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Serious And Disturbing Email


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Don't think so, not if the copper knows that anything happens to Tip then he'll be nicked. :o

You optimist. :D Don't screw with Thai cops. Somewhere in my family tree, there is still an unsolved murder. :D

Obviously, LovelyCutie, you don't live by the maxime laid out by your own signature :

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."


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I was thinking of closing this thread now, or very soon, since I think any further speculation may be moot. But it ocurred to me now that this may be the most important advice I could seek now. Protection.

Please help.

I guess you still need a PI and a lawyer in order to verify whether the relation is genuine or not.

According to the email the policeman is your wife's husband and since you're also her husband that might be worth looking into.

If it's not a wind-up I wouldn't be surprised that they met much earlier than one year before and the guy turn out to be her original husband.

Anyway good luck.

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Defo Klown type fella, I 2nd that.

Tipps, you have the information and the the tools, go and do what you have to. I think this thread can now, no longer offer more than the support we will all give. :o

Maybe we all need to move away too, for the moment.

All the best old bean.... :D


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How about full name and where he is stationed?? I think if this all happens to be true which I still don't quite believe then I think you can make problems for him. :D

Sorry Brit, i dont mean to offend but i think that is the worst piece of advice i have read on this thread, I would imagine making problems for him would result in far bigger problems for Tipperporn.

Don't think so, not if the copper knows that anything happens to Tip then he'll be nicked. :o

Not necessarily. In the event the scenario is true and the person in question is a cop who is jai rawn maak-maak, it could indeed pose a potential risk to Tip. Some stations may well stand in support of an accused officer regardless of what he's been accused of, or at least remain neutral about it. Then too, cops are people too. Some good, some bad, some just don't think about consequences or don't give a crap. If the circumstances provr to be true, Tip would best by protecting financial assets, not sure how that works with a joint account though, and keep a safe distance, especially if the guy is a loose cannon. And again, if the worst proves to be true, if Tip has any life insurance, then that's also something that should be quickly changed. But only after he is truly convinced that his wife is indeed cheating on him.

I have to admit though, getting bad news from someone who conceals their identity would raise questions though, regardless of the replies. At the same time, I can understand such concealment in not wanting to put his or her self at risk as well. If the person is using Tip's computer at home, and his wife is not computer savvy, then I would think that may narrow down the list of who would have access to find his email address.

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How about full name and where he is stationed?? I think if this all happens to be true which I still don't quite believe then I think you can make problems for him. :D

Sorry Brit, i dont mean to offend but i think that is the worst piece of advice i have read on this thread, I would imagine making problems for him would result in far bigger problems for Tipperporn.

Don't think so, not if the copper knows that anything happens to Tip then he'll be nicked. :o

Not necessarily. In the event the scenario is true and the person in question is a cop who is jai rawn maak-maak, it could indeed pose a potential risk to Tip. Some stations may well stand in support of an accused officer regardless of what he's been accused of, or at least remain neutral about it. Then too, cops are people too. Some good, some bad, some just don't think about consequences or don't give a crap. If the circumstances provr to be true, Tip would best by protecting financial assets, not sure how that works with a joint account though, and keep a safe distance, especially if the guy is a loose cannon. And again, if the worst proves to be true, if Tip has any life insurance, then that's also something that should be quickly changed. But only after he is truly convinced that his wife is indeed cheating on him.

I have to admit though, getting bad news from someone who conceals their identity would raise questions though, regardless of the replies. At the same time, I can understand such concealment in not wanting to put his or her self at risk as well. If the person is using Tip's computer at home, and his wife is not computer savvy, then I would think that may narrow down the list of who would have access to find his email address.

Maybe he already is at risk, regardless of a confrontation? :D The lad who was BBQ comes to mind. :D

It's a sticky situation, but I'm not one to personally ignore a situation like this and staying away or not confronting the issue head-on certainly isn't me. Couldnt do it regardless of the consequences, just not me.

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Tippy , i will tell you a story .. it bases on the true story

Once up on a time..

Miss "A" is a Thai girl , she has a Farang BF ,american his name is "B"

They had have a good time together , till one day Mr."B" get an email from someone he knew well .. his so -called friend .. (Mr.C)

C email to "B" that ... B's thai gf was cheating .. she went out with many guys and "C" also send a foto of a girl with other farang guy ..(the foto was not clear)

"B" was too much upset and angry as h-ell ...He had contact with his TGF no more..

