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Thai alliance hinges on return to democracy: US diplomat


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I really hope you know the difference from US government issued statements, made in public, and those of private citizens made on a 'members only' forum that carries absolutely no diplomatic force. The US government has a history of butting in wherever/whenever they feel like it whether it be verbally or militarily. We on the forum just don't have that kind of clout or else Prayut would have joined the forum and would be telling you his opinion. Next you will be comparing apples to oranges. Sheesh!

Its a public access forum.. wink.png you just have to be registered to post that's why the Computer Crimes Law and defamation laws apply on here too .. pass me an apple will you? ;)

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Washington and Bangkok maintain a military alliance dating to the Cold War and the fight against communism in Southeast Asia, notably during the Vietnam War.

​Its now reported that the Chinese are to take part in the Cobra Gold war games held in Thailand. Strange how its now acceptable to invite communism,instead of fighting against it. Money talks!

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Typical US foreign policy. Schizophrenic. They've no problem with Egypt's Junta (who hates the US) or many others but love to drive their friends into their enemy's arms. Thailand does more trade with China and this short-sighted policy will cause Thailand to bond more closely with China to the detriment of both Thailand and the US. If the US State Dept. knew the first thing about Thais, they would know you don't get anywhere with ultimatums. Very disappointing.

Scholars rank US Secretary of State John Kerry dead last in terms of effectiveness.


And this is from a newspaper sympathetic to the Obama administration.

Right or wrong , Egypt Junta is keeping the Muslim Brotherhood and all that they are capable of, out of power, the same with many dictatorships the US supports. Thailand doesn't have scary terrorists that need a iron fist to keep them in line with a Junta, just a load of Farmers , Factory workers and housewives who want to vote for their own Government
So dictators and military junta's are fine as long as they are approved by the USA?

Here's an idea....the USA should stick their noses into their own mess at home, stop stooping around in Thailand and buddying to its political criminal element, shut their over opinionated traps and let the Junta have the time and space that they have indicated they need to implement reforms and return to elections.

Guess we have a Thai subversive in the midst.

The USA policy is that any overthrow of an democratically elected government ie coup is wrong. What happened in Thailand for the what 8,9,10,11,12 time? A coup. Thailand has a dismal track record of coups....it is what it is. Its a duck. Dont like it, fix the system....oh yeah like thats gonna ever happen.

I'm not an American basher or a subversive,

But, American (and British) foreign policy is a tad variable. Both condemn Thailand's coup, which removed a caretaker government openly in disarray and openly controlled by a non elected criminal fugitive. Both support Ukraine's coup which removed a democratically elected President, who happened to favor the Russian's over the West.

Egypt, the Middle East, Africa, South America all have experienced this American, British and other Western countries' variable attitude.

It's not about doing what's right anymore, after all who is the judge or right and wrong, it's about how any situation can be turned to an advantage to support their own agenda - and what must be "spun" to make it seem just.

The wonderful world of globalized politics where "friends" in power is paramount no matter what it takes to get them their and keep them their.

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After you learn how to operate a computer and what i said has relevance.. you just dont like it.

The US just supports whoever they think is beneficial and they don't care one bit about legitimacy.

Support of Suriname. Support of Egypt.. I think we can go on with some dictators helped into power by the US.

Them enforcing a party only means they will get more benefits from it then they could get from the rival party. Its based on business and pragmatism.. not on right and wrong.

You are not being honest. The US support of Suriname was so strong that it did not hesitate in arresting the son of its President and charging him with supporting a foreign terrorist organization. That was a real show of support for the President wasn't it?

The US is not "supporting" Egypt but is working with what's there. What would you like the USA to have done? Invaded Egypt and reinstated Morsi, a man that brought the country to the brink of civil war? The USA has crippled the Egyptian military with its refusal to release aid monies. If it does any more, Egypt will suffer another massive uprising and tens of thousands will die. Do you want another out of control country in the middle east, this time with a large well armed military? How will that benefit world peace?

