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Yingluck's lawyer cries foul over search and trail

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Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

Copy of Thaksin?


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Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

BS - It is offensive to the majority of Burmese people to in anyway compare Yingluck and Aung San Suu Kyi . Furthermore you clearly do not understand the extent in scope and time that Aung San Suu Kyi faced total oppression from the Burmese Junta and their henchmen.

Further, she had little hesitation to take up the fake puppet role of pm and thereby insulting the good Thai people, and she had no hesitation in a country where there is no democracy to make a speech about how her government was building and protecting democracy in Thailand and at the same they were making progress towards establishing a dictatorship led by a fugitive criminal.

Now she expects the Thai people should respect her.

What gall, .

What are you blabbering on about?

'Insulting the good people of Thailand' cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3- alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> Well, enough of the bleeders voted for her didn't they? Who voted for the current mob? Oh, nobody. Cheers.

What am I blabbering on about?

Further, she had little hesitation to take up the fake puppet role of pm and thereby insulting the good Thai people, and she had no hesitation in a country where there is no democracy to make a speech about how her government was building and protecting democracy in Thailand and at the same they were making progress towards establishing a dictatorship led by a fugitive criminal.

Now she expects the Thai people should respect her.

What gall, .


Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

BS - It is offensive to the majority of Burmese people to in anyway compare Yingluck and Aung San Suu Kyi . Furthermore you clearly do not understand the extent in scope and time that Aung San Suu Kyi faced total oppression from the Burmese Junta and their henchmen.

very conseited to speak here for the majority of Burmese people as someone with no idea whats going on there...

I have many(!!) Burmese friends, mostly Shan and Yangon People not agree with your high-handed Statement..

and last but not least... "total oppression from the Junta" .. where is the difference???


Yingluck and her administration deserves prosecution. To fleece this nation of up to 700 billion baht is horrendous. However, instead of some BS charge such as lack of oversight, the current regime needs to publicize the trail and follow the money trail. Doubt if few members of parliament, the upper echelon of the police force or military as well as most of the "hi/so" class would survive a true probe. For this much money to have been squandered without the involvement of all sides is ridiculous.

However at best the Thai people will get a secret plea bargain deal that will lack any form of transparency. Even though Thaksin and his cronies were involved with their secret G to G deals, most of the rice mills and business is owned by the other color of the elite. That side will never receive justice in any case.

Similar to the massive corruption uncovered thus far under the current regime, most of the charges are based on LM violations. There is no effort in this country to get to the bottom of anything. The sitting government as well as all previous governments lack and will continue to lack transparency.

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Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

Copy of Thaksin?
You throw around the yellow shirts actions claiming they are the only ones doing it. You need go back to your hole inside yls B___ because you are twisting the truth too much. Try looking in the past news about the things the UDD and PTP did to those who spoke out against YL in the north. Until then stop posting only your version of the truth

Before that lawyer goes ballistic he might want to read much more viral "foul cry" stories affecting tourism which should bring money to the coffers of the local operatores.

The story on the knife and the Dutch tourists, en route to Swampi, being search by Somnuek Khon Thamruad, was a particularly good one w00t.gif :



Stalking, harassing, abusing.

She has put up with all of this and remained cool as a cucumber.

She has more inner strength in her little finger than all that army together.

All these males with their guns, bullying a female.

Shame, shame, shame on them.

By the way. I am not a political supporter of yingluck.

I am a supporter of each human being treated fairly and justly.

Normal people here in Bangkok are daily stopped by police who want to study their faces, look at papers and even look inside the car. Should we tell the army to let the police do their work?

Ms. Yingluck is requested to appear at court on the 19th. Ms. Yingluck is know to exploit situations to garner support for her (like at the funeral of that dear departed red-shirt a few months back). Ms. Yingluck doesn't behave as your average normal human being, so why would she or her lawyer complain when she's not approached like one?

Maybe Ms. Yingluck's lawyer should tell the NCPO that democratic countries are exploring 'less' intrusive ways of keeping track of people and even manage the people to volunteer.

"For example, applications could expand beyond access and include employee ID and location tracking."


