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Two French tourists badly injured in Pattaya paragliding (updated)

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Another masterpiece of fine, high quality Thai journalism - don't even know where to begin to rip this poor excuse for a newspaper article apart...

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So- like the original post, I stand corrected.

I am confused, what is all this talk about boats???

They were paragliding, ie: wing type parachute with an engine strapped to your back.

I think?blink.png

Man - I'm confused now too. I'm with you though- time to update the terminology.

Paraglider is one of these bad boys- as you say, a parachute with a motor strapped to your back.


This actually makes more sense about how the story went down- they do make models of these that carry two people, how they reached the altitude that they did, and the predicament they ended up in. In my opinion, a couple of inexperienced tourists in one of these would be a sure recipe for disaster in a windstorm.

Having said that, a look at the photos on Pattaya One website seem that the guy is hanging from a lamp post at tree level (no motor on his back), and being rescued by a fire-truck type of extending ladder. A big difference from the rooftop 40 plus stories above.

I think that the OP needs to be updated again with correct terminology and facts.


So- like the original post, I stand corrected.

I am confused, what is all this talk about boats???

They were paragliding, ie: wing type parachute with an engine strapped to your back.

I think?blink.png

Man - I'm confused now too. I'm with you though- time to update the terminology.

Paraglider is one of these bad boys- as you say, a parachute with a motor strapped to your back.


This actually makes more sense about how the story went down- they do make models of these that carry two people, how they reached the altitude that they did, and the predicament they ended up in. In my opinion, a couple of inexperienced tourists in one of these would be a sure recipe for disaster in a windstorm.

Having said that, a look at the photos on Pattaya One website seem that the guy is hanging from a lamp post at tree level (no motor on his back), and being rescued by a fire-truck type of extending ladder. A big difference from the rooftop 40 plus stories above.

I think that the OP needs to be updated again with correct terminology and facts.

I too agree, this needs to be updated and clarified, however I still have my doubts it was a motorized ParaGlider, and suspect it was a towed ParaSail. There seems to have been quite a few mishaps with the ParaSail in Pattaya of late (note the correct terminology wink.png ). It is common to see 2 people on them, is the gear rated for that, or rated at all? Probably just rope bought from the local hardware !!!

I would like to know if the guy in charge of the Chinese guys boat was ever caught and what the result of that was too (usual 500 B fine for leaving the scene?). What if any safety is taken with these things, I would think the guy driving should have at least a boat license?

These poor girls were lucky to live !!!

Get rid of them with the jet skis I reckon...


So- like the original post, I stand corrected.

I am confused, what is all this talk about boats???

They were paragliding, ie: wing type parachute with an engine strapped to your back.

I think?blink.png

Man - I'm confused now too. I'm with you though- time to update the terminology.

Paraglider is one of these bad boys- as you say, a parachute with a motor strapped to your back.


This actually makes more sense about how the story went down- they do make models of these that carry two people, how they reached the altitude that they did, and the predicament they ended up in. In my opinion, a couple of inexperienced tourists in one of these would be a sure recipe for disaster in a windstorm.

Having said that, a look at the photos on Pattaya One website seem that the guy is hanging from a lamp post at tree level (no motor on his back), and being rescued by a fire-truck type of extending ladder. A big difference from the rooftop 40 plus stories above.

I think that the OP needs to be updated again with correct terminology and facts.

I too agree, this needs to be updated and clarified, however I still have my doubts it was a motorized ParaGlider, and suspect it was a towed ParaSail. There seems to have been quite a few mishaps with the ParaSail in Pattaya of late (note the correct terminology wink.png ). It is common to see 2 people on them, is the gear rated for that, or rated at all? Probably just rope bought from the local hardware !!!

I would like to know if the guy in charge of the Chinese guys boat was ever caught and what the result of that was too (usual 500 B fine for leaving the scene?). What if any safety is taken with these things, I would think the guy driving should have at least a boat license?

These poor girls were lucky to live !!!

Get rid of them with the jet skis I reckon...

Well just as a side note, it does seem the term ParaGliding is used commonly with being towed behind a boat. Every YouTube Video I found had it listed this way and only showed people being towed behind a boat.

