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US: Gay marriage comes to Alabama over chief judge's objections


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Where this appears to be heading. Even opponents of legal equality for gay people seem to realize now they will lose this one.


5 Reasons to Be Optimistic for Marriage Equality at SCOTUS
It's difficult to interpret the signals from the Supreme Court as anything other than good news.
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The US District Court judge for Alabama has just now issued a contempt of court citation against one state probate judge for actively refusing to perform gay marriages. The contempt citation is designed to cause the many other state probate judges who perform marriages to cease and desist their in their refusal to marry gay couples.

Alabama probate judge ayatollah Don Davis was cited for contempt of court by US District Court Judge Callie Granade who last month struck down the state's anti gay marriage provision in its constitution. Judge Grenade said the state constitution was in violation of the US Constitution. When Alabama appealed the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals which sits in Atlanta, Georgia upheld Judge Grenade's ruling. When Alabama appealed again the US Supreme Court voted 7-2 to uphold both courts.

We're talking about a state full of shit kickers here in boots up to their knees.

The Bama supreme court chief judge, Bubba Roy Moore has not been cited by Judge Granade, but the bubba has also violated Judge Grenade's finding by issuing a statement to all probate judges throughout the state that they must adhere to the state constitution which prohibits gay marriage. The state probate judges appealed to the full Alabama Supreme Court for a clarification but the full court said it could not provide one (because it was too stupid to know it).

The issue is now clarified to those redneck judges in Alabama who don't know the US Constitution, don't know the federal system of government, and are violating their oath of office as judges to support the US Constitution in any conflict between the state constitution and the US Constitution.

There's this bit about the SCOTUS....

Supreme Court Won't Stop Gay Marriages In Alabama

The U.S. Supreme Court refused Monday to step in and stop gay marriages from taking place in Alabama. The move sent the strongest signal to date that the justices are on the verge of legalizing gay marriage nationwide. Within hours of the high-court ruling, same-sex marriages began taking place in Alabama, despite an eleventh-hour show of defiance by the state's chief justice.

Alabama first went to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Atlanta; when it failed there, it went to the U.S. Supreme Court, asking that it put a hold on gay marriages in the state until the justices resolve the underlying gay marriage issue in a set of cases already scheduled to be argued later this term.

On Monday, however, the Supreme Court refused to step in and stop same- sex marriages from taking place in Alabama.

The action provoked widespread speculation among court observers that the outcome of the gay marriage dispute is "a done deal" in favor of allowing such unions in every state.


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The pro homosexual marriage people can rant and rave from now to domesday about how wonderful it is to make gay marriage legal but the bottom line is, marriage is meant to be between a man and woman. Anyone with an ounce of common sense should be able to understand this.

I can't imagine how disappointing it would be to have a son say he is going to marry Joe or George, what??? OMG!

Love is love, common sense is: you marry who you want and I marry who I want. You don't tell me what to do and I don't tell you what to do.

I rather have a gay son which is a decent human being than some straight bully macho thug.

You and the likes of you are being left behind by history.

FACT is: gays are getting married all over the civilized world. Get used to it.

would like to see how you,gays, are going to breed..Sucking d*ck of another man will not make you pregnant.

There are almost 9 billion people on the planet and not enough of fresh water, food or anything else except nuclear bombs of which one is too many.

The world isn't only the Middle East desert any more.

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The sad and startling thing is that it seems as if this guy Moore is not just grandstanding or politicking but genuinely believes that homosexuality is evil.

I expect that sort of sincerely held view from uneducated trailer trash, but not from an educated person.

I guess it just goes to show what religion can do to common sense.

The guy believes that Washington should have no say over what 81% of people in Alabama believe.

State's Rights is what it's about.

I know I'm talking to a wall though. The US Constitution is a dead letter. Has been for a long time, especially when any kind of "Politically Correct" issue arises.

Well, if Washington had no say then the blacks in Alabama would still be sitting at the back in the bus and fearing to get lynched.