Did you read the part where the military had people watching her residence at night? I guess normal people get that kind of special treatment also?

Normal people stopped, thats serious BS. The only people, stopped are farangs.

She has behaved head and shoulders with more class than her captors, and many other people

If she is convicted and jailed, this country will be exactly like its northern neighbor. And if the controllers of this country think this is the remedy, they will be surprised at what happens in the future.


Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

Complete hyperbole.

Yingluck is absolutely nothing in similar with ASSK apart from being female,

The police here have stop and search powers. Military Law is in place. Also reasonable to search her security team for illegally carrying weapons.

Their job is to keep the peace - both protecting Yingluck from nutters and stopping nutters among her supporters form becoming wound up.

She has no dignity and is certainly nobody's heroine - she lied in office, betrayed her oath, allowed a criminal to run her cabinet, and still refuses to accept any blame for anything, admit anything was wrong or even provide answers to any questions. You think acting like that is dignified? Incredible but up to you.

This lawyer should accept reality - the Shins are not above the law, can be stopped and searched like anyone else, and should be treated the same as any other citizen. Her vehicle was not searched out of respect for her former position, which a court removed her from. That was more than generous.

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Stalking, harassing, abusing.

She has put up with all of this and remained cool as a cucumber.

She has more inner strength in her little finger than all that army together.

All these males with their guns, bullying a female.

Shame, shame, shame on them.

By the way. I am not a political supporter of yingluck.

I am a supporter of each human being treated fairly and justly.

Normal people here in Bangkok are daily stopped by police who want to study their faces, look at papers and even look inside the car. Should we tell the army to let the police do their work?

Ms. Yingluck is requested to appear at court on the 19th. Ms. Yingluck is know to exploit situations to garner support for her (like at the funeral of that dear departed red-shirt a few months back). Ms. Yingluck doesn't behave as your average normal human being, so why would she or her lawyer complain when she's not approached like one?

Maybe Ms. Yingluck's lawyer should tell the NCPO that democratic countries are exploring 'less' intrusive ways of keeping track of people and even manage the people to volunteer.

"For example, applications could expand beyond access and include employee ID and location tracking."


Did you read the part where the military had people watching her residence at night? I guess normal people get that kind of special treatment also?

Normal people stopped, thats serious BS. The only people, stopped are farangs.

She has behaved head and shoulders with more class than her captors, and many other people

If she is convicted and jailed, this country will be exactly like its northern neighbor. And if the controllers of this country think this is the remedy, they will be surprised at what happens in the future.

Classy behavior - like lying, lying again and repeatedly lying? Or allowing her cousin the Foreign Minister to hand deliver a new passport illegally issued as a birthday present to her criminal fugitive brother and then refusing to answer the Ombudsman's repeated questions on it. Or maybe going to see flood victims and handing out free packs of noodles with her criminal fugitive brother's picture on the wrapper. Or pushing selected children out of the wonderful experience of walking out with and meeting Chelsea to make way for her son. Or the wonderful speech in Mongolia where she lied about her brother. Or lying that the disgusting amnesty bill to whitewash her brother had been withdrawn. Or the captivating TV interviews she gave with the BBC and Al Jazeera? Or the really classy vowing to pay farmers next week lie?

The list is endless of her truly classy behavior. Cool as a cucumber - more like thick as pig shit and believes big brother when he tells her all is going to plan. To his plan maybe.

I guess Amply Rich women who are billionaires and ex PM's aren't really considered "normal" people. Do you think she goes through immigration and customs like normal people when she traveled abroad to meet Thaksin?

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Soviet/Nazi style abuse of procedure to harass and bully whilst cloaked in legality. A disgrace. It happens all over the world an is used by police and bureaucrats alike. A new low for this regime but there will be more abuses of a wider range of people. Every day she is looking more and more heroic and dignified. It is no wonder that the people's admiration of her is genuine and not enforced by dictate and law. This is how SLORC used to bully and browbeat Aung San Suu Kyi in Burma. But even they did not resort to the sexual slander and sexist abuse used by the yellow shirts to attack the then Prime Minister of Thailand.

