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Thai Officials Urge Young Couples to Avoid Sex on Valentine’s Day

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Yeah, right, and these 'officials' never got it on when they were kids, of course! You'll have to come up with a better plan than urging them to visit a ... temple I'm afraid. This is teens you're talking about, they think a little bit differently than you.

Sure, just say NO. Perhaps they ought to re-think this idea. Reducing the numbers of teen pregnancies would also reduce the numbers of girls entering the oldest profession; one in which many of these officials undoubtedly have an interest.


Estimated two thousand bars in Pattaya, most of which are filled with young girls from Isan, most of whom have offspring from Thai guys who have abandoned them, sure they are going to change the culture.

They know they can't stop it , cause Budda allows it !


But..........but..........90% of condom machine operators are parents.

Is this a statistical precurser to the birth of official hypocracy in Thailand, or has it been lurking rampant behind the stupa's all the time?


Where would Thailand be without all those important urges, warnings, restrictions, rules and regulations Thai officials come up with on a daily basis...


The first story I read on this, I thought was a media joke. Now that I see that it has persisted.... it must be true. The Junta had a great first 6 months, but it's inexperience in politics has come to this and the dozens of other stories in the last few months.. I suspect another coup is on it's way. It could be a long time before Thailand is able to secure new substantial International investment.


If freeing caged birds gives one good Karma what does caging them in the first place do for one's Karma? This place never ceases to amaze me. I wonder how the Budda would spin that?

Releasing birds sounds like a good idea, just don't release any bees.... we all know what happens when the birds and the bees get involved ;-)

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Thats like telling the hungry Lion to leave the wounded Antelope alone.

What about the 364 other days of the year? Are teens only promiscuous on Valentines day?

I can just see this advice in the UK,,, "no excessive drinking and certainly no sex on Valentines night,, instead why not go to Church". Probably be just as effective there are well,, idiots at the top doing exactly what they do best, saying idiotic things.

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My head is just blank, as brain dead as the officials, no idea what to say to this.

I agree my mind drew a blank to. I had to go to the world atlas and figure out which country I was in.


Well, they could just fight, instead. Violence would be another way to vent, instead of hugging and kissing.

Either that, or birth control. But boys and girls are going to be exactly that.

No physical contact on Valentines Day.

No Lanterns on Loi Krathong Day.

No Beer Sales Most of the Day.(and most holidays)

No Border Runs for Tourists

The Hub of "No"

No Songkran day Hurrah


90% of parents disapprove condom vending machine

yes, they prefer to see their teenage daughter pregnant

deadbeat dad's with no obligation is one of the big problems, in combination with ignorance and sex education scare

education ... tell them too much and they might just do it ? yeah, we see the result of the other education, nobody fails , worthless degree

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I think this would be funny if it wasn't so sad. I cannot condone some of the antics of Thailand's Z Generation, to me most appear to have been very spoilt by their parents, however I would absolutely hate to have a government make those kind of cheap statements about what they think how I and my generation should behave. If a government (or for that matter parents), think they are going to manipulate the morality of teenagers an twentyagers talking like that, they are sadly mistaken. I can only say to the government, "clean up your act first if you want to set an example".

A comment on ....." Pirapong Saicheua, a city official, encouraged teens to free birds and fish, or visit the temple instead of making love. Freeing caged birds is a Buddhist ritual that Thai followers see as a way to enhance their karma." I first saw this ritual of freeing birds and small turtles in 1980 down near Lak Muang. I thought it cruel then and still do. I respect that it is a Buddhist ritual but over the years I have learnt that many of these small animals are hurt in initiating their capture, and during their captivity. This is a practice that 21st century Thais should abolish. Hopefully young Thais in the future will give up this unnecessary ritual, and sometimes karma will come back and bite you on the ......


So from the above posts you all think it better the officials do NOTHING to stop so many girls from becoming pregnant ? Your more foolish than the officials in my opinion.