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The US District Court judge for Alabama has just now issued a contempt of court citation against one state probate judge for actively refusing to perform gay marriages. The contempt citation is designed to cause the many other state probate judges who perform marriages to cease and desist their in their refusal to marry gay couples.

Alabama probate judge ayatollah Don Davis was cited for contempt of court by US District Court Judge Callie Granade who last month struck down the state's anti gay marriage provision in its constitution. Judge Grenade said the state constitution was in violation of the US Constitution. When Alabama appealed the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals which sits in Atlanta, Georgia upheld Judge Grenade's ruling. When Alabama appealed again the US Supreme Court voted 7-2 to uphold both courts.

We're talking about a state full of shit kickers here in boots up to their knees.

The Bama supreme court chief judge, Bubba Roy Moore has not been cited by Judge Granade, but the bubba has also violated Judge Grenade's finding by issuing a statement to all probate judges throughout the state that they must adhere to the state constitution which prohibits gay marriage. The state probate judges appealed to the full Alabama Supreme Court for a clarification but the full court said it could not provide one (because it was too stupid to know it).

The issue is now clarified to those redneck judges in Alabama who don't know the US Constitution, don't know the federal system of government, and are violating their oath of office as judges to support the US Constitution in any conflict between the state constitution and the US Constitution.

There's this bit about the SCOTUS....


You have well and truly put those "shit kickers" in Alabama in their places.

You make this claim:

" The US District Court judge for Alabama has just now issued a contempt of court citation against one state probate judge for actively refusing to perform gay marriages."

You are wrong.

The Federal Judge did not direct Alabama Probate Judges to perform gay marriages. They were directed to issue marriage licenses only.

Your zeal to denigrate with sarcasm each and every person residing south of the Mason-Dixon line is duly noted.

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The pro homosexual marriage people can rant and rave from now to domesday about how wonderful it is to make gay marriage legal but the bottom line is, marriage is meant to be between a man and woman. Anyone with an ounce of common sense should be able to understand this.

I can't imagine how disappointing it would be to have a son say he is going to marry Joe or George, what??? OMG!

Love is love, common sense is: you marry who you want and I marry who I want. You don't tell me what to do and I don't tell you what to do.

I rather have a gay son which is a decent human being than some straight bully macho thug.

You and the likes of you are being left behind by history.

FACT is: gays are getting married all over the civilized world. Get used to it.

would like to see how you,gays, are going to breed..Sucking d*ck of another man will not make you pregnant.

There are almost 9 billion people on the planet and not enough of fresh water, food or anything else except nuclear bombs of which one is too many.

The world isn't only the Middle East desert any more.

So what are you suggesting?

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The US District Court judge for Alabama has just now issued a contempt of court citation against one state probate judge for actively refusing to perform gay marriages. The contempt citation is designed to cause the many other state probate judges who perform marriages to cease and desist their in their refusal to marry gay couples.

Alabama probate judge ayatollah Don Davis was cited for contempt of court by US District Court Judge Callie Granade who last month struck down the state's anti gay marriage provision in its constitution. Judge Grenade said the state constitution was in violation of the US Constitution. When Alabama appealed the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals which sits in Atlanta, Georgia upheld Judge Grenade's ruling. When Alabama appealed again the US Supreme Court voted 7-2 to uphold both courts.

We're talking about a state full of shit kickers here in boots up to their knees.

The Bama supreme court chief judge, Bubba Roy Moore has not been cited by Judge Granade, but the bubba has also violated Judge Grenade's finding by issuing a statement to all probate judges throughout the state that they must adhere to the state constitution which prohibits gay marriage. The state probate judges appealed to the full Alabama Supreme Court for a clarification but the full court said it could not provide one (because it was too stupid to know it).

The issue is now clarified to those redneck judges in Alabama who don't know the US Constitution, don't know the federal system of government, and are violating their oath of office as judges to support the US Constitution in any conflict between the state constitution and the US Constitution.

There's this bit about the SCOTUS....


You have well and truly put those "shit kickers" in Alabama in their places.