BS - It is offensive to the majority of Burmese people to in anyway compare Yingluck and Aung San Suu Kyi . Furthermore you clearly do not understand the extent in scope and time that Aung San Suu Kyi faced total oppression from the Burmese Junta and their henchmen.

Further, she had little hesitation to take up the fake puppet role of pm and thereby insulting the good Thai people, and she had no hesitation in a country where there is no democracy to make a speech about how her government was building and protecting democracy in Thailand and at the same they were making progress towards establishing a dictatorship led by a fugitive criminal.

Now she expects the Thai people should respect her.

What gall, .

Most Thai people do ...


Her incompetence led to billions in theft/loss/ graft so she is getting the treatment she deserves

Add that people in her family have set an example they are runners ...

No sympathy from me

Hope she gets locked up for life

No more was lost to graft than through any other previous corrupt governments. But the Taksins won votes and taught the Thais to expect more. As for the Plastic Thais, the Farang who live in Thailand on their expat salaries and have use of their democracy western based educations but yet support a military ****orship. Go back to The USA. You are an enemy of the Thai people.

Far more foreigners here can see threw Thaksin's lies and bullshit than just the Americans. Although it's true, most Americans have him sussed alright.

The real enemy of the Thai people are those who promise everything, deliver very very little, but keep a lot in the process. 450% increase in family wealth anyone. Join the get rich quick club,


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Her incompetence led to billions in theft/loss/ graft so she is getting the treatment she deserves

Add that people in her family have set an example they are runners ...

No sympathy from me

Hope she gets locked up for life

Not for life, the most prison time she can recieve is 10 years. Interesting development yesterdays search. Obviously a prison term is going to be handed down or the army wouldn't be stalking her every move. I wonder which prison she will be sent to?

Other than a photo op of checking in, decked out in orange and a day or two of humility she will not do time of significance. It will be a posted bond pending another supreme court ruling that will continue in the court system till it becomes un-newsworthy to the Thai public. Expect the final outcome to last more than 20 years in the court system and the end result, if she lives that long, being a suspended sentence. This is Thailand!

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I think she'll get the full 10 year sentence. An example to all. Might be a few protests but these will only be small. Only a week to find out. Feel like putting a bet on it, anyone know a link to such a bet.


I think she'll get the full 10 year sentence. An example to all. Might be a few protests but these will only be small. Only a week to find out. Feel like putting a bet on it, anyone know a link to such a bet.

She may initially receive a lengthy sentence, which will be cut back on first appeal, cut back again on appeal to the Supreme Court and then suspended. HiSo elites don't do jail time. They either get embroiled in appeals which never seem to get heard, or get suspended sentences or do a runner and don't get extradited.

They think that will be enough to scare the rest.

Wonder if Tarit is still being investigated? And all the other muppets?

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Yingluck and her administration deserves prosecution. To fleece this nation of up to 700 billion baht is horrendous. However, instead of some BS charge such as lack of oversight, the current regime needs to publicize the trail and follow the money trail. Doubt if few members of parliament, the upper echelon of the police force or military as well as most of the "hi/so" class would survive a true probe. For this much money to have been squandered without the involvement of all sides is ridiculous.

However at best the Thai people will get a secret plea bargain deal that will lack any form of transparency. Even though Thaksin and his cronies were involved with their secret G to G deals, most of the rice mills and business is owned by the other color of the elite. That side will never receive justice in any case.

Similar to the massive corruption uncovered thus far under the current regime, most of the charges are based on LM violations. There is no effort in this country to get to the bottom of anything. The sitting government as well as all previous governments lack and will continue to lack transparency.

"There is no effort in this country to get to the bottom of anything."

Have you been asleep for the last year or so?

No more was lost to graft than through any other previous corrupt governments. But the Taksins won votes and taught the Thais to expect more. As for the Plastic Thais, the Farang who live in Thailand on their expat salaries and have use of their democracy western based educations but yet support a military ****orship. Go back to The USA. You are an enemy of the Thai people.

You show your true colors: Every Farang is from the USA and we are all enemies of the Thai people? Are you insane? Or just another red troll being paid to make stupid remarks.

"No more was lost to graft....." Bull, you don't know how to count, there is a slight difference between million and billion.

