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Canadian dies after falling from 15th floor of Bangkok hotel

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I have noticed that every hotel I have stayed in has a lower railing than most. I have leaned against them and am above the tipping point..... Men's mass is above the waist where women have their mass located lower. Probably help to add another rail....

Not the low railing controversy again. Where are all these supposed low, dangerous railings you claim to be seeing?

I'm 6 foot 1 and have never in the 7 years I've lived here or the 20+ years I've been coming here seen a railing in Thailand that was lower than my stomach, which would make them impossible to "tip over".


The lack of hospices and access to painkillers strong enough to dull the agony of a terminal illness could explain why some unfortunate people end their lives so tragically.

It's a lesson for Westerners to always keep enough money handy for a one-way air ticket back to their home country where a serious medical condition WILL be taken care of, even if the patient has burned family bridges and is regarded as a charity case.

What would the guy do once he got there? If I was sick and broke, better just end it. I would not burden my family even if they did take me in.


Perhaps being a short arse finally has its advantages

i always found the railings to be the right height for me

but i'm only 5 foot nothing ha on all you tall fellars

watch out your time will come, maybe we should all

wear a safety harness when we go out on to the



There must be better ways than jump from a building. Give a thought to the people on the street below and the guys who have to take care of the mess.

If you need a tip, take an overdose of animal tranquilizers or if you want to go away with elegance, buy yourself a bottle of smack and take a nice o.d.

Clean, no pain, no mess. Everybody happy, thaistyle.


Depression is a sure killer. Especially if you're a long way from home. High rise buildings would be a good place to get it.

When the realities hit home and you're stuck in a box, way above the glittering facades of pay for cheap sex, and the promise of relationships that don't happen.

The black dog is quietly padding the hallways of condos looking for victims.

Some of us would be better devoting our lives to helping others when we think we're beyond help ourselves.

There is always an angle for the dangle.

Don't forget ,They don't have to jump,,,,,,,don't let things go so far that there is no way out,,,,,many dreams are shattered,and if not careful run out of money,,,get help and/or get out before it's to late, thumbsup.gif


'Jumping from a building seems to be a common means of commuting suicide among male foreigners.' In common with hanging oneself from a balcony railing, while one's hands are tied behind one's back; or with stabbing oneself in the chest several times, before slashing one's wrists. That weirdly titled TV programme, '1,000 ways to die', is certainly given a run for its money by the bizarre and wonderful suicide theories oft expounded by the Thai police.

And having provided its address, ThaiVisa might as well have named the hotel.

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Air bags designed to absorb the force from falling human bodies should be installed around the perimiter of apartment buildings over 4 stories high. This would increase electrical efficency in the news rooms due to less time devoted to guests falling to their doom. Thank you.


Would be an idea to have a support group for ex-pats in Bangkok. If there isn't one already.

I think you may already be a member ! TVF thrives on gut spilling ignorant individuals who unload their negativity without reserve, integrity, respect or intelligence on a daily basis. It possibly prevents many additional suicides !


north america horrible place no one wants to go back to there. i never been there either, just reading between the line. sure aint going either. cant even sell the passport.

I'd love to go fishing with you sometime. You got a good haul on this onegiggle.gif

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I never remembered so many people diving off buildings in the US.

Maybe TAT could work this up as a promotion. Come to Thailand and learn to fly in less then 10 seconds. <*Disclaimer: soft landing lessons unavailable at this time due to lack of qualified instructors>


I have noticed that every hotel I have stayed in has a lower railing than most. I have leaned against them and am above the tipping point..... Men's mass is above the waist where women have their mass located lower. Probably help to add another rail....

I'm a man, and any lady will confirm that my mass is located below the waste ..... ;) ;)

Still, Thai balconies have homicidal tendencies and are seriously biased against us farangs.

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I have noticed that every hotel I have stayed in has a lower railing than most. I have leaned against them and am above the tipping point..... Men's mass is above the waist where women have their mass located lower. Probably help to add another rail....

I'm a man, and any lady will confirm that my mass is located below the waste ..... wink.pngwink.png

Still, Thai balconies have homicidal tendencies and are seriously biased against us farangs.

Yeah, Thai balconies are built for, errr, short Thais. The balcony outside my apartment scares that crap out of me. It's below my hip. It does make you wonder though: the tendency to build low balconies could be a contributing factor to the numberous farang 'short and unforturnate' flights off of condos, hotels, and apartment buildings.


north america horrible place no one wants to go back to there. i never been there either, just reading between the line. sure aint going either. cant even sell the passport.

Go back to your juice.


I have noticed that every hotel I have stayed in has a lower railing than most. I have leaned against them and am above the tipping point..... Men's mass is above the waist where women have their mass located lower. Probably help to add another rail....

I'm a man, and any lady will confirm that my mass is located below the waste ..... ;) ;)

Still, Thai balconies have homicidal tendencies and are seriously biased against us farangs.

Saying your gut hangs below your dick ? Like a lot of farangs who cannot get sex in country of origin.


I have noticed that every hotel I have stayed in has a lower railing than most. I have leaned against them and am above the tipping point..... Men's mass is above the waist where women have their mass located lower. Probably help to add another rail....

Not the low railing controversy again. Where are all these supposed low, dangerous railings you claim to be seeing?

I'm 6 foot 1 and have never in the 7 years I've lived here or the 20+ years I've been coming here seen a railing in Thailand that was lower than my stomach, which would make them impossible to "tip over".

I'm 5'11'' and just walked outside to check out where the railing hit me: 4 inches below my hip bone. Trust me. I see them this low in numerous places. I'm thinking you're living a sheltered life. I live in the Thai community. And the railing outside my apartment scares the sh*t out of me.

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