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Australians could boycott Indonesia over executions: FM

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Australians could boycott Indonesia over executions: FM

SYDNEY (AFP) - Australian travellers could boycott Indonesia if Jakarta executes two drug smugglers on death row, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said Friday as she refused to rule out withdrawing diplomats.

Bishop, who pleaded for the lives of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran in parliament Thursday, said the situation was tense as Indonesian authorities made plans to transfer the pair from prison to the site of their execution.

"It’s a very tense situation," Bishop told Fairfax radio.

Vigils have been held around Australia, which does not support the death penalty, to plead for mercy and Bishop said if they faced the firing squad it could influence whether Australians took holidays in Indonesia.

She warned Jakarta against underestimating the strength of feeling within the Australian public for the pair.

"I’ve been overwhelmed with emails and text messages, I know that people have been staging vigils and rallies," she said.

"I think the Australian people will demonstrate their deep disapproval of this action, including by making decisions about where they wish to holiday."

The Indonesian island of Bali is a key holiday destination for Australians.

Asked whether Australia would consider withdrawing its officials from Indonesia if the pair are executed, Bishop said: "This is a matter still to be considered.

"My concern is that we want the lines of communication between our ambassador and the Indonesian government to remain open," she added.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/aec/Australians-could-boycott-Indonesia-over-execution-30253998.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-13


Holiday makers will not stop going to Bali.

True enough. My cousin's ex is taking his new partner and the kids (all very amicable) to Bali from Perth soon. They were debating Thailand but felt that Indonesia offered nearly the same balance of culture, beaches, etc but was about 3-4 hours closer and, with kids, that is another 8 hours holiday and 8 hours less traveling.


Kinda late to be playing this card. Maybe if the the ocean dried up and there were no beachs and perfect waves.......

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It's the eleventh hour for them......Like I said in another thread . It's six this time. One guy from Ghana has been on death row for 11 years, where all the other drugsters have been caught with kilos.....he had 50g. And nobody in 11 years has even appealed for him until Amnesty Int did this week.


The keyword is COULD not WOULD and they wont. It is cheaper for Australians to fly and holiday in Bali than it is to drive and holiday in Australia. I come from Perth in the Southwest of Australia and I can tell you that one long weekend in the wine growing, touristy spots further south costs more than an all in weeks holiday in Bali.

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Kinda late to be playing this card. Maybe if the the ocean dried up and there were no beachs and perfect waves.......

To call this woman a moron would be an insult to a moron.

Indonesia could send down just their women and children and we wouldn't have enough bullets to kill them all.

When I was working in Djakarta about 40 years ago there were 66 million people just on the island of Java alone.

Why does Australia not have an entrance exam for politicians?

Why don't all countries have an entrance exam for politicians. Australia does not have a monopoly of stupid politicians.

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Why does the Australian Government have to stick their nose into another countries policies. They broke the law in Indonesia and their punishment as outlined is execution. Know the laws of the country your entering, If your a drug smuggler, its death in many countries. You should of known that before you went there, don't expect me to feel sorry for you. I'm really not into the death penalty unless 100 % sure


I have read the newspaper article and must say I do find serious differences with Ms J. Bishop's statement. To me the way and manner it is written reeks to the highest of Australia's subject individuals { those in prison} who could be seen as akin to a team wanting to play a game in an away park; knowing what the rules and consequences for breaking them are; still choosing to play their game; then being threatened by big brother ..... if you go ahead with your and your country rules, we are going to punish you... If Indo , you go ahead then we will take all our toys and go home.

Its a well known fact what the penalties for violation of the drug law are in Indo and other countries as well . If someone chooses to violate those laws they should expect to pay the price if caught and convicted.. Now Australia may not like the death penalty but Australia must also agree to the fact that those are the laws of Indo ....

So as it seems, ...... execute the two, and Australians may not come to Indo....... don't execute them and no doubt more may be encouraged to try a drug sneak thru....... because my gov't will come to my aid....

If there is not an imminent election in the very near future, I think Ms Bishop would be better put to say to those who may be thinking about doing a drug run..... saying to future travelers......... If you plan to go to another country , obey their laws. I am sure she does expect all visitors to Australia to live by and obey Australian laws. If there is a close to election time...... then understand she is just grandstanding and politic-ing.