The girl was really sad , and did not underatnd what did she do wrong?

......TILL one day "B" found out that his so-called friend "C" made a phunking joke ....

"C" told "B" that .."i think its fun to make a joke to you "

and "C" accessed "B"'s pc by accident ..

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There is an easy way to find out who the person emailling you is. So far you know that it is most likely a man be he Thai or Farang, so you just appeal to his basic emotions to gain more information: SEX

Create a false email account and load up the personal page with images of a random beautiful girl. Send him an email explaining that you saw his picture and email online and would like to get to know him more. Ask if he has anymore pictures etc

By the time you get around to the second email you should be able to get at his personal info such as name and phone number, and you will have a picture of this guy. This will also put to rest the debate whether this is a Thai or Farang. If you know who it is, great, if not, then at least you have more info to give to any PI you may hire in the future.

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There is an easy way to find out who the person emailling you is. So far you know that it is most likely a man be he Thai or Farang, so you just appeal to his basic emotions to gain more information: SEX

Create a false email account and load up the personal page with images of a random beautiful girl. Send him an email explaining that you saw his picture and email online and would like to get to know him more. Ask if he has anymore pictures etc

By the time you get around to the second email you should be able to get at his personal info such as name and phone number, and you will have a picture of this guy. This will also put to rest the debate whether this is a Thai or Farang. If you know who it is, great, if not, then at least you have more info to give to any PI you may hire in the future.

Not a bad idea, unless he/she is reading this thread. :o

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O.K., I've been preoccupied with a flurry of emails between the sender and myself and then a call to my very good and trusted Thai 'brother' in BKK. I sincerely hope that this thread I started does not begin to look like a dimestore novel. But I've received so much help and comfort from all of you these past three days that I owe you all an explanation of and conclusion to what has developed, despite the fact that salvaging the situation may be beyond anyone's help.

Rather than copy and paste all of these emails, which are becoming highly personal, I'll simply run down the picture that these emails paint.

The sender of the emails is bona fide - absolutely and beyond a shadow of a doubt. In fact, I believe I know for certain the identity of the sender. I am 99% sure. I believe the sender will reveal herself to me within the next few days. It is a female and she is khon Thai. And she has been truthful down to the last detail.

The events shape up as I inwardly suspected, and verified by the responses I received. I left for the U.S. the last week of July, '05. Shortly before my departure my wife and I were visited by three policemen who were heading back out to their respective posts the following day. I believe one of them was posted in BKK. The other two in South Thailand.

I can't recall if, during our little party, mention had been made that I was returning to the States for an extended stay - a minimum two months with an open return date of 4 months. Quite possibly. As it turned out one of those policeman, I believe, returned after I left and began to move in on my wife.

What his exact motivations were, or are now, is unknown to me or the sender. I would be willing to make a huge wager that he saw an opportunity to have some fun with a willing and probably lonesome/bored partner who is a great deal of fun, be entertained with alcohol and food at my expense, drive my pickup truck as he pleased, and to top it off have some permanent pussy on the side whenever he wished it. Again, I cannot prove these motives but I wouldn't doubt them at all, either.

It has developed to the point where my wife now feels love for the rogue. They see each other quite often now. He comes over regularly, which was a pointed question of mine so that I can relay that information to a PI. He spends nights at the condo, and is known to stay for stretches of at least two consecutive nights. How long she stays when my wife is at his place the sender does not know. They go drinking at night all night long. I highly suspect that he was behind the wheel when the accident with my truck occured.

Their affair is blatant to all. Others are afraid to inform me. The sender is willing to take pictures and send them to me. The cop is a rogue and in the sender's opinion would be threatening to both my wife and myself. While the sender has never expressed their own concern and the reason behind her anonymity it is obvious that she could well be in a perilous position herself for divulging this information to me.

As to the identity of the sender I am convinced it is (I'll call her) Meow. Meow is my wife's closest friend in all the world. And vice versa. So why would she decide to get involved and tip me off?

I first met Meow on my 2nd trip to Thailand, which was a 3 week holiday in the month of May, 02. Extremely funny and spirited, as I was and as was my wife, the three of us quickly became a trio with extremely firm and unbreakable bonds. (No matter what happens to my wife and I she will remain a dear and lifelong friend).

