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Thai Justice Minister targets 40 for overseas lese majeste offenses


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Wait a minute. So these people in foreign countries, we reckon that none or very few of them are going to be arrested and forced to go to Thailand.

In that case, if a British person (or anybody) does a crime in Britain, and he then turns up in Thailand. Now then, British police want Thailand to extradite him. Can the man then ask Thailand "look, Britain refuses to extradite people that you guys want, so, why are you extraditing me to Britain, why don't you antagonise Britain back, and refuse to extradite me".

Surely, Thailand can easily say "if you lot don't hand over to us people that we want, right, we will now not hand over people that you lot want".

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Wait a minute. So these people in foreign countries, we reckon that none or very few of them are going to be arrested and forced to go to Thailand.

In that case, if a British person (or anybody) does a crime in Britain, and he then turns up in Thailand. Now then, British police want Thailand to extradite him. Can the man then ask Thailand "look, Britain refuses to extradite people that you guys want, so, why are you extraditing me to Britain, why don't you antagonise Britain back, and refuse to extradite me".

Surely, Thailand can easily say "if you lot don't hand over to us people that we want, right, we will now not hand over people that you lot want".

Thailand is all noise. The EU is a huge customer for Thai exports. Start there. The Thai government is a big fish in a small pond. It doesn't have the sense to put 2 and 2 together to see how one action affects another.

One might think it's actually on a campaign to make itself look .....

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Wait a minute. So these people in foreign countries, we reckon that none or very few of them are going to be arrested and forced to go to Thailand.

In that case, if a British person (or anybody) does a crime in Britain, and he then turns up in Thailand. Now then, British police want Thailand to extradite him. Can the man then ask Thailand "look, Britain refuses to extradite people that you guys want, so, why are you extraditing me to Britain, why don't you antagonise Britain back, and refuse to extradite me".

Surely, Thailand can easily say "if you lot don't hand over to us people that we want, right, we will now not hand over people that you lot want".

with extradition the alleged offence is normally seen as a crime in both countries. Freedom of speech and opinion is not crime in modern developed and civilised countries.

I can just see the negotiation b/w Thailand and Britain. You give us a person expressing an opinion and we will give you back you paedophile. It would be a hard decision but I would say, you can keep the rockspider. Yours might have an opinion but she can clean fish, cook and clean.

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I doubt anyone would be extradited from the UK...

From the Crown Prosecution Service [CPS] fact sheet "Extradition"


  • Extraneous considerations; the request will be refused if the purpose of the request is deemed to be to prosecute or punish the person on account of race, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation or political opinions, or if extradited the person might be prejudiced at his trial or punished unfairly for any of these reasons.
  • Proportionality; in relation to EAW cases where the requested person is wanted for prosecution, extradition must not take place if the judge decides that extradition would be disproportionate taking into account the seriousness of the conduct alleged to constitute the extradition offence, the likely penalty and the possibility of the foreign authorities taking less coercive measures than extradition.
They may be asked to leave the UK if they act in a manor which may embarrass the UK.
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Nothing better to do with their time obviously. "emphasize the concerns of the Thai public" Thats BS the only way to validate this would be outside of Thailand, because within Thailand everyone is too shit scared to talk about anything other than the norm. What a miserable way to live. Doesn't it every occur to them "No one else has this law except us" ummmm why?

How about doing something worthwhile like building some more public schools and hospitals to give your people a chance in life.

Edited by kinmaew
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Stacey Dooley should investigate

Would that not be like opening Pandora's Box?

Once our Stacey gets her chavvy teeth into a subject she wont let go until it's dinner time.

Stacey Dooley will have the authorities quivering in their boots due to her grrat investigative skills


Even Stacey knows to stay out of this one.post-213129-0-22979400-1423265433_thumb.

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Ohh so the grovelling worms and cronies who hate foreigners because "We eat bread" think that foreign countries will want to co-operate with Thais who operate a medieval law no one else has. Sorry we are too busy building up our nations, if you caught us 400 years ago you may have had a chance. Cheers.

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I've clicked "liked" on many posts here. Just wondering about any TV independence when then the government spies ask TV who these people are who think LM laws are anachronistic?

Not sure whether to like this post or not, hmmmmm, what the hell, LIKED!

Got to go now, there is someone banging at the front door.

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The greater majority of those countries will not extradite persons on these charges, there are laws in place in other countries, however they are seldom if ever used.

Lese-majesty laws in the UK. do exist on the statute book, however they are as said seldom or ever used nowadays. I know people are not prosecuted anymore for it.

Contempt of the Sovereign is an offence under the common law of England.

Paragraph 369 of Volume 11(1) of Halsbury's Laws of England (2006) suggests that the last prosecution for this (Les Majeste) offence was R v Price in 1840. I would suggest you worry more about the libel-laws. They sting just the same.

So from his quote Thailand is a few hundred years behind the UK ,on this Law. That is about right to me. The sooner Thailand gets rid of this ridiculous, draconian law the better the world will see her. If you wanted to be seen negatively by the world you would carry on doing what you are doing. What a shame.

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I've clicked "liked" on many posts here. Just wondering about any TV independence when then the government spies ask TV who these people are who think LM laws are anachronistic?

Not sure whether to like this post or not, hmmmmm, what the hell, LIKED!

Got to go now, there is someone banging at the front door.

According to the rules members are allowed to discuss and I would imagine a reasonable level of debate which includes derision of the LM laws TVA if this is not correct you need to make this very clear. Thanks.

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I can't. See countries where democracy and free speech exist complying.

Australia bans the current unelected Thai government from its shores.

America is never going to go against such basic human rights.

The reality is this is for domestic consumption.

A means of convincing Thais that they are respected and a real force internationally.

Meanwhile the Chinese see an opportunity .

Eventually the Thais will see that their Government can't in fact do much of what they claim on a world stage.

It's a very silly claim in this instance

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The best way to get these miscreants back to Thailand is to have a special ops squad grab them and fly them back in a government plane to be incarcerated before they have a fair trial the following day and a public flogging the following morning. I am sure everyone on TVF would agree that is the best course of action, yes? whistling.gif

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