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In November I went for a full checkup, blood, urine, liver ultrasound etc. I was told I had a mild fatty liver(not caused by alcohol) and needed to lose weight. Also I had a high Uric Acid level of 7 mg/dl(7.2 is just acceptable). So I go on a diet, eat no offal(cause high of Uric Acid). Cut down on fatty foods and I eat much fruit and veg as I possibly can. Also I've been taking medication to bring my Uric Acid level down.

So after nearly 3 months I go for a second blood test blood test after losing 8kg in weight. Due both to the diet and cycling 40km most days. Results come back that my Uric Acid level has increased to 7.6 mg/dl and my Triglyceride level is 214. (30-150mg/dl is acceptable)

I'm at a loss. I diet. I exercise, I lose weight but my blood results don't come back good. Anyone know where I'm going wrong? Or do I need to see a doctor? The first course of action for a doctor for a person with high TG levels is diet. As I've said I already do that. I'm somewhat confused.


You do not seem to be seeing a doctor from last comment (although first para would indicate you did if ultrasound and diagnose made) so not sure how reliable your testing is if being done at a local clinic. I would see a doctor and have hospital administered tests done. Visiting a doctor at anything but the most expensive places will not cost more than about 500 baht plus tests.

As allopurinol is the normal medication used to keep uric acid under control expect that is what you used? At what level?

Not sure how important the uric acid is if not having gout issues but high fats are probably not good if you are on a good diet - but know many people have extremely high levels so you are not really in that range and if other fat levels are good probably not a major issue. You did have an overnight fast before latest test?

Need to remind I am not a medical person - only a sufferer of such test and medical issues. smile.png


Both of these problems have significant genetic components and diet alone will not always work. It is also possible you are not eliminating/restricting enough of the right foods.

That said, a rise in triglyceride from 129 to 214 in just 3 months (and 3 months of dieting at that) is very unusual and my first approach would be to get a repeat test, making sure you have fasted the night before. Lab errors do happen.

You should also check your liver enzymes as medications to reduce uric acid can have adverse effects on the liver.

Since you ask whether you should see a doctor I assume you self-prescribed the allopurinol (or whatever it is you are taking for uric acid). This is not a good idea. Also, if your uric acid 3 months ago was 7.0, this is still within normal range for men (though towards the upper end of normal).

If repeat labs still show an elevated triglyceride and uric acid, I suggest you consult an enodcrinologst regarding these issues and not self treat.

I assume you self-prescribed the allopurinol

No Sheryl I was prescribed Allopurinol by a doctor to be taken x2 100mg before bed. During the day I was taking x2 Indomethacin , morning and evenings, After I started taking Allopurinol, which was after I started taking Indomethacin, I started to get joints pains. I read on the web that Allopurinol may cause this. To be sure I went to see an Orthopedic doctor who immediately took me off all Gout Medication and told me just to diet. A few days later I went for the second blood test which gave the high readings of Triglyceride.

Lopburi3 I did use a good hospital in Korat for my first full medical no medicine prescribed. Gout medication was prescribed by my local village doctor(newly qualified) when he saw my Uric Acid level. And I do not eat a high fat diet, plus I have a low HDL Cholestrol of 32 which ain't good I believe?

I'm beginning to think the Gout medication was/is my problem and it's just a case of time until it exits my system?


The allopurinol dose was surprisingly high - it's the sort of dose for someone with severe gout issues.

You mention "joints pain". Where? Classically gout strikes the large joint at the base of the big toes. (It can strike other joints such as the ankle, but this is relatively rare.) In any case, a needle should be stuck in and the fluid extracted and examined for uric acid crystals before a diagnosis of gout is made. (There are other conditions which mimic gout.)

In the absence of gout symptoms, there's no need to take allopurinol. (Apart from the immediate pain, the long-term problem with gout is the damage done to the joints by the uric acid crystals. No pain, no crystals, no long term problem.)

One final comment: make sure you're drinking plenty of water. This helps flush uric acid out of your system.


The allopurinol dose was surprisingly high - it's the sort of dose for someone with severe gout issues.

You mention "joints pain". Where? Classically gout strikes the large joint at the base of the big toes. (It can strike other joints such as the ankle, but this is relatively rare.) In any case, a needle should be stuck in and the fluid extracted and examined for uric acid crystals before a diagnosis of gout is made. (There are other conditions which mimic gout.)

In the absence of gout symptoms, there's no need to take allopurinol. (Apart from the immediate pain, the long-term problem with gout is the damage done to the joints by the uric acid crystals. No pain, no crystals, no long term problem.)

One final comment: make sure you're drinking plenty of water. This helps flush uric acid out of your system.

Joint pains were everywhere in my body. I've never had gout in my life. The reason why I was prescribed gout medication was because I had an accident and had a really sore elbow. The doctor I saw was newly qualified(village hospital) and for some reason sent me for a blood test. It came back showing a 7 on the Uric Acid reading and he prescribed me Gout medication saying it was too high. He gave me Tramadol for the pain in my elbow, if I recall right.

In the absence of gout symptoms, there's no need to take allopurinol

As said by the Orthopedic doctor and he took me off them. He also said he's known men to have Gout readings of 12 and no symptoms

Cdmtdm I have a normal healthy diet and I'm far from being obese. I'll read the article. Thanks to all. Tomorrow I go to see a qualified(?) doctor just to confirm what I think has happened and that is I shouldn't have been on Gout medication in the first place.


So after nearly 3 months I go for a second blood test blood test after losing 8kg in weight. Due both to the diet and cycling 40km most days.

You've lost weight relatively rapidly (possibly too rapidly to be healthy, particularly since you indicate you're not particularly overweight). You're also taking an unnatural amount of exercise.

