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Two confess to killing Turkish tourist in Samui


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Straight out murder then by a couple of numbskulls.

Who walks into a bar ( forang ) tooled up with a pistol

If you ask me this Turk was a menace and probably played with fire and got burnt

I am sorry but more to this story than what is written and it ain't murder

If someone specially a foreigner was to come into my place of business and start trouble and i could see he was tooled up then should I let him bully and intimidate me in my own bar ( if I was thai ) in my own country

Some people just read a comment without a clue


Don't just shoot people out in the open without some sort of argument

I reckon if he wasn't carrying a gun he would will be here today

He wasnt carryng a gun. They put in his hand after they murdered him. What part of coverup story you did not understand?

So he was drunk and made a scene, solution is to shoot him in the head?

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If they'd only said the Turk was threatening them and so they shot him, two months in jail punishment, maybe no jail time. I really don't blame them for shooting an armed drunk that is intimidating them.

There was no gun? Hello? You read the article?

That gun belonged to one of the two murderer thais!

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Straight out murder then by a couple of numbskulls.

Who walks into a bar ( forang ) tooled up with a pistol

If you ask me this Turk was a menace and probably played with fire and got burnt

I am sorry but more to this story than what is written and it ain't murder

If someone specially a foreigner was to come into my place of business and start trouble and i could see he was tooled up then should I let him bully and intimidate me in my own bar ( if I was thai ) in my own country

Some people just read a comment without a clue


Don't just shoot people out in the open without some sort of argument

I reckon if he wasn't carrying a gun he would will be here today

What about calling the cops mate? Hey listen, there is a Turk coming in here every night intimidating us with a gun. I'm pretty sure the RTP will be happy to arrest him and throw him in jail and then deport

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Straight out murder then by a couple of numbskulls.

Who walks into a bar ( forang ) tooled up with a pistol

If you ask me this Turk was a menace and probably played with fire and got burnt

I am sorry but more to this story than what is written and it ain't murder

If someone specially a foreigner was to come into my place of business and start trouble and i could see he was tooled up then should I let him bully and intimidate me in my own bar ( if I was thai ) in my own country

Some people just read a comment without a clue


Don't just shoot people out in the open without some sort of argument

I reckon if he wasn't carrying a gun he would will be here today

One guy shoots him in the gut and one guy shoots him in the head and you figure its not murder???

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At least and last RTP did take a stand and arrested the curlprits. Job well done . Ensuring proper justice will for sure make thailand a safer place, that's what I believe.

as already mentioned this guy was obviously a thug

In my books walking into the bar making demands with a gun in his belt and showing it (probably not the first time) is as good as taking it out and pointing it - although that part of the story is somewhat unclear as to whether they new he was carrying or not

what sort of place would Thailand be if every falang or wannabe falang thug was walking around with a gun hanging out of their waist band - I for one would not be living here

In saying that - the bar manager should have called the police and let them deal with it

"In saying that - the bar manager should have called the police and let them deal with it "


"what sort of place would Thailand be if every falang or wannabe falang thug was walking around with a gun ... "

think about all the guns that Thais have !

I remember the former government talked about 10 Million legal guns

And don't forget the illegal ones - may be even more

how often do we read about people shot dead even for minor reasons

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Will the Thai guy still get back his own gun that he planted in the hands of the Turkish guy ?

Is this bar now closed? Normally in other countries a bar like that would not be allowed to open again.

Solo bar will not be closed, as it is owned by well connected locals. It has been around for many years and used to be located 200 meters further down the small soi it is located at now. Not surprisingly the old location has been turned into a Thai boxing stadium, run by the same locals. Over the years solo bar has been the scene of several shootings, including at least one murdered police officer, and alot of armed fights on top of that. Most of the trouble involved local thugs associated with solo bar in one way or another.

Most expats know solo bars well deserved reputation, and therefore stay far away from the place.

So based on what u telling me that bar should have been closed years ago.Instead its still open and killings do continue.

Especially in this last case where bar staff shooting to death a customer there is no legal ground for this bar the be open ever again.

Have swat team move in revoke licenses and close it down simple..

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How stupid can one be to work at a bar both manager and security that stands around doing nothing and not know where the CTV s are in the surrounding areas? Also why both the manager and security's carry guns? Is this the norm in that area?

Just what i thought. The manager and more so the security guard seem to have no idea where the cctv is. I think I will wait for the movie to come out , Tarrantino as the Turtk and maybe Bob 'oskins ( where he still with us ) could of been the security guard.

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At least and last RTP did take a stand and arrested the curlprits. Job well done . Ensuring proper justice will for sure make thailand a safer place, that's what I believe.

as already mentioned this guy was obviously a thug

In my books walking into the bar making demands with a gun in his belt and showing it (probably not the first time) is as good as taking it out and pointing it - although that part of the story is somewhat unclear as to whether they new he was carrying or not

what sort of place would Thailand be if every falang or wannabe falang thug was walking around with a gun hanging out of their waist band - I for one would not be living here

In saying that - the bar manager should have called the police and let them deal with it

Come on Einstein! The gun was planted and it wasn't his. Why plant a gun if he already had one. It was cold blooded murder, whether the Turk was a scum or not.

