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Ukraine troops fight to avoid being surrounded by rebels


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The Russian ..... and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

It calls the truth. The US and other Western control almost 99% of world mass-media. We can win if we will show only THE TRUTH

You must be kidding... The sheer volume of pure lies and fabricated stories shown in Russian television about Ukraine is just amazing. There are countless examples where it has been proven that the Russian television has been supplementing some stories with war videos from different parts of the world attributing these to happenings in Ukraine, or the people that are being interviewed with the same actors playing the part of Ukrainian soldiers, then rebels and then again some innocent civilians in different stories etc. etc.

I don't suppose you could post a link to these claims of Russian TV using actors that strangely swap sides?... That would be interesting to see.

I can show you that the US have instigated the Ukraine crisis from the start, and intend to have a war with Russia.

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What exactly is "dangerous"? Did I say we should attack Russia because they are weak? No, I simply pointed to facts about Russia's military.

You are dangerous because of your jaded attitude about Russia being completely ineffective, I would certainly challenge that myth, on top of declaring US superiority over everything non-US. You pay absolutely no regard to the fact that Russia could pull together a lethal coalition and it certainly would if it was to go toe to toe with the US.

It is these attitudes that lure people to their deaths,....... Never underestimate your enemy, they are fighting for their lives, their country and their families.

"You pay absolutely no regard to the fact that Russia could pull together a lethal coalition and it certainly would if it was to go toe to toe with the US."

What nations are you assuming will join this imaginary Russian coalition?

All those who hate the USA for its bullying around the world and its arrogance....... that is pretty much everyone.

It is a country with a false economy, a massive national debt, and is effectively broke.

The only thing holding it together is printing money out of thin air and relying on it as being the global reserve currency. Which is what China, Russia, India and about 133 other countries in the world have signed a pact to remove the USA and the USD from the equation.... That is why the US is being aggressive to Russia, and trying to bankrupt it, but it will not work... Russia has been massing gold as well as China, and when they have enough, they will dump all their USD along with many other countries and collapse the US economy and the currency.... That is the end of the USA.

This was kept away from the lot of you by the US government who banned it from being reported in the mainstream media...... as they do.

133 G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order

By Mark Wachtler

June 17, 2014. Bolivia. (ONN) The American and European media are doing everything they can to black this news out. But it’s not going to stay a secret for long. As of this weekend, there’s a new New World Order on Earth and its enemy is the United States, the EU, the UN Security Council and the world’s shadow government led by the IMF and WTO. This new alliance of poor countries wouldn’t be much of a threat, except it includes two-thirds of the world’s nations including China and India.

Read More Here. http://www.whiteoutpress.com/articles/2014/q2/133-g77-nations-vow-destroy-americas-new-world-order/

The G-77 which now has 133 members is UN sponsored since 1964 which is why UN SecGen Ban Ki Moon spoke before it at the Bolivia conference last year.

The statement in the oddball media that is quoted in the post is equally oddball, "As of this weekend, there's a new New World Order on Earth..." is fantasy and wild imaginings.

The G-77 is as revolutionary as oatmeal.

The post also rehashes the goldbug lunacy of Russia and China dumping all their USD "along with many other countries and collapse the US economy and the currency....That is the end of the USA," which is more of the same old Mad Max fantasizing that ignores the current catastrophe occurring in Russia and the fact the CCP Boyz in Beijing want good relations with the United States first and foremost, in contrast to Putin who is presently getting the karma he has created over Ukraine.

The crazies are running up and down the hills again with their revolutions and gold while continuing to howl at the moon.

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"You pay absolutely no regard to the fact that Russia could pull together a lethal coalition and it certainly would if it was to go toe to toe with the US."

What nations are you assuming will join this imaginary Russian coalition?

All those who hate the USA for its bullying around the world and its arrogance....... that is pretty much everyone.

It is a country with a false economy, a massive national debt, and is effectively broke.

The only thing holding it together is printing money out of thin air and relying on it as being the global reserve currency. Which is what China, Russia, India and about 133 other countries in the world have signed a pact to remove the USA and the USD from the equation.... That is why the US is being aggressive to Russia, and trying to bankrupt it, but it will not work... Russia has been massing gold as well as China, and when they have enough, they will dump all their USD along with many other countries and collapse the US economy and the currency.... That is the end of the USA.

This was kept away from the lot of you by the US government who banned it from being reported in the mainstream media...... as they do.

