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SUV driver in Kamala Hill smash may face reckless driving charge

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SUV driver in Kamala Hill smash may face reckless driving charge
Eakkapop Thongtub


PHUKET: -- A Chevrolet Captiva SUV and a Toyota mini-van collided on Kamala hill on Valentine̕s Day night (February 14) leaving three injured people, two of whom were Russian tourists.

At 11pm, Lt Prasert Tongprom led Kamala police and rescue workers from the Kamala OrBorTor to the accident scene after receiving a call about the incident and traffic problems in the area.

Upon arrival, police saw the Toyota mini-van with its windscreen and front left wing damaged. The driver of the van was still inside trapped between his seat and the steering wheel.

The driver was still conscious and complained of chest pains when he was rescued.

One Russian woman, bleeding from her mouth, was in the back of the van with her husband.

Police took all three, named as Panya Srikacha, 47 (the van driver), and Mr Bulatovskii Yuri and Ms Alexeenko Irina, 29, to Patong hospital for treatment.

The Chevrolet, driven by Pramote Suthipitak, 36, from Nakorn Sri Thammarat also had damage to its front left wing and its front wheel had come off. However, Pramote had only suffered minor injuries.

Mr Pramote told police “I reached down to get a battery charger for my phone when I lost the control of my vehicle.”

Witnesses told police that the Chevrolet collided head on with the van that was coming from Patong area.

Pramote was taken to Patong police station where he is likely to be charged with reckless driving.

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/suv-driver-in-kamala-hill-smash-may-face-reckless-driving-charge-51042.php

-- Phuket News 2015-02-17


Probably a 500 Bt fine......

Yeah thats usually the extent of it..

I recently got taken out, head on on a dual carriageway, by an unlicensed, uninsured teenager, in a car without even government minimum insurance or rd tax, who simply didnt look as she u turned into the oncoming traffic..

She totally admitted guilt, totally at fault, and the cops just fined her 500b.. My damages are 800 - 1 mil approx. Case closed.


Probably a 500 Bt fine......

Yeah thats usually the extent of it..

I recently got taken out, head on on a dual carriageway, by an unlicensed, uninsured teenager, in a car without even government minimum insurance or rd tax, who simply didnt look as she u turned into the oncoming traffic..

She totally admitted guilt, totally at fault, and the cops just fined her 500b.. My damages are 800 - 1 mil approx. Case closed.

If you've got insurance let them deal with repairs to your vehicle. They will then attempt to recover their costs from the other driver.

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Probably a 500 Bt fine......

Yeah thats usually the extent of it..

I recently got taken out, head on on a dual carriageway, by an unlicensed, uninsured teenager, in a car without even government minimum insurance or rd tax, who simply didnt look as she u turned into the oncoming traffic..

She totally admitted guilt, totally at fault, and the cops just fined her 500b.. My damages are 800 - 1 mil approx. Case closed.

If you've got insurance let them deal with repairs to your vehicle. They will then attempt to recover their costs from the other driver.

Its impossible to get anything other than the tiny government compulsory insurance on the rare imported supermotos I own.. They are not sold onto the Thai market by a dealer.

And no insurance is covering the platinum rolex thats in bits.


Why "may"?

11pm - Don't suppose he was breathalysed though.

Thai roads are a lottery. No winning tickets just losing tickets of death and permanent disability.

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Probably a 500 Bt fine......

Yeah thats usually the extent of it..

I recently got taken out, head on on a dual carriageway, by an unlicensed, uninsured teenager, in a car without even government minimum insurance or rd tax, who simply didnt look as she u turned into the oncoming traffic..

She totally admitted guilt, totally at fault, and the cops just fined her 500b.. My damages are 800 - 1 mil approx. Case closed.

If you've got insurance let them deal with repairs to your vehicle. They will then attempt to recover their costs from the other driver.

Its impossible to get anything other than the tiny government compulsory insurance on the rare imported supermotos I own.. They are not sold onto the Thai market by a dealer.

And no insurance is covering the platinum rolex thats in bits.

Absolute bummer.....you have my sympathy.

There's the option of your own civil case I guess but only you can decide if it's worth pursuing.


More Nakorn Sri Thammarat natives causing carnage.

Ask any thai what they think of native people from that province and you'll get a unflattering opinion nine times out of ten.


"Mr Pramote told police “I reached down to get a battery charger for my phone when I lost the control of my vehicle.”

I am either a colossal brain dead idiot or a liar.

Can I pay my 500B and go now? wai2.gifwai.gif

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More Nakorn Sri Thammarat natives causing carnage.

Ask any thai what they think of native people from that province and you'll get a unflattering opinion nine times out of ten.