Well said Gonzo. If we, Australians, didn't learn from the Barlow / Chambers episode in Malaysia nearly 30 years ago. then we are bloody fools. If we have forgotten or worse, become cocky, then maybe we need another reminder, gruesome though it may be.

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This entire fiasco piddles me off for one major reason. Before these boys went to Indonesia the Australian Federal Police (AFP) were aware of their plans and knowing the penalties, not only let them go, but informed the Balinese police. So I feel if Australians want to bemoan this sad circumstance they should direct their wrath at the AFP.

Its an interesting point, and begs the time old saying. If you can't do the time don't do the crime. No one but the most idiotic will be cancelling their holiday to Bali or their business with anywhere else in Indonesia. Diplomatically, Australia does not count nearly as much as it should in Indonesia.

We are the West. Indonesia has a vast population of low paid workers and lots of natural resources and is part of Asean. An economic powerhouse, that will leave Australia squiggling along in its wake, when the European banksters get through with Australia and its politically ignorant people.

Australia avoids them like the plague. The Australian people have no idea what any of this means and most of them don't care.

If an end user decides he wants to smoke pot or inject heroin or smoke ice, why direct your venom at the seller. its just another exchange. Caveat Emptor. Let the buyer beware.

Hope I don't start any hate threads here.


I would have thought that decent family visitors would increase knowing that the Indo government has a zero tolerance to drug smugglers/dealers/users. I understood that the education system in Australia was adequate enough to enable grown people to make knowledgeable choices. These 2 moron's made their choice, tough shit.


This entire fiasco piddles me off for one major reason. Before these boys went to Indonesia the Australian Federal Police (AFP) were aware of their plans and knowing the penalties, not only let them go, but informed the Balinese police. So I feel if Australians want to bemoan this sad circumstance they should direct their wrath at the AFP.

Its an interesting point, and begs the time old saying. If you can't do the time don't do the crime.

No one but the most idiotic will be cancelling their holiday to Bali or their business with anywhere else in Indonesia.

Diplomatically, Australia does not count nearly as much as it should in Indonesia.

We are the West. Indonesia has a vast population of low paid workers and lots of natural resources and is part of Asean.

An economic powerhouse, that will leave Australia squiggling along in its wake, when the European banksters get through with

Australia and its politically ignorant people.

Australia avoids them like the plague. The Australian people have no idea what any of this means and most of them don't care.

If an end user decides he wants to smoke pot or inject heroin or smoke ice, why direct your venom at the seller.

its just another exchange. Caveat Emptor.

Let the buyer beware.

Hope I don't start any hate threads here.

This is not a hate thread.

Have you considered the consequences of drug addiction? The petty and not so petty crimes that are committed in order to obtain funds for the 'end user, or should it be loser' to be able to purchase the next fix. If the suppliers/smugglers were eliminated, or better still the source of the product eliminated then society would be a much safer place. How would you feel if one of your near and dear was damaged by a user trying to raise funds? Would you not want to remove the cancer in your society that caused you pain? Not just a little bit but root and branch? Manufacturer/grower , transportation, supplier ,dealer and user(loser).

There is a war going on, and we , the non drug users are losing because those whom we entrusted our safety to (the scumbag weak politicians) do not have the balls to remove/eliminate this cancer in our society. It might infringe someone's 'human rights'. Boll*cks.


If they really wanted to save these guys they would pull the foreign aid we send them currently at 500 million per year, they are only scoring political points and playing the australian public .


I've been boycotting Indonesia ever since my friend was killed in the 2002 Bali bombing.

But what I find strange is those Australians who actually support the Indonesian death penalty. Seriously are you also in favor of Sharia Law in Australia as well?

If Indonesia doesn't execute child rapists

If Indonesia doesn't execute terrorists like Muhammad Cholili and many others responsible for the Bali bombings who have now been released from prison

If Indonesia doesn't even execute their own citizens who manaufacture and distribute drugs on a large scale like drug lord Hangky Gunawan,

then no honest person can justify why Indos should kill non-violent foreign criminals

Even Indonesian Lawyers acknowledge that the justice system is not independent and is biased by politics. This pending execution is simply a big F. You message to Australia and Australians (all well as other foreign nations whose citizens have been killed). That's all it is.