It's all very well and nice to criticize the USA, but I don't see too many countries with the assets trying to keep the world at peace. Russia's doing a bang up job in the Ukraine isn't it. Before that it had its adventure in Georgia and Azerbaijan. China isn't making friends in its region now as it engages in an expansionist territory grab from its smaller neighbors. Several South American nations came close to all out hostilities in the past decade, Pakistan and India are at each other's throats, the Africans are busy killing each other in sectarian conflict, Iran is occupying UAE territory etc. etc. Please tell me which country has made an effort to keep the world from descending into madness. Sure, criticize the USA, but no one else is really doing anything, much like the response to the Ebola crisis. Russia and China and all the 3rd world big mouths at the UN did sweet FA to help. A large part of the funding and resources came from the USA. Did you see Mahidol's medical faculty offering any assistance?

Where was Thailand's health ministry?

So well put!

Wonder what the world would be like if China or Russia was the world "peace keeper" or leader? Or for that matter, any of the TV anti US brigade's own home country's?? Everybody is quick to bash the US leadership in promoting democracy and peace but, NOBODY is recommending alternative solutions.

Russia has never been the world power it aspired to. The old Soviet Union collapsed because it was a flawed ideology and decayed with corruption whilst hold together with sticking tape and repressive freedoms. Russia would have simply sparked violent uprisings and tried to suppress them with more violence, all they know.

China, would police by economic and financial controls - with the big stick threat to anyone who stepped out of line.

For all their faults, the West, have tried to move thing forward and keep the peace. America and before it Britain spent vast sums of money and many gave their lives supporting it.

But, no one likes the "policeman", and no one is perfect. So the 2 that tried and try the hardest are slated and insulted by all else. Some through jealousy, some because the don't like the decisions, some because of ideology.

Could anyone do it better, or come up with a better idea? The UN hasn't worked so far, and no one seems to have a better idea.

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The US isn't really a democracy.

You just have 2 almost identical parties passing the baton every 8 years.

Where there are perceived policy differences (climate change, abortion, taxes) - the people following their party do so like drones sticking to the party line on those issues and thinking the followers of the other party idiots for choosing the wrong side out of a sum total of 2.

Lobbyists and cash donations set policy because getting elected is basically a money game and the chance of any other parties participating is basically zero.

And then - every now & again, the guy with the least votes becomes President.

A fine system indeed.

In the USA we get 50 choices for Miss America...but only 2 for president. sad.png

what happened to the other States?

"The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.), America, and sometimes the States, is a federal republic[16][17] consisting of 50 states,"

Which others would those be FH?

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Who cares what the US Gov thinks and wants. As if they are a good example to the world. What a cheek they have to dictate their idea's to foreign countries. While they are supporting the radical coup leader Poroshenko over in Ukraine, who unconstitutionally removed President Yanukovich, supplying him with weapons and stirring up the war brew, they have the arrogance to say that Thailand's bloodless coup was undemocratic. Please Mr Prayuth, ignore these idiots completely. They carry no weight whatsoever in this discussion. If indeed the US was a great nation that thrived on freedom of speech and liberty for all mankind it would be useful to give them some microphone time but as the world is waking up and realizing that the only thing the US actually does is always only and I emphasize on the word ONLY, speak, act, spin in it's own self interest.

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After you learn how to operate a computer and what i said has relevance.. you just dont like it.

The US just supports whoever they think is beneficial and they don't care one bit about legitimacy.

Support of Suriname. Support of Egypt.. I think we can go on with some dictators helped into power by the US.

Them enforcing a party only means they will get more benefits from it then they could get from the rival party. Its based on business and pragmatism.. not on right and wrong.

You are not being honest. The US support of Suriname was so strong that it did not hesitate in arresting the son of its President and charging him with supporting a foreign terrorist organization. That was a real show of support for the President wasn't it?

