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Thais told to give warm welcome to Chinese tourists


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In my humble opinion after about a year of tour buses of next to zero dollar tours, once again the Sun will rise on the endangered species known as the farang, and we will once again be looked upon as golden, flip flops and all. Lol

By this time next year they will look upon us like Gods.

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I stayed in My friends Hotel in Phuket, Just before Christa, he rented a room to a young Chinese couple, for a week. A week later I was out with him when he got a call from one of his Thai cleaning staff,they had pored shower gel over all the bedding and curtains,, left the toilet unflushed, Talcum powder all over the floor and furniture, The Receptionist had given the Chinese couple their deposit back without checking the room. So now No deposits returned until all rooms are checked. apparently this happens a few times with Chinese Tourists,

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No time like the present to begin bowing to your new Chinese overlords. The US is driving Thailand towards China, China is offering pie-in-the-sky, unbelievably cheap loans for Chinese trains. China is offering military hardware and cooperation, etc.. What could go wrong? Thailand has not been a colony of a foreign power before but there can still be a first time; welcome to the 21st century where China is building its military and infiltrating everywhere with their fifty year plan.

Beijing: In July this year an article was published in Chinese daily, titled 'Six wars to be fought by China in the next 50 years'. The article mentions six wars, including one with India, that need to be fought by China in order for it to achieve its dream of becoming the super power of the world.


China makes increased military spending a top priority as People’s Congress meets


attachicon.gifChina's Military Spending 2000 - 2014.gif

Well China really has some catching up to do as the US spends more then the next 12 largest military's in the world combined, including China.

The Chinese are expected to reach parity with the US military by 2020. The US borrows forty cents of every dollar it spends. Chickens eventually come home to roost.

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I recently holidayed in Koh Chang and there were many Chinese tourists. The only problem was that most I observed whilst there couldn't speak Thai or English. Maybe Mandarin should be taken more seriously at school and be a mandatory requirement for all children to learn this language aswell as English.

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Too many of them are coming to Chiang Mai, and there will probably be even more in the future.

As far as behaviour goes, they're a mixed lot, but most of them are OK.

One good thing about them is that - so far at least - they go home when their vacation is ended. They don't settle down here and become dissatisfied misfits blaming the Thais and Thailand for all their problems.

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Too many of them are coming to Chiang Mai, and there will probably be even more in the future.

As far as behaviour goes, they're a mixed lot, but most of them are OK.

One good thing about them is that - so far at least - they go home when their vacation is ended. They don't settle down here and become dissatisfied misfits blaming the Thais and Thailand for all their problems.

They're human beings not a species of fish. The settle down line I hope doesn't refer to expat teachers.

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In just one week some Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai have managed to:

Black House Museum is Damaged by Chinese Tourist


Collision Causes Woman's Car to Swerve into Moat

The driver, Sun Hui Chi, is a volunteer teacher from China. He rented a car and had just travelled with a friend from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, around 700 kilometres.


More to come...............

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No time like the present to begin bowing to your new Chinese overlords. The US is driving Thailand towards China, China is offering pie-in-the-sky, unbelievably cheap loans for Chinese trains. China is offering military hardware and cooperation, etc.. What could go wrong? Thailand has not been a colony of a foreign power before but there can still be a first time; welcome to the 21st century where China is building its military and infiltrating everywhere with their fifty year plan.

Beijing: In July this year an article was published in Chinese daily, titled 'Six wars to be fought by China in the next 50 years'. The article mentions six wars, including one with India, that need to be fought by China in order for it to achieve its dream of becoming the super power of the world.


China makes increased military spending a top priority as People’s Congress meets


attachicon.gifChina's Military Spending 2000 - 2014.gif

India is very much afraid of China and is an ally of the West. India has nukes and would use them to flatten China. India is very much aware of China's ambitions and China is out of luck. Like Thailand, China is too big for its britches.

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No time like the present to begin bowing to your new Chinese overlords. The US is driving Thailand towards China, China is offering pie-in-the-sky, unbelievably cheap loans for Chinese trains. China is offering military hardware and cooperation, etc.. What could go wrong? Thailand has not been a colony of a foreign power before but there can still be a first time; welcome to the 21st century where China is building its military and infiltrating everywhere with their fifty year plan.

Beijing: In July this year an article was published in Chinese daily, titled 'Six wars to be fought by China in the next 50 years'. The article mentions six wars, including one with India, that need to be fought by China in order for it to achieve its dream of becoming the super power of the world.


China makes increased military spending a top priority as People’s Congress meets


attachicon.gifChina's Military Spending 2000 - 2014.gif

India is very much afraid of China and is an ally of the West. India has nukes and would use them to flatten China. India is very much aware of China's ambitions and China is out of luck. Like Thailand, China is too big for its britches.

China feels it needs to secure its maritime energy routes to the Middle East. Its claims in the East & South China seas are to that end, but get them only about as far as the Straits of Malacca. India represents a potential threat to those routes through the Indian Ocean. India is well aware of that. I believe China is/was making overtures to India's rival, Pakistan, about the possibility of a naval base there...

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However, when confronted by foreigners from the evil west, Thai's were instructed to rip them off at every opportunity.

Thailand is for Thai's and Chinese cause their kinda Thai too. wai2.gif

Yep! 10% of the population of Thailand is of Chinese origin including the last prime minister and her brother.

And Abhisit and most of the senior Democrats are Chinese too !! Look at the Thais who are the elite, they're mainly a bunch of Chinese in Thailand.

The red shirt demonstrators are mainly dark-skinned people from rural Isaan. But the yellow shirt demonstrators are mainly Chinese and middle-class from Bangkok. Okay, throw in some Thais from the south too !!

