. He has also strengthened our anti terrorism laws and saw a Royal Commission into Unions commissioned. This has found endemic corruption in one union, one which a number of labourites have come from.

He took on Putin in relation to the downing of the plane over the Ukraine, and saw access granted to various Investigators and Police. He has been feted by world leaders and has never been an embarrassment in the eyes of the western world. House building is at a record high, new jobs have been created by almost 3 times the 2013 rate to 4,000 a week in 2014. Economic growth has increased from1.7% to 2.9%. Now what are the failed policies and initiatives you have seen? I hope you are not talking about economic policies put before a hostile senate and the feral independents, together with Labor and the Greens, have blocked and refused to pass in any shape and form.

Hope I listed enough good things to satisfy you search for knowledge? Sure he has made mistakes, what politician hasn't, yet everyone, lefties, Labor and greenies,and independents have been relentless in their attacks on him, every since he became PM. What are they frightened of? The now opposition set fire to our country's finances and Abbott is trying to put out that fire. Swan, the world's greatest treasurer,555, estimated in 2013 that the deficit would be 18 billion dollars, what a joke, it turned out to be 47 billion, and now he and his party are in total denial. a lot of the Aussie people have the "ME" mentality, want all the handouts and dare behold any one who tries to reduce them. They no longer care about the country, just themselves. .So Abbot tries to reign this in and everyone is now blaming him and are baying for blood.

Abbott squealed like a little piggy when the last government added a means test to the rort otherwise known and the private health insurance rebate and just about any other measure which would make a mark on middle class welfare. Hockey squealed to high heaven when they killed off the novated lease rort of company cars.

They stood by when the a profits based tax on mining was proposed. I mean, taxing profits instead of tonnage which doesn't take into account costs, and discourages mining exploration, what a socialistic approach!

As for Abbott bringing the Libs back to popularity, it was more a case of anyone but the Gillard Rudd warfare. This popularity has shown to be thinner than rice paper that only 18 months after election his collegues are looking to roll him.

Agree about the entitlement me mentality though. Australia has been too lucky...

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Not an Aussie it appears. Otherwise you would have been right on me for asking such a question. If you are an Aussie, then educate yourself and don't be so politically naïve or if you aren't, then why are you putting your two bob's worth in to something you tell us you know little about?

Looks like you need to be educated. I wasn't going to waste my time but seeing you are telling me that I am blustering and can't name any myself. The first part of your education. Bluster, used in the wrong context, don't know about Aussie politics or the English language. If you think you are correct then show me how you concluded that I am talking loudly, in an aggressive or indignant manner?

Now, Abbott, almost single handily lifted the Libs from almost oblivion during their time in opposition from 29% in the polls to a stunning victory in 2013. He saw off Rudd, Gillard, Rudd, as PM's because they could not get the better of him. In the 1st 12 months, repealed the carbon and mining taxes, resolved the problem with the live animal trade with Indonesia, stopped the boats, closed the open border policy that saw 50,000 illegal migrants hit our shores and, in turn saved 12 billion dollars. By stopping the boats it also stopped the deaths at sea, some 1200 estimated. He has also strengthened our anti terrorism laws and saw a Royal Commission into Unions commissioned. This has found endemic corruption in one union, one which a number of labourites have come from.

He took on Putin in relation to the downing of the plane over the Ukraine, and saw access granted to various Investigators and Police. He has been feted by world leaders and has never been an embarrassment in the eyes of the western world. House building is at a record high, new jobs have been created by almost 3 times the 2013 rate to 4,000 a week in 2014. Economic growth has increased from1.7% to 2.9%. Now what are the failed policies and initiatives you have seen? I hope you are not talking about economic policies put before a hostile senate and the feral independents, together with Labor and the Greens, have blocked and refused to pass in any shape and form.

Hope I listed enough good things to satisfy you search for knowledge? Sure he has made mistakes, what politician hasn't, yet everyone, lefties, Labor and greenies,and independents have been relentless in their attacks on him, every since he became PM. What are they frightened of? The now opposition set fire to our country's finances and Abbott is trying to put out that fire. Swan, the world's greatest treasurer,555, estimated in 2013 that the deficit would be 18 billion dollars, what a joke, it turned out to be 47 billion, and now he and his party are in total denial. a lot of the Aussie people have the "ME" mentality, want all the handouts and dare behold any one who tries to reduce them. They no longer care about the country, just themselves. .So Abbot tries to reign this in and everyone is now blaming him and are baying for blood.

