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Magic Thai Monk simmers in stew pot

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THis is interesting, and I must confess I am skeptikal simply because I know that flesh cooks at that temperature, and I do not believe in the supernatural. I am thinking some kind of fire retardent gel being liberally applied to the man's body. Scientifically speaking, I am certain there is some kind of property involved here that is preventing the man from being cooked... literally.

The link to the coconuts article has someone explaining the con.


Good to see Thailand moving rapidly into the 16th century and still believing in magical powers. Well done. Religion(s) like this are the con of the millenia.

forgive me for correcting you... this is not 'religion' and nothing to do with 'Buddhism' it is hocus pokus claptrap for the gullible and ignorant

Buddism, when practiced and understood, is peaceful, loving and compassionate (i.e Dalai Lama) and so there is NO connection between jet setting, sexual deviant or pot boiling 'monks' and Buddhism wai.gif

A huge amount of Thai Buddhist temples supports all kinds of superstition. Saying superstition and Thai Buddhism are unrelated maybe goes a bit too far.


Only one thing to prove it.

The scientist go there and seat with him ...

Don't be ridiculous - you KNOW what happens to meat in oil - end of.....no "proof required.

The only interesting part is how he acheived it - as with all illusions, conjuring tricks etc etc....


While this is obviously a trick, the scientist "proved" nothing. The simply gave their views on what the trick may be.

It's very easy to disprove. Simply aim a infrared thermometer at the oil and read the temperature.

if you really think that is necessary then I think you should review your critical powers from the ground up.

i know the moon's not made of cheese - do you think if I went there I'd test it for that??????


walking over hot coals , broken glass, suspended in a glass box for weeks no food or water, there is always an element of trickery involved unless you are gullible to believe in hocus pocus . much of religion and events documented in history associated with such frivolities only serve to further maintain a gullible congregation. Do magic shows by the likes of David Copperfield , David Biane , et al, stop us watching their exploits or do we carry on watching. Carry on I say, if it entertains without harming, let it be .

Mental training and simply technical faking like this monk does are different things. With mental training you can gain more then most people realize, but put Yingluck in that pan and she will not cook either.

But what this monk does is a perfect example of all what Thai 'Buddhism' is about!

Mental / schmental! - there is ALWAYS an explanation - just because you or I can't work it out doesn't mean that the far-fetched is actually correct.

I'm amazed at the naivety of some of the comments on this thread - some people are SO GULLIBLE it's risible


Do monks walk on hot cinders . Maybe its fakirs that do it. Amazing what faith can do .

Walking on hot cinders, well tough, but not that tough with bit of know how and instruction.

Standing still on them for a few minutes, now that i'd like to see someone try.


Do monks walk on hot cinders . Maybe its fakirs that do it. Amazing what faith can do .

Nothing to do with faith.

Firewalking has being traced back to 1,200 BC (as a rite of passage) and has happened in many cultures and is now used as a corporate training tool.

Even Dorris from Accounts can do it, there is no need for faith.

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They have Jet ski Scammers, umbrella Scammers, Police Scammers, and now Wat Scammers......

The Wat scammers were the first and will be the last, buying merit ???


I think all Monks are magic whistling.gif

Sure they are. THey sit around and do nothing and people bring them food and clean their rooms for them.

Wait.. I'm wrong.

They also shop for them. , carry things for them .. Do everything for them. I need to get in that business.

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I think all Monks are magic whistling.gif

Sure they are. THey sit around and do nothing and people bring them food and clean their rooms for them.

Wait.. I'm wrong.

They also shop for them. , carry things for them .. Do everything for them. I need to get in that business.

Yes...but...they have to go to Tuk.com to buy their mobile phones on their own......or are they getting the latest Android Mantra app installed?


Do monks walk on hot cinders . Maybe its fakirs that do it. Amazing what faith can do .

Nothing to do with faith.

Firewalking has being traced back to 1,200 BC (as a rite of passage) and has happened in many cultures and is now used as a corporate training tool.

Even Dorris from Accounts can do it, there is no need for faith.

just as the men in the hot room there is a totally satisfactory scientific explanation...........if you didn't think that then you are as gullible as those who take the story of the monk and the oil at face value

PS - it isn't rocket science either - ask your self if you'd walk across a flat steel plate heated to the same temp as the coals?

or watch recent episodes. of Benidorm - Johnny Vegas does a bit of fire walking


Good to see Thailand moving rapidly into the 16th century and still believing in magical powers. Well done. Religion(s) like this are the con of the millenia.

forgive me for correcting you... this is not 'religion' and nothing to do with 'Buddhism' it is hocus pokus claptrap for the gullible and ignorant

Buddism, when practiced and understood, is peaceful, loving and compassionate (i.e Dalai Lama) and so there is NO connection between jet setting, sexual deviant or pot boiling 'monks' and Buddhism wai.gif

This is going to be controversial but... Do you mean the Dalai Lama that, before fleeing Tibet and leaving the population to the communists, was happy to keep the population subservient and poor? The priest class in Tibet lived in relative luxury during the lama's rule whilst the population lived in abject poverty. Not much compassion there. That will be the same guy who took thousands of dollars a year from the CIA to fund guerrilla camps training to fight the Chinese. A just cause but far from peaceful. What about the monk in Myanmar that wants to slaughter the muslim population? The military junta used to keep him in check but now he is free to stir up hatred all in the name of religion. You can say "this is not 'religion' all you like but it is done in the name of religion. The sooner the human species does away with religion and ignorance the better for all.

