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US envoy 'unaware' of ex-PM's asylum report

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Isn't it strange that all kinds of diversions are being constructed ? How a sudsidy with a minimum price guarantee all farmers condemned at too low even if paid to them directly, is being compared with a 'self-financing' scheme which cost the State and it's tax payers 700,000,000,000 Baht after barely 2-1/2 years ?

Anyway, the highest level USA official currently in the Embassy said

"Murphy also reiterated that the United States does not take sides in Thai politics. "As a friend, we simply want Thailand to succeed. Thailand's success and return to democracy is success for Southeast Asia and a success for global challenges. We are not taking sides at all," he said."

Drawing attention to the fact that all the "purging" is being done to from one party while the others get acquitted without explanation was not supposed to be a diversion.

Not sure why you posted that quote at the end?!?!

Why the quote?

Terribly sorry and all that. Totally unfair to quote from the topic here. What was I thinking rolleyes.gif

Shame it didn't fit in with OUR conversation. Never mind.

'our' conversation? You try to distract with false pretences, incorrect comparisons and some more such. I try to discuss the topic.

So yes, I do mind.

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Lets not forget the lives that were lost due to the financial hardship that she and Her brother orchestrated!!

As for Political asylum. She would need to have;

"A well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

She is not being persecuted for her political opinion, unless CORRUPTION is now classified as a political opinion!!


She is being denied permission to travel abroad until she has faced the charges against her in a court of law.

Not unreasonable considering her family history of flight and total reluctance to face the music for their crimes!!

Do you not realize that the only countries who view the coup as being legitimate are dictatorships? The legally elected party was ousted by a military coup but planned by the opposition party. What chance does she have of a fair trial if the people putting her on trial are her political opponents? Not necessarily any, and that is just one reason that she is eligible for asylum.

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They would dearly love her to run away than to hang around and go to trial

As we can see here at TVF almost daily even fair trials and discussions can be misrepresented and misquoted. There's part of the former PM's supporters who have no problem creating such misrepresentation and distortion and eilas history shows us another part of her supporters believe anything described as 'not the red truth'.

Mind you, her running away would leave a strange unsatisfied feeling, justice obstructed, yet another Amply Rich person unable to face responsibility.

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'our' conversation? You try to distract with false pretences, incorrect comparisons and some more such. I try to discuss the topic.

So yes, I do mind.

Yes, the repeated exchanges of dialogue between us do actually amount to a conversation. I do not attempt to distract but educate, I do not make incorrect comparisons but fair ones and obviously I do not know what the "some more such" means or refers to. But really, never mind.


Lets not forget the lives that were lost due to the financial hardship that she and Her brother orchestrated!!

As for Political asylum. She would need to have;

"A well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

She is not being persecuted for her political opinion, unless CORRUPTION is now classified as a political opinion!!


She is being denied permission to travel abroad until she has faced the charges against her in a court of law.

Not unreasonable considering her family history of flight and total reluctance to face the music for their crimes!!

Do you not realize that the only countries who view the coup as being legitimate are dictatorships? The legally elected party was ousted by a military coup but planned by the opposition party. What chance does she have of a fair trial if the people putting her on trial are her political opponents? Not necessarily any, and that is just one reason that she is eligible for asylum.

Do you not realise that the topic is

"BANGKOK: -- THE US chargé d'affaires said yesterday he was unaware of reports that former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was seeking asylum in the United States and declined to comment on the matter."

We have other topics on trials for Ms. Yingluck.

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I do really wish America would mind its own business, not just in Thailand, but everywhere.

Long before "Americans' existed, long before the wholesale slaughter of the indigenous native inhabitants to steal the land, the importation of slaves from Africa to grow their agrarian power house, the exploitation and abuse to the Chinese workers who built their railroad infrastructure, the endless wars in the name of "Democracy" which wre simply transparent land and natural resouce grabs from gold to oil and everything in between ... before the new generation of economic slaves, the growing Latino population who are allowed to stay and work for dimes on the dollar, but not allowed full rights, and the women of all race and creed who still make 20% less than men ... Long before the rivers of blood, sweat and tears that America squeezed from so many broken souls so they could ride the wave of luxury afforded a very small percentage of this world.