Billions of baht - chickenfeed! What really put the wind up was when Yingluk decided (was told) to borrow trillions.


I guess it's a small improvement on threatening her children like last time.

Classless Junta.

Really? Have you got a link to these threats?

I only ask as some tend to "dress up" their stories to suit an agenda….I remember some apparently said huge armed thugs manhandled 3 students from the stage that were doing the 3 fingered salute while Prayuth was trying to speak. Turned out they were actually 6 unarmed people 2 of which were delightful looking women under 50 kg.

I bet the Junta didn't threaten the children by saying “Help kidnap the twin daughters to be held as hostages. They are protected by two guards who carry their Baretta (automatic pistols) on their waists. By the time, an eye for an eye. It will be just fine if they are held hostage. If they are dead, it is worth too. Prayuth (General Prayuth) should learn the lesson for losing the loved ones.”

Of course the regime supporters attempted to downplay THAT threat claiming it was merely the result of "frustration".

​So did the Junta threaten the children with kidnapping and death and if so then maybe the Junta were frustrated too? Apparently the regime sees that as being a legitimate reason to threaten to kidnap kids? Do you have kids? I sure do and would hate to have those threats made against them and then justified because the person is "frustrated"

So got the link of these threats against them? Any death threats or kidnapping threats?

​It was OK for the red shirts to make the threats of death against innocent children because yingluck was elected right!!!

Yingluck has one son - who attends Harrow School franchise in Bangkok. There were reports of some nasty parents blowing whistles to upset the poor mite, However the story was hotly denied by the Headmaster of Harrow School franchise. PTP PR dropped the story after the denial - what a surprise.

As usual simply a lie, and invented story, inventing 2 extra children and turning an alleged and denied story of whistle blowing by some parents into threats by the Junta.

PTP and their farang supporters here simply can't tell the truth.

Amazing (falangs in) Thailand.

Yes, I knew that story was fake, but maybe there was another "threat" I missed.

So we can chalk both the brutal armed thugs statement and the Junta threatening yinglucks child statement up to over stimulated imaginations or plain out lies to denounce the Junta.

Amazing that I can use facts to denounce the PTP, but some have to make up stories to denounce the Junta.

But yingluck was elected so lies are OK to denounce the Junta!!!


Yingluck Shinawatra belongs in jail for several reasons.

First she is a corrupt hand-puppet of her equally corrupt (and convicted criminal) brother, Thaksin Shinawatra. Second, she poses as being responsible for devastating, corrupt policies that have bankrupted the country and destroyed the lives of millions of farmers, all while leaving Thailand's rice industry in ruins. Third, in her party's bid to cling to power, terrorist mercenaries were employed to kill men, women, and children.

None of these offenses were condemned by Yingluck Shinawatra or the party she claimed to represent.

So whether or not she actually made decisions (she decided nothing besides what she wore day to day, if even that) is irrelevant. She posed as someone who did, making her an accomplice. Putting her in jail will send a message to the rest of Thaksin Shinawatra and his Western backer's troupe of criminals and servants.

Help do the crime in whatever capacity, pay the time.

More likely though, Yingluck Shinawatra's imprisonment will most likely be used as a bargaining chip to drive the Shinawatra crime family further from the levers of power and influence. While not ideal, it is a realist move that could help move the country forward.

When the Shinawatra's have been cut down to a more manageable size, we can begin throwing them in prison like the criminals they are and where they most certainly belong.

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Well at least she didn't have to p155 in a cup like the rest of us :-)

Typical bloated sympathy tactics in the disgraceful game that ongoing.

All involved on both sides are a disgrace to thailand & the world but all deserve the hassle they get for running the country like buffoons while milking the moneys


Stalking, harassing, abusing.

She has put up with all of this and remained cool as a cucumber.

She has more inner strength in her little finger than all that army together.

All these males with their guns, bullying a female.

Shame, shame, shame on them.

By the way. I am not a political supporter of yingluck.

I am a supporter of each human being treated fairly and justly.

Normal people here in Bangkok are daily stopped by police who want to study their faces, look at papers and even look inside the car. Should we tell the army to let the police do their work?

