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Thai Army dismisses socialite's military-themed birthday party

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If this was the limit of her comments are they NOT TRUE?

" Chitpas Bhirombhakdi, 28, the beer heiress who is also a major anti-government activist in Bangkok, made comments last month that she believes many Thais lack a "true understanding" of democracy, "especially in the rural areas," the New York times reported."

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2014/01/11/Beer-heiress-comments-prompt-boycott/79831389480811/#ixzz3SALiJJcm


Chitpas has been seen at this birthday party and at the PDRC 'victory' party wearing army uniform. Shes either really into her camouflage or has some very strong and obvious political leanings.


Change from drinking Leo and drink Singha to be able to have a dip at that little hottie hi-so 555555

Leo is also brewed by her families brewery!

There's no escaping her beer monopoly!


Change from drinking Leo and drink Singha to be able to have a dip at that little hottie hi-so 555555

Leo is also brewed by her families brewery!

There's no escaping her beer monopoly!

You COULD drink Chang or Cheers ... but I wouldn't suggest it :-D

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Ahh Chitpas. Typical ignorant to anything outside of your rich little bubble socialite, thinking you know what's best for the nation when you really haven't got a clue, even with your British education.

She'd never win on a Dem PM ticket after that 'poor to stupid to vote' line. She is some serious eye candy though, wouldn't mind her face plastered everywhere cos she'd lose anyway cheesy.gif

'Yay for the military coup party!' - just read that and let it sink in.

I'd let that last line sink in.. If it were not for the fact that the party was long before the coup.


Ahh Chitpas. Typical ignorant to anything outside of your rich little bubble socialite, thinking you know what's best for the nation when you really haven't got a clue, even with your British education.

She'd never win on a Dem PM ticket after that 'poor to stupid to vote' line. She is some serious eye candy though, wouldn't mind her face plastered everywhere cos she'd lose anyway cheesy.gif

'Yay for the military coup party!' - just read that and let it sink in.

Oh, I don't know .... if she ran in a Bangkok constituency, she'd romp home.

After the electoral reforms are finished she would probably win in Issan!
You must vote Chitpas stupid hick she's rich and is better than you... uhh we mean... knows what's good for you.

PS please but her beer again, she'd like another sports car.

I, for one, gave up gazing into my crystal ball, but if Yingluck could get elected after her public gaffs, anyone could.


jdinasia there was a party after the coup with Chitpas and her PDRC chums lording it around in army uniforms celebrating a military coup high so style.

And while Yingluck has her many, many faults, I don't think outright insulting the large majority of the country's intelligence was one of them.


jdinasia there was a party after the coup with Chitpas and her PDRC chums lording it around in army uniforms celebrating a military coup high so style.

And while Yingluck has her many, many faults, I don't think outright insulting the large majority of the country's intelligence was one of them.

Which large majority would that be?

This thread is about a party in 2013


jdinasia there was a party after the coup with Chitpas and her PDRC chums lording it around in army uniforms celebrating a military coup high so style.

And while Yingluck has her many, many faults, I don't think outright insulting the large majority of the country's intelligence was one of them.

Well she did tell everyone that the rice pledging was a self sustaining scheme .. if that's not insulting people's intelligence, I don't know what is!

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And about Chitpas in particular no? That famous comment of hers is veering off topic yes (but destined to keep coming back to bite her in the ass) but was bound to get mention and discussed. The large majority being the rural folk of Thailand.


And about Chitpas in particular no? That famous comment of hers is veering off topic yes (but destined to keep coming back to bite her in the ass) but was bound to get mention and discussed. The large majority being the rural folk of Thailand.

What famous comment. Do you have a link?


And about Chitpas in particular no? That famous comment of hers is veering off topic yes (but destined to keep coming back to bite her in the ass) but was bound to get mention and discussed. The large majority being the rural folk of Thailand.

What famous comment. Do you have a link?

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/12/16/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/thai-opposition-torn-between-elections-and-peoples-revolution/#.VOa71eaUeBI - here you are

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT_JqshbsEA - from 2:50 in this video you can watch as she struggles and fumbles her way through trying to defend what she said.

We all knows the shins are bad gents, I just don't like being told that the other side are these incorruptible paragons of virtue so we should support them unconditionally cheesy.gif

  • Like 2

And about Chitpas in particular no? That famous comment of hers is veering off topic yes (but destined to keep coming back to bite her in the ass) but was bound to get mention and discussed. The large majority being the rural folk of Thailand.

What famous comment. Do you have a link?

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/12/16/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/thai-opposition-torn-between-elections-and-peoples-revolution/#.VOa71eaUeBI - here you are

- from 2:50 in this video you can watch as she struggles and fumbles her way through trying to defend what she said.

