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One of my close (Thai) girl friends has recently noticed that she has started to "thin out" a bit on top. She is only about 25 years old and is obviously pretty concerned, so she has asked me if I know anything that she can do to reverse it...

I have just "googled" it and came across a treatment called "Rogaine" does anyone know about this. eg. Can you buy it in Thailand? Does it work?

Since she has approached me about this, I have noticed that female balding is pretty comon here, has anyone else noticed this? Or is it just that I can usually see the tops of peoples heads in Asia!! :o



I can't say as I have noticed in the younger population but then, I am kinda short :o

One thing I have noticed about both the men and women is the seemingly uncontrollable urge to pluck out gray hairs. Could be this girl is going gray early and plucking them? If not, there could be a perfectly valid health related reason, best to see a dr.


I agree with skippy about the northern Thais and Chinese being affected more. A lot of older women turn to curling their hair to cover up the fact that its thin.

It seems that Asians go grey a lot fast then Europeans but a lot of European men bald earlier.

I agree with skippy about the northern Thais and Chinese being affected more. A lot of older women turn to curling their hair to cover up the fact that its thin.

It seems that Asians go grey a lot fast then Europeans but a lot of European men bald earlier.

My experience tells me the same.


Female pattern baldness

Female pattern baldness involves a typical pattern of loss of hair in women, caused by hormones, aging, and genetic predisposition
The typical pattern of female pattern baldness is different from that of male pattern baldness. The hair thins all over the head, but the frontal hairline is maintained. There may be a moderate loss of hair on the crown, but this rarely progresses to total or near baldness as it may in men.

Hair loss can occur in women for reasons other than female pattern baldness, including the following:

* Temporary shedding of hair (telogen effluvium)

* Breaking of hair (from such things as styling treatments and twisting or pulling of hair)

* Patchy areas of total hair loss (alopecia areata -- an immune disorder causing temporary hair loss)

* Medications

* Certain skin diseases


* Thinning of hair over the entire head

* Hair loss at the crown or hairline, mild to moderate

Signs and tests

Female pattern baldness is usually diagnosed based on the appearance and pattern of hair loss and by ruling out other causes of hair loss.

A skin biopsy or other procedures may be used to diagnose medical disorders that cause loss of hair.

As, I believe the op said his friend was only 25 I suggest she see a doctor before deciding it is female pattern balding.


Actually it is called: Regaine, you can buy it in (I think) 2% solution and a 5%.

And the friend (girl) showed me the result and indeed her hair started growing again on the places where she applied it.

But she told me that it need to be applied everyday for the rest of her life.

When she showed me her new hairgrow she was using it for 3 months.

So I guess it works.



Thanks guys :o

I'll see if I can find out how much that regaine stuff costs over here. As you can imagine, she is pretty upset by it, so your help is apreciated.


Actually it is called: Regaine, you can buy it in (I think) 2% solution and a 5%.

Actually, the OP is correct also. In the US, Rogaine is an FDA approved treatment for hair loss. A quick browse shows both Regaine and Rogaine are used for the same purpose. I'm not sure if they are different products made by different companies or the same product using different names. I didn't go so far as to check that.

In the US, Rogaine is an FDA approved treatment for hair loss. A quick browse shows both Regaine and Rogaine are used for the same purpose. I'm not sure if they are different products made by different companies or the same product using different names.
They are the same product; different brand names in different countries. Active ingredient: Minoxidil, original used orally to treat high blood pressure. Made by Pfizer.

Consult a doctor or pharmacist before using it, to check your blood pressure.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


In the US, Rogaine is an FDA approved treatment for hair loss. A quick browse shows both Regaine and Rogaine are used for the same purpose. I'm not sure if they are different products made by different companies or the same product using different names.
They are the same product; different brand names in different countries. Active ingredient: Minoxidil, original used orally to treat high blood pressure. Made by Pfizer.

Consult a doctor or pharmacist before using it, to check your blood pressure.



Thanks Maestro. For the benefit of those in Thailand, do you have any idea if it is called Regaine in Thailand?


I have seen it in Tesco Lotus at the pharmacy and it is called: Regaine.

In SG it cost something like 85 SGD a botlle which last for about a month

depending on size of the area to be treated.

Kind regards


  • 4 weeks later...

In Thailand they sell an aftermarket brand. Same stuff.

The generic term is Minoxidil. You can buy it in 2, 3 or 5%.

Walk into any chemist and ask for Minoxidil. Its way cheaper than the Regaine brand(which is,of course, only minoxidil branded and marketed at an exhorbitant price).

  • 1 month later...

Ive also used a product called Previa that works quite well. they have shampoo that is REALLY EFFECTIVE against hairloss. also comes with conditioner and the lot. plus they have serum that you can use as either very intensive or less intensive treatment. once u use the serum for a while, then continue to use the shampoo to prevent more hair loss should be enough.

problem is....not available in thailand, unless someone has seen them somewhere please let me know. its called PREVIA...grey plastic pakaging. ive bought them in malaysia and singapore :o


...overuse of hair treatments... What do they expect, going to hair salons 5 days per week getting all these chemical treatments? Of course the hair will fall off sooner or later.

Same with all the skin treatment, the wealthier thai women always look like they are 25 years older than they are, thank's to 'Clinique' etc.

One of my close (Thai) girl friends has recently noticed that she has started to "thin out" a bit on top. She is only about 25 years old and is obviously pretty concerned, so she has asked me if I know anything that she can do to reverse it...

I have just "googled" it and came across a treatment called "Rogaine" does anyone know about this. eg. Can you buy it in Thailand? Does it work?

Since she has approached me about this, I have noticed that female balding is pretty comon here, has anyone else noticed this? Or is it just that I can usually see the tops of peoples heads in Asia!! :o


An old wive's tale - told to me by my aunt, who swears by this - is to apply the juice of Kaffir Limes (luuk magrood, ลูกมะกรูด) to the scalp as a sort of pre-conditioner before washing your hair. Just pound one up in a mortar and pestle and apply - she leaves it in for an hour or so, then shampoos as normal.

Worth a try and I imagine dam n sight cheaper than Ro/Regaine.


Rogaine is only for the crown. Propecia is more effective, and is for the entire scalp.

Many women braid their hair tightly, and suffer traction alopecia. Literally, their hair is pulled out by the roots.


My son do use rogaine and it works as well to him. Should put to dry hair and do massage so it goes to skin. If i remember right it has to do 30 min before shower or washing hair.

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