Meow very much disapproves of my wife's decision to engage in a relationship with another man, let alone an unscrupulous cop. Yet best friend that she is she could not betray her friend's trust. I'm sure she has spoken against it but to no avail. I still call Meow from the States on occasion, to say "hello" or sometimes when I can't seem to raise my wife on the phone.

Meow has worked for me in a position I handed her for a short while when I first started my business in Feb. '04. I paid her handsomely - not because she was highly skilled and cut out for the job but because she was capable, needed the money for herself and her son (her husband had died in a car wreck shortly after her son was born) and was our closest and dearest friend and companion.

Meow has a very large family by Thai standards and my wife and I are always highly welcomed guests in any of their households. Meow's older sister is teasingly my "younger sister" and I am her "older brother." My wife and I are almost as close with many of Meow's family as we are with Meow herself.

Meow sits on the sidelines and can no longer bear to see me unknowingly get hurt. So she has decided to speak up. She has has offered to try and bring my wife back to me and suggested that the two of us work together, alone but united, towards that end.

So that is the full story and I expect few of the details to change. What lies in the future is a huge question mark. If the love is lost then it is gone and done with. What my wife truly feels for me now is known only to her. But I will not and never will ask a woman to remain with me if I am truly unwanted. I can bestow all the boons in the world to her and her family but love cannot be bought. I can only come back now and look her deeply and penetratingly in the eyes and hope to catch a glimpse of love for me. If I see hollow sockets I will flee like the wind.

Now I must prepare myself for a safe return. I think it will be necessary for my own protection and that of my wife and Meow to document the current situation in a professional and offical manner. Meow may be able to take photos but I think a professional PI is now needed. The case is solved but proof must be gathered to ward off any attempts on the part of this policeman to make retribution. I think it is all straightforward from here.

There's a single footnote to the 'facts' which I need to add because I believe that on one point I've been misleading since the OP. My wife and I are not truly married. It's a jungle marriage. While we were in the process of going through the paperwork to make it official it had stalled for one reason or another. Considering where the relationship is now it might be easy to attribute all of those bumps and roadblocks to Providence.

We had considered ourselves married in our hearts very early on and have worn wedding bands since our first year together. Once I joined TV it felt funny to me to call her my gf. I began calling her my wife to reflect what I felt in my heart. My apologies to all for allowing everyone to believe that it was official. It was not intended to deceive.

I will keep this thread open in case anyone would like to respond, but I think it needs to be closed shortly. I'd first like to hear any recommendations and ideas on what I can do to protect myself and the ones I love.

I wear my heart on my sleeve - right or wrong, good or bad, I can't be otherwise. I have expressed over and over again to all of you the deep appreciation I feel for your support, caring, and offers of help. It is not feigned, nor have I ever said it glibly. I've never experienced such an outpouring of well-being directed at me by so many. It is ironic to me that I am on the verge of losing perhaps my greatest love only to find so much here. :o

I'll have more to comment on later but this post is long enough. Please be kind in your thoughts to the woman I still love.

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One more thing! Don't be so miserable like the sky is going to fall!

You have got people here supporting you! And that makes you a lucky enough guy already!

If things do really get bad, I promise you I will take care of you! :D I can easily find you a beautiful and faithful thai wife provided you are genuinely a nice person.


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Maybe he already is at risk, regardless of a confrontation? :o The lad who was BBQ comes to mind. :D

It's a sticky situation, but I'm not one to personally ignore a situation like this and staying away or not confronting the issue head-on certainly isn't me. Couldnt do it regardless of the consequences, just not me.

But at the present time, Tip is in the US, and not rxposed to any potentially hostile risk. Letting people know the circumstances, such as the members here, is a good idea when he decides to return to Thailand to deal with matters. And should the circumstances be true, then keeping a low profile in Thailand would also be advisable and let a qualified and reliable attorney handle the matter.

I understand that you may want to deal with things head-on if faced with a similar situation. But I would think it would be a bit hard for anyone to actually know ahead of time. Conditions and circumstances can easily cause anyone to change their own mind. Confrontation in such a situation could cause tempers to rapidly and unexpectedly flare beyond control. I'm sure the guy who was BBQ'd had no idea things would turn out as they did. If I recall, wasn't the 'innocent' ruse to lure him to pick up their son?

