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I'm getting milked dry by issan family

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The 'love' you get is conditional, typically this type of girls/families only like you and accept you until your last penny has been gone. Then it's over immediately and you are not welcome anymore and she will find herself a new supplier.

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My thoughts exactly.

Nobody in real life could be as dumb as this guy after all that has happened to farangs in Issarn.

We even have a poster advising him to buy a house but not until later. When will farangs ever learn that they CANNOT BUY A HOUSE IN THAILAND THOUGH THEY WILL BE EXPECTED TO PAY FOR ONE.

Thais can buy houses and apartments in London and football clubs in Manchester and they actually GET WHAT THEY PAY FOR.

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really tired to read the same stories about ISAAN.

Its not that mate.

Posters like to think that because its Isaan related, the lady in question must be an x bar girl. Posters start getting a hard on once somebody 'fails'.

Deep down we all know that it happens all over the planet.

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really tired to read the same stories about ISAAN.

Its not that mate.

Posters like to think that because its Isaan related, the lady in question must be an x bar girl. Posters start getting a hard on once somebody 'fails'.

Deep down we all know that it happens all over the planet.

The OP wrote a story that seemed like a troll story. I doubt that what he described happens remotely as often in Europe, north america, australia or new zealand. Where most of us come from.

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There's a doubt for both arguments, like I say, when it happens in Isaan people tend to get all warm and fuzzy over it.


But if you marry someone with the same socioeconomic background then your chances are better than marrying someone that has learned to hustle, or simply use others as objects to make a living for herself and her parents or has been working the rice paddies to survive.

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really tired to read the same stories about ISAAN.

Its not that mate.

Posters like to think that because its Isaan related, the lady in question must be an x bar girl. Posters start getting a hard on once somebody 'fails'.

Deep down we all know that it happens all over the planet.

In the denial modus? We all -except you- know this is typical Thai behavior. (well I won't gamble on a Nigerian lady also)

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really tired to read the same stories about ISAAN.

Its not that mate.

Posters like to think that because its Isaan related, the lady in question must be an x bar girl. Posters start getting a hard on once somebody 'fails'.

Deep down we all know that it happens all over the planet.

In the denial modus? We all -except you- know this is typical Thai behavior. (well I won't gamble on a Nigerian lady also)

So you're saying it doesn't happen in the West?

<deleted> it doesn't.

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really tired to read the same stories about ISAAN.
Its not that mate.

Posters like to think that because its Isaan related, the lady in question must be an x bar girl. Posters start getting a hard on once somebody 'fails'.

Deep down we all know that it happens all over the planet.

The OP wrote a story that seemed like a troll story. I doubt that what he described happens remotely as often in Europe, north america, australia or new zealand. Where most of us come from.

That's right, just like all the guys who have gone through a divorce 'back home' and ended up with the house and cars etc....

There's a doubt for both arguments, like I say, when it happens in Isaan people tend to get all warm and fuzzy over it.

No I tend to come over with an all fuzzy feeling of som nam na.

Love it when I see the farang buffalo wai ing as he hands over the money and keys to the D-Max.

Jeesus effin H, Little Kayleigh from the projects with 4 kids in tow living on welfare never appealed to me in Farangistan, why should she appeal to me here?

Do you still get a hard on for the fellas that lose their £150k homes to their x Farang wives.

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really tired to read the same stories about ISAAN.
Its not that mate.

Posters like to think that because its Isaan related, the lady in question must be an x bar girl. Posters start getting a hard on once somebody 'fails'.

Deep down we all know that it happens all over the planet.

The OP wrote a story that seemed like a troll story. I doubt that what he described happens remotely as often in Europe, north america, australia or new zealand. Where most of us come from.

That's right, just like all the guys who have gone through a divorce 'back home' and ended up with the house and cars etc....

There's a doubt for both arguments, like I say, when it happens in Isaan people tend to get all warm and fuzzy over it.

No I tend to come over with an all fuzzy feeling of som nam na.

Love it when I see the farang buffalo wai ing as he hands over the money and keys to the D-Max.

Jeesus effin H, Little Kayleigh from the projects with 4 kids in tow living on welfare never appealed to me in Farangistan, why should she appeal to me here?

Do you still get a hard on for the fellas that lose their £150k homes to their x Farang wives.

No hard ons here.

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That wasn't directed at you Bobby.

Just think its a bid sad that people get off on other peoples misfortunes.

To me, its the same as your farang wife collecting the house and cars after your divorce. If anything, its worse in the west due to the cost of houses.

Basically, if your a sad twa!t and 'love it' when the farang loses his keys to his truck and his house in Isaan then the same applies to fellas who have lost their belongings to the x wives back where they come from.

I sound like a broken record now :-)

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really tired to read the same stories about ISAAN.
Its not that mate.