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I have read the newspaper article and must say I do find serious differences with Ms J. Bishop's statement. To me the way and manner it is written reeks to the highest of Australia's subject individuals { those in prison} who could be seen as akin to a team wanting to play a game in an away park; knowing what the rules and consequences for breaking them are; still choosing to play their game; then being threatened by big brother ..... if you go ahead with your and your country rules, we are going to punish you... If Indo , you go ahead then we will take all our toys and go home.

Its a well known fact what the penalties for violation of the drug law are in Indo and other countries as well . If someone chooses to violate those laws they should expect to pay the price if caught and convicted.. Now Australia may not like the death penalty but Australia must also agree to the fact that those are the laws of Indo ....

So as it seems, ...... execute the two, and Australians may not come to Indo....... don't execute them and no doubt more may be encouraged to try a drug sneak thru....... because my gov't will come to my aid....

If there is not an imminent election in the very near future, I think Ms Bishop would be better put to say to those who may be thinking about doing a drug run..... saying to future travelers......... If you plan to go to another country , obey their laws. I am sure she does expect all visitors to Australia to live by and obey Australian laws. If there is a close to election time...... then understand she is just grandstanding and politic-ing.

I think Julie’s been affected by the vocal minority and is reacting immediately as our politicians unfortunately tend to do on a day by day basis.


Won't make any difference except to give smugglers second thoughts. Singapore hanged an Australian national about 9 years ago and that went quiet very quickly.


Holiday makers will not stop going to Bali.

True enough. My cousin's ex is taking his new partner and the kids (all very amicable) to Bali from Perth soon. They were debating Thailand but felt that Indonesia offered nearly the same balance of culture, beaches, etc but was about 3-4 hours closer and, with kids, that is another 8 hours holiday and 8 hours less traveling.

And having lived in Perth I know the city has some of the best beaches in the world.

However Bali has the culture and interestingly is the closest city to Perth.

Now here is the question.

Why do people in Perth want to go to Bali when they have Scarborough and Cottesloe?

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The truth is simple.

We Australians are paying money for nothing to Indo every year. This year payment was smaller because we can not afford that much . That's what I learn from out local TV news.

Question is ....; if I pay a "friend" money for nothing would I expect back some favors???

Probably yes...IF THIS IS A FRIEND.

Why we pay them money fro nothing? ...everybody can learn some from Internet...

Why they so stiff to us and our government ? just open your eyes a little wide and you see the reason. If I know anyone can learn too .

Simply this culture never liked us really and never will. But it comes to different story if we talking about who ? don't like money ...specialy money for nothing.

Someone is spoiled already to much.

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Why does the Australian Government have to stick their nose into another countries policies. They broke the law in Indonesia and their punishment as outlined is execution. Know the laws of the country your entering, If your a drug smuggler, its death in many countries. You should of known that before you went there, don't expect me to feel sorry for you. I'm really not into the death penalty unless 100 % sure

Just wander if something happen to you in foreign country and does not matter if wrong doing or not ....which way you will look for help ???

Everybody has right to second chance.

If you do not agree on it then do not expect second chance.

  • Like 1

This entire fiasco piddles me off for one major reason. Before these boys went to Indonesia the Australian Federal Police (AFP) were aware of their plans and knowing the penalties, not only let them go, but informed the Balinese police. So I feel if Australians want to bemoan this sad circumstance they should direct their wrath at the AFP.

Its an interesting point, and begs the time old saying. If you can't do the time don't do the crime.

No one but the most idiotic will be cancelling their holiday to Bali or their business with anywhere else in Indonesia.

Diplomatically, Australia does not count nearly as much as it should in Indonesia.

We are the West. Indonesia has a vast population of low paid workers and lots of natural resources and is part of Asean.

An economic powerhouse, that will leave Australia squiggling along in its wake, when the European banksters get through with

Australia and its politically ignorant people.

