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Bangkok taxis demand second round of fare increase


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Just 10 minutes ago I took a taxi to my uni. About 1.5 kilometres, traffic not too bad.

Normally 39Baht. Today 53Baht.

I mentioned that the meter was running fast, driver got abusive. Just after I got in he's talking to a friend on his phone, when I mentioned about the meter he abused me for interrupting his call.

This cab has the sticker to say it's passed inspection which is simply not possible, exhaust super loud, shockers completely failed, and the inside of the car is quite dirty.

He has stickers etc. for grab taxi - I called their number many times nobody answers.

I called 1111, eventually got someone speaking English 'sorry all staff gone to breakfast', then he hung up.

Later update: I eventually got the taxi service on the phone. The man checked and said they have no record whatever of the cab number etc etc.

He also shared that there is now another problem, drivers stealing stickers for such services and putting them on their cars then telling passengers (who have hailed the taxi in the street) that they have to pay an additional fee on top of the meter and pointing at the sticker for a taxi service.

The guy from the taxi service was quite polite, spoke good English and is a good listener. He also mentioned that in the last few weeks overall taxi complaints have gone up enormously and he wonders if there is someone / something behind this.

Edited by scorecard
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Next. They will demand a raise for their tires need replacing. Because the roads are so bad.

actually many of them need new tires, have a look at some of the non existent tread on some taxis.Wouldnt want to be in one with bald tires on a wet day on airport expressway. Edited by kingalfred
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The new trick over here in Thon Buri is to put the meter on before you pick someone up.

Example - Driving down a stretch and in the distance they see many people looking for cab, so they put meter on before pick up.

Example - When a doorman calls on the radio for a taxi, they turn it on when they arrive the the condo site.

So what I do is ask them to restart the meter ... if they refuse ...I pay the EXACT meter when I get to where I am going. Not the normal 51 oh never mind here is 60 don't worry about it. NO. Here is 51 baht, or ... even worse for them .. here is 60 ... give me 9 baht. "I don't have 9 baht." OK, no worries, I will walk to the 7 - 11 and get change, you wait here. OH!I found 9 baht!

Why do I bother? It is to nip bad behavior in the bud so we do not becomne the next Pattaya and Phuket, where the taxi drivers and their "friends" rule the roost and make all the rules ... until what was once a 90 baht fare .. is now 500.

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Karlos, I know where you are coming from the fares are not huge but it cannot be looked at that way.

There are many things cheaper in Thailand compared to Aus, but this does not set a precedence of what people should be charged.

What about poor Somchai who has to catch taxi's every day to work (not on the bus route) its okay for a Farang to pay the increased fares, but what about the average Thai who uses taxi's on a daily basis.

As I originally said the fares are not extreme but to increase fares twice in as many months is EXTREME.

All you farang keyboard warriors. why dont you put yourself on the taxi drivers shoes for a month then you can tell us first hand how easy it is for the life of a thai taxi driver... In aus, its $4.50 flagfall then to travel 3 kilometers i payed in total of $11.50 and thats with little traffic, that equates to 310 baht .. In thailand to travel the same distance it might only cost you 70 or so baht .. Thats 2 plus dollars aussie . And you's are complaining about taxi drivers asking a mere increase.. Get out of here

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If the cabbies complain of lower income because of higher price of gas, then just stop using it and switch to gasoline........ The price has been going down for the last 12 months, so they should actually reduce their fares or put a cork in it.

Got to remember most of these taxi drivers cannot work out which is best to use as alot come from numb skull 3rd world village , and i do not believe they are on 100 - 120 bt a day earnings as they frequently try to scam me , try getting a taxi to use his meter at the end of soi 23 soi cowboy at 2am lots of taxis waiting there for the drunk farlang to emerge from the go go bar with his latest hottie girl , they will set off and not say the meter is not on and when you reach your destination they will charge whatever they want usually 100 - 300 baht over the usual cost, and then when you give them 500 baht note they will say they have no change and expect you to get out rather than walk about drunk trying to get change at 2.30am , i got a taxi on saturday night at the end of soi 23 i automatically thought taxis are supposed to have their meter on so did not ask him to turn the meter on and i had a few drinks but not drunk , when i got to the destination which was only soi 93 sukhumvit about a 65 - 75 baht ride unknown to me he had a secret red button he pushed to add 100 baht to the meter as the fare was 175 baht well overcharged i said your joking i regularly get a taxi from soi 23 sukhumvit and its only 75 baht, so i gave him 100 baht note and asked for 20 baht change as i just wanted to get home, he shrugged his shoulders and gave me 5 baht change making it a 95 baht ride , the taxi driver knew he was conning me as when i gave hime 100 baht note and the fake meter said 175 baht he never questioned it as he knew it was a con and still had the cheek to offer 5 baht change, i slammed the taxi door and told him to watch out or i would get the police , he smiled and drove off, it always amazes me that there is NOT 1 policeman about at the end of soi 23 soi cowboy as the taxi drivers waiting on the sukhumvit road at the end of soi 23 regularly are conning tourists and farlangs