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I see so many comments looks like anti Thai politics anti Thai way of rule way of life. Why are you lot still here if it's that bad. Don't make any sense????

There wouldn't be a need for a forum if everyone wore rose coloured glasses. Different opinions is what makes TV. We don't all want to "get in line and shut up"

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They will be rewarded with attitude adjustment bail and a slap on the wrist as part of "save tourism's face" for a little tea money fine....clap2.gifclap2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Wanna bet?

I'll take that bet. There are 5 families (descendants of the 5 the original families on the island) that run the island and they are very protective of their tourist industry on the island, they understand where their money comes from. They will throw these two under the bus and rightfully so. This will be the decision of the older family members. These two slags will get what they deserve (in fact I'm kind of surprised they're not floating around in the sea minus their heads)

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Straight out murder then by a couple of numbskulls.

Who walks into a bar ( forang ) tooled up with a pistol

If you ask me this Turk was a menace and probably played with fire and got burnt

I am sorry but more to this story than what is written and it ain't murder

If someone specially a foreigner was to come into my place of business and start trouble and i could see he was tooled up then should I let him bully and intimidate me in my own bar ( if I was thai ) in my own country

Some people just read a comment without a clue


Don't just shoot people out in the open without some sort of argument

I reckon if he wasn't carrying a gun he would will be here today

They never knew he had a gun according to initial reports. Only after shooting him in the head did they notice he was carrying a gun. This is why they said he was carrying two guns. All rather confusing but the gist of the story is he is brown bread.

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Straight out murder then by a couple of numbskulls.

Who walks into a bar ( forang ) tooled up with a pistol

If you ask me this Turk was a menace and probably played with fire and got burnt

I am sorry but more to this story than what is written and it ain't murder

If someone specially a foreigner was to come into my place of business and start trouble and i could see he was tooled up then should I let him bully and intimidate me in my own bar ( if I was thai ) in my own country

Some people just read a comment without a clue


Don't just shoot people out in the open without some sort of argument

I reckon if he wasn't carrying a gun he would will be here today

I guess he wasn't Keyser Söze but he was clearly a menace. Seems he got what was comin ... just a shame they weren't more circumspect about the deed. I vote for a slap on the wrist, unless he was Spiderman in disguise.

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Clear cut, self defence, 200 bht fine, and be good for the rest of the year............ If the Turk was walking around with a gun, all i can say is, "Live by the sword, and ye shall die by the sword" Silly bugger, outnumbered mate.........NEXT !

self defence, you can't be serious. One guy shots him in the guts and he goes down seriously wounded and no longer a threat. The biggest lowlife piece of scum and coward walks up calmly and puts one into an immobilised and injured guys head. MURDER. No ifs and absolutely no buts. It doesn't matter if the victim was a piece of shit or not. Flushing a piece of crap is not a defence to murder. Edited by chooka
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Once again many posters, blaming the victim.

She smiled nicely and said hello, so she deserved to be raped.

He was drunk and falling down, so he deserved to get his head kicked in.

They should have stayed at a better hotel, so they deserved to be ripped off .

He walked into the bar, when he shouldn't have ,so he deserved to be shot twice. Once at point blank range as he was crawling out the bar.

Sickos .

there are probably a few lowlifes supporting this killing and Thailand definately can attract some real scum. Not directed at anyone.
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....I never did see my post where I warn...'God forbid you want to sing a karaoke song'.....

...file this under....'more excuses to kill a foreigner'.....this is utterly insane....

(...and to delete a post stating as much just perpetrates this behaviour....)

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Pub Security Guard and Manager Arrested for Killing a Turkish Man

KOH SAMUI: -- It has been reported that Pol.Maj.Gen. Pisanu Muangsri, the Commissioner of Provincial Police Region 8, Pol.Maj.Gen. Apichat Bunsriroj, the commander of Surat Thani Provincial Police and local police under their command interrogated Mr.Yokbin Srisaart, a 27 year-old security guard and Mr. Kanapol Nakwatchara, a 57 year-old manager from the bar where a man was shot dead in Chaweng.

During the interrogation they confessed that they killed Mr. Mamed Poletari, a 37 year-old Turkish man together because they were upset the deceased was drunkenly rampaging the pub and trying to force the pub’s staff to keep the pub open until morning. The incident happened on February 13.

During the incident, the deceased had a fight with the suspects, and Mr. Kanapol , the manager, used a Remington long range shotgun to shoot the deceased. The deceased tried to crawl out of the pub, but he was shot to death by Mr. Yokbin. After that, Mr. Yokbin put the gun that was used in the deceased’s hand in attempt to make it look like the deceased shot the gun first, then took Mr. Kanapol’s long range shotgun, went to the police confessing he did it alone and turned himself in. Later, the two suspects were taken to re-enact a scene before being sent to the Samui Provincial Court.

Mr. Mamed was widely known among the foreign tourists since he had been in Thailand for many years, it has been reported that he was considered himself ‘mafia’ by some locals.

-- Samui Times 2015-02-16

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It appears that perhaps Mr. Poletari was probably the kind of guy that wouldn't be very forgiving if he was shot and wounded and allowed to recover. Finishing him off may have been the best way to make the problem go away permanently.

If you are going to mess with Thais, never ever ever mess with Thais in a bar...also taxi or tuk tuk drivers.

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