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Should I Pretend As A Boy?


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well .. being a post operation trans-woman .Even voice, i have female voice.

I have a plan to go to USA for vacation on Oct.

Im a veterinarian surgery , my book bank ,statement is ok nearly million.i have my own clinic and i can proove i will come back to TH

But .. some people said.. if you want the US visa .. u have to act as a boy for interview :o

is it necessary ?? how can i do ? tide elastic on my breast? tide my hair up?? tuck a dildo in my panties.. ????

It's bloddy funny .. if the embassy wanna see a kosher person , so i must act as myself.

well .. apply for US visa i have to paid 4000 Bht .. i dont want to lost it with crap.

..so what'd i do ? wear a wig?? paint a beard ..and speak with woman's voice??

for god's sake .. give me a break :D

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Does your id card & passport still specify you as a man? If yes, why not email the US embassy first asking them the process for post-op transgender people & advise on how to fill out application. :o

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it is a foto when i had a short hair


anyway i have a paper from a doc for post op process :o

Brit :Act yourself Bambi

I will , thanks dear

Boo:Does your id card& passport still specify you as a man?

Yes, in Thai id /passport ,im a man

Edited by BambinA
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I agree with Brit, Act yourself and you shall have no trouble from the US Embassy. Its the thai gov't employee that'll give you problem(s). Lets hope not.

If u don't mind, Where will you be visiting?.May be people here can help you find a good vacation destination.

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If u don't mind, Where will you be visiting?.May be people here can help you find a good vacation destination.

LA :D there is thread i have made in farang pub


im just worry for that visa :o

anyway i will be in the embassy with long hair, female voice (i cant help , i have that) and i will be in a doc's gown coz after the interview i have to work in the Chulalongkorn animal hospital for a while then i go to my clinic.

let's see what will happen :D

Edited by BambinA
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Bambina, you probably know this better than I do, but we've had transgendered people in the USA for many years. The first, as I recall, was a surgeon and excellent tennis player who became fully a woman and tried to compete as a female tennis player.

I suspect the local US embassy gets enough GLBTG etc. applicants from Thailand to be familiar with the situation. As everybody just commented here, the worst mistake you'll make is to lie, or sound like you are trying to lie to them. I was a federal officer for my career, and as soon as we caught someone in a lie, their credibility died.

Good luck, girl.

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I agree that you should just be yourself. I'd suggest having your Thai passport changed to reflect your present gender. It would also be a good idea to have appropriate medical papers in hand, in case there's a gender-related question.

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Hi Bambina,

I unfortunately do not have a definative answer for you, but I think you will be better off asking the question, as others have said and then you can make the decision from there.

Not much help really, just thought I would show support, as others have helped me on various sub-forums here.

Good Luck


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Lacoste - well why dont you state what you mean - be much simpler and easier for all involved if you did so. :D

No you cant change your gender on id/passport. Course maybe if you have heaps of dosh then its possible. :o

Then in that case you have answered the OP question.

You must apply as a male. :D

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As Dave said, i was not being rude, you would not have made the original post if you were not in doubt, as your passport and id classify you as a man, im sure your registered as a male on the electoral register also, hence i was asking, as a man can you change your gender to female under Thai law.

Again i was not being rude, there is no need to get abusive and tell me to eat sh1t.

no u re not rude, you just dont know the right time when you 'd post . you just too slilly too know when is the serious situation.

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This is getting a bit silly now.


The fact is clear i feel that you will have to apply as male and nobody intentionally meant to piss you off by saying he but you have stated that fact because of your ID card.

It does'nt matter how people think of you or how you feel yourself but i'd doubt the authorities would care much :o

Thats why you need to look into it properly.

Edited by davethailand
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No need to get into a flame war about this. Bambina does not appreciate being called "he" for natural reasons, so if you were really just clumpsy Lacoste, perhaps an apology would be in order.

Now, leet's get back on topic.

If you have nothing constructive to say about the subject of the OP, please stay away.

Thanks :o

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Just be honest with them, apply as per your ID card and passport but explain very clearly the situation to them, they have probably seen it before. I am sure you have had enough issues to deal with to be able to deal with this situation. Lying will get you know where.