There is a ParaSailing (with a motor) club in Pattaya, but you need to be licensed and it seems to be based around the airfield not the beach. There is a course offered for 25,000 B for your first solo. I could find no reference to dual passenger rigs.


So- like the original post, I stand corrected.

I am confused, what is all this talk about boats???

They were paragliding, ie: wing type parachute with an engine strapped to your back.

I think?blink.png

Man - I'm confused now too. I'm with you though- time to update the terminology.

Paraglider is one of these bad boys- as you say, a parachute with a motor strapped to your back.


This actually makes more sense about how the story went down- they do make models of these that carry two people, how they reached the altitude that they did, and the predicament they ended up in. In my opinion, a couple of inexperienced tourists in one of these would be a sure recipe for disaster in a windstorm.

Having said that, a look at the photos on Pattaya One website seem that the guy is hanging from a lamp post at tree level (no motor on his back), and being rescued by a fire-truck type of extending ladder. A big difference from the rooftop 40 plus stories above.

I think that the OP needs to be updated again with correct terminology and facts.

I too agree, this needs to be updated and clarified, however I still have my doubts it was a motorized ParaGlider, and suspect it was a towed ParaSail. There seems to have been quite a few mishaps with the ParaSail in Pattaya of late (note the correct terminology wink.png ). It is common to see 2 people on them, is the gear rated for that, or rated at all? Probably just rope bought from the local hardware !!!

I would like to know if the guy in charge of the Chinese guys boat was ever caught and what the result of that was too (usual 500 B fine for leaving the scene?). What if any safety is taken with these things, I would think the guy driving should have at least a boat license?

These poor girls were lucky to live !!!

Get rid of them with the jet skis I reckon...

Well just as a side note, it does seem the term ParaGliding is used commonly with being towed behind a boat. Every YouTube Video I found had it listed this way and only showed people being towed behind a boat.

There is a ParaSailing (with a motor) club in Pattaya, but you need to be licensed and it seems to be based around the airfield not the beach. There is a course offered for 25,000 B for your first solo. I could find no reference to dual passenger rigs.

First thing comes up when google "Pattaya Paramotor" is this,

google "Pattaya Parasail" and this comes up, https://www.google.co.th/search?q=pattaya+parasail&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OIDmVOvLGYKZuQSLnICYDQ&ved=0CCMQsAQ

It appears you are back to front RP.


So- like the original post, I stand corrected.

Man - I'm confused now too. I'm with you though- time to update the terminology.

Paraglider is one of these bad boys- as you say, a parachute with a motor strapped to your back.


This actually makes more sense about how the story went down- they do make models of these that carry two people, how they reached the altitude that they did, and the predicament they ended up in. In my opinion, a couple of inexperienced tourists in one of these would be a sure recipe for disaster in a windstorm.

Having said that, a look at the photos on Pattaya One website seem that the guy is hanging from a lamp post at tree level (no motor on his back), and being rescued by a fire-truck type of extending ladder. A big difference from the rooftop 40 plus stories above.

I think that the OP needs to be updated again with correct terminology and facts.

I too agree, this needs to be updated and clarified, however I still have my doubts it was a motorized ParaGlider, and suspect it was a towed ParaSail. There seems to have been quite a few mishaps with the ParaSail in Pattaya of late (note the correct terminology wink.png ). It is common to see 2 people on them, is the gear rated for that, or rated at all? Probably just rope bought from the local hardware !!!

I would like to know if the guy in charge of the Chinese guys boat was ever caught and what the result of that was too (usual 500 B fine for leaving the scene?). What if any safety is taken with these things, I would think the guy driving should have at least a boat license?

These poor girls were lucky to live !!!

Get rid of them with the jet skis I reckon...

Well just as a side note, it does seem the term ParaGliding is used commonly with being towed behind a boat. Every YouTube Video I found had it listed this way and only showed people being towed behind a boat.

There is a ParaSailing (with a motor) club in Pattaya, but you need to be licensed and it seems to be based around the airfield not the beach. There is a course offered for 25,000 B for your first solo. I could find no reference to dual passenger rigs.