133 G77 Nations vow to destroy America’s New World Order

By Mark Wachtler

June 17, 2014. Bolivia. (ONN) The American and European media are doing everything they can to black this news out. But it’s not going to stay a secret for long. As of this weekend, there’s a new New World Order on Earth and its enemy is the United States, the EU, the UN Security Council and the world’s shadow government led by the IMF and WTO. This new alliance of poor countries wouldn’t be much of a threat, except it includes two-thirds of the world’s nations including China and India.

Read More Here. http://www.whiteoutpress.com/articles/2014/q2/133-g77-nations-vow-destroy-americas-new-world-order/

The G-77 which now has 133 members is UN sponsored since 1964 which is why UN SecGen Ban Ki Moon spoke before it at the Bolivia conference last year.

The statement in the oddball media that is quoted in the post is equally oddball, "As of this weekend, there's a new New World Order on Earth..." is fantasy and wild imaginings.

The G-77 is as revolutionary as oatmeal.

The post also rehashes the goldbug lunacy of Russia and China dumping all their USD "along with many other countries and collapse the US economy and the currency....That is the end of the USA," which is more of the same old Mad Max fantasizing that ignores the current catastrophe occurring in Russia and the fact the CCP Boyz in Beijing want good relations with the United States first and foremost, in contrast to Putin who is presently getting the karma he has created over Ukraine.

The crazies are running up and down the hills again with their revolutions and gold while continuing to howl at the moon.

Lol..... I love it when people like you live with their heads in the sand and only see what they want to see.

The effect is much better when they finally realise that the chickens really HAVE com home to roost.

It is fun to watch them squirm....... "but... but... but".... Just makes it all the sweeter.

None so blind as those who refuse to see.

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Hark back to 2003 and ask yourselves how long it took for the US military to destroy the 4th largest army in the world (at that time). The US entered Iraq on 20 March 2003 and entered Baghdad on 10 April 2003.

Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

People like you are a danger to the American people.

I will enjoy watching you eat those words when the US can not raise a coalition and Russia will have China, India, Most of the Middle East, N Korea and South America.

Then the US will back away........ they would be annihilated.

US dominance is at an end mate.

Lol, India and China are not going to side with a failing economy against a country that fuels their economy and finance system.

That said, US does not war with Russia and it will never happen. Russia will go isolationist and struggle hard for the next 2 years. China has to weather their own storm and they will need economies such as the US and Europe to fuel their eroding GDP.

You are correct, US does not want to go to war with Russia, US wants everyone else to go to war with Russia so US can sell weapons to them., How else to pay off trillions of dollars in debtcoffee1.gif

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Publicus and the usual patriotic drivel, as if everything US does is in the interest of the world and not for the interest of US


The statement is a terrible misjudgment.

What, yet another chessmaster? cheesy.gif

You demonstrate you do not know anything about Americans or the United States or who we are or what motivates us...much less the why of it.

The post is brain drivel.

Know nothing garbage.

Every nation state looks out for Number One, which is why China is not sponsoring invasions of neighboring countries. China looks out for Number One because it knows the United States looks out for Number One.

Putin hasn't the slightest clue of what it means to look out for Number One. Neither did the czars have any clue same as the CCCP had no clue about looking after Number One. Being fukckups seems to run in the blood over there...on an epic scale besides.

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Publicus and the usual patriotic drivel, as if everything US does is in the interest of the world and not for the interest of US


The statement is a terrible misjudgment.

What, yet another chessmaster? cheesy.gif

You demonstrate you do not know anything about Americans or the United States or who we are or what motivates us...much less the why of it.

The post is brain drivel.

Know nothing garbage.

Every nation state looks out for Number One, which is why China is not sponsoring invasions of neighboring countries. China looks out for Number One because it knows the United States looks out for Number One.

Putin hasn't the slightest clue of what it means to look out for Number One. Neither did the czars have any clue same as the CCCP had no clue about looking after Number One. Being fukckups seems to run in the blood over there...on an epic scale besides.

Blah Blah Blah, Putin knows nothing this is why US is tipping toeing so is the rest of the EU.

Really your patriotism is beyond irrational, just boring each and every time.

Do some light reading outside of US patriotic pages, China is in dispute with a number of neighboring states and US bombs countries not even on the same continent

In case you missed few headlines, US invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria by proxy, EU being held hostage through financial channels, Vietnam, not to mention countries where US dictates terms of its existence.