All I'm saying is that Tip (or anyone for that matter) would do best to keep himself safe until he actually knows there is no risk rather than run headlong into an unexpected encounter. To do otherwise would seem to be a bit reckless since tempers are bound to flare on the other side just from being exposed. Then too, it's always possible that once the cat is out of the bag, the jai-rawn cop may quickly dump Mrs. Tip and seek less risky companionship.

Still, as it stands at the moment, the finger of guilt has only been pointed and suggested by the unidentified emailer. What the real story in remains a matter of conjecture and speculation, but it's certainly and understandably caused a lot of grief and confusion for Tip. Any way you look at it, it's not a pleasant thing for anyone to go through.

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Defo Klown type fella, I 2nd that.

Tipps, you have the information and the the tools, go and do what you have to. I think this thread can now, no longer offer more than the support we will all give. :o

Maybe we all need to move away too, for the moment.

All the best old bean.... :D


Cheers to ya, matey! :D

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Now I must prepare myself for a safe return. I think it will be necessary for my own protection and that of my wife and Meow to document the current situation in a professional and offical manner. Meow may be able to take photos but I think a professional PI is now needed. The case is solved but proof must be gathered to ward off any attempts on the part of this policeman to make retribution. I think it is all straightforward from here.

There's a single footnote to the 'facts' which I need to add because I believe that on one point I've been misleading since the OP. My wife and I are not truly married. It's a jungle marriage. While we were in the process of going through the paperwork to make it official it had stalled for one reason or another. Considering where the relationship is now it might be easy to attribute all of those bumps and roadblocks to Providence.

We had considered ourselves married in our hearts very early on and have worn wedding bands since our first year together. Once I joined TV it felt funny to me to call her my gf. I began calling her my wife to reflect what I felt in my heart. My apologies to all for allowing everyone to believe that it was official. It was not intended to deceive.

I will keep this thread open in case anyone would like to respond, but I think it needs to be closed shortly. I'd first like to hear any recommendations and ideas on what I can do to protect myself and the ones I love.

I wear my heart on my sleeve - right or wrong, good or bad, I can't be otherwise. I have expressed over and over again to all of you the deep appreciation I feel for your support, caring, and offers of help. It is not feigned, nor have I ever said it glibly. I've never experienced such an outpouring of well-being directed at me by so many. It is ironic to me that I am on the verge of losing perhaps my greatest love only to find so much here. :o

I'll have more to comment on later but this post is long enough. Please be kind in your thoughts to the woman I still love.


Assuming you had a Thai wedding without the District Office ... for here(LOS) this is the important part of the wedding (according to my wife) .

Anyways , i hope you are able to digest this somehow, but never give up to verify all the info that you have . Even Photos ...with a bit know how on "adobe-Photoshop" you can manipulate things and may lead you wrong. Is there a remote chance that Meow is after you? Just a wild guess....

Anyhow , you don't eat the soup while boiling hot ...so wait and cool down ...a decent PI or further investigation will give you a better picture what is true and what isn't ...

all the best ,

rcm :D

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the person is using Tip's computer at home, and his wife is not computer savvy, then I would think that may narrow down the list of who would have access to find his email address.

Since the sender is who I believe her to be than she has had my email address all along. As to the question of whose computer the emails were coming from it was not mine. Khutan and I resolved that last night (my night).

Meow works as a beautician and the shop she works in has a computer on-line. Whether or not she made up a fictitous name or if it was that of the shop's owner is not yet unknown. But I do know she has access in the shop.

Her emails always came after 10PM. Shop closing time as I am familiar with it.

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Anyways , i hope you are able to digest this somehow, but never give up to verify all the info that you have . Even Photos ...with a bit know how on "adobe-Photoshop" you can manipulate things and may lead you wrong. Is there a remote chance that Meow is after you? Just a wild guess....

Anyhow , you don't eat the soup while boiling hot ...so wait and cool down ...a decent PI or further investigation will give you a better picture what is true and what isn't ...

all the best ,

rcm :D

Unless I hear otherwise on what steps I can take to protect myself, Meow and my wife, and I have not gone through all my PMs yet, a PI sounds much like a necessity to me. I'd hate to argue a charge of possession of drugs in front of a Thai court. "I was framed. Honestly." :D

I recall that one of these policeman, two Julys ago, had offered to supply me with a bit of smoke if I was interested. :o

Meow is not after me. She has a current Thai boyfriend. And as she mentioned in one of her emails, has policeman friends herself.

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