First thing comes up when google "Pattaya Paramotor" is this,

google "Pattaya Parasail" and this comes up, https://www.google.co.th/search?q=pattaya+parasail&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OIDmVOvLGYKZuQSLnICYDQ&ved=0CCMQsAQ

It appears you are back to front RP.

I did not say para sailing did not produce those results, what did you get when you Google para gliding? More of the same?

Now you are introducing Para motor, where was that mentioned in the article? If it had have been there would be no doubt would there?

The vid also appears to have the instructor and be around the airfield.....

I would post the link to the site but it is against forum rules.

The question is was it towed by a boat as was the Pattaya One article about a Chinese man Para Gliding (as stated by the article) where the boat driver took off after the crash?


So hang on, was this kite surfing or para sailing, the 2 are not the same. Kite surfing involves a (surf) board with a sail, para sailing is being towed behind a boat with a parachute (as in the picture on the OP). Are we to believe that a surfboard with a sail was lifted 200 metres in the air and landed on a roof? If that was possible then (small) yachts would surely be in the same predicament.

Or were they being towed around by some incompetent boat driver who couldn´t control what was going on? This seems like a more likely scenario, which brings other things into question huh.....

None of the above. Let me help you with terminology. Kitesurfing is the latest rage, and maybe you just aren't "with it".

The photo in the OP is conventional skydiving from an airplane with a parachute. The smaller "deployment chute" above the main chute is the telltale sign.

Parasailing is being towed behind a boat - you got that right.

Kitesurfing does not involve a surfboard with a sail attached. That is called windsurfing.

Kitesurfing involves a parachute and surfboard. You are harnessed to the parachute while riding the surfboard. It looks like this:


I believe that the description of the accident as kitesurfing is accurate. A massive wind gust would be disastrous in a rig like this.

I can't see the winch on a parasailing boat easily spooling out forty stories of line due to a wind gust, and doubtful they have that much line on the winch in the first place. A competent or incompetent boat boat operator would have no effect here. Take your ranting and hating to somewhere where it is justified and appropriate.

Horrific accident in any case, and I hope they make a speedy recovery.

So is there a problem with letting go of the kite (picture shows it as hand-held) before being blown 200m up in the air, the height of a 40 storey building, or are you fastened to the kite?

I used to do a lot of kiting in Holland.. at windforce 8-9 at the beach. I can tell you 200 meter up.. never ever possible. parasailing accident sounds far more likely.

But you are connected to your kite you hold the rod in your hands but the rod is also connected to your body in (sorry cant find the English term).

I loved doing it i stopped doing it because there is just not enough wind here. In the Netherlands when you had windforce 8-9 wow.. real nice jumps of 3 meter high and 20 meters far (not on a surfboard but on the beach). You could ski behind the kite on the sand.. it was great..

Only problem was you needed ral hard wind and that was usually only there in autumn.


I too agree, this needs to be updated and clarified, however I still have my doubts it was a motorized ParaGlider, and suspect it was a towed ParaSail. There seems to have been quite a few mishaps with the ParaSail in Pattaya of late (note the correct terminology wink.png ). It is common to see 2 people on them, is the gear rated for that, or rated at all? Probably just rope bought from the local hardware !!!

I would like to know if the guy in charge of the Chinese guys boat was ever caught and what the result of that was too (usual 500 B fine for leaving the scene?). What if any safety is taken with these things, I would think the guy driving should have at least a boat license?

These poor girls were lucky to live !!!

Get rid of them with the jet skis I reckon...

Well just as a side note, it does seem the term ParaGliding is used commonly with being towed behind a boat. Every YouTube Video I found had it listed this way and only showed people being towed behind a boat.

There is a ParaSailing (with a motor) club in Pattaya, but you need to be licensed and it seems to be based around the airfield not the beach. There is a course offered for 25,000 B for your first solo. I could find no reference to dual passenger rigs.

First thing comes up when google "Pattaya Paramotor" is this,

google "Pattaya Parasail" and this comes up, https://www.google.co.th/search?q=pattaya+parasail&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=667&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=OIDmVOvLGYKZuQSLnICYDQ&ved=0CCMQsAQ

It appears you are back to front RP.