The US is not "supporting" Egypt but is working with what's there. What would you like the USA to have done? Invaded Egypt and reinstated Morsi, a man that brought the country to the brink of civil war? The USA has crippled the Egyptian military with its refusal to release aid monies. If it does any more, Egypt will suffer another massive uprising and tens of thousands will die. Do you want another out of control country in the middle east, this time with a large well armed military? How will that benefit world peace?

It's all very well and nice to criticize the USA, but I don't see too many countries with the assets trying to keep the world at peace. Russia's doing a bang up job in the Ukraine isn't it. Before that it had its adventure in Georgia and Azerbaijan. China isn't making friends in its region now as it engages in an expansionist territory grab from its smaller neighbors. Several South American nations came close to all out hostilities in the past decade, Pakistan and India are at each other's throats, the Africans are busy killing each other in sectarian conflict, Iran is occupying UAE territory etc. etc. Please tell me which country has made an effort to keep the world from descending into madness. Sure, criticize the USA, but no one else is really doing anything, much like the response to the Ebola crisis. Russia and China and all the 3rd world big mouths at the UN did sweet FA to help. A large part of the funding and resources came from the USA. Did you see Mahidol's medical faculty offering any assistance?

Where was Thailand's health ministry?

So well put!

Wonder what the world would be like if China or Russia was the world "peace keeper" or leader? Or for that matter, any of the TV anti US brigade's own home country's?? Everybody is quick to bash the US leadership in promoting democracy and peace but, NOBODY is recommending alternative solutions.

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After you learn how to operate a computer and what i said has relevance.. you just dont like it.

The US just supports whoever they think is beneficial and they don't care one bit about legitimacy.

Support of Suriname. Support of Egypt.. I think we can go on with some dictators helped into power by the US.

Them enforcing a party only means they will get more benefits from it then they could get from the rival party. Its based on business and pragmatism.. not on right and wrong.

You are not being honest. The US support of Suriname was so strong that it did not hesitate in arresting the son of its President and charging him with supporting a foreign terrorist organization. That was a real show of support for the President wasn't it?

The US is not "supporting" Egypt but is working with what's there. What would you like the USA to have done? Invaded Egypt and reinstated Morsi, a man that brought the country to the brink of civil war? The USA has crippled the Egyptian military with its refusal to release aid monies. If it does any more, Egypt will suffer another massive uprising and tens of thousands will die. Do you want another out of control country in the middle east, this time with a large well armed military? How will that benefit world peace?

It's all very well and nice to criticize the USA, but I don't see too many countries with the assets trying to keep the world at peace. Russia's doing a bang up job in the Ukraine isn't it. Before that it had its adventure in Georgia and Azerbaijan. China isn't making friends in its region now as it engages in an expansionist territory grab from its smaller neighbors. Several South American nations came close to all out hostilities in the past decade, Pakistan and India are at each other's throats, the Africans are busy killing each other in sectarian conflict, Iran is occupying UAE territory etc. etc. Please tell me which country has made an effort to keep the world from descending into madness. Sure, criticize the USA, but no one else is really doing anything, much like the response to the Ebola crisis. Russia and China and all the 3rd world big mouths at the UN did sweet FA to help. A large part of the funding and resources came from the USA. Did you see Mahidol's medical faculty offering any assistance?

Where was Thailand's health ministry?

So well put!

Wonder what the world would be like if China or Russia was the world "peace keeper" or leader? Or for that matter, any of the TV anti US brigade's own home country's?? Everybody is quick to bash the US leadership in promoting democracy and peace but, NOBODY is recommending alternative solutions.