But do not let facts get in the way of patriotic waffle, carry on.thumbsup.gif

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Publicus and the usual patriotic drivel, as if everything US does is in the interest of the world and not for the interest of US


The statement is a terrible misjudgment.

What, yet another chessmaster? cheesy.gif

You demonstrate you do not know anything about Americans or the United States or who we are or what motivates us...much less the why of it.

The post is brain drivel.

Know nothing garbage.

Every nation state looks out for Number One, which is why China is not sponsoring invasions of neighboring countries. China looks out for Number One because it knows the United States looks out for Number One.

Putin hasn't the slightest clue of what it means to look out for Number One. Neither did the czars have any clue same as the CCCP had no clue about looking after Number One. Being fukckups seems to run in the blood over there...on an epic scale besides.

Blah Blah Blah, Putin knows nothing this is why US is tipping toeing so is the rest of the EU.

Really your patriotism is beyond irrational, just boring each and every time.

Do some light reading outside of US patriotic pages, China is in dispute with a number of neighboring states and US bombs countries not even on the same continent

In case you missed few headlines, US invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria by proxy, EU being held hostage through financial channels, Vietnam, not to mention countries where US dictates terms of its existence.

But do not let facts get in the way of patriotic waffle, carry on.thumbsup.gif

The czars were a disaster.

The USSR was a disaster.

Putin is a disaster.

All of Russian history is an unmitigated disaster.

Putin is going to have his way until he can't have his way any longer. Putin's problem is that he never played chess against anyone he couldn't put in jail. That is because Putin cannot lose.

Russians themselves need to say exactly and precisely what that means in this.

Putin absolutely needs the land corridor on which Mariupol is situated to connect Russia and Crimea overland. Without Russia taking control of that land corridor, everything Putin has done would fall short of completion.

Nato has made it clear to Putin he can't have it.

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Russia has been enjoying over 25 years of high oil prices, and has been massing USD and gold.... It is funny how the Yanks still have their heads stuck in 1940. They forget that it was the Russians who beat Germany in WW2......... Not the USA.

They seem to think a few months or even years of sanctions will destroy Russia when they went many centuries pre-oil era and went through communism with next to nothing and still managed to build up a formidable military and soviet union.

It is the US that is broke, they should have been bankrupt 10 years ago. It is only the reserve currency that is keeping them afloat. That will end this year. The USD is doomed and thus, so is the US..... Trying to wipe out Russia is not going to save them..

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This one is the energizer bunny that no matter what keeps reciting and reciting.


Dogmatically charging on with the same-same as the previous posters and just no matter what anyone and others post in reply.

Pronouncing the same old fantasies and delusions.

No matter what.

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It amazes me how many people seem to be almost hoping for a USA collapse. It ain't going to happen, but...

Imagine that it did happen and China was the next superpower. Imagine the world living under that.

It won't be the EU, which is on its lips and even in danger of breaking up. It won't ever be England again because it is tiny now. It won't be Russia which is weak. Australia doesn't get a mention in the equation.

It would be China and that wouldn't be pretty.

The USA has brought the world technology including our computers and the internet. It has brought mass production and cheaper goods for the masses, even if those goods are manufactured overseas.

All who prefer China, please just move there and see for yourselves.

I don't have to imagine a world under China because it won't happen with a communist country - a system which has always failed. I just can't understand Westerners who hope for it.

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Don't get lost at the source of this video. It is a U-tube with the Ukraine's top general admitting that there are no Russian units operating in Ukraine. It is a foreign video which I cannot post on TV but it does have the Google translation along with the video into English. Not somebodys' editorial opinion. It is not likely that this video with translation will make it to any of the western media sites.

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Actually, I believe it was the 4th largest standing army in the world before the first Gulf War in 1991. What was it...40 days of bombing and a 100-hour ground war? All that to defeat a massive army with pretty much the same weapons as Russia is pouring into Ukraine now?

The Russian military today is the same as the Iraqi one 24 years ago with a few differences - nuclear missiles, nuclear subs, a few hundred top notch special forces soldiers and the best disinformation/propaganda unit the world has ever seen.

People like you are a danger to the American people.

I will enjoy watching you eat those words when the US can not raise a coalition and Russia will have China, India, Most of the Middle East, N Korea and South America.

Then the US will back away........ they would be annihilated.

US dominance is at an end mate.