Before all that, there was Siam and the Kingdom.

Which is, for all her faults, has survived and prospered. and almost all are at work every day doing their best. Most importantly, the people of Thailand are Free and Happy. Her troops are reserved for defense, and her sons and fortune are not squandered on distant shores in bizarre lie ridden excapades designed to enrich only a few. (Unlike America)

In short, the world is peeling back the layer of candy coating in the American story, and finding that "the emperor has no clothes."

I am American, and would not lift a finger for it now, because I have pulled the curtain back and met "the all powerful Oz." I am calling B***S*** on the whole thing. Game over.

I am only a humble guest in the Kingdom, and yes, I do wish some things were different...but at the beating heart of it all ... I have come to love Thailand and her People, and yes, would fight against anyone who tried to harm the Kingdom.


So please save your preaching and tired tales of "Democracy" (You may want to run that past Al Gore, he may beg to differ ...) and "Don't go away mad ... just go away."

America, no one in the Kingdom asked your opinion, or honestly cares what it is.

I know that many in Thai Visa will have a field day with this posting, and have at it ... it is OK, because I really do feel this way and am not going to change my mind regardless of what people say.

Thank you TV for allowing me to vent a bit ... have a good day.


'our' conversation? You try to distract with false pretences, incorrect comparisons and some more such. I try to discuss the topic.

So yes, I do mind.

Yes, the repeated exchanges of dialogue between us do actually amount to a conversation. I do not attempt to distract but educate, I do not make incorrect comparisons but fair ones and obviously I do not know what the "some more such" means or refers to. But really, never mind.

Educate? By comparing a subsidy with a self-financing 700,000,000,000 Baht loss disaster as if they are the same? Maybe educate yourself first. And yes I do mind, education is important.

So, nothing on an asylum request by Ms. Yingluck. Seems some just want to continue the 'political prosecution and persecution' plot. One may start to realise that the USA Envoy in his Chula speech was actually helping the NCPO by telling them to work on perception.

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Lets not forget the lives that were lost due to the financial hardship that she and Her brother orchestrated!!

As for Political asylum. She would need to have;

"A well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

She is not being persecuted for her political opinion, unless CORRUPTION is now classified as a political opinion!!


She is being denied permission to travel abroad until she has faced the charges against her in a court of law.

Not unreasonable considering her family history of flight and total reluctance to face the music for their crimes!!

Do you not realize that the only countries who view the coup as being legitimate are dictatorships? The legally elected party was ousted by a military coup but planned by the opposition party. What chance does she have of a fair trial if the people putting her on trial are her political opponents? Not necessarily any, and that is just one reason that she is eligible for asylum.

Do you not realise that the topic is

"BANGKOK: -- THE US chargé d'affaires said yesterday he was unaware of reports that former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was seeking asylum in the United States and declined to comment on the matter."

We have other topics on trials for Ms. Yingluck.

Yes I do, and the US comment on her asylum application would make the discussion of Yingluck's right to asylum on topic, obviously.


'our' conversation? You try to distract with false pretences, incorrect comparisons and some more such. I try to discuss the topic.

So yes, I do mind.

Yes, the repeated exchanges of dialogue between us do actually amount to a conversation. I do not attempt to distract but educate, I do not make incorrect comparisons but fair ones and obviously I do not know what the "some more such" means or refers to. But really, never mind.

Educate? By comparing a subsidy with a self-financing 700,000,000,000 Baht loss disaster as if they are the same? Maybe educate yourself first. And yes I do mind, education is important.

So, nothing on an asylum request by Ms. Yingluck. Seems some just want to continue the 'political prosecution and persecution' plot. One may start to realise that the USA Envoy in his Chula speech was actually helping the NCPO by telling them to work on perception.

I assumed a certain amount of prior education. I did not make the comparison you claim, but a comparison of current proceedings which do seem to go one way for one party and another for the other.


Lets not forget the lives that were lost due to the financial hardship that she and Her brother orchestrated!!

