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Jordanian pilot burned alive by IS


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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

No knee jerk they deserved to be killed, it's just a shame they waited so long.

Bullet between the eye on capture is the way to go.

Would you sooner she spends time behind bar crocheting?

Too simplistic.

Whether these particular individuals already in captivity are alive or dead makes no odds. But in publicly killing them in response to the murder of the pilot simply fans the flames of IS recruitment and further escalation.

IS will not care that these individuals are now dead, in fact it plays into their hands once again. They do kill their own with total disregard in any case.

It's becoming worryingly obvious there is no strategy or global co-operation on strategy with regard to the IS threat.

If you had to put a plan forward, what would it be?

Not sure yet. Give me a couple of days to think on this. The basis is creating the conditions where IS implodes as well as military action, otherwise I just can't see an end to it.

If it's a Sunni/Shia thing . . . then forget it and concentrate on protecting your own civilizations and yes, that means an immigration policy fit for purpose.

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Ironically, I think ISIS will herald the end of Islamic extremism.


"Today we stand shoulder to shoulder with the family of the martyr hero Moaz, with our people and our armed forces in this tragedy," he added. "At these difficult times it is every Jordanian's duty to stand together in the face of crises and ordeals, which will only make us stronger." - King Abdullah of Jordan.

MJP, you are right... but you are wrong.

Kind words cost nothing but they are worth nothing as well.

Unfortunately it is the end of the Western civilization that is heralded not Islamic extremism.

There is no Islamic extremism as such. There is Islam. And it is on the move. And it is in our midst.

West cannot fight Islam in its midst. West cannot fight Islam's ruthlessness armed with its pissweak ideology. West cannot get rid of its ideology.

This will be its undoing. There is no inevitability in the West succumbing to Islam but it will. Because it is weak. I am truly sorry.

It's actually long been my fear that this is the case. However, I suspect ISIS will cause Islam to reconsider the way it values human life, the rights of women and children.

Other than that we always have nuclear weapons.

No, my friend. No nukes will help the West.

Paris, London, Berlin, New-York, Moscow, Jerusalem can not nuke Muslims in their midst.

This is the main point! Is it so difficult to understand?

Besides, where did you get the idea that Islam values human life?

As long as their faith is advanced - they do not care how many lives it will cost on both sides.

The West is doomed! You have just confirmed my point!

You are mentioning nukes, without hesitation - but the idea of simply sending them back is more abhorrent to you and your Leaders!

The West is doomed. It doomed itself by its own ideology. Have a quick and easy trip to Hell.

The nukes comment was tongue in cheek.

If you read my posts you'd understand that I'm not a PC apologist, but trying to understand a strategy to deal with the growing threat which is much more complex than just running bombing sorties.

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Hopefully this will instigate some Muslim on Muslim Hatred and end this Debacle...

unless I have got it completely wrong - Muslim on Muslim conflict is common place in the middle east - they fight amongst themselves and everyone else on the planet

Religion is evil and should be outlawed and wiped from the face of this planet - it has been the cause of more deaths in human history than anything else we know about

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Jordan executed bomber be@t(h who couldn't even blow herself up correctly and another prisoner.

Exactly. Like IS would care. They've just executed a woman IS had sent to blow herself up anyway. Now IS use that as a recru . . .

. . . and round and round we go.

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What possible difference has such knee jerk counter-reciprocity made?

Jordan executes convicted jihadists after pilot's death


All this does is justify the barbarous act in the minds of IS sympathizers, feeds the flames of recruitment.

Again! Where's the strategy? If there was a strategy to conquer IS and what it stands for there would not be such knee jerk reactions.

No knee jerk they deserved to be killed, it's just a shame they waited so long.

Bullet between the eye on capture is the way to go.

Would you sooner she spends time behind bar crocheting?

Too simplistic.

Whether these particular individuals already in captivity are alive or dead makes no odds. But in publicly killing them in response to the murder of the pilot simply fans the flames of IS recruitment and further escalation.

IS will not care that these individuals are now dead, in fact it plays into their hands once again. They do kill their own with total disregard in any case.

It's becoming worryingly obvious there is no strategy or global co-operation on strategy with regard to the IS threat.

"I'm so worried". You sound like Obama.

The world LOVED to HATE Bush.

Just can't bring our little pathetic liberal hearts to mouth one bad word about a liberal, black president that couldn't beat his way out of a wet paper bag though can we?

Nah, we'll just be "worried" and "Troubled", and wring our hands.

Obama is a wimp.


What would be cool is if King Abdullah got off his ass & did something on his own without waiting for some Holy Hand of Washington to say it's OK to do it.