We all knows the shins are bad gents, I just don't like being told that the other side are these incorruptible paragons of virtue so we should support them unconditionally cheesy.gif

"The problem, she added, is that many Thais lack a “true understanding of democracy . . . especially in the rural areas.”


Isn't that statement actually true!

It might not be what people want to hear, but I think that for a large proportion of any country it's probably fairly accurate and especially so in a country like Thailand that has had a fledgling democracy fraught with corruption (all political parties)

Do YOU honestly believe that the majority of Thais understand what democracy means?

I remember Yinglucks TV chat with the BBC "we were elected by the democracy so that mean we can do the thing in the country " or something to that effect!


And about Chitpas in particular no? That famous comment of hers is veering off topic yes (but destined to keep coming back to bite her in the ass) but was bound to get mention and discussed. The large majority being the rural folk of Thailand.

What famous comment. Do you have a link?

http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2013/12/16/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/thai-opposition-torn-between-elections-and-peoples-revolution/#.VOa71eaUeBI - here you are

- from 2:50 in this video you can watch as she struggles and fumbles her way through trying to defend what she said.

We all knows the shins are bad gents, I just don't like being told that the other side are these incorruptible paragons of virtue so we should support them unconditionally cheesy.gif

"The problem, she added, is that many Thais lack a “true understanding of democracy . . . especially in the rural areas.”


Isn't that statement actually true!

It might not be what people want to hear, but I think that for a large proportion of any country it's probably fairly accurate and especially so in a country like Thailand that has had a fledgling democracy fraught with corruption (all political parties)

Do YOU honestly believe that the majority of Thais understand what democracy means?

I remember Yinglucks TV chat with the BBC "we were elected by the democracy so that mean we can do the thing in the country " or something to that effect!

Yinglucks English is appalling, I've heard bar girls with better English.

So in essence then the rural are too stupid to understand their voting rights and who they choose to vote for, and an oppressive military junta TELLING them what is good for them is better eh?

Maybe understanding of democracy would be better if there wasn't a coup on average every 4 years for the last 70 odd years eh?

..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


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..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

I would argue that Yingluck (as proxy for her brother's political machine) had the sole goal of increasing the debt of the rural poor and thus dependence on PTP staying in power to keep bailouts coming to relieve the debt that they increased.


..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

Literacy rates in Thailand are actually very high.. this idea about keeping them stupid is as dumb as the idea that only Shinawatras are corrupt. Both wrong!

I did notice you skirted the question though!


..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

I would argue that Yingluck (as proxy for her brother's political machine) had the sole goal of increasing the debt of the rural poor and thus dependence on PTP staying in power to keep bailouts coming to relieve the debt that they increased.

Links for this please?

Anyway it's always a deflection back to the shins. We know they are bad but the alternative being peddled as some kind of heavenly saviors is something I cannot stand back and take. The traditional elite were raping Thailand long before a Shinawatra even entered politics, the kind of elite Miss Chitpas represents.


..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

I would argue that Yingluck (as proxy for her brother's political machine) had the sole goal of increasing the debt of the rural poor and thus dependence on PTP staying in power to keep bailouts coming to relieve the debt that they increased.

Quite correct there.

The one village fund destroyed prosperity and crippled the poor in debt to loan sharks. Debt had gone up almost 100 percent from 2002 to 2004. It significantly increased from 68,405 Baht in 2000 (before TRT came to power) to 110,133 Baht in the first quarter of 2004. Household expenditure increased from 189,258 Baht to 203,635 Baht or 7.6% increase compared to the period before the program began.

Look at the rice scheme. 2.59 million of the poorest farmers did not even grow enough rice to enter the scheme.

​So yes, the PTP do want to keep them poor and stupid.

To think otherwise is just as ludicrous as making "dress up" parties in Thailand illegal. Just imagine if the Junta arrested them. The same people denouncing them now for not arresting them would be the same ones denouncing them for being a big bad Junta for arresting them for simply dressing up.


No jamie it's double standards. Chtipas and chums ok for dressing up like soldiers, if it was me and you doing it we'd be locked up.

Also see how they arrested protesters at Siam last week for having a 'gathering' but pro junta protesters outside the US embassy a few weeks back was A-OK.


..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

Literacy rates in Thailand are actually very high.. this idea about keeping them stupid is as dumb as the idea that only Shinawatras are corrupt. Both wrong!

I did notice you skirted the question though!

Yep...because being able to write and read is all you need, to be called "educated"!

Nothing else matters!



..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

Literacy rates in Thailand are actually very high.. this idea about keeping them stupid is as dumb as the idea that only Shinawatras are corrupt. Both wrong!

I did notice you skirted the question though!