Alternative solution could be; 1. Stop meddling in independent countries policies 2. Stop invading independent countries 3. Stop policing the world for your own benefit and greed 4. Dismantle the illusionary UN 5. Treat other cultures and nations with respect

Already these simple 5 points would make the world a much better place than it is today

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Who cares what the US Gov thinks and wants. As if they are a good example to the world. What a cheek they have to dictate their idea's to foreign countries. While they are supporting the radical coup leader Poroshenko over in Ukraine, who unconstitutionally removed President Yanukovich, supplying him with weapons and stirring up the war brew, they have the arrogance to say that Thailand's bloodless coup was undemocratic. Please Mr Prayuth, ignore these idiots completely. They carry no weight whatsoever in this discussion. If indeed the US was a great nation that thrived on freedom of speech and liberty for all mankind it would be useful to give them some microphone time but as the world is waking up and realizing that the only thing the US actually does is always only and I emphasize on the word ONLY, speak, act, spin in it's own self interest.

Sorry Dave, you are incorrect. We are great because we believe in freedom and democracy. We have choices. We have constitution which we believe in strongly. We believe in the rule of law and not coups to satisfy a whim of the military.

We are a great county and world leader well, because of all that.

Hate from afar doesnt change facts same as the 8th Thailand coup will never bring the country out of archaic principles.

You dont like what the US has to say, thats ok. But it wont change the way of the world.

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Who cares what the US Gov thinks and wants. As if they are a good example to the world. What a cheek they have to dictate their idea's to foreign countries. While they are supporting the radical coup leader Poroshenko over in Ukraine, who unconstitutionally removed President Yanukovich, supplying him with weapons and stirring up the war brew, they have the arrogance to say that Thailand's bloodless coup was undemocratic. Please Mr Prayuth, ignore these idiots completely. They carry no weight whatsoever in this discussion. If indeed the US was a great nation that thrived on freedom of speech and liberty for all mankind it would be useful to give them some microphone time but as the world is waking up and realizing that the only thing the US actually does is always only and I emphasize on the word ONLY, speak, act, spin in it's own self interest.

Sorry Dave, you are incorrect. We are great because we believe in freedom and democracy. We have choices. We have constitution which we believe in strongly. We believe in the rule of law and not coups to satisfy a whim of the military.

We are a great county and world leader well, because of all that.

Hate from afar doesnt change facts same as the 8th Thailand coup will never bring the country out of archaic principles.

You dont like what the US has to say, thats ok. But it wont change the way of the world.

I'm sorry to be the one bringing you this sad news but your great constitution my friend was left behind a long time ago. Watch the Untold History of the United States by your great war hero Oliver Stone. Perhaps that will help you see things in a different light.

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American diplomats really need to learn some basic psychology, especially the concept of psychological resistance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_resistance). If you want to get an autonomous entity to do something, the worst thing you can do is make demands and threats. This applies to individuals but perhaps countries also. In fact, it may be more true for governments because political leaders need to show independence and strength in relation to other countries. The more insistent the Americans are on these matters, the more motivated Thailand's leaders will be to demonstrate their independence by not holding elections promptly. Nobody wants to look like they're dancing to a tune played by another country regardless of how close the relationship has been in the past.

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I'm not a person looking in from the outside, I am inside and I know just how great my country really is. As a retired US service member who served both overseas and at home for 23 years, I could never be prouder than I am today of my country. Living overseas for past 24 years has made appreciate my country even more.

All of the countries in the world have somewhat screwed up political institutions. Name me one that isnt....

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The US needs to show a little patience - after 20 odd coups and democratic disasters one after the other - jumping straight back in without reform is not the answer, the junta has made it very clear where they are headed and why - if in 12 months or so it doesn't materialise then I will be the first to cry wolf

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Putting aside the issue of the unidentified official ..... umm!

If the USA is calling for a return to the standard of governance, justice and democratic processes that were a feature of the Yingluck Era then we should stop claiming that there are double standards in the US government support for the Egyptian Government and others.

Of all the post on this issue, yours is the only one that identifies the real problem with the article as this was all said by an unidentified official. Could have been said by a janitor cleaning the shitter, just what official?