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^^ I'm British and could give a toss about Obama or Bush.

It's all too easy for the old red neck response of kill everything that moves. Accuse someone who actually wants to think and discuss the problems of being a hand wringing liberal whilst the hang 'em high brigade go about their daily ignorance.

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Barbaric indeed. But Jordan seems to have a suitable response, they have said they will execute all ISIL prisoners at dawn today!

Hopefully the will do it the same way as their prisoner died!

Hopefully not. To reduce themselves to that level of barbarism does not help the cause. In fact, don't kill them. Lead by example and hopefully it will turn Muslims away from extremism.

Just bathe them in pigs blood, fitting non violent punishment.

Tie them hand and feet and toss them in a pig pen. What is it pig farmers say. Don't fall down in a pig pen?

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^^ I'm British and could give a toss about Obama or Bush.

It's all too easy for the old red neck response of kill everything that moves. Accuse someone who actually wants to think and discuss the problems of being a hand wringing liberal whilst the hang 'em high brigade go about their daily ignorance.

"Accuse someone who actually wants to think and discuss the problems of being a hand wringing liberal..."

Well, what else the hell would a "hand wringing liberal" do?

I have enough actual, total indignation about what happened that I want to see people die.

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^^ I'm British and could give a toss about Obama or Bush.

It's all too easy for the old red neck response of kill everything that moves. Accuse someone who actually wants to think and discuss the problems of being a hand wringing liberal whilst the hang 'em high brigade go about their daily ignorance.

"Accuse someone who actually wants to think and discuss the problems of being a hand wringing liberal..."

Well, what else the hell would a "hand wringing liberal" do?

I have enough actual, total indignation about what happened that I want to see people die.

Okay. Fine. Go and see people die.

Still doesn't solve the problem that IS is growing and that until it implodes and the ideology with it, this will just roll on and on as it is.

Sortie's alone aren't working. Someone's financing IS and their propaganda machine is as effective as Johnson & Johnson's marketing department. Dealing with that first would be a start.

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Note that not one muslim has raised his head above the parapet!

I tell you, they're all the same.....


Ship them all to the middle East

Who cares which country? Saudi? Iran? Pakistan? All the same.....


Late on Tuesday, supporters of the pilot expressed their anger at a rally in Amman


This is nationalist and not anti-Muslim. Muslims have been at war with Muslims for a long time. Yes, Jordanians are angry, but these people will go only against the ones who are their enemy. It really means little in the overall worldwide problem.

95% of Jordanians follow Sunni Islam. LINK

As I say, they're all the same....

To quote Constance Beasley from a letter recently published :- "raghead <deleted>"

Sorry, in these crazy politically correct times I should have use w**k**s (or onanists? t*ss**s? Or, in these je sues Charlie times maybe the word les chattes would be more appropriate. Perhaps our francophone readers could correct my grammar?

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There is no one strategy that will work. Like all wars, this is going to take a long time and there are going to battles lost on the way.

You are not just trying to defeat an ideology, you are trying to defeat religious edicts. Not quite the same as convincing some one to change political parties.

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Hopefully this will instigate some Muslim on Muslim Hatred and end this Debacle...

unless I have got it completely wrong - Muslim on Muslim conflict is common place in the middle east - they fight amongst themselves and everyone else on the planet

Religion is evil and should be outlawed and wiped from the face of this planet - it has been the cause of more deaths in human history than anything else we know about


Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" should be compulsory reading in all schools IMHO

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The problem the West is facing is no rocket science.

It is actually a simple exercise in applied logic.

1) Get rid of your PC Leaders. Some of them deserve to be jailed.

2) Implement Policy - "Islam is outlawed" - demolish all mosques, export all Muslims back to their origins. Never mind their passports - just annul them.

Do not think it will be easy to practically do. But you must do this. It is much more humane than shooting, killing or putting them in concentration camps.

3) Once this is done - PEACE will come automatically!

And if not - than you will use your bombs, even nukes, but it will not be necessary, take my word for it!

BUT, the actual problem the West is facing is its own <deleted> brains, - therefore you will never accomplish any of the above 1) - 3).tongue.png

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As if mouthing off on forum means anything.

I'll tell you right now you'll do nothing, you'll change nothing. You'll wallow in your ignorance and not solve a thing

Could be, but at least I'm paying taxes to a government that's bombing them right now. I'd rather be in that position than have a government that's criticizing my government for it.

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The members of this death cult live in an imaginary world straight out of the time of the Crusades. Even Saddam considered himself a reincarnation of Saladin. The behavior of these murderers is based on principles that are several hundred years old. An example would be that kidnappings, murders of innocent peoples, the taking of slaves, rape, are acceptable conflict strategies. The leaders of ISIS are quite insane, their horrific practices based on some twisted interpretation of the Shariah.