I did not say para sailing did not produce those results, what did you get when you Google para gliding? More of the same?

Now you are introducing Para motor, where was that mentioned in the article? If it had have been there would be no doubt would there?

The vid also appears to have the instructor and be around the airfield.....

I would post the link to the site but it is against forum rules.

The question is was it towed by a boat as was the Pattaya One article about a Chinese man Para Gliding (as stated by the article) where the boat driver took off after the crash?

Sorry, should of said paragliding - same result yes, lot's of people with parachute wings and motors strapped to their backs.


So to answer your question - a paraglider is not towed by a boat but a parasail is. Your reference is typical of the media here - write anything that comes into their head, they wrongly termed it a para gliding accident when in fact it was a parasail.

Has anyone confirmed yet what it was? Parasail, Paraglider, Kite?


I did not say para sailing did not produce those results, what did you get when you Google para gliding? More of the same?

Now you are introducing Para motor, where was that mentioned in the article? If it had have been there would be no doubt would there?

The vid also appears to have the instructor and be around the airfield.....

I would post the link to the site but it is against forum rules.

The question is was it towed by a boat as was the Pattaya One article about a Chinese man Para Gliding (as stated by the article) where the boat driver took off after the crash?

Sorry, should of said paragliding - same result yes, lot's of people with parachute wings and motors strapped to their backs.


So to answer your question - a paraglider is not towed by a boat but a parasail is. Your reference is typical of the media here - write anything that comes into their head, they wrongly termed it a para gliding accident when in fact it was a parasail.

Has anyone confirmed yet what it was? Parasail, Paraglider, Kite?

My point exactly, bad reporting, as my very first post says. I now know the difference but the press obviously don´t, this was first reported as a kite surfing accident!! The Chinese incident as ParaGliding, when it was actually ParaSailing, being towed behind a boat. ParaGliding requires some sort of certification, as does when solo diving, and fair enough. The dual rigs they have are for joyrides with the instructor from what I can gather and it all takes place around the airfield. I am not sure how close to the beach that is.

I just want to know if this was caused by the same (or some other) idiot towing the Chinese guy who took off, was he caught? Fined? Licensed? etc. There has been a spate of these accidents in Pattaya of late and these poor girls almost lost their lives. Is anything being done about it? Accidents don´t just happen they are caused, usually by a few things, but most are preventable. What caused this accident?

As I also said earlier, those of us that have been here a while know there are no safety standards in Thailand, but short term tourists expect that it is the same as in their countries and if they were not safe they would not be allowed to be there, and yet they are there.

No as far as I know it has not been confirmed and it all appears to have gone quiet, all forgotten, except by the poor girls in hospital!!


I did not say para sailing did not produce those results, what did you get when you Google para gliding? More of the same?

Now you are introducing Para motor, where was that mentioned in the article? If it had have been there would be no doubt would there?

The vid also appears to have the instructor and be around the airfield.....

I would post the link to the site but it is against forum rules.

The question is was it towed by a boat as was the Pattaya One article about a Chinese man Para Gliding (as stated by the article) where the boat driver took off after the crash?

Sorry, should of said paragliding - same result yes, lot's of people with parachute wings and motors strapped to their backs.


So to answer your question - a paraglider is not towed by a boat but a parasail is. Your reference is typical of the media here - write anything that comes into their head, they wrongly termed it a para gliding accident when in fact it was a parasail.

Has anyone confirmed yet what it was? Parasail, Paraglider, Kite?

My point exactly, bad reporting, as my very first post says. I now know the difference but the press obviously don´t, this was first reported as a kite surfing accident!! The Chinese incident as ParaGliding, when it was actually ParaSailing, being towed behind a boat. ParaGliding requires some sort of certification, as does when solo diving, and fair enough. The dual rigs they have are for joyrides with the instructor from what I can gather and it all takes place around the airfield. I am not sure how close to the beach that is.