As for Political asylum. She would need to have;

"A well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

She is not being persecuted for her political opinion, unless CORRUPTION is now classified as a political opinion!!


She is being denied permission to travel abroad until she has faced the charges against her in a court of law.

Not unreasonable considering her family history of flight and total reluctance to face the music for their crimes!!

Do you not realize that the only countries who view the coup as being legitimate are dictatorships? The legally elected party was ousted by a military coup but planned by the opposition party. What chance does she have of a fair trial if the people putting her on trial are her political opponents? Not necessarily any, and that is just one reason that she is eligible for asylum.

Do you not realise that the topic is

"BANGKOK: -- THE US chargé d'affaires said yesterday he was unaware of reports that former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra was seeking asylum in the United States and declined to comment on the matter."

We have other topics on trials for Ms. Yingluck.

Yes I do, and the US comment on her asylum application would make the discussion of Yingluck's right to asylum on topic, obviously.

Ah, from a theoretical point of view you mean? Just as theoritical as your assumptions on "chance of fair trial', 'people putting her on trial political opponents', 'legally elected political party ousted' ' planned by opposition party'. Plus of course the suggestion somehow that the current government is not legal and not even recognised as such by other countries. Even the country who's highest government official in Thailand discussed things with this 'who views them as legitimate' government.

So, do you think Ms. Yingluck should go for political asylum in the USA?


'our' conversation? You try to distract with false pretences, incorrect comparisons and some more such. I try to discuss the topic.

So yes, I do mind.

Yes, the repeated exchanges of dialogue between us do actually amount to a conversation. I do not attempt to distract but educate, I do not make incorrect comparisons but fair ones and obviously I do not know what the "some more such" means or refers to. But really, never mind.

Educate? By comparing a subsidy with a self-financing 700,000,000,000 Baht loss disaster as if they are the same? Maybe educate yourself first. And yes I do mind, education is important.

So, nothing on an asylum request by Ms. Yingluck. Seems some just want to continue the 'political prosecution and persecution' plot. One may start to realise that the USA Envoy in his Chula speech was actually helping the NCPO by telling them to work on perception.

I assumed a certain amount of prior education. I did not make the comparison you claim, but a comparison of current proceedings which do seem to go one way for one party and another for the other.

You want to use your 'view' of things

"Isn't it strange how the old corrupt rice scheme of the Democrat Party was delayed from trial for so long and then acquitted without explanation, yet Yingluck's very similar scheme, is passing through the courts with so little hindrance and massive press coverage? "

to explain why a possibly and as yet non-existing asylum request by Ms. Yingluck might be favourably looked upon by the USA government?


<quote> "Yingluck will be followed by military officers where ever she goes in the country as part of security measures for the former prime minister, Deputy Government Spokesman Maj-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd said yesterday. He denied this was a threat, saying that similar security measures were also in place for other VIPs, including the prime minister." Righty-ho then... Really? They just assume if they speak &lt;deleted&gt; it becomes true? The term "out of the frying pan and into the fire" is a perfect description of what is happening to Thailand and it's coup with Costas' beloved General


"Murphy also reiterated that the United States does not take sides in Thai politics. "As a friend, we simply want Thailand to succeed. Thailand's success and return to democracy is success for Southeast Asia and a success for global challenges. We are not taking sides at all," he said."

Now I'm really wondering. I was told by many here that the USA snubbed the Thai government, clearly took sides, denounced a junta, etc., etc.

It's called "diplomatic" speak!

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Yes I do, and the US comment on her asylum application would make the discussion of Yingluck's right to asylum on topic, obviously.

Ah, from a theoretical point of view you mean? Just as theoritical as your assumptions on "chance of fair trial', 'people putting her on trial political opponents', 'legally elected political party ousted' ' planned by opposition party'. Plus of course the suggestion somehow that the current government is not legal and not even recognised as such by other countries. Even the country who's highest government official in Thailand discussed things with this 'who views them as legitimate' government.

So, do you think Ms. Yingluck should go for political asylum in the USA?