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No time like the present to begin bowing to your new Chinese overlords. The US is driving Thailand towards China, China is offering pie-in-the-sky, unbelievably cheap loans for Chinese trains. China is offering military hardware and cooperation, etc.. What could go wrong? Thailand has not been a colony of a foreign power before but there can still be a first time; welcome to the 21st century where China is building its military and infiltrating everywhere with their fifty year plan.

Beijing: In July this year an article was published in Chinese daily, titled 'Six wars to be fought by China in the next 50 years'. The article mentions six wars, including one with India, that need to be fought by China in order for it to achieve its dream of becoming the super power of the world.


China makes increased military spending a top priority as People’s Congress meets


attachicon.gifChina's Military Spending 2000 - 2014.gif

India is very much afraid of China and is an ally of the West. India has nukes and would use them to flatten China. India is very much aware of China's ambitions and China is out of luck. Like Thailand, China is too big for its britches.

India is scared of China, yes, but is India really an ally of the West ??

Has India got a modern navy and army ? I think India are more busy looking at their future war with Pakistan, rather than confrontation with China.

China is too big for its britches ? China won't beat the USA in a war. But I think it's trade and economy is starting to dominate much of the Far East.

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I think the Chinese have been coming here long enough that the people who have to deal with them on a daily basis have already made up their minds about how to treat them. My girlfriend works in a hotel here in Chiang Mai and here take onit is that there are some nice ones mostly younger and the crap ones mostly older but all wanting a discount. She has had a few Europeans in here hotel that she didn't think much of either. In the end people are people some ok some not so much.

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No time like the present to begin bowing to your new Chinese overlords. The US is driving Thailand towards China, China is offering pie-in-the-sky, unbelievably cheap loans for Chinese trains. China is offering military hardware and cooperation, etc.. What could go wrong? Thailand has not been a colony of a foreign power before but there can still be a first time; welcome to the 21st century where China is building its military and infiltrating everywhere with their fifty year plan.

Beijing: In July this year an article was published in Chinese daily, titled 'Six wars to be fought by China in the next 50 years'. The article mentions six wars, including one with India, that need to be fought by China in order for it to achieve its dream of becoming the super power of the world.


China makes increased military spending a top priority as People’s Congress meets


attachicon.gifChina's Military Spending 2000 - 2014.gif

India is very much afraid of China and is an ally of the West. India has nukes and would use them to flatten China. India is very much aware of China's ambitions and China is out of luck. Like Thailand, China is too big for its britches.

India is scared of China, yes, but is India really an ally of the West ??

Has India got a modern navy and army ? I think India are more busy looking at their future war with Pakistan, rather than confrontation with China.

China is too big for its britches ? China won't beat the USA in a war. But I think it's trade and economy is starting to dominate much of the Far East.

Ally might have been too strong and friend might have been better. No I don't think India has the powerful conventional military other than to defend its own borders including against Pakistan if needed. I do think if China attacked India, India would nuke China because that's India's only ace in the hole.

I don't know how we got here but I'm going to stop because the topic is about Chinese tourists in Thailand. thumbsup.gif

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Told or ordered?

It's so tricky to tell the difference nowadays.

Told or ordered? What does it matter.?..I wouldn't do either..why should a lot of these street-shitters and pissers be especially welcomed? Government tells people to do this and that...but they are not there to experience the aftermath...I think these same ones to give recommendations and orders to be the same ones to experience what the ©hinese leave behind. Idiots...

Shiting and pissing iin the street is hardly eclusive to the Chinese. There isn't a day goes by I don't see a local, mostly taxi drivers but others as well, pissing by the side of the road. Spitting in the street is also a common practice among the local population. It's a cultural thing in some parts of Asia. The real show though is in the UK on a Friday and Saturday night at club chucking out time. Pissing and shitting in the street with the added bonus of projectile vomiting. As I said - it's hardly an exclusive Chinese thing.

Don't backstab your own people you!! Chinese practices as mentioned previously take place when sober oftentimes so don't go out of context!

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Wy not give warm welcome to tourists that come with respect for your clture and customs, ...and spend money in your establishments? ... like eurpopeans, Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders? I live in Jomtien and see buses loaded with Chinese coming every day. They go around in huge groups .. looking but not spending!

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Told or ordered?

It's so tricky to tell the difference nowadays.

Told or ordered? What does it matter.?..I wouldn't do either..why should a lot of these street-shitters and pissers be especially welcomed? Government tells people to do this and that...but they are not there to experience the aftermath...I think these same ones to give recommendations and orders to be the same ones to experience what the ©hinese leave behind. Idiots...

Shiting and pissing iin the street is hardly eclusive to the Chinese. There isn't a day goes by I don't see a local, mostly taxi drivers but others as well, pissing by the side of the road. Spitting in the street is also a common practice among the local population. It's a cultural thing in some parts of Asia. The real show though is in the UK on a Friday and Saturday night at club chucking out time. Pissing and shitting in the street with the added bonus of projectile vomiting. As I said - it's hardly an exclusive Chinese thing.

As tourists it's a ©hinese-thing...

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Too many of them are coming to Chiang Mai, and there will probably be even more in the future.

As far as behaviour goes, they're a mixed lot, but most of them are OK.

One good thing about them is that - so far at least - they go home when their vacation is ended. They don't settle down here and become dissatisfied misfits blaming the Thais and Thailand for all their problems.

They're human beings not a species of fish. The settle down line I hope doesn't refer to expat teachers.

At the very least, they should act as human beings...

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Put a slot machine at swampy that way they never leave airport and you get there money after all face it is all about the baht. Oh yeah rig it to never pay out but come real close can't forget Thainess.

Edited by Strangebrew
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