I just want to know if this was caused by the same (or some other) idiot towing the Chinese guy who took off, was he caught? Fined? Licensed? etc. There has been a spate of these accidents in Pattaya of late and these poor girls almost lost their lives. Is anything being done about it? Accidents don´t just happen they are caused, usually by a few things, but most are preventable. What caused this accident?

As I also said earlier, those of us that have been here a while know there are no safety standards in Thailand, but short term tourists expect that it is the same as in their countries and if they were not safe they would not be allowed to be there, and yet they are there.

No as far as I know it has not been confirmed and it all appears to have gone quiet, all forgotten, except by the poor girls in hospital!!

There used to be the Pattaya Paramotor (paragliding) club right on the beach there about 200m north of the Ambassador hotel, quite a big club, not sure if still there. And also they used to do it at the Pattaya Airpark about 3km directly inland from the Ambassador hotel.

Could have been from either of them, but it is looking like we will never know!


Totally wrong reporting and in Rayong not Pattaya.

KIte surfing is not possible in duo.

It was Parasailing by one professional instructor whom saved his co flyer at the cost of breaking his foot when

the wind suddenly became ultra strong and landed them on the top of the building only stopped by an extra small construction in it otherwise

both would have been killed.

Gopro was ON.

Thanks God never again he quits it as most of those in similar circumstances whom survived a dramatic fall from paragliding whom said the same Quit.


Totally wrong reporting and in Rayong not Pattaya.

KIte surfing is not possible in duo.

It was Parasailing by one professional instructor whom saved his co flyer at the cost of breaking his foot when

the wind suddenly became ultra strong and landed them on the top of the building only stopped by an extra small construction in it otherwise

both would have been killed.

Gopro was ON.

Thanks God never again he quits it as most of those in similar circumstances whom survived a dramatic fall from paragliding whom said the same Quit.


Totally wrong reporting and in Rayong not Pattaya.

KIte surfing is not possible in duo.

It was Parasailing by one professional instructor whom saved his co flyer at the cost of breaking his foot when

the wind suddenly became ultra strong and landed them on the top of the building only stopped by an extra small construction in it otherwise

both would have been killed.

Gopro was ON.

Thanks God never again he quits it as most of those in similar circumstances whom survived a dramatic fall from paragliding whom said the same Quit.

Are you saying this did not happen in Pattaya but happened in Rayong or are there 2 separate incidences?

It has been recognized that they were not kite surfing, the question is were they in a powered flight or being towed by a boat?

If they were in powered flight was the pilot certified?

If they were being towed by a boat, what happened to the guy driving the boat? The last one that put a Chinese tourist into a power pole took off !!


Totally wrong reporting and in Rayong not Pattaya.

KIte surfing is not possible in duo.

It was Parasailing by one professional instructor whom saved his co flyer at the cost of breaking his foot when

the wind suddenly became ultra strong and landed them on the top of the building only stopped by an extra small construction in it otherwise

both would have been killed.

Gopro was ON.

Thanks God never again he quits it as most of those in similar circumstances whom survived a dramatic fall from paragliding whom said the same Quit.

Unless the Ambassador hotel has moved - it certainly was NOT in Rayong, not even in Rayong province!

Other than that nonsense, you mention both parasailing and paragliding in your post, the two are different, so which one was it?

  • 11 months later...

dangerous sport and dont think insurance covers it

kiteboarding is not a dangerous sport, especially in pattaya where winds are generally quite light. i have been running a kite school here for 8 years and there has only been one accident. a french guy did not want to release his kite because it was brand new and got bounced up the beach. this was a parra motor accident.


Was wondering why this news item was in RED….thought that was reserved for major crises…..explosions, earthquakes.

Turns out its just two adrenalin junkies getting blown around a bit.


There were two ways to prevent this incident;

1. Enforce the law that forbids the activity, and yes, the activity is technically illegal and the boat drivers are supposed to be licensed or,

2. Have the participants drink large amounts of Red Bull because Red Bull gives you wings. With wings they would have been able to fly.

Seems to me rhat people are more likely to grow wings than the Thai authorities are to stop the illegal and dangerous activities of the jet ski and parasailing thugs.

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