I have become increasingly concerned with the current fortitude of World Leaders. These ISIS monsters must be eradicated now, if this doesn't happen soon the situation will be a lot worse in just a few years. Look what happened when Hitler and his Brown Shirts were ignored in the early 30's. . How many parallels must be drawn between ISIS, it's followers, and the Nazis before countries develop the same will and conviction that eradicated the Nazis ? Get them now, ask questions later. Plus there is far too much propaganda coming out that ISIS is on the back foot. I saw too much of this misinformation in Vietnam.

These monsters have no soul, no humanity, no empathy and are completely devoid of those qualities that make the rest of us human.

"Fortitude of world leaders"? Total lack of surely?

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Hopefully this will instigate some Muslim on Muslim Hatred and end this Debacle...

unless I have got it completely wrong - Muslim on Muslim conflict is common place in the middle east - they fight amongst themselves and everyone else on the planet

Religion is evil and should be outlawed and wiped from the face of this planet - it has been the cause of more deaths in human history than anything else we know about


Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" should be compulsory reading in all schools IMHO

So you want to go the other extreme and have a totalitarian government that eliminates all thought it doesn't like?

Civilized countries already have laws against murder, kidnapping, rape, etc. Some just aren't enforcing them, and some are inviting these people in.

This isn't about religion. This is about crazed killers who think they are following a religion.

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Hopefully this will instigate some Muslim on Muslim Hatred and end this Debacle...

unless I have got it completely wrong - Muslim on Muslim conflict is common place in the middle east - they fight amongst themselves and everyone else on the planet

Religion is evil and should be outlawed and wiped from the face of this planet - it has been the cause of more deaths in human history than anything else we know about


Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion" should be compulsory reading in all schools IMHO

But if we do not control the hairy unwashed with superstitious fears then what do we do?

I kinda like my Baptist church.

The Pastor is a guy I will call a friend to the day I die.

Blaming religion is like blaming guns.

Religious or not a HUMAN pulled the trigger...not the gun nor the Bible nor the Koran.

While you guys are at it, banning religion, you should also make Pattaya go-go girls wear burkas.

I say to each his own.

I cuss, drink & chase women. I also enjoy going to church & reading the Bible.

It's my choice. You are welcome to go to Church or a Mosque or Synagogue or Temple or do whatever floats your boat.

I don't care, as it's up2u biggrin.png .

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It would really help if our leaders got a clue as to what they are dealing with. The Jordanians who keep their own religious nut cases at bay understand this, as do the Saudi Monarchs, but it's far too dangerous to their rule to spell out the truth, hence we are sold the 'perversion of Islam' meme.


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Religion is a product of mans fear about death, through the ages there have been all sorts of things worshipped from carved out trees - suns - planets - mountains - statues - the list is endless but the effect and purpose are the same - we don't die we go somewhere else.

The fact that man is instinctively tribal then leads to conflicts between groups of people - in it's most simplistic way it is express in our everyday lives - we naturally form into groups either through rival sports teams or as children playing team games like "cowboys and Indians"

The instinct is very strong in most people and if nurtured from infancy becomes extreme and troublesome.

Understanding this part of our built in destructive instinct is a path to defeating it or at least lessening it's impact on our lives, there are also those that exploit it.

A prime modern day example of our instincts on display is the TV program "Big Brother", on every season of this once popular show were a group of strangers are forced to live together under the camera - the first thing that happens is they establish two rival groups - this in fact is the deep seeded tribal instinct in full swing before our very eyes

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Oh dear......

I am very pro German. I lived there for several years. It is however a fact that a large majority supported the nationalist surge started by a chap who blamed all their ills on another group(s). This sort of thing can easily happened when in times of austerity. You saw it happening here and is happening in several European countries. Leaders can easily come to power by loading blame onto another group.

No, I just don't buy the muslim religion is fine argument. Stoning people to death? Revenge killings? Women's lack of right to education and equality generally? My lack of right to be an atheist in their countries? Why do we snuggle up to Saudi?

In my view, anyone has the right to believe what they want. Just don't shove it in my face.

You come to my country? Fine, but play by the rules and fit in. Same for all. You can eat what you want and dress how you want at home. However, the law is the same for all. Sharia is not a law it is religious throw back.

You probably don't believe in Norse gods, Greek gods or Roman gods. Good! I just believe in one god less!

However I enjoy Christmas and Easter eggs. It does not mean I believe in fairies at the bottom of the garden.......

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