Posters like to think that because its Isaan related, the lady in question must be an x bar girl. Posters start getting a hard on once somebody 'fails'.

Deep down we all know that it happens all over the planet.

The OP wrote a story that seemed like a troll story. I doubt that what he described happens remotely as often in Europe, north america, australia or new zealand. Where most of us come from.

That's right, just like all the guys who have gone through a divorce 'back home' and ended up with the house and cars etc....

There's a doubt for both arguments, like I say, when it happens in Isaan people tend to get all warm and fuzzy over it.

No I tend to come over with an all fuzzy feeling of som nam na.

Love it when I see the farang buffalo wai ing as he hands over the money and keys to the D-Max.

Jeesus effin H, Little Kayleigh from the projects with 4 kids in tow living on welfare never appealed to me in Farangistan, why should she appeal to me here?

Do you still get a hard on for the fellas that lose their £150k homes to their x Farang wives.

No hard ons here.

tuck em in your waistbands folks. Edited by Skyboogie
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OP buy the battery and stop being a tight ass. Also anything else they need.

I think her mother will be sick next month so you probably should offer to get her health insurance.

Also Dads car is about to break down so just get a new one now for him.

Buffalo is also about to get sick so just kill it now and invite the troll to eat it.

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Step 1 go to the village meet the family and have a baby to her

Step 2 take the offer of some land from family member and buy it in your sons name

Step 3 put the land in your child's name and rent it back from him her on a 99 year lease

Step 4 buy a box freezer with a padlock to keep them out of your western food stock

Step 5 if the wife gives you any shit turn to Islam become a Muslim and get a second live in wife

Step 6 set up small business pig farm duck farm chicken egg farm and get the alcoholic brother in,aw to work for you instead of begging for free Lao cow every day if he refuses call him a lazy bastard and build a 3 Mtr perimeter wall around your small holding.

Step 7 enjoy yourself in Thailand and always be aware of taking full control if not ur pants will be at ur ankles and you will be buggered from pillar to post forever and ever amen

Step 6 if all that goes wrong your doing something wrong

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It was interesting reading your story. You must clearly evaluate your relationship and determine whether it's worth your time and money. If you truly love your girlfriend and she truly love you, these family related issues can be manageable.

Currently, your living in the home of parents, assuming you're contributing to monthly utilities bills. Your personal survival, meaning your disposable monthly income must be strictly managed.

Since,your living with her parents, maybe, you don't have enough income to contribute to girlfriend and extended family. If you have sufficient income to live comfortably in Thailand, consider renting or purchase a house or condo.

In closing, don't be gullible. If you planning to retire in Thailand, learn the language. You must be polite but firm with girlfriend and family, regarding your financial contributions.

You must evaluate your relationship, disposable income and your happiness.

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I came across this youtube video. I think its well worth the viewing as to how to frame a relationship in Thailand. It is titled:

"The Dynamics of Young Thai and Older Foreigner Relationships"


In a nutshell, it appears that Thai women have a different perspective on relationships and that very often clashes with our expectation(s).

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There's a doubt for both arguments, like I say, when it happens in Isaan people tend to get all warm and fuzzy over it.


But if you marry someone with the same socioeconomic background then your chances are better than marrying someone that has learned to hustle, or simply use others as objects to make a living for herself and her parents or has been working the rice paddies to survive.


You think a car fitter from Detroit is in a higher socioeconomic group than a farmers daughter?

(insert low level job and country of your choice)

Most of the foreigners I meet in Thailand are from the lowest social orders of their home countries, but taking advantage of the favorable exchange rates and mandatory pensions provided by their home countries. (think I'm wrong? just count the number of posters who post 'loose' when they mean 'lose')


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There's a doubt for both arguments, like I say, when it happens in Isaan people tend to get all warm and fuzzy over it.


But if you marry someone with the same socioeconomic background then your chances are better than marrying someone that has learned to hustle, or simply use others as objects to make a living for herself and her parents or has been working the rice paddies to survive.


You think a car fitter from Detroit is in a higher socioeconomic group than a farmers daughter?

(insert low level job and country of your choice)

Most of the foreigners I meet in Thailand are from the lowest social orders of their home countries, but taking advantage of the favorable exchange rates and mandatory pensions provided by their home countries. (think I'm wrong? just count the number of posters who post 'loose' when they mean 'lose')

Then maybe you should hang around a better crowd.....I have neighbors and friends with Doctorates and Engineering degrees as well as people that have built homes for the Hollywood elite......Many folks that are retired from honorable professions/fields of work.....There are a great many interesting people about that carry an intelligent passion for life living here in LOS.....Many of them.....However, you generally won't find these folks warming up the bar stool next to you.....They are too busy living their lives..... Edited by pgrahmm
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