Did you not know that Suthep stood on a stage and was filmed saying that he planned the coup? Also are you unaware that the US publicaly condemned the coup and stated that it will have negative implications on the US-Thai relationship? But yes, they continue to talk but dont forget the first thing they did was cut off their aid, hardly the moves of a country who accept the new government.

As for your question, what do you mean by "should"? Do I think it would be in her interest, the US interest, Thailands interest? One thing for sure is it certainly isn't my interest what happens to her. I would just like to see some continuity, that's all.


You want to use your 'view' of things

"Isn't it strange how the old corrupt rice scheme of the Democrat Party was delayed from trial for so long and then acquitted without explanation, yet Yingluck's very similar scheme, is passing through the courts with so little hindrance and massive press coverage? "

to explain why a possibly and as yet non-existing asylum request by Ms. Yingluck might be favourably looked upon by the USA government?

That is just a fact that I stated, not really a view being expressed other than me finding it "strange" in a sarcastic kind of way, a fact that could be used to demonstrate that she fears her trial will be unfair.


Yes I do, and the US comment on her asylum application would make the discussion of Yingluck's right to asylum on topic, obviously.

Ah, from a theoretical point of view you mean? Just as theoritical as your assumptions on "chance of fair trial', 'people putting her on trial political opponents', 'legally elected political party ousted' ' planned by opposition party'. Plus of course the suggestion somehow that the current government is not legal and not even recognised as such by other countries. Even the country who's highest government official in Thailand discussed things with this 'who views them as legitimate' government.

So, do you think Ms. Yingluck should go for political asylum in the USA?

Did you not know that Suthep stood on a stage and was filmed saying that he planned the coup? Also are you unaware that the US publicaly condemned the coup and stated that it will have negative implications on the US-Thai relationship? But yes, they continue to talk but dont forget the first thing they did was cut off their aid, hardly the moves of a country who accept the new government.

As for your question, what do you mean by "should"? Do I think it would be in her interest, the US interest, Thailands interest? One thing for sure is it certainly isn't my interest what happens to her. I would just like to see some continuity, that's all.

Actually it the break in this continuity of obfuscation, of voicing to take care of the people, the loss of 700 billion Baht and the total neglect and lack of responsibility which I like to see.

Did you know that most posters here seem to call Suthep a liar unless a statement is to their liking? Makes you wonder how much value his statements have. Same with the 'condemnation' of the coup. Even as we write governments are dealing with the Thai government. I doubt anyone of them tells their Thai counterpart "I condemn you, even though I want your business".

So, asylum? Maybe, anyone who wears such colourful sweaters as I just saw her wearing in the 5PM News on Channel 7 asks for it

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You want to use your 'view' of things

"Isn't it strange how the old corrupt rice scheme of the Democrat Party was delayed from trial for so long and then acquitted without explanation, yet Yingluck's very similar scheme, is passing through the courts with so little hindrance and massive press coverage? "

to explain why a possibly and as yet non-existing asylum request by Ms. Yingluck might be favourably looked upon by the USA government?

That is just a fact that I stated, not really a view being expressed other than me finding it "strange" in a sarcastic kind of way, a fact that could be used to demonstrate that she fears her trial will be unfair.

No, you lied. In more friendly words you compared a self-financing scheme which paid way above market price and lost 700 billion Baht with a 40 billion Baht subsidy which gave a price guarantee to a level still way below marker price.

In a way you insinuate based on incorrect facts to create an image of unfairness and fear.

As the USA Envoy said, it's perception and you're working on it. That's not the same as objective facts and proof as used in courts of law.

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Lets not forget the lives that were lost due to the financial hardship that she and Her brother orchestrated!!

As for Political asylum. She would need to have;

"A well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

She is not being persecuted for her political opinion, unless CORRUPTION is now classified as a political opinion!!


She is being denied permission to travel abroad until she has faced the charges against her in a court of law.

Not unreasonable considering her family history of flight and total reluctance to face the music for their crimes!!

So no Thai has taken their lives through debts accrued through hardship since 22nd May 2014 then? How very appropriate to use the farmers deaths as a convenient conduit and yet Thais as well as farangs we're killing themselves through debts and they didn't have rice farms either but hey their deaths don't mean anything eh?