You make this claim:

" The US District Court judge for Alabama has just now issued a contempt of court citation against one state probate judge for actively refusing to perform gay marriages."

You are wrong.

The Federal Judge did not direct Alabama Probate Judges to perform gay marriages. They were directed to issue marriage licenses only.

Your zeal to denigrate with sarcasm each and every person residing south of the Mason-Dixon line is duly noted.

The Federal Judge did not direct Alabama Probate Judges to perform gay marriages. They were directed to issue marriage licenses only.

I'll give a birthday cake to everyone here but that's all that can happen....the candles will have to burn out and the cake will need to remain untouched...that makes as much sense as the post.

The federal judge made it clear...the state cannot refuse gay couples who want to marry. The federal appeals court upheld the judge and the US Supreme Court upheld both courts. It's the same in Alabama as it is in every other state in which the federal courts have had to rule on gay marriage based on the US Constitution.

I lived in the US South for several years, in the "Heart of Dixie" and had many friends and good colleagues among the native redneck population, to include some locals who were quite socially and culturally proper, well educated. Almost everyone white down there worships Rush Limbaugh.



The eleven states of the Old Confederacy that started and lost the Civil War have perpetually or consistently ranked between 40th-50th in every bottom feeder category of the nation's database, which has been true for a very long time

I saw on tv the other day that the Alabama state supreme court chief judge the ayatolla Bubba Roy Moore (whom no one here will defend btw) was an MP in Vietnam during the US involvement there where the GIs referred to him as Captain America. Another arsewhole from a region dominated by 'em for a long long time.

Edited by Publicus
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would like to see how you,gays, are going to breed..Sucking d*ck of another man will not make you pregnant.

There are almost 9 billion people on the planet and not enough of fresh water, food or anything else except nuclear bombs of which one is too many.

The world isn't only the Middle East desert any more.

So what are you suggesting?

....he asked coyly from a shadowy corner of the room....biggrin.png

Okay then, you'll bite...human reproduction has produced a grossly overpopulated planet, a planet living beyond its resources. Programs and efforts to have so called birth control have been implemented by many governments and voluntarily by populations themselves. There is the pill, there is China's mandated one child policy; Thailand's voluntary birth control efforts have produced good results, to note a few.

More fundamentally however, humans have gone beyond biological reproduction only. There is now in vitro fertilization and artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood and much else in this respect. In other words, modern medical science and the physiological sciences have created new means and methods of human reproduction.

The thousands of years old and Bible based human reproduction argument as a way to oppose homosexuality or bisexuality, if it once had currency, no longer applies.

So it is the case that the last bastion and the ultimate argument of the social and cultural conservatives and of the radical reactionaries has been passed through by time and developments. I'm talking most specifically about the people who oppose science.

One can consider the popular singer Ricky Martin who has never married but has twin sons by new and modern means of human reproduction.

I would add that the three major theistic holy books of the world originated in the deserts of the Middle East, which helps to explain why the region is a perpetual slaughterhouse.

The following is anyway a good statement for all of the peoples who read holy books of any sort to consider.....

The birth of the first 'test-tube-baby' in 1978 made headlines all over the world. All the world, with the exception of the Vatican, welcomed this new development in human science. After all, man is the prime creation of God. Allah has created the universe for man but created the man for Himself. During the last five decades, man has taken great leaps in science and technology. One of the areas which has amazed us most is the new techniques in human reproduction.


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Yeah, Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama are such failed states they can hardly handle the drop out citizens and companies flooding in from the North east ghetto.

Nice try but no sale.

Justice Moore is doing what he thinks is the right thing to do. Not something Democrats normally do so it might be hard for some to recognize. His constituency are the citizens of Alabama and 81% of them recently voted against legalizing same sex marriage.

He may just be an old dumb country boy but he isn't reduced to anonymous posting on a Thailand based forum to get his message across.

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Judge Bubba Roy Moore and his fellow 81% of Bama redneck voters who put the gay marriage prohibition in to the state's constitution, and which now has been invalidated by the federal courts, also have been invalidated, as must needs be done.