Ask any Thai what they think of native people from, well, anywhere except for where they're from and you'll generally get an unflattering opinion.

Ask any Nakhon Sri native what they think of people from Udon.

Nakhon has a reputation, given, but who doesn't? I'd far prefer to live in Nakhon Sri Thammarat than to live in Phuket.

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Yeah its not the end of the world, I could so easily have lost my leg, as it is in a few months I will be walking again, and it will all just be an unpleasant memory and simply money..

But being slammed a million baht in unexpected cost 2 days into a new year and then the reaction of the police to a long laundry list of crimes and irresponsibility being a 500b fine and on you go, is a reminder of where you are.

The mothers reaction to her unlicensed teenage daughter having caused such a wreck was "well shes been driving like that for 4 years".. Ohh that makes it fine then..

So car not insured and no health insurance or even accident insurance as well.


The bike and rolex is topping out well over 600k.. No cover available for that.. The hospital I had some insurance to offset but only some.. I have more surgery needed later in the year also.. That will be out of pocket..

They didnt run, but have just said they are 'poor thais'.. Despite being able to afford to buy her daughter a car, send her to university and apparently own their own house and land. Apparently if you simply refuse to pay, the police dont care and 500b for driving without a license is all you have to pay, why ever tax or insure your car ??

Anyway, irrelevant to this thread.. Just the issue that when you cause chaos, injury and damages you simply get a 500b fine and told not to do it again, is very much the case.. Of course if I did this to a Thai, I can just imagine how it would be going down.

Anyway, you live here and ride on the roads, you accept what that means.. No responsibility, no accountability.. It is what it is..

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The police want you to give up, it's less work for them. I have had friends in similar situations. It is up to you and your supporters to push the issue and the police will then have to act. But you and your supporters need to push the issue, forcing the other driver and her family to attend negotiations at the police station.

Remember if you give up, the police will gladly drop it. You need to keep pushing.


I have a lawyer who (handily ;) )is a part time policewoman, has worked with all the cops on the case and bosses of each station.. The police dont have to do anything, its civil court if you want anything for damages. They have fined her for the criminal act of driving without a license, so thats over, the injury and damages are a civil matter.. Then if years and expenses down the line I win the court.. She still has no money.. I can possibly get a slice of non existent wages for the next many years.. Unsure its worth the ongoing hassle..

Anyway.. Its just a road traffic accident.. They happen all the time.. The point is theres no real punishment even when theres actual criminal actions, so for simple accidents its just a slap on the wrist and on you go.. Would be different of she had assets, but a teenage student ??


I have a lawyer who (handily ;) )is a part time policewoman, has worked with all the cops on the case and bosses of each station.. The police dont have to do anything, its civil court if you want anything for damages. They have fined her for the criminal act of driving without a license, so thats over, the injury and damages are a civil matter.. Then if years and expenses down the line I win the court.. She still has no money.. I can possibly get a slice of non existent wages for the next many years.. Unsure its worth the ongoing hassle..

Anyway.. Its just a road traffic accident.. They happen all the time.. The point is theres no real punishment even when theres actual criminal actions, so for simple accidents its just a slap on the wrist and on you go.. Would be different of she had assets, but a teenage student ??

LivinLOS, but the car must be registered and done so in the name of a licensed driver?

If the car is registered in the name of a licensed driver and he gives authority for an unlicensed person to drive the vehicle his action has contributed, if not is the primary cause of your loss.

IF the family has limited funds but afforded to purchase a vehicle and then allowed her to drive you may have a good chance at suing the family member who purchased the vehicle

If not already done, I would find out these issues to determine whether a claim is firstly, possible and what assets or wealth exists.


You dont need a license to own a vehicle.

The fact is the police called them in to negotiate.. They simply said "we have no money" and "she is just a student".. The police tried everything, telling them she was going to be in big trouble etc etc.. Simple fact is the police cannot send her to jail because she caused me damages. Driving without a license is not a jail able offence and I can only pursue it via the civil court. The public prosecutor is pursuing a criminal case on my lawyers instruction, but the penalty of it is at worst, minimal..

I want to make her face some responsibility, but I am unsure on if I want to try to hammer her that much.. Shes a kid with no Dad and a low income family.. Shes a kid who made a mistake, its her fault I was wearing a half mil baht watch ?? Shes probably never had 50k in her life.. Money isnt my issue really, sure it sucks but its not a biggie I would just like her to bear the responsibility a bit more.. But overall I am just thankful I still have my leg.. 100 kph head on into a static object on a bike and I hope to have a full recovery.. So easily could have just been another newspaper report.

Anyway again.. My personal issue isnt the story.. I was just echoing that a 500b fine and off you go isnt unusual.. Even when its idiotic behavior making it.

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