Let me think...will young people with hormones raging prefer sex or bird/fish releasing on Valentine Day? That's a tough one to answer. Hey, simple answer...do both!

does letting loose the "Trouser Trout" and uncuffing the girl afterwards count as 'freeing fish and birds'? giggle.gifw00t.gif


Well, they could just fight, instead. Violence would be another way to vent, instead of hugging and kissing.

Either that, or birth control. But boys and girls are going to be exactly that.

No physical contact on Valentines Day.

No Lanterns on Loi Krathong Day.

No Beer Sales Most of the Day.(and most holidays)

No Border Runs for Tourists

The Hub of "No"

I was thinking exactly the same... Perhaps the Junta is introducing Sharia law, bit by bit on the quiet?


<quote> "Officials urge teens to avoid sex on Valentine’s Day and to visit temples instead. The country faces high teen pregnancy rates and a growing HIV infection rate." and yet despite the fact that officials say the country is facing these challenges just two days ago we were reading an announcement from the Junta telling us that they will not allow condom machines in schools.


"They believed that vending machines would encourage teens to have sex."

Maybe they forgot what it was like to be a teen. I remember that I didn't need much encouragement, although it was a little embarrassing to walk into a store and buy them at that age.

Reminds me of the time a buddy of mine was too embarrassed to ask the pharmacy for condoms. He was having a big date and was making his plans. He talked me in to go myself and getting them for him.

So..........I walk in to the pharmacist or at least the man behind the counter. I said......."may I have some condoms?"..........he just looked at me in a quizzical manner. "What?".....condoms I said. He still was befuddled. I then said "prophylactics".........I knew that big word being in nursing school. He still looked befuddled. I was astonished and began to feel embarrassed myself as a few folks were getting in line behind me. I then said "RUBBERS"...........apparently the light went on his his head and he gave them to me. They were under the counter in those days. I thought, what a dumb ass working in a pharmacy of all places.

This whole business of asking teenagers not to get too close reminds me of Mrs. Ronald Reagan's of the United States and her "Just Say No" campaign to stop doing drugs. That worked well also! NOT


The biggest dilema for moralistic Thai officials will be deciding who to spend Valentines Day with; the mia noi, one of the gigs or heaven forbid the wife.


So the teen hookers will get the day off then?

No. The hookers are going to have a special promotion; free sex on Valentine`s day so that the guy`s partners can have more spare time to visit the temples.


I wonder what other holidays are high sex times ? There should be a study on what dates people get pregnant. Take everyone's date of birth and go back 9 months I guess would be a start. If valentines day is the number one sex day that would mean most Thais are born around November 14. Would be interesting to know what this really is in Thailand. The US has the highest birth rate in September meaning that Christmas and New Years holiday is heavy sex time. November is way down the list ....

Trying to figure out if school kids are having sex you would also need to figure in the mothers age.

Dunno about you, but I can hardly move after a Thanksgiving dinner let alone shag!


So from the above posts you all think it better the officials do NOTHING to stop so many girls from becoming pregnant ? Your more foolish than the officials in my opinion.

I doubt very much that any falang who actually lives in Thailand and knows the day by day circumstances in teenage Thai society that lead to unwanted pregnancies, would agree with you that they believe nothing is required to be done. Every posting would be a yard long if we expressed all our comments and beliefs.

I myself have had a niece have an unwanted pregnancy. It was very hard on the family as every one in the extended family thought that she should have "had more sense" and education. Unwanted pregnancies occur all over the world, what the statistics are for countries per capita are I don't know, or where Thailand stands. Do even the officials know ? All I know it is too bloody high, particularly in the lower socio-economic groups. The schools do have a form of sex education, it varies according to socio-economic groups. Whether they expect families to carry out sex education I don't know . Thais are inherently shy on discussions of this type.

But I think the problem is more deep seated than just education, I believe the cause is based on a number of social issues in the village. There is an alcohol abuse issue among young Thais that plays a part, as well as a perceived dominance that young Thai men have over there girlfriends. If you live in Thai villages this becomes quite apparent. I don't know what the answer is. 34 years has shown me great changes in Thai society, some not so good..

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