They may need to take Pres Lincoln's Oath of Pardon available to Confederates during the Civil War, which can be applied to their present defiance and resistance....

"I, ---your name--- do solemnly swear, in presence of Almighty God, that I will henceforth faithfully

support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and the union of the States

thereunder; and that I will, in like manner, abide by and faithfully support all acts of Congress passed

during the existing rebellion with reference to slaves gays, so long and so far as not repealed, modified

or held void by Congress, or by decision of the Supreme Court; and that I will, in like manner, abide by and

faithfully support all proclamations of the President made during the existing rebellion having
reference to slaves gay marriage, so long and so far as not modified or declared void by decision

of the Supreme Court. So help me God."


(emphasis added)

Edited by Publicus for spacing

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So what are you suggesting?

I can't speak for him, but I suggest MANDATORY gay marriage for specially selected homophobes (by Obama's death panels) ... to each other, natch.

It wouldn't surprise me if Obama would like to do something like that. On a happy note, it looks as though you will be able to find the man of your dreams now and get legally married. Good for you.

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Somehow I get the feeling he's not the marrying kind...a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy, you know.....biggrin.png

Or maybe he needs to set me straight on this so to speak...I dunno.....

I imagine you would know for sure....smile.png

I haven't the slightest clue about it, sorry to say.

As I'd said, I dunno.

Your magnanimity is all the while appreciated.

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Just because a person understands marriage was meant to be between a man and woman, doesn't make them homophobic.

Actually a person doesn't "understand", a person has these stupid mumbo jumbo beliefs drummed into them from birth and has absolutely no rational explanation whatsoever for interfering with other peoples' lives.

Like most curtain-twitching Jesus Wheezers, they should shut up and mind their own business.

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Just because a person understands marriage was meant to be between a man and woman, doesn't make them homophobic.

Actually a person doesn't "understand", a person has these stupid mumbo jumbo beliefs drummed into them from birth and has absolutely no rational explanation whatsoever for interfering with other peoples' lives.

Like most curtain-twitching Jesus Wheezers, they should shut up and mind their own business.

After reading many of your posts, I see why you think marriage being between a man and woman would seem like a little "stupid mumbo jumbo belief." I guess by referring to other posters as "Jesus Wheezers" mean you don't believe Jesus died for our sins. At some point in your life, you may want to re-think your position on that subject. I like the part about minding your own business. You may want to consider your own advise.

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The pro homosexual marriage people can rant and rave from now to domesday about how wonderful it is to make gay marriage legal but the bottom line is, marriage is meant to be between a man and woman. Anyone with an ounce of common sense should be able to understand this.

I can't imagine how disappointing it would be to have a son say he is going to marry Joe or George, what??? OMG!

My father, when I had my "holy union" in 1990 was horribly disappointed.

He was disappointed that my marriage was not legally recognized.

Had he lived until last summer when I married my Thai partner in Maine, he would have been proud.

The benefits and privileges of marriage are civil. The government is civil. Your definition of marriage is of zero concern to me or the law.

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Just because a person understands marriage was meant to be between a man and woman, doesn't make them homophobic.

Actually a person doesn't "understand", a person has these stupid mumbo jumbo beliefs drummed into them from birth and has absolutely no rational explanation whatsoever for interfering with other peoples' lives.

Like most curtain-twitching Jesus Wheezers, they should shut up and mind their own business.

After reading many of your posts, I see why you think marriage being between a man and woman would seem like a little "stupid mumbo jumbo belief." I guess by referring to other posters as "Jesus Wheezers" mean you don't believe Jesus died for our sins. At some point in your life, you may want to re-think your position on that subject. I like the part about minding your own business. You may want to consider your own advise.

I have no problem with any marriage between two consenting adults.

Forbidding marriage unless it suits some archaic belief is what is stupid mumbo jumbo.

Religion has no place in dictating who can get married.

It's the law.

And no, I don't much give a toss about what some fictitious character did and said in a cobbled together, handed down account of a few fairy stories.

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