A lot of back and forth bashing about an article that lacks substance.

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Amazing that the US does not recognise the criminality of the PTP government.

Insider trading is a crime there, and they undoubtedly know of Thaksin's cabinet access and remarkable wealth increase.

Failing to declare conflicts of interest is recognised as corruption there, yet they ignore legislation to directly benefit the PM, MPs and family members.

Murder of political opponents is a crime there, but apparently invisible here.

Cabinet members lying to the people and concocting corrupt schemes involving MPs and with close links to the government leader's family would see mass arrests and resignations. Here it can be ignored even when the opposition reveals it to the nation.

Perjury is a criminal offense there, but here your tame bought police change the definition.

Apparently the US government is as short sighted as many of the US TVF members - they can't see past the last election.

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After you learn how to operate a computer and what i said has relevance.. you just dont like it.

The US just supports whoever they think is beneficial and they don't care one bit about legitimacy.

Support of Suriname. Support of Egypt.. I think we can go on with some dictators helped into power by the US.

Them enforcing a party only means they will get more benefits from it then they could get from the rival party. Its based on business and pragmatism.. not on right and wrong.

You are not being honest. The US support of Suriname was so strong that it did not hesitate in arresting the son of its President and charging him with supporting a foreign terrorist organization. That was a real show of support for the President wasn't it?

The US is not "supporting" Egypt but is working with what's there. What would you like the USA to have done? Invaded Egypt and reinstated Morsi, a man that brought the country to the brink of civil war? The USA has crippled the Egyptian military with its refusal to release aid monies. If it does any more, Egypt will suffer another massive uprising and tens of thousands will die. Do you want another out of control country in the middle east, this time with a large well armed military? How will that benefit world peace?

It's all very well and nice to criticize the USA, but I don't see too many countries with the assets trying to keep the world at peace. Russia's doing a bang up job in the Ukraine isn't it. Before that it had its adventure in Georgia and Azerbaijan. China isn't making friends in its region now as it engages in an expansionist territory grab from its smaller neighbors. Several South American nations came close to all out hostilities in the past decade, Pakistan and India are at each other's throats, the Africans are busy killing each other in sectarian conflict, Iran is occupying UAE territory etc. etc. Please tell me which country has made an effort to keep the world from descending into madness. Sure, criticize the USA, but no one else is really doing anything, much like the response to the Ebola crisis. Russia and China and all the 3rd world big mouths at the UN did sweet FA to help. A large part of the funding and resources came from the USA. Did you see Mahidol's medical faculty offering any assistance?

Where was Thailand's health ministry?

" It's all very well and nice to criticize the USA, but I don't see too many countries with the assets trying to keep the world at peace. " ...!!

Is this a joke ?

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The US isn't really a democracy.

You just have 2 almost identical parties passing the baton every 8 years.

Where there are perceived policy differences (climate change, abortion, taxes) - the people following their party do so like drones sticking to the party line on those issues and thinking the followers of the other party idiots for choosing the wrong side out of a sum total of 2.

Lobbyists and cash donations set policy because getting elected is basically a money game and the chance of any other parties participating is basically zero.

And then - every now & again, the guy with the least votes becomes President.

A fine system indeed.

In the USA we get 50 choices for Miss America...but only 2 for president. sad.png

what happened to the other States?

"The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States (U.S.), America, and sometimes the States, is a federal republic[16][17] consisting of 50 states,"

Which others would those be FH?

My bad, I always thought there was 52 states, but it's 50 indeed, so I stand corrected wai2.gif

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One good thing to come out of it is that Thailand wont be asked (coerced) into joining any of the US's wars against whatever it is this time.

That will be a big saving in lives as well as money.

How many Thai soldiers were killed in support of either Iraq or Afghanistan?

You do know that Uncle Sam was also funding these coalitions too don't you? You don't seriously believe that the Thai Government paid to join the coalition in Iraq??

