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Thailand, 7 more countries form taskforce against supply of drug precursors


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Thailand, 7 more countries form taskforce against supply of drug precursors
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BANGKOK, Feb 11 -- Thailand and seven other countries have agreed to form a task force to help control illicit drug precursor substances.

The Special Meeting on Precursor Control, which gathered concerned authorities from Thailand, Cambodia, China, India, South Korea, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam, reached a resolution on the formation of the taskforce on Tuesday.

The taskforce will have concerned authorities from the eight countries exchange information and knowledge about operations to block precursor supplies.

The operations include setting up checkpoints, a capability enhancement programme for personnel and exchanging information on precursor chemicals.

Thailand will coordinate the task force.

Permpong Chaovalit, secretary-general of the Narcotics Control Board, said the United Nations specified 14 precursors and viewed that Asia remained the hub of the narcotic precursors, especially ephedrine in India, China and South Korea.

He said the UN also noted that the use of acetic anhydride in aspirin as a heroin precursor was growing and urged Asian countries to enact laws to control the narcotic precursors. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2015-02-11

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but are these drugs made in Myanmar ? Well by the Chan provinces. Transported through Mae Sai. Should be easy,but so much money is involved.,so no hope of stopping the supply.The Thai police would be out of funds as I am lead to believe

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only a few producers in the world for precursor of ice ... caugh medicine ... how hard to ask each country how much they really need with statistics and then only supple to governemantal agencies (if not corrupt) to do internal distribution & control

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