Yep...because being able to write and read is all you need, to be called "educated"!

Nothing else matters!


It's certainly one HUGE step in the right direction. It means you can read the newspaper etc..education is many things but literacy is a founding part of that.. if you don't agree then fair enough ..

it seems to be a double standard on the one hand lambasting the Singha heiress for making the comments that many Thais don't understand democracy then stating that yes they are uneducated buffoons!

So were her comments correct or not. Personally I believe that yes due to many reasons Thais don't understand democracy!


..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?

The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.
Literacy rates in Thailand are actually very high.. this idea about keeping them stupid is as dumb as the idea that only Shinawatras are corrupt. Both wrong!

I did notice you skirted the question though!
Yep...because being able to write and read is all you need, to be called "educated"!
Nothing else matters!
It's certainly one HUGE step in the right direction. It means you can read the newspaper etc..education is many things but literacy is a founding part of that.. if you don't agree then fair enough ..

it seems to be a double standard on the one hand lambasting the Singha heiress for making the comments that many Thais don't understand democracy then stating that yes they are uneducated buffoons!

So were her comments correct or not. Personally I believe that yes due to many reasons Thais don't understand democracy!

So you are condoning the insulting of the intelligence of Thailand's rural by a Bangkok socialite because you are making the generalization that they are too stupid to vote? No wonder you condone her behavior, you'd fit right in with her snobby circles.

And answer me this, would Thais have a better understanding of politics if the military didn't constantly interfere with democracy for the last 70 years? Here was a chance for Thaksin voters to see his wicked ways and have their chance to vote him out. But no, the BKK elite know best AGAIN!

any damage Thaksin has done pales in insignificance compared to the constant elitist power games of the last 70 years.

..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?


The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.

I would argue that Yingluck (as proxy for her brother's political machine) had the sole goal of increasing the debt of the rural poor and thus dependence on PTP staying in power to keep bailouts coming to relieve the debt that they increased.

Quite correct there.

The one village fund destroyed prosperity and crippled the poor in debt to loan sharks. Debt had gone up almost 100 percent from 2002 to 2004. It significantly increased from 68,405 Baht in 2000 (before TRT came to power) to 110,133 Baht in the first quarter of 2004. Household expenditure increased from 189,258 Baht to 203,635 Baht or 7.6% increase compared to the period before the program began.

Look at the rice scheme. 2.59 million of the poorest farmers did not even grow enough rice to enter the scheme.

​So yes, the PTP do want to keep them poor and stupid.

To think otherwise is just as ludicrous as making "dress up" parties in Thailand illegal. Just imagine if the Junta arrested them. The same people denouncing them now for not arresting them would be the same ones denouncing them for being a big bad Junta for arresting them for simply dressing up.

Are you really trying to say Thaksin was bad for the rural poor? If so, you have not researched the data. The economic improvements made by the poorest sections of Thai society were highly impressive under his rule. & perhaps his crowning glory was to actually improve the GINI index, which had been worsening before he came to power.


..and maybe it would be even better, if those, complaining about uneducated rural poor, if they would take care, there is kind of a decent education!?

The BKK elite would prefer to keep them poor and stupid, no use to them if the poor wake up to wanting equality and rights, that would mean less of the money pie for them.
Literacy rates in Thailand are actually very high.. this idea about keeping them stupid is as dumb as the idea that only Shinawatras are corrupt. Both wrong!

I did notice you skirted the question though!
Yep...because being able to write and read is all you need, to be called "educated"!
Nothing else matters!
It's certainly one HUGE step in the right direction. It means you can read the newspaper etc..education is many things but literacy is a founding part of that.. if you don't agree then fair enough ..

it seems to be a double standard on the one hand lambasting the Singha heiress for making the comments that many Thais don't understand democracy then stating that yes they are uneducated buffoons!

So were her comments correct or not. Personally I believe that yes due to many reasons Thais don't understand democracy!

So you are condoning the insulting of the intelligence of Thailand's rural by a Bangkok socialite because you are making the generalization that they are too stupid to vote? No wonder you condone her behavior, you'd fit right in with her snobby circles.

And answer me this, would Thais have a better understanding of politics if the military didn't constantly interfere with democracy for the last 70 years? Here was a chance for Thaksin voters to see his wicked ways and have their chance to vote him out. But no, the BKK elite know best AGAIN!

any damage Thaksin has done pales in insignificance compared to the constant elitist power games of the last 70 years.

Nope. I didn't say they were to stupid to vote, they are your words. Not mine!

I said that many Thais rural and suburban don't understand democracy, in a previous post I also stated that is probably the same around the world.

As for the coups. No idea, but possibly!

But who knows, the past is the past. Let's move forward!

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