Australia avoids them like the plague. The Australian people have no idea what any of this means and most of them don't care.

If an end user decides he wants to smoke pot or inject heroin or smoke ice, why direct your venom at the seller.

its just another exchange. Caveat Emptor.

Let the buyer beware.

Hope I don't start any hate threads here.

This is not a hate thread.

Have you considered the consequences of drug addiction? The petty and not so petty crimes that are committed in order to obtain funds for the 'end user, or should it be loser' to be able to purchase the next fix. If the suppliers/smugglers were eliminated, or better still the source of the product eliminated then society would be a much safer place. How would you feel if one of your near and dear was damaged by a user trying to raise funds? Would you not want to remove the cancer in your society that caused you pain? Not just a little bit but root and branch? Manufacturer/grower , transportation, supplier ,dealer and user(loser).

There is a war going on, and we , the non drug users are losing because those whom we entrusted our safety to (the scumbag weak politicians) do not have the balls to remove/eliminate this cancer in our society. It might infringe someone's 'human rights'. Boll*cks.

Politicians' reactions to the use of non-pharmacological drugs and or so called recreational drugs has nothing to do with human rights whatsoever.

How can you be so naive?

It has to do with pressure from accepted and legal drugs manufacturers who don't like competition and pay pollies to eliminate it. Hence they make the laws.

A human's desire for pleasure and comfort supersedes any other consideration of what another human thinks.

The famous rock song line ". . . whatever gets you through the night..it's all right. . ." (John Lennon), is far more realistic.

If you have not realised this yet, I suggest that you have not really understood yourself or other people.

Try sitting on one side of your arse, for a whole concert.

Try sitting in one position for an hour. You will find the need for a change or contrast. Work up the ladder of human consciousness until

you get to Aspirin or paracetamol for a headache, and so on.

Alcohol rates as about number 3 on the top ten of the world's most dangerous drugs, which is why some societies, ban it altogether.

Yet, people like you proselytise about the dangers of "illegal" drug use without thinking about the dangers of alcohol.

You are in Thailand or virtually in it by default of this conversation. This country has one of the world's worst abuse of alcohol ratings and a national road toll and murder rate to reflect it. Its a basket case of a country in this respect and whose laws reflect the political and financial pressures of alcohol cartels, emanating principally from the U.S. Alcohol has a stupendously high presence in the blood bath of road carnage and inter-personal violence to be witnessed in Thailand.

I am definitely not a proponent of 'any' drug use. Even legal drugs. I take none myself. However I have noticed while I was growing up, into a 70 year old, that not everyone is of my persuasion and know that if people want drugs, they will get them. Despite your belief in a fictitious "war" on whose behalf I may add?

This is a war you and your fellow pseudo-legal hawks will never win, because it is on one side being ignored by people who want to do what they want to do and will do it no matter what you think is good for them.

As a free human being like those that take drugs because they want to, I totally reject your attempts to control what myself or others do because "you" and others think it is wrong. You are a control freak from hell and I wish you would go back there and shut up about your mission and stupid war.

Education is the only "rational" response to the pros and cons of any and all drug use. Get real, and <deleted> to you too. With rocks on.



Que stage right......

The TAT spokesperson enters

Takes centre stage

"We will not execute you"

This was later confirmed by a NIDA poll of 1327 people, 98% said they agreed, but 62% said they did not know, 184.9% said they like "Thainess", all said it would not stop them eating rice.

The Deputy Minister of Propaganda stated that a hairdresser from Sydney stated "the Australin Government is happy and very supportive of General Happiness"

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Indonesia were tipped off by the Australians about this situation before they flew. Why did they not deal with it down under, no let the Indonesian authority`s know and its their problem now, oh wait spit the dummy out.hit-the-fan.gif you screwed up dont blame them, Indonesian law not Australian law.

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put this into the mix too.

something that is being overlooked here. indo is muslim. Australia is actively involved in killing muslims elsewhere on the planet. muslim brotherhood exists.

put that in your pipe and smoke it.

the executions will go ahead.

no i am atheist. i am just telling you the lie of the land which you seem to not see as important.

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