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Hospital Recommendations For Surgery


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A little assistance, I'm currently working overseas (from the states). Turns out I have a bone spur on the heel of my foot and my company is now saying I must go home and have it removed. From what I"ve been told there is a six week recovery time, I've told my company that I no longer have a home in the states and that I will be going to my current home in Bangkok for the surgery (current home really deep deep in the fields of Isarn). I need to know where I can go for this surgery and stay for a few weeks of recovery in Bagkok, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh no insurance that will cover this for Thailand so I will be dealing in cash only transactions (unless they accept Tri-care)



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A little assistance, I'm currently working overseas (from the states). Turns out I have a bone spur on the heel of my foot and my company is now saying I must go home and have it removed. From what I"ve been told there is a six week recovery time, I've told my company that I no longer have a home in the states and that I will be going to my current home in Bangkok for the surgery (current home really deep deep in the fields of Isarn). I need to know where I can go for this surgery and stay for a few weeks of recovery in Bagkok, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Oh no insurance that will cover this for Thailand so I will be dealing in cash only transactions (unless they accept Tri-care)



Here's a list of several good hospitals


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Lots of info on the web about this suggesting that surgery in many cases doesn't help much for this problem or brings its own sets of problems.

I'd look into this pretty deeply if I were you before having it done.

Thanks for the info from all, I did some research and did see they have new techniques that shorten the recovery time. I really don't have a choice in not getting the surgery as my company says I must be a t 100% to perform on my contract, hel_l the doctor didn't even say get the surgery now, but I got an xray and said I still felt pain so as all large corporations they panic and say I must fix the issue ASAP. Oh well at least I will be paid during the time it will take.

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my left ankle is steel and I have had it checked out a couple of times in Bangkok as a couple of the screws will need to be coming out in the next few years.

I met a super nice surgeon at BKK Christian that went over the X-rays with me and said clearly that I had at least another year before I should remove even the first one.

It was a huge point in his favor considering he COULD have said ... let's get that out NOW!

Frankly I'll get the surgery in Denver at the sports medicine / ortho surgery hospital that did the first work! Well worth the trip homefor that imho

Edited by jdinasia
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I had incredibly painful bone spurs on both heels. I had what the doc called "surgery" done; it was some electronic shock thing and totally noninvasive. It causes the heel bone to reconstruct itself over a period of weeks or months. I went on vacation in Thailand a week later, pain-free. I really recommend this treatment IF you get it done with the higher voltage US equipment and not the lower-voltage European equipment. The lower-voltage isn't effective, so my insurance company used studies showing that as an excuse to stop covering the treatment with the machines that do work. I got it done 2 days before they stopped covering it.

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If at any change you could avoid surgery I would have tried treatment with eather

radial or ultra ESWT.

Its a non-invasive treatment and very effective.

I have very good experience myself with radial shock wave therapy with dolorclast.


In Singapore at Glenagles Hospital they use the Dornier EPOS-Ultra ESWT which also is said to be very effective.


Whatever you choose, Good luck.

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