Abbott squealed like a little piggy when the last government added a means test to the rort otherwise known and the private health insurance rebate and just about any other measure which would make a mark on middle class welfare. Hockey squealed to high heaven when they killed off the novated lease rort of company cars.

They stood by when the a profits based tax on mining was proposed. I mean, taxing profits instead of tonnage which doesn't take into account costs, and discourages mining exploration, what a socialistic approach!

As for Abbott bringing the Libs back to popularity, it was more a case of anyone but the Gillard Rudd warfare. This popularity has shown to be thinner than rice paper that only 18 months after election his collegues are looking to roll him.

Agree about the entitlement me mentality though. Australia has been too lucky...

Cannot comment on your first statement, know nothing off it but if you can show when and how, with facts and not just an unproven statement, then maybe I could respond. The last thing Mr Abbott would do is squeal like a little piggy. If you think real men do this, what can I say?

The novated lease, funny about that, was brought abut through legislation of the Hawke government in 1986. It was killed off, don't think so, just added a few conditions, which have since been removed. If you wrote factually then you would know that the novated lease is still available. Those conditions were to require better record-keeping and for the reporting of the fringe benefits tax..

Never stood by when the mining tax was proposed and legislated by the former government. They did not have the numbers and had a hostile senate, most of whom were Labor and their coalition of the Greens backed by those two so called independents, Oakeshott and Windsor and a few other turncoats. It was costing more to collect then they were receiving so it was one of the first things the Libs got rid of.

We only have to major parties so it was to be one or the other. His and the Libs popularity was on the increase prior to the first knifing of Kevin Rudd but kept increasing after the lies and subsequent assassination of Gillard and then Rudd, who lost comprehensively and was again assassinated. If you really follow Aussie politics then I think you will be surprised as to what will happen in the next week. Let's see you comments after the turnaround.

Why is it that people like yourself do not use facts when posting? You seem to be following the line of the left leaning media in Australia, who never forgave him for showing how much of a liar and how incompetent Gillard was, day after day. They have attacked the man from day one and so viciously in their hatred of him.

He was educated at Oxford University, is a Rhodes Scholar, a volunteer fireman and lifesaver and has served his apprenticeship in the parliament under some of the best and has held his own against anyone put up against him. If that, combined with his charity work and many achievements while in government, is not a good CV for the man to hold the top position, then please tell me what is?

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OK - clearly this thread is going well (!), but I'll throw this into the pit and leave : Turnbull should have been the PM from the get go, but surely this is a hospital pass at a point where the party realises they're in trouble at the next election ? I cant recall ever voting for the Coalition, but I think Turnbull deserves better than being a footnote in the history books. Still, they're all politicians, and he's not short of a quid - let's see what the chess board looks like in a month or so.

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Bill shortens head looks like a cartoon skull.

I hate the man with a passion.

Australia needs a successful business man tonrun the country.....Malcolm Turnbull is an astute businessman.....unlike tony who really is a douchebag.

Why do you hate someone with a passion? Do you know Bill Shorten personally to enlist such a response? Now don't get me wrong, I am not an advocate of him of his non policy rhetoric. I do not think the man is capable of being a leader, or can be trusted after what he did to Rudd, Gillard and the Rudd again? This party has an entitlement mentality and cares nothing for the country or it's people. Look at the open borders, 50,000 people, 1200 deaths of illegal immigrants, 5 billion spent on illegal immigrants, just spend, spend, spend. Who is gong to pay this back. Our grandchildren, their children and possibly their children. The other thing that amazes me about this lot is that they are in total denial about the nearly $500 billion debt they ran up. Also they are backed by criminal unions.

The PM is a douchebag? A bit rude don't you think. Your are calling him a male with a combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behaviour. How did you reach this deduction? Please enlighten me as to what your claim to fame is and what you have done that can even compare to his scholastic accomplishments, his caring for the aboriginals, his charity work, and the volunteering in the life saving and bush fire brigade. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them? So why have you referred to him in such a manner?