Dont know what the Thai law is, can you change passport / ID card / Gender etc ? if you can then probably better to change as if you do get a visa then the on arrival in the US there may be a few questions.

Whatever happens, good luck, hope you get it ok.

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Hi Bambina,

Before you complete your Visa aplication take your medical papers and have them certified by the office of the foreign minister on Chang Wattana.

I applied for my social security retirement and the American Embassy explained that all Thai documents must be certified by the Foreign ministers office. This was for my Thai wife.

I am from LA and you will have a great time.


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hello bambiba,

i dont care what some punters call you as i know you are all woman and you got my love juice'es flowing. :D

im a hard nut to crack, but when i see your picture im in outer space my lovely one. :D

look i'll be back in los in october and me and you are going to be the next hot couple in los. :D

just like brad and angelina are in USA. :D

love to you my darling. :D

ps i usually say cheers but you are way to much of a sexy woman for me to say that. :o:D:D

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when looking your pictures, I don´t belive you you can act as a man that way that they belive you.

So no other choice than going there as you are.

I think they don´t want to do anything anything direct against trans-woman, as that would cause them big problems if going public. But maybe they find any other reason.....

If they don´t give you a visa, just forget about them and visit another more friendly country.

And don´t forget you bring your hard earned money to usa (on everything you buy there) as well you pay 4000 baht for the application so you are their customer and should be threated like a customer.

Wish you much luck :D

well .. being a post operation trans-woman .Even voice, i have female voice.

I have a plan to go to USA for vacation on Oct.

Im a veterinarian surgery , my book bank ,statement is ok nearly million.i have my own clinic and i can proove i will come back to TH

But .. some people said.. if you want the US visa .. u have to act as a boy for interview :o

is it necessary ?? how can i do ? tide elastic on my breast? tide my hair up?? tuck a dildo in my panties.. ????

It's bloddy funny .. if the embassy wanna see a kosher person , so i must act as myself.

well .. apply for US visa i have to paid 4000 Bht .. i dont want to lost it with crap.

..so what'd i do ? wear a wig?? paint a beard ..and speak with woman's voice??

for god's sake .. give me a break :D

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Bambina....maybe I am the last one who just know that you are a man. :o

I always wonder and thinking, when you wore that sexy Bikini on Krabi Beach. :D

Me too brother, me too. (i just found out in this thread) :D

Now i feel abit weird.

But Bambina the advise has been good just apply for it normally and dont change anything, try to ignore that your ID card etc will say M on it, im sure thats not really going to effect anything and you should get your visa

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Bambi, email the consular service (it seems to work better than phoning) and explain your situation. Ask them what you should do. I can't imagine they haven't seen it all before, so I am sure there is some procedure for you to follow as we all know bureaucrats like their procedures. Good luck to you!

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Thank you guys .. i have got an email from the USA's embassy

(i asked a favour from my aussie friend to email instead me ,due to my pidgin english)


This is not an unusual situation at all in Thailand and certainly shows you how foolish it is for visa applicants to listen to unfounded rumors.

As an interviewing officer, I can assure you that Embassy Bangkok is quite accustomed to interviewing transgendered people and that they are welcome to come to the interview however they like. I have seen transgendered people get approved for visas, and I have seen them been refused; we consider them to be no different from any of our other applicants.

As for your question, strictly speaking, applicants are expected to fill out the biographic information on the application according to what is written in their passport. Some countries change gender after a person has had a sex change operation; Thailand does not.

As for the port-of-entry, it is entirely possible that she will subject to additional questions to verify that she is not an imposter. This would also be the case of anybody else who perhaps did not look anything like their passport photo (perhaps with dyed hair or someone who had gained a great deal of weight) or somebody who did not look like who they claim to be. For example, a recent Bangkok visa applicant (perfectly legal) who was ethnic Vietnamese with a Pakistani passport. These delays are unfortunate, but there's not much we can do about it. Simply explaining that she had a sex change should do it.

I hope that answers your question.


US Embassy

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