Ms. Yingluck is requested to appear at court on the 19th. Ms. Yingluck is know to exploit situations to garner support for her (like at the funeral of that dear departed red-shirt a few months back). Ms. Yingluck doesn't behave as your average normal human being, so why would she or her lawyer complain when she's not approached like one?

Maybe Ms. Yingluck's lawyer should tell the NCPO that democratic countries are exploring 'less' intrusive ways of keeping track of people and even manage the people to volunteer.

"For example, applications could expand beyond access and include employee ID and location tracking."


Did you read the part where the military had people watching her residence at night? I guess normal people get that kind of special treatment also?

Normal people stopped, thats serious BS. The only people, stopped are farangs.

She has behaved head and shoulders with more class than her captors, and many other people

If she is convicted and jailed, this country will be exactly like its northern neighbor. And if the controllers of this country think this is the remedy, they will be surprised at what happens in the future.

Sitting in the sun on the Phuket beach too long?

It's normal for Amply Rich people to be watched over by either police or Army. Normal people only get watched over by either robbers, murderers or just before the police arrests them.

Normal people stopped. Here in Bangkok along Sawan Kholok rd. near Sukhothai Rd. between 7PM and 9PM passing on the back of a motorcy I see many Thai being stopped to the point where even the motorcy drivers like to take different routes at them time.

Ms. Yingluck behaved as if none of the 700,000,000,000 Baht was of any concern to her. Questions to be responded to with 'you prosecute me for political reasons', 'democracy had died', etc.

If she convicted and jailed justice will be seen to be served and if you think there's no need for justice for this poor Amply Rich innocent girl, you might consider going back to your beach.

Stay in the shade and keep cool,

uncle rubl

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Stalking, harassing, abusing.

She has put up with all of this and remained cool as a cucumber.

She has more inner strength in her little finger than all that army together.

All these males with their guns, bullying a female.

Shame, shame, shame on them.

By the way. I am not a political supporter of yingluck.

I am a supporter of each human being treated fairly and justly.

Normal people here in Bangkok are daily stopped by police who want to study their faces, look at papers and even look inside the car. Should we tell the army to let the police do their work?

Ms. Yingluck is requested to appear at court on the 19th. Ms. Yingluck is know to exploit situations to garner support for her (like at the funeral of that dear departed red-shirt a few months back). Ms. Yingluck doesn't behave as your average normal human being, so why would she or her lawyer complain when she's not approached like one?

Maybe Ms. Yingluck's lawyer should tell the NCPO that democratic countries are exploring 'less' intrusive ways of keeping track of people and even manage the people to volunteer.

"For example, applications could expand beyond access and include employee ID and location tracking."


Did you read the part where the military had people watching her residence at night? I guess normal people get that kind of special treatment also?

Normal people stopped, thats serious BS. The only people, stopped are farangs.

She has behaved head and shoulders with more class than her captors, and many other people

If she is convicted and jailed, this country will be exactly like its northern neighbor. And if the controllers of this country think this is the remedy, they will be surprised at what happens in the future.

Sitting in the sun on the Phuket beach too long?

It's normal for Amply Rich people to be watched over by either police or Army. Normal people only get watched over by either robbers, murderers or just before the police arrests them.

Normal people stopped. Here in Bangkok along Sawan Kholok rd. near Sukhothai Rd. between 7PM and 9PM passing on the back of a motorcy I see many Thai being stopped to the point where even the motorcy drivers like to take different routes at them time.

Ms. Yingluck behaved as if none of the 700,000,000,000 Baht was of any concern to her. Questions to be responded to with 'you prosecute me for political reasons', 'democracy had died', etc.

If she convicted and jailed justice will be seen to be served and if you think there's no need for justice for this poor Amply Rich innocent girl, you might consider going back to your beach.

Stay in the shade and keep cool,

uncle rubl

Hahahah dear unc thanks for the concern :)

Seriously its getting that bad about stops? I just spent a few days up north your way getting some embassy paperwork. Never saw anything different except for less motorbikes on sidewalks.

Cant get to the beach with all the jetskies :)

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