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Boiling a monk in oil, eh?

Wonder who thought up the stunt, interesting choice, of all the things they could have the monk doing, levitating, flying off an eight story balcony, manifesting a doppelganger, raising the dead, curing the blind, turning wine into water, rocks into gold... no lets have him boiling in oil.


Magic Monk Scams in stew pot

Circus sideshow.

I used to see all sorts of these freaks when I was a kid.

Never saw the ringside full of adults 'tho.


I particulaly liked the Frog Boy.

Until I found out he was a thalidomide baby.

"...involves passing objects to the monk for him to imbue with sacred power."

Really? Just like that?

Does it cost anything?

Only a small donation, no tenfold charge for tourists, but you can feel free to donate so much you want. wink.png


Never mind the fake monk trick, I'm more interested in the bearded lady sat behind him to the right in the African tribal get up!!

I think you forget that actually is carnival or just Mardi Gras she/he is probably from New Orleans.clap2.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gifburp.gifcrazy.gifneus.gif


Good to see Thailand moving rapidly into the 16th century and still believing in magical powers. Well done. Religion(s) like this are the con of the millenia.

forgive me for correcting you... this is not 'religion' and nothing to do with 'Buddhism' it is hocus pokus claptrap for the gullible and ignorant

Buddism, when practiced and understood, is peaceful, loving and compassionate (i.e Dalai Lama) and so there is NO connection between jet setting, sexual deviant or pot boiling 'monks' and Buddhism wai.gif

Then it's just Blasphemy, for this he should be punished.


Good to see Thailand moving rapidly into the 16th century and still believing in magical powers. Well done. Religion(s) like this are the con of the millenia.

forgive me for correcting you... this is not 'religion' and nothing to do with 'Buddhism' it is hocus pokus claptrap for the gullible and ignorant

Buddism, when practiced and understood, is peaceful, loving and compassionate (i.e Dalai Lama) and so there is NO connection between jet setting, sexual deviant or pot boiling 'monks' and Buddhism wai.gif

<<and so there is NO connection between jet setting, sexual deviant or pot boiling 'monks' and Buddhism wai.gif>>

So they're Catholics then?....... sorry to be pedantic, but if Thai Buddhist monks are doing above mentioned shannigans, there is a connection.

But only in case he is a real monk and not just a scammer. wink.png


Plans for an annual fondue festival to rival Songkran have been put on hold indefinitely

Actually is Wat Chalong party in Phuket they boil in big wok's like this the insects in oil.


the elders of the religion will not denounce this stunt

I doubt that! Most abbots will distance themselves from this carry on.

And will they publicly denounce it as they have not done so many times before?

Will they defrock the monk?

Will the monk even be called in for questioning?

"Major Rule Groups of the Patimokkha

a) The Four Paaraajika — The Defeaters

The new bhikkhu is told about the Paaraajika Offences immediately after ordination, so he fully knows that they are the most serious of all the offences and that the consequences of transgressing them causes him to be no longer a bhikkhu. The nature of the act that breaks any of these four Paaraajika rules clearly reveals that the bhikkhu is no longer interested in developing the subtle and refined way of Dhamma. The alternative of voluntarily disrobing is always available if he feels he can no longer keep the Rule and this is considered a much better way to handle this sort of overwhelming desire.

A monk automatically falls from being a bhikkhu[31] by committing any of these four offences of Defeat: sexual-intercourse, murder, major-theft, or falsely claiming supernormal abilities. A bhikkhu who falls into any of these four Defeater offences thereby severs himself irrevocably from the bhikkhu community and is no longer considered a bhikkhu."


This the theory, the question is who will prosecute him.


Sex sells.

Superstition sells.

It is used to 'sell' most religions.

I think humans have a superstition gene.

Both are the oldest trades in this world, business as usual. wink.png

The business with the fear is a very old trade like the Jesuites did in the middle age sold Indulgence Certificates to the ppl and the ppl paid for it in the fear they had to go to hell, for their sins.

This was the main reason why Martin Luther left the catholic religion, caused of these scams, and founded his own.

To see it realistic to sell this certificates was a great and very successful marketing idea.thumbsup.gif

Compare to this is the boiling pot just a simple juggler trick.giggle.gif

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What I find so depressing is that a MONK - a religious man (allegedly) has deliberately set out to pass off a cheap illusionist trick as a religious experience.......all it does is tarnish the image of the monk-hood.

Is it approved that he is a real monk?

I still see only a man in Monk clothes, this should be not a problem to organize this.

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