As for Malcolm Turnbull, he is in the wrong party. Wants an ETS or a carbon tax, Where has this arisen, from what party? When he was leader, tell me how did he poll and what did he accomplish in opposition? Don't forget he was employed by Goldman Sachs, who was establishing ETS schemes world wide. He also set up an investment company with the late Neville Wran and Nicholas Whitlam. Strong Labourites. I'll give him his dues, he has been a successful businessman but unfortunately his views are to the left and adverse to what the Liberal party stands for and heaven help this country if he is ever made PM.

you obviously know nothing about Abbott other than what you read in his mentors's newspapers ...


Bill shortens head looks like a cartoon skull.

I hate the man with a passion.

Australia needs a successful business man tonrun the country.....Malcolm Turnbull is an astute businessman.....unlike tony who really is a douchebag.

Why do you hate someone with a passion? Do you know Bill Shorten personally to enlist such a response? Now don't get me wrong, I am not an advocate of him of his non policy rhetoric. I do not think the man is capable of being a leader, or can be trusted after what he did to Rudd, Gillard and the Rudd again? This party has an entitlement mentality and cares nothing for the country or it's people. Look at the open borders, 50,000 people, 1200 deaths of illegal immigrants, 5 billion spent on illegal immigrants, just spend, spend, spend. Who is gong to pay this back. Our grandchildren, their children and possibly their children. The other thing that amazes me about this lot is that they are in total denial about the nearly $500 billion debt they ran up. Also they are backed by criminal unions.

The PM is a douchebag? A bit rude don't you think. Your are calling him a male with a combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behaviour. How did you reach this deduction? Please enlighten me as to what your claim to fame is and what you have done that can even compare to his scholastic accomplishments, his caring for the aboriginals, his charity work, and the volunteering in the life saving and bush fire brigade. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them? So why have you referred to him in such a manner?

As for Malcolm Turnbull, he is in the wrong party. Wants an ETS or a carbon tax, Where has this arisen, from what party? When he was leader, tell me how did he poll and what did he accomplish in opposition? Don't forget he was employed by Goldman Sachs, who was establishing ETS schemes world wide. He also set up an investment company with the late Neville Wran and Nicholas Whitlam. Strong Labourites. I'll give him his dues, he has been a successful businessman but unfortunately his views are to the left and adverse to what the Liberal party stands for and heaven help this country if he is ever made PM.

you obviously know nothing about Abbott other than what you read in his mentors's newspapers ...

You made the post so tell me what you think I don't know about the PM and what you do? I'm willing to read what you write, as it appears you're the expert. Are you referring to Murdoch? if you are, just mention the names or do you want to play word games?. A little difficult to read Australian newspapers here in Thailand and not interested in reading them online. So tell me, no let me guess, you're a reader of the Fairfax press and that is where you gather your knowledge.


I didn't know Andrew Bolt had come to the TV forum...

I take that back actually. Sounds like Gerard Henderson is stalking us wet lefty Fairfax readers. The ultimate literalist. Hold on, doesn't he write for Fairfax too??

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I didn't know Andrew Bolt had come to the TV forum...

I take that back actually. Sounds like Gerard Henderson is stalking us wet lefty Fairfax readers. The ultimate literalist. Hold on, doesn't he write for Fairfax too??

You're very clever and yes, he works for both publications. The latter being a propaganda machine and a must read mindless political clap trap for lefties.


Bill shortens head looks like a cartoon skull.

I hate the man with a passion.

Australia needs a successful business man tonrun the country.....Malcolm Turnbull is an astute businessman.....unlike tony who really is a douchebag.

Why do you hate someone with a passion? Do you know Bill Shorten personally to enlist such a response? Now don't get me wrong, I am not an advocate of him of his non policy rhetoric. I do not think the man is capable of being a leader, or can be trusted after what he did to Rudd, Gillard and the Rudd again? This party has an entitlement mentality and cares nothing for the country or it's people. Look at the open borders, 50,000 people, 1200 deaths of illegal immigrants, 5 billion spent on illegal immigrants, just spend, spend, spend. Who is gong to pay this back. Our grandchildren, their children and possibly their children. The other thing that amazes me about this lot is that they are in total denial about the nearly $500 billion debt they ran up. Also they are backed by criminal unions.

The PM is a douchebag? A bit rude don't you think. Your are calling him a male with a combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behaviour. How did you reach this deduction? Please enlighten me as to what your claim to fame is and what you have done that can even compare to his scholastic accomplishments, his caring for the aboriginals, his charity work, and the volunteering in the life saving and bush fire brigade. His government has accomplished many things in the first 12 months, would you know any of them? So why have you referred to him in such a manner?