It's good that you're going to see a doctor to get a new viewpoint on your situation.

I do, however, suspect that if you ease off on the weight loss for a few months and the exercise whilst maintaining a healthy diet, drink minimal alcohol and plenty of water then retest you'll get a better idea of what medical issues (if any) you actually have.


So after nearly 3 months I go for a second blood test blood test after losing 8kg in weight. Due both to the diet and cycling 40km most days.

You've lost weight relatively rapidly (possibly too rapidly to be healthy, particularly since you indicate you're not particularly overweight). You're also taking an unnatural amount of exercise.

It's good that you're going to see a doctor to get a new viewpoint on your situation.

I do, however, suspect that if you ease off on the weight loss for a few months and the exercise whilst maintaining a healthy diet, drink minimal alcohol and plenty of water then retest you'll get a better idea of what medical issues (if any) you actually have.

depending on the conditions both 8kg in 3 month and 40 km per day doesn't sound extreme for someone fit.

But of course could be too much for someone else. If the feeling is OK I wouldn't be too concerned about that.

What I don't get is the medication for uric acid.


What I don't get is the medication for uric acid.

Neither did my wife and myself but one puts ones trust in a doctor. My wife told the doctor I didn't have Gout pains and the pain in my elbow was from an accident. But he said my Uric Acid levels were too high and prescribed 2 months of Gout medication. When I went back after they were used up I was given more of the same, plus Allopurinol, by a different doctor. Only after taking that did I start suffering joint pains. Then I went to a elderly Orthopedic doctor who advised me to throw them away and just change my eating habits ie no offal.

Okay I'd been taking Gout medication for nearly 3 months but my Uric Acid level had still increased by 0.6 and I'd cut out offal so what caused the increases? Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow.thumbsup.gif


get off the drugs , the right fuel in your body coupled with moderate exercise will see you return to health , without drugs ... treat the cause not the symptoms ... educate yourself about your body & then you may realise what it is capable of doing ....goodluck

  • Like 1

The medication was definitely not indicated - 7.0 is still within normal range and you were aymptomatic.

Village hospitals usually are staffed by new grads and not the best place to go for anything at all complex.

Re your HDL indeed it should be higher. Eating more fish will help as will taking fish oil supplements (which some people feel helps with joint pains as well).

Small flunctuations in any lab value (and 7 --> 7.6 is small) are not unusual and I wouldn't put much store in that. Basically your uric acid is at the upper range of normal. That is worth adjusting your diet for and keeping a watch on but nothing more. I assume you know that in addition to limiting intake of meat and poultry, you need to minimize alcohol intake (including beer) and avoid things sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup (which in Thailand is a lot of things!).

BTW the main reason it is worth adjusting your diet for a borderline uric acid level is not because of gout (which it does not sound like you have) but because it increases the risk of kidney disease.

Maintaining good hydration will help too.

  • Like 2

get off the drugs , the right fuel in your body coupled with moderate exercise will see you return to health , without drugs ... treat the cause not the symptoms ... educate yourself about your body & then you may realise what it is capable of doing ....goodluck

Thankfully I'm off them now. I'm glad in some ways that I got joint pains which caused me to seek another medical source. The unfortunate thing about dieting is that it takes over your life and once you lose the first few Pounds it becomes a drug to want you to lose more. As in my case. So along with the weight loss and taking medication I may well have made myself ill, when I wasn't?

Village hospitals usually are staffed by new grads and not the best place to go for anything at all complex.

Yeah you're right Sheryl. All they want/seem to do is throw medication at you rather than discuss medical matters. One lives and learns. Thanks again to all respondant to my post.


dieting is a horrible term .... sounds like a prison sentence .. do your research, as lots of good information is available to self educate yourself .... if you need any links or info pm me ... i am not talking about a diet , i am talking about a hollistic approach to your health which includes what your eating as a priority ..the last 30 years has seen a mountain of lies about what we should eat , times are a changing !!

  • Like 1

get off the drugs , the right fuel in your body coupled with moderate exercise will see you return to health , without drugs ... treat the cause not the symptoms ... educate yourself about your body & then you may realise what it is capable of doing ....goodluck

Thankfully I'm off them now. I'm glad in some ways that I got joint pains which caused me to seek another medical source. The unfortunate thing about dieting is that it takes over your life and once you lose the first few Pounds it becomes a drug to want you to lose more. As in my case. So along with the weight loss and taking medication I may well have made myself ill, when I wasn't?

Village hospitals usually are staffed by new grads and not the best place to go for anything at all complex.

Yeah you're right Sheryl. All they want/seem to do is throw medication at you rather than discuss medical matters. One lives and learns. Thanks again to all respondant to my post.

Well the risk for middle age men to get addicted to diets and overdo it isn't very high.....Usually we get too fat, too much uric acid, cholesterol, etc.....


dieting is a horrible term .... sounds like a prison sentence .. do your research, as lots of good information is available to self educate yourself .... if you need any links or info pm me ... i am not talking about a diet , i am talking about a hollistic approach to your health which includes what your eating as a priority ..the last 30 years has seen a mountain of lies about what we should eat , times are a changing !!

It is excellent business:

selling crap food that makes us unhealthy

selling us crap food that is supposed to make us slim + healthy but in fact does nothing or even harm.

selling books

selling us expensive medicine to cure problems which shouldn't exist

As the laws for food changed a lot to the worse in Europe over the last 20 years. As politicians didn't do it because they are evil and want to hurt us, it means that lobbyists with bags full of money "influenced" them.

It isn't impossible to make fast food or a frozen pizza in a more healthy way. Maybe they won't get the best food ever, but surely it could be much better.

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