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just 10 minutes ago I took a taxi to my uni. About 1.5 kilometres, traffic not too bad.

Normally 39Baht. Today 53Baht.

I mentioned that the meter was running fast, driver got abusive. Just after I got in he's talking to a friend on his phone, when I mentioned about the meter he abused me for interrupting his call.

This cab has the sticker to say it's passed inspection which is simply not possible, exhaust super loud, shockers completely failed, and the inside of the car is quite dirty.

He has stickers etc. for grab taxi - I called their number many times nobody answers.

I called 1111, eventually got someone speaking English 'sorry all staff gone to breakfast', then he hung up.

Later update: I eventually got the taxi service on the phone. The man checked and said they have no record whatever of the cab number etc etc.

He also shared that there is now another problem, drivers stealing stickers for such services and putting them on their cars then telling passengers (who have hailed the taxi in the street) that they have to pay an additional fee on top of the meter and pointing at the sticker for a taxi service.

The guy from the taxi service was quite polite, spoke good English and is a good listener. He also mentioned that in the last few weeks overall taxi complaints have gone up enormously and he wonders if there is someone / something behind this.

do you have grab taxi app or not? Everytime i place a request there are at least 30 taxis responding. Then the ststem mentions "bidding" in less then one minute you get the license of the taxi which will pick you up, drivers name ETA etc. you can even follow on screen where he is and when he arrives. SovI have no clue what you are talking about..
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I am not quite sure what your complaint is, but an am positive your education was not in finance or economics, for you simply fail to grasp the fact that one must make apples to apples comparisons, and stick to the subject. The cost of Australian soup at Tesco is not the issue, so file that argument under "whatever." The relative value of the Australian dollar to the Thai Baht is not up for debate.

What is veing discussed is taxi fares being raised, and many are objecting to the PROCESS employed to do so. It is a mirror of the organized crime - taxi mafia style of Phuket and Pattaya, and we do not want it in BKK.

You challenged us to "go drive a taxi" ... well sir,. "back in the day" I did drive taxi, so let me ask you, since you insist on comparing Australian taxi fares to Thailand ... I know little about Oz, I am American. So, let's just move this comparison, since it matters little to your thesis.

How much does it cost per shift to rent a taxi in Boston? How much does it cost to rent a taxi per shift in BKK? I am willing to bet it cost quite a lot more in Boston. Care to wager on that? How about 9,000 Baht per shift ($300) ... do you think it costs 9,000 THB to rent a taxi for one shift in BKK? Really?

Why would it cost more? Could it be the required insurance, the manner in which Boston taxis must maintained, the taxes they must report and pay, the price of fuel, tires etc ??? and most important which is lost on you ... the overall cost of living for every god damn thing (except a Saturday night bump) ... is a LOT MORE.

So please .. stop comparing where people come from, and stick to the thesis ... BKK taxis want to increase rates in a meaningful way, and if we cave into the demand and the method of delivery, we can just bend over ... there is more where that came from.

And yes, the other writers are correct, most of us care not one rats arse if they rate goes up a few pennies. But you know who does, the millions of Thai people working for 10,000 baht in officers and stores who rely on them to get to work from far away. NEWS FLASH - Lots of Thai people commute almost 2 hours each way to get to work, and when taxi fares go up, it hurts ... and when taxi fares go up, tuk tuk fares go up, motorbike fares go up.

It is the average Thai who this screws, not me dear friend, for honestly, an extra 5 or 10 baht ... really ?? ... I care ?? ... you are kidding, yes? I am sitting here sipping a cup of TWG Tea, and eating imported cheese and crackers. This snack cost about 300 baht ... get a clue ... it is Thai people getting shafted here, so if you love Thailand and Thai people, leave the handful of Foreigners out of it ... we really do not worry about pennies.