Lol, India and China are not going to side with a failing economy against a country that fuels their economy and finance system.

That said, US does not war with Russia and it will never happen. Russia will go isolationist and struggle hard for the next 2 years. China has to weather their own storm and they will need economies such as the US and Europe to fuel their eroding GDP.

You are correct, US does not want to go to war with Russia, US wants everyone else to go to war with Russia so US can sell weapons to them., How else to pay off trillions of dollars in debtcoffee1.gif

??? May make Boeing, Lockheed, Texteon, Honeywell et al., but does very little to decrease the US budget. US loses billions by sending aide and money over seas for this crap. US does not want this bs as it is breaking us, but cool if you want to keep telling yourself otherwise.

Edited by F430murci
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Don't get lost at the source of this video. It is a U-tube with the Ukraine's top general admitting that there are no Russian units operating in Ukraine. It is a foreign video which I cannot post on TV but it does have the Google translation along with the video into English. Not somebodys' editorial opinion. It is not likely that this video with translation will make it to any of the western media sites.

Lol, you keep trying to post that same video.

News flash! If its only in Global Research, Zero Hedge and Alex Jones, it has probably been debunked.

Oh, and anyone can post a video of anything on YouTube, so that does not make anything credible. Lol, there are quit a few Bigfoot videos on Yourube also.

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Russians and their heavy artilliaey are e ER present in the Ukraine.


The general said the pro-Russia separatists were heavily armed and supported by Russian T-72 and T-80 tanks, along with sophisticated Russian artillery systems. He also said that hundreds of Russian soldiers were fighting alongside the separatists.

We fully understand that today we are mostly fighting against Russian regular troops and their quite professional artillery and tank crews, Rozmaznin said. We know that they are maneuvering to entrap our forces, but we are prepared for it and they are already feeling our powerful response and retreating, sustaining heavy casualties.

A T-72 tank crew was captured Saturday and was being interrogated, Poltorak said.


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Putin absolutely needs the land corridor on which Mariupol is situated to connect Russia and Crimea overland. Without Russia taking control of that land corridor, everything Putin has done would fall short of completion.

Nato has made it clear to Putin he can't have it.

Having control over the land bridge to Crimea would come in handy but this can be achieved without the separatists annexing further territory. It will be part of the deal when the parties come to the table again. If not Ukraine will not get any oil and gas -simple as that. In the meantime work has already started on a bridge from the Russian side at Kerch.

A Russian contract for building a bridge to Crimea has gone to a company majority-owned by a friend of Vladimir Putin who is under Western sanctions.

The $3bn (£2bn) contract was awarded to the SGM Group, owned by Arkady Rotenberg, a childhood friend and judo partner of the Russian president.

The bridge will join Russia directly to the peninsula it annexed from Ukraine in March after a disputed referendum.

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Russians and their heavy artilliaey are e ER present in the Ukraine.


The general said the pro-Russia separatists were heavily armed and supported by Russian T-72 and T-80 tanks, along with sophisticated Russian artillery systems. He also said that hundreds of Russian soldiers were fighting alongside the separatists.

We fully understand that today we are mostly fighting against Russian regular troops and their quite professional artillery and tank crews, Rozmaznin said. We know that they are maneuvering to entrap our forces, but we are prepared for it and they are already feeling our powerful response and retreating, sustaining heavy casualties.

A T-72 tank crew was captured Saturday and was being interrogated, Poltorak said.


Some pictures would be nice as well. Please send us a link to the interrogation report when it becomes available....

Oh and about the tanks: do your homework first.

The factories that made the powerful diesel engines for the T-80UD is also Ukrainian so they can upgrade their T-80Us and other vehicles with gas turbine engines with a more fuel efficient and only slightly less powerful diesel engine.

Most of the upgrades the Ukrainians have applied to their T-72s was to make them more compatible with T-80 parts while the Russians have naturally done the opposite with their T-80s (they have integrated T-72 parts to improve standardisation with their existing fleet).

Edited by asiamaster
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Publicus and the usual patriotic drivel, as if everything US does is in the interest of the world and not for the interest of US


The statement is a terrible misjudgment.

What, yet another chessmaster? cheesy.gif

You demonstrate you do not know anything about Americans or the United States or who we are or what motivates us...much less the why of it.

The post is brain drivel.

Know nothing garbage.

Every nation state looks out for Number One, which is why China is not sponsoring invasions of neighboring countries. China looks out for Number One because it knows the United States looks out for Number One.