Just how many of these farmers who sadly took their lives through debts were even in the rice scam? considering these farmers had to meet a certain criteria to begin with, so I would not be surprised in the slightest if many if those who took their lives were not in the scheme to begin with but were used as political pawns in a huge power play that's ongoing.

I read weekly that people are committing suicide over bad debts I don't find their deaths any less meaningless than rice farmers and neither should anyone else.


Aung San Suu Kyi refused to leave her country. Yingluck is looking for ways to bolt.

The only similarity between them is being female.

Is she looking to bolt, or is it wishful thinking on the part of the Junta and their cheerleaders on this forum.

In exile she is far less potent a presence for the faction, and staying here places her firmly as the focus of opposition. It also obviously p*sses off the Junta!

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Aung San Suu Kyi refused to leave her country. Yingluck is looking for ways to bolt.

The only similarity between them is being female.

Is she looking to bolt, or is it wishful thinking on the part of the Junta and their cheerleaders on this forum.

In exile she is far less potent a presence for the faction, and staying here places her firmly as the focus of opposition. It also obviously p*sses off the Junta!

Absolutely. I guess some here fear the answers Ms. Yingluck may have saved till now, the valid explanations why the 700 billion Baht loss is just imagination like the price rises and inflation accusations she and her government had to counter two or three years ago.

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If she wanted political asylum, her high level advisors could arrange it through the US Embassy. She might qualify considering that she is pursued by a junta using martial law which the US considers illegal.

All she'd have to do is to walk into the embassy, but how she'd get out of there and travel I don't know.

Just wait until Obama declares Martial law and see if it is still illegal.


Lets not forget the lives that were lost due to the financial hardship that she and Her brother orchestrated!!

As for Political asylum. She would need to have;

"A well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion"

She is not being persecuted for her political opinion, unless CORRUPTION is now classified as a political opinion!!


She is being denied permission to travel abroad until she has faced the charges against her in a court of law.

Not unreasonable considering her family history of flight and total reluctance to face the music for their crimes!!

So no Thai has taken their lives through debts accrued through hardship since 22nd May 2014 then? How very appropriate to use the farmers deaths as a convenient conduit and yet Thais as well as farangs we're killing themselves through debts and they didn't have rice farms either but hey their deaths don't mean anything eh?

Just how many of these farmers who sadly took their lives through debts were even in the rice scam? considering these farmers had to meet a certain criteria to begin with, so I would not be surprised in the slightest if many if those who took their lives were not in the scheme to begin with but were used as political pawns in a huge power play that's ongoing.

I read weekly that people are committing suicide over bad debts I don't find their deaths any less meaningless than rice farmers and neither should anyone else.

What a load of fat haggis Fat Haggis!

I was talking about farmers involved in the rice scam, I mean scheme who were put under such stress by not being paid what they were owed for so very long that they took their own lives under the stress of it all.

This is not 'a convenient conduit' as you so very bluntly put it. It is FACT.

Dont disrespect these peoples lives by brushing them aside and making out that people all over Thailand are killing themselves over bad debt. Even if they were this would not be relevant to the topic being discussed.

I am refering ONLY to the lives lost due to the criminally neglegent non-payment of monies owed to those farmers by the Shinawatra 'Government' Mafia and their CORRUPT actions.

Your comments speak very clearly about YOU.

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The US has a long history of housing outlaw foreign political leaders. The Shah, Marcos, they can now add Yingluck to the list. So much for being an advocate of international human rights.

What? The Shah of Iran died in exile in Egypt. He had a brief stay in a hospital to treat his gallstones, but was blocked from remaining in the USA. He was only allowed in for emergency medical treatment. In the case of Marcos, he was allowed to go to Hawaii for medical treatment as part of a deal to end his rule. The US attempted to have him removed, but his medical condition allowed Marcos to contest that removal. He died 3 years after that, having been virtually bedridden during that period. . It was a good thing he went to Hawaii because it allowed the class action case to be filed against him. In 1995, the plaintiffs won. One can hardly call it "housing" an outlaw. The USA didn't want him.