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I thought the last increase before the 8% was more than 8 years ago? So the last increase if that is right averaged 1% per year all increased in the last year? Seems like a lot of hostility from many people here that probably make much more than the taxi drivers.

Although I agree with your assumption that most people on Thai Visa have a higher income than taxi drivers, I do not think that's the point of what people are saying.

People are irritated by the way in which many taxi drivers, who clearly have no idea where places are, or how to operate the meter, try to make out that they are a 'profession more sinned against than sinning'.

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No one begrudges paying a little bit more for a quality service nice new taxis and spotlessly clean and a smart dressed driver who is courteous and polite to the passengers and no detours half way around Bangkok just to take you a few blocks down the road.

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One more case for multiple taxi pricing.

One price for spanking new taxis with that new car smell, seatbelts that work and brakes that don't shake-rattle-and-roll.

A lower price for older taxis past their "sell by" dates.

Another price for big, SUV style taxis.

Choose your ride by the color of the sticker in the windshield... Seems simple enough, and has something for everyone. (Except cheap Charlies and those who just like to gripe)

Works in China, works in Korea, and even works in BKK where you can pay out the wazoo for an AOT "taxi".

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''He said although the fare has been raised by 8 percent the last time, but earning by taxi drivers stayed at 100-120 on average daily while the price of NGV has increased twice, to about 1.50 baht higher.

This prompted taxi drivers to pay around 100-110 baht more per day for NGV gas.''

So he's saying that taxis use about 80 kilos of gas per day (roughly 600 - 700 kms range in city traffic conditions). I seriously doubt there's enough time in a day to travel 600 k's in Bangkok.

My thoughts exactly, and I hate people who demand, asking is better than demanding, and they already rouse the price once at the 1 baht increase, so they are asking for the 50 satang money increase, which would be double the miles and kilo's of gas that you have stated

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I thought the last increase before the 8% was more than 8 years ago? So the last increase if that is right averaged 1% per year all increased in the last year? Seems like a lot of hostility from many people here that probably make much more than the taxi drivers.

Although I agree with your assumption that most people on Thai Visa have a higher income than taxi drivers, I do not think that's the point of what people are saying.

People are irritated by the way in which many taxi drivers, who clearly have no idea where places are, or how to operate the meter, try to make out that they are a 'profession more sinned against than sinning'.

And pay out a lot more than the taxi drivers

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Sorry just edited the post as this will apply to airport taxi's more than down town and surrounding areas, joe public I imagine will start using public transport where possible.

Nemesis7 I don't think they will as most people visiting via the airport are tourists who are on vacation for a couple of weeks.

A fare of 500/700THB into Bangkok will not put many off (they are on holiday and travelling with a couple of suitcases. Also take into consideration that many travel as a family.

As much as it irritates me I will continue to use the taxi's at the airport due to travelling as a family with luggage.

Here we go again, these cabbies will not take NO for an answer...

They will increase the fare.

Until they realize people will start using public transport or mass transport very soon if the fare is hiked.

Edited by ChangMaiSausage
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Just had my mate stay with me from the uk (taxi driver) his thoughts were , what a waste of money "blinging" out a taxi with wheels that costs a fortune, F1 type rear spoilers, body kits, yeah i said , "poor taxi drivers" once your in the dam thing who cares what it looks like, its there to do a job,

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All you farang keyboard warriors. why dont you put yourself on the taxi drivers shoes for a month then you can tell us first hand how easy it is for the life of a thai taxi driver... In aus, its $4.50 flagfall then to travel 3 kilometers i payed in total of $11.50 and thats with little traffic, that equates to 310 baht .. In thailand to travel the same distance it might only cost you 70 or so baht .. Thats 2 plus dollars aussie . And you's are complaining about taxi drivers asking a mere increase.. Get out of here

And the last time a cabbie refused to take you to your destination in Aus was? The last time a cab driver refused to put the meter on in Aus was?

I´ts not about the amount as such the government sets that so that Thai´s can afford it, it´s the blatant rip offs.

Wheter right or wrong the minimum wage here is 300 Baht a day (I think), would anyone in Aus work for that or be able to survive on that. I have no problem with a fair days pay FOR A FAIR DAYS WORK. But the reality here is if you try to get something done properly it will cost you more in actual fact, try it...

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