Putin hasn't the slightest clue of what it means to look out for Number One. Neither did the czars have any clue same as the CCCP had no clue about looking after Number One. Being fukckups seems to run in the blood over there...on an epic scale besides.

Blah Blah Blah, Putin knows nothing this is why US is tipping toeing so is the rest of the EU.

Really your patriotism is beyond irrational, just boring each and every time.

Do some light reading outside of US patriotic pages, China is in dispute with a number of neighboring states and US bombs countries not even on the same continent

In case you missed few headlines, US invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria by proxy, EU being held hostage through financial channels, Vietnam, not to mention countries where US dictates terms of its existence.

But do not let facts get in the way of patriotic waffle, carry on.thumbsup.gif

The czars were a disaster.

The USSR was a disaster.

Putin is a disaster.

All of Russian history is an unmitigated disaster.

Putin is going to have his way until he can't have his way any longer. Putin's problem is that he never played chess against anyone he couldn't put in jail. That is because Putin cannot lose.

Russians themselves need to say exactly and precisely what that means in this.

Putin absolutely needs the land corridor on which Mariupol is situated to connect Russia and Crimea overland. Without Russia taking control of that land corridor, everything Putin has done would fall short of completion.

Nato has made it clear to Putin he can't have it.

Usa usa usa ;)

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??? May make Boeing, Lockheed, Texteon, Honeywell et al., but does very little to decrease the US budget. US loses billions by sending aide and money over seas for this crap. US does not want this bs as it is breaking us, but cool if you want to keep telling yourself otherwise.

And then sells 10 times the amount.

Of course US does not, this is why US supports anti government protests and illegal overthrows where it suits US ;)

Syria, Ukraine, Lybia, Iraq , afghan , all come to mind, just to name the few

Edited by konying
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Russians and their heavy artilliaey are e ER present in the Ukraine.


The general said the pro-Russia separatists were heavily armed and supported by Russian T-72 and T-80 tanks, along with sophisticated Russian artillery systems. He also said that hundreds of Russian soldiers were fighting alongside the separatists.

We fully understand that today we are mostly fighting against Russian regular troops and their quite professional artillery and tank crews, Rozmaznin said. We know that they are maneuvering to entrap our forces, but we are prepared for it and they are already feeling our powerful response and retreating, sustaining heavy casualties.

A T-72 tank crew was captured Saturday and was being interrogated, Poltorak said.


Some pictures would be nice as well. Please send us a link to the interrogation report when it becomes available....

Oh and about the tanks: do your homework first.

The factories that made the powerful diesel engines for the T-80UD is also Ukrainian so they can upgrade their T-80Us and other vehicles with gas turbine engines with a more fuel efficient and only slightly less powerful diesel engine.

Most of the upgrades the Ukrainians have applied to their T-72s was to make them more compatible with T-80 parts while the Russians have naturally done the opposite with their T-80s (they have integrated T-72 parts to improve standardisation with their existing fleet).

Said artilliaey, not tanks . . . Sure, Ukraine has 80 and 84s, but where did the rebels get theirs. Local street markets? Mercedes dealership? Grocery store?

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Russians and their heavy artilliaey are e ER present in the Ukraine.


The general said the pro-Russia separatists were heavily armed and supported by Russian T-72 and T-80 tanks, along with sophisticated Russian artillery systems. He also said that hundreds of Russian soldiers were fighting alongside the separatists.

We fully understand that today we are mostly fighting against Russian regular troops and their quite professional artillery and tank crews, Rozmaznin said. We know that they are maneuvering to entrap our forces, but we are prepared for it and they are already feeling our powerful response and retreating, sustaining heavy casualties.

A T-72 tank crew was captured Saturday and was being interrogated, Poltorak said.


Some pictures would be nice as well. Please send us a link to the interrogation report when it becomes available....

Oh and about the tanks: do your homework first.

The factories that made the powerful diesel engines for the T-80UD is also Ukrainian so they can upgrade their T-80Us and other vehicles with gas turbine engines with a more fuel efficient and only slightly less powerful diesel engine.

Most of the upgrades the Ukrainians have applied to their T-72s was to make them more compatible with T-80 parts while the Russians have naturally done the opposite with their T-80s (they have integrated T-72 parts to improve standardisation with their existing fleet).

