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When did you last engage eye contact with a Thai male?


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Today when I asked if it was ok to park my bike outside this guys local shop, because I was going to the restaurant next door in Samoeng and street was full.

He smiled and said "No pompen". Then when I was leaving, him and his 3 mates came out to talk, look at the bike and ask questions. All in Thai.

Nice enough local guys. Friendly and all made eye contact. Very personable.

Don't you always make eye contact with anyone you meet?

Maybe the girl has insecurities or has had some issues with Thai males in the past...

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In Isaan, anything more than a brief, almost accidental eye contact with a lady is considered flirting. Some that I see everyday and obviously don't think that 'me hannsum man' avert their gaze. I think it rubs off onto Farangs with time as I have started avoiding eye contact and swidikaping with Thais myself. I will give a response though.

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Just a minute ago when we were talking... Then we starred into each others eyes for what seemed an eternity we shared a moment. That was when I realised he had no idea what I was saying so I got out of the taxi.

Sent from my c64

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Most Thai females (not employed in the trade of lying down whistling.gif) are actually very conservative and, as mentioned, it could be construed as flirting if they make eye contact, although is also a little bit childish in this day. Where I live, many females will keep their head down and, while I'm no Adonis, I'm no munter either. It is just safer for them to do so than risk giving you the wrong signal or, gawd forbid, conversation. Regards Thai males, I was chatting to some dudes the other night that I didn't know previously and have many associates. The scenario where it could be an issue for a farang to look at a Thai male would be one of lower status (brain power) in a karaoke bar, for example, where the Thai guys are out drinking with their buddies. To eyeball them would be considered confrontational and asking for it.

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I make eye contact with everyone I meet. Gender is irrelevant.

Last time? This morning while having coffee. A colonel (RTA) that is working with Cobra Gold has gone out of his way every day for a week to come over and sit with me just to speak a little English. (He added me to Line!)

I find the question odd. I frequently hear strange questions like this but only from male foreigners that are insecure.

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I find the question odd. I frequently hear strange questions like this but only from male foreigners that are insecure.

Usually from male foreigners associated with a Thai sex worker.

"Oh no darling, I find elderly boring, balding, overweight white guys much more attractive than slim Thai guys my own age ........... "

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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If there is not a relationship estsblished most decent Thai women will not look into the eyes of Thai men or in the company of men such as a gathering.....I see this when we go to visit the inlaws.....

Anyone I talk to Thai or not.... or acknowledge in either direction with a nod and a smile....most are returned regardless of age.....Agreed it's probably not a good idea in a Thai's bar - someone will take it wrong or think you are eyeing their gal....

Edited by pgrahmm
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Every once in awhile, I'll read something and ask myself "Is every fresh-off-the-plane farang in Thailand this stupid?" This thread is one of those times. I'm not sure what the OP's point is, but if he were to look around, he'll see that most Thai women are with Thai men. Which means that there must be quite a lot of Thai women making eye contact with Thai men. Which leads me to ask again, what is the point of this thread?

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Its a good idea not to make eye contact with a Thai male right after you have just oogled his wife or girlfriend, or, you just asked her if she is "working"

other than that if you don't look in a person's eyes when you're looking at them what are you looking at their balls?

in that case if you see two eyes you drank too much and are seeing double

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