As for Malcolm Turnbull, he is in the wrong party. Wants an ETS or a carbon tax, Where has this arisen, from what party? When he was leader, tell me how did he poll and what did he accomplish in opposition? Don't forget he was employed by Goldman Sachs, who was establishing ETS schemes world wide. He also set up an investment company with the late Neville Wran and Nicholas Whitlam. Strong Labourites. I'll give him his dues, he has been a successful businessman but unfortunately his views are to the left and adverse to what the Liberal party stands for and heaven help this country if he is ever made PM.

you obviously know nothing about Abbott other than what you read in his mentors's newspapers ...

Sadly he doesn't know much about the liberal party too. Howard took a price on carbon to the 2007 election but that seems to have faded from the memory of our expert poster.

It is Abbott in the wrong party, actually he used to be a DLP member which reflects his catholic right background. He's a santamaria boy through and through.

Turnbull was always a creature of the liberal party and he made that clear during the mid 90s when everyone had him as a dead cert of an ALP ring-in.

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I didn't know Andrew Bolt had come to the TV forum...

I take that back actually. Sounds like Gerard Henderson is stalking us wet lefty Fairfax readers. The ultimate literalist. Hold on, doesn't he write for Fairfax too??

You're very clever and yes, he works for both publications. The latter being a propaganda machine and a must read mindless political clap trap for lefties.

Dont Allan jones and Neil Mitchell also work for Fairfax as well given they own the radio shock jock stations? What are they, secret lefty propaganda machines?

Poor old sun king though. Owning the small papers in Melbourne ans Brisbane did nothing to stop the lastest lnp wipe outs. I wonder if there is a newspaper Viagra he can take...

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Cannot comment on your first statement, know nothing off it but if you can show when and how, with facts and not just an unproven statement, then maybe I could respond. The last thing Mr Abbott would do is squeal like a little piggy. If you think real men do this, what can I say?

The novated lease, funny about that, was brought abut through legislation of the Hawke government in 1986. It was killed off, don't think so, just added a few conditions, which have since been removed. If you wrote factually then you would know that the novated lease is still available. Those conditions were to require better record-keeping and for the reporting of the fringe benefits tax..

Never stood by when the mining tax was proposed and legislated by the former government. They did not have the numbers and had a hostile senate, most of whom were Labor and their coalition of the Greens backed by those two so called independents, Oakeshott and Windsor and a few other turncoats. It was costing more to collect then they were receiving so it was one of the first things the Libs got rid of.

We only have to major parties so it was to be one or the other. His and the Libs popularity was on the increase prior to the first knifing of Kevin Rudd but kept increasing after the lies and subsequent assassination of Gillard and then Rudd, who lost comprehensively and was again assassinated. If you really follow Aussie politics then I think you will be surprised as to what will happen in the next week. Let's see you comments after the turnaround.

Why is it that people like yourself do not use facts when posting? You seem to be following the line of the left leaning media in Australia, who never forgave him for showing how much of a liar and how incompetent Gillard was, day after day. They have attacked the man from day one and so viciously in their hatred of him.

He was educated at Oxford University, is a Rhodes Scholar, a volunteer fireman and lifesaver and has served his apprenticeship in the parliament under some of the best and has held his own against anyone put up against him. If that, combined with his charity work and many achievements while in government, is not a good CV for the man to hold the top position, then please tell me what is?

Rudd made changes to the novated lease regarding FBT. That was to save the government 1.8billion a year. Abbott immediately announced he would override those changes if elected. He did

Libs opposed the mining tax. A tax only on profits. Should have been on tonnage anyway. Natural resources are owned by all Australians, not just rich mining companies. A small tax on tonnage into a future fund could have Australia sitting pretty for 50 years. Australia needs that to alleviate all the middle class welfare Abbott wants to spread around. But Abbott & Co are puppets of big business interests, so they put their masters interests first.

Abbott was elected by default, as the 3rd preference. There was opposition to Turnbull and Hockey was playing too coy. Abbott was a protest vote against Turnbull, not a vote for the best leader. You mention some traits Abbott has, He is also a strong Catholic. I have issues with the leader of our country believing in the Easter bunny

Credit to Abbott. he managed for the longest long time to stay on media message by avoiding any spontaneous interviews or remarks and by repeating the mantra 'we will stop the boats' for one year. Great discipline

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