Said artilliaey, not tanks . . . Sure, Ukraine has 80 and 84s, but where did the rebels get theirs. Local street markets? Mercedes dealership? Grocery store?

Clearly you missed it, 2012 Ukraine was 4 th largest arm dealer in the world , no shortage of weapons and dealers

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Lol, India and China are not going to side with a failing economy against a country that fuels their economy and finance system.

That said, US does not war with Russia and it will never happen. Russia will go isolationist and struggle hard for the next 2 years. China has to weather their own storm and they will need economies such as the US and Europe to fuel their eroding GDP.

You are correct, US does not want to go to war with Russia, US wants everyone else to go to war with Russia so US can sell weapons to them., How else to pay off trillions of dollars in debtcoffee1.gif

??? May make Boeing, Lockheed, Texteon, Honeywell et al., but does very little to decrease the US budget. US loses billions by sending aide and money over seas for this crap. US does not want this bs as it is breaking us, but cool if you want to keep telling yourself otherwise.
And then sells 10 times the amount.

Of course US does not, this is why US supports anti government protests and illegal overthrows where it suits US ;)

I am pretty sure foreign purchasers register with the State department and are granted a license to purchase directly from the manufacturer. For instance, Boeing sells its F15s and updates or modernizes their older F15s directly and money is paid directly to Saudi.

If US sold some used crap, I doubt there is a "10 times mark up" as the purchaser would surely be smart enough to buy a new and improved version cheaper.

Lol, are just making stuff up? Do you realize how much in arms is purchased from US? When you consider the profit margin, it really ain't much compared to $ 17 tr.

Where did you get 10% markup? Made that up too? US would price itself out if market if it did that.

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Good to see the russian propaganda army are still spouting their bull shit on here. :o:oAn army of.100000 is the aim for the sepratists. Good to see they

Are preparing for a peace ful future !!! But the.question is where are the extra troops gonna come from? Oh of coarse , more ' volunteers' ;):lol:

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Some pictures would be nice as well. Please send us a link to the interrogation report when it becomes available....

Oh and about the tanks: do your homework first.

The factories that made the powerful diesel engines for the T-80UD is also Ukrainian so they can upgrade their T-80Us and other vehicles with gas turbine engines with a more fuel efficient and only slightly less powerful diesel engine.

Most of the upgrades the Ukrainians have applied to their T-72s was to make them more compatible with T-80 parts while the Russians have naturally done the opposite with their T-80s (they have integrated T-72 parts to improve standardisation with their existing fleet).

Said artilliaey, not tanks . . . Sure, Ukraine has 80 and 84s, but where did the rebels get theirs. Local street markets? Mercedes dealership? Grocery store?
Clearly you missed it, 2012 Ukraine was 4 th largest arm dealer in the world , no shortage of weapons and dealers

So these Ukrainian arms dealers had and sold to the rebels T72s, T72B3s, BTR82s, GRADs, 2A65s with radar guidance, MRO-As, 9K135s and etc. Inky Russia had some of this stuff showing up now. Ukraine was just selling a bunch of low sophistication, easy to produce and repair stuff.

Edited by F430murci
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Some pictures would be nice as well. Please send us a link to the interrogation report when it becomes available....

Oh and about the tanks: do your homework first.

The factories that made the powerful diesel engines for the T-80UD is also Ukrainian so they can upgrade their T-80Us and other vehicles with gas turbine engines with a more fuel efficient and only slightly less powerful diesel engine.

Most of the upgrades the Ukrainians have applied to their T-72s was to make them more compatible with T-80 parts while the Russians have naturally done the opposite with their T-80s (they have integrated T-72 parts to improve standardisation with their existing fleet).

Said artilliaey, not tanks . . . Sure, Ukraine has 80 and 84s, but where did the rebels get theirs. Local street markets? Mercedes dealership? Grocery store?
Clearly you missed it, 2012 Ukraine was 4 th largest arm dealer in the world , no shortage of weapons and dealers
So these Ukrainian arms dealers had and sold to the rebels T72s, T72B3s, BTR82s, GRADs, 2A65s with radar guidance, MRO-As, 9K135s and etc. Inky Russia had some of this stuff showing up now. Ukraine was just selling a bunch of low sophistication, easy to produce and repair stuff.
Whatever made you think rebels were not the dealers to start with?

To be 4th largest would require to sell little more than low sophistication

PS. You have no idea what rebels have or use other than what US propaganda tells you, who make " facts" up as we go

Edited by konying
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