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Double standards again from the US. Has many friends and Allies that are not only not democracies but are brutal regimes especailly there good friends the Saudis.

Edited by bim
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Typical US foreign policy. Schizophrenic. They've no problem with Egypt's Junta (who hates the US) or many others but love to drive their friends into their enemy's arms. Thailand does more trade with China and this short-sighted policy will cause Thailand to bond more closely with China to the detriment of both Thailand and the US. If the US State Dept. knew the first thing about Thais, they would know you don't get anywhere with ultimatums. Very disappointing.

Scholars rank US Secretary of State John Kerry dead last in terms of effectiveness.


And this is from a newspaper sympathetic to the Obama administration.

Talks between China and Thailand on the Kra Canal are continuing. If this thing ever gets off the ground it could lead to a Canal Zone and it isn't too far fetched to see China directly involved. With 80% of the world's oil going through the Malacca Sraits, China has to be thinking ahead.

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However you may view the USA's current attitude towards Thailand continuing to be ruled by military Junta, the sad bottom line is that the USA doesn't need Thailand as an ally or trade partner. In the 1960's/1970's yes, the USA needed Thailand as an ideological ally. Now it does not.

Seemingly unrecognized by the Junta is that the world has changed in terms of economic and military security. Global threats to the USA have largely shifted from Asia, and the USA is shortly becoming energy independent. The USA, its allies, and partners are in a process of political encirclement of China that does not require Thailand's participation; the USA has become a critical trade partner of China who must now carefully weigh any political intrusion into other Asian internal affairs; Japan is moving towards a Western-style offensive military posture; and Russia is collapsing as a superpower in regard to political dominance.

It is rather that Thailand needs the USA and its allies as partners. But that would require the Thai military socio-complex to be expunged from power. Is the Thai military willing to sacrafice such power to place unlimited sovereignty in the hands of the Thai people that is, ironcially, recognized in Article 3 of the Interim Charter? The history of Thai military coups says, "NEVER." The larger question then becomes whether the Thai people themselves will come to recognize that its is they alone who hold the rights to the nation's sovereignty. The alarm clock is ringing. Will it wake the military up before its options become severly limited?

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Correct me if I'm wrong - and I'm sure someone will if I am, but

the only USA interference in Thai politics that I have seen so far are a few choice words by a few unimportant 'officials'. Has there actually been any meaningful interference? - sanctions? a cut-off or decrease in aid? have questions been raised at the UN?

Why is everyone so upset? Why has this turned into a 'we hate the interfering yanks' thread?

I think the West has a lot more to worry about at present than little old Thailand, which, let's face it, is not particularly important, in any sense of the word, to anybody other than themselves.

It has been nothing more than one opinion by one lone American. Some sensitive thais have had a real hissy fit because one opinion differed from thiers and they have no authority to administer the compulsory attitude adjustment to American citizens.

I am an Aussie and can American bash with the best of you but just can't on this subject. Thailand needs to expand and write it's new constitution to allow it to travel anywhere and arrest anyone in the world who has an opinion different to them.

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Correct me if I'm wrong - and I'm sure someone will if I am, but

the only USA interference in Thai politics that I have seen so far are a few choice words by a few unimportant 'officials'. Has there actually been any meaningful interference? - sanctions? a cut-off or decrease in aid? have questions been raised at the UN?

Why is everyone so upset? Why has this turned into a 'we hate the interfering yanks' thread?

I think the West has a lot more to worry about at present than little old Thailand, which, let's face it, is not particularly important, in any sense of the word, to anybody other than themselves.

I can not speak for everyone - only myself and maybe my Thai family.

Anything that destabilises Thailand can not help the situation - the external effects of words have little effect - the internal effect may end up being damaging.

I do not hate the yanks - but I do not agree with the double standards that emanate from the US government. There is a difference between a people and its government - all countries.

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