And now if you want to be factually correct, the USA is the last place a despot wants to go. In case you didn't know, the USA is prime legal territory for filing class actions and punitive damage litigation. This is the last thing a despot wants. The reality is that the despots typically go to Europe if they can get in. Yasser Arafat squirrelled away his fortune in France and Switzerland. Multiple African dictators have gone the same route. Haiti's Duvalier went to France. Idi Amin lived out his life in luxury in Saudi Arabia. Rwandan and Bosnian genocide murderers sought refugee status in Canada and the Netherlands. No one wants to go to the USA because of a concept called justice that often rears its head.

Just a minor correction if I may. As far as I know no known Rwandan or Bosnian genocide accused has sought refugee status in the Netherlands. Actually lots of them are 'invited' to come to the Netherlands as prime suspects and/or accused to be brought before the ICC in the Haugue.

Sorry dear sir, but the Netherlands suffers from its own attempts at being fair and compassionate.

It is extremely difficult for the Netherlands to deport people with an IF status – which means there are ‘serious suspicions that they have committed war crimes – back to Syria, the paper points out. The Netherlands stopped deporting people to Syria in 2011 because of the security situation. The deportation service currently has 180 open 1F files but only 10 people have actually been deported back to their country of origin. Around 60% of the files concern Afghan nationals. The others mainly come from Rwanda, Congo and Nigeria.

Read more at DutchNews.nl: The Netherlands wrestles with Syrian ‘war criminal’ refugees http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2014/10/the-netherlands-wrestles-with-syrian-war-criminal-refugees/

Many of Bosnian war criminals who went to Canada transited via the Netherlands with the Dutch not doing anything during their stay which lasted months to years.

Not a slap at the Dutch as the refugee laws were exploited and perverted by these people and their enablers. Sometimes when people try to do good they get screwed.

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Lawyer denies Yingluck is fleeing, says it's like she's 'under detention'

"I have not heard of any report about that. I am not going to comment on that issue," said Patrick Murphy

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan had earlier said that the authorities simply wanted to ensure that Yingluck was safe and secure.

Is there anyone in the OP who isn't lying?


If she wanted political asylum, her high level advisors could arrange it through the US Embassy. She might qualify considering that she is pursued by a junta using martial law which the US considers illegal.

All she'd have to do is to walk into the embassy, but how she'd get out of there and travel I don't know.

No way would she qualify.

As the envoy has stated:

Murphy also reiterated that the United States does not take sides in Thai politics.

Although you are misguided in thinking the US doesn't take part in any countries politics you also seem to forget the US has already laid claim that her impeachment and criminal case are politically motivated in which case the US could use to justify granting political asylum. The army is justified in watching her as her family has proven to be a flight risk as well as considering the possibility she may flee with the US's help.

No they never said that. Mr. Russell was very clear and careful in his choice of words. They used words like might, could be perceived, and in the current circumstances, suggesting how it might appear to some. That is very different from laying claim to.

Although pushing for a return to democracy as quickly as possible the US have never openly supported the Shins, Yingluck or their regime or demanded it reinstatement - even thought Thaksin stooges like Surapong tried to involve the US and UN and get their endorsement.

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Let her go to Dubai. End the divisions.

And let Thailand be run by 2 convicted criminals, I don't think so.

What has Yingluck been convicted of, so far ?

Being Thaksin's sister.

Abuse of power - and removed from office by a court. Impeached and banned from politics. We await her trial now,


Yes I do, and the US comment on her asylum application would make the discussion of Yingluck's right to asylum on topic, obviously.

Why are posters talking about 'asylum'??? She's a crook, a thief does not seek asylum, a criminal seeks a bolthole. Not the same, is it.

Indeed. But many former despots who ran corrupt regimes have bolted to some country or other, after hiding away billions in Swiss banks or similar, and squealed asylum.

I don't think her brother will let her do a runner. Asylum would be be good as then she's a martyr; keeping her here and let her be punished and she's a martyr to some; allowing her to run to him or somewhere safe? Nah, not so much use to him then.

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