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Prayut wants Yingluck to fight the cases and not flee country

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So the argument here is Corrupt PM vs Junta, which is better for the society?

There is not evidence as yet to suggest YS was corrupt. However, when it comes to Prayut there is all the evidence that clearly shows an act of treason. The first one to be tried in a criminal court should be Prayut. The system could then deal with YS once an elected gov is installed.

Surely you means that no evidence has been produced for public consumption to suggest Yingluck was corrupt, inept, didn't do her job or whatever.

That is the job of the police, prosecutors and the courts to deal with and nothing to do with farangs on websites that have no votes or standing in Thailand.

You may not have noticed or more likely ignored the fact that the PM was confirmed by the King into that position and you cannot get more legal than that.

No Thais care what YOU or I or anybody else thinks but if YOU think that the PM should be tried in a criminal court then YOU go to the police and report it and see what will happen. I don't think anybody will take any notice of your rantings but go ahead and try anyway. Don't forget to report on the results though.

There it is! When all else fails posters like you love to quote that to shut all other legitimate concerns to the current government. Please correct me if I am wrong but wasn't the last government also confirmed by the same person? Doesn't that give her equal legality?

You are correct. It does give equal legitmacy with the current PM.

It did NOT however give her the legitimacy to rule the country as her brother wished, nor did it give her the legitimacy to run off budget finance, nor did it give her the legitimacy to attempt an amnesty bill specifically to ensure that her brothers crimes plus ALL her governments crimes plus 25,xxx corruption cases would be wiped clean.

Now if you can show me where the current government is doing the same thing then I will be among the first to condemn them.

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So you want the USA to step in, invade and take over Thailand to save it from the Thai military?

Have you tried talking to Obama or writing to USA news agencies telling that is what the USA MUST do to restore "democracy" in Thailand?

No need to invade - the world doesn't work that anymore. Travel bans and asset freezes tend to do the trick.


"Obviously, the U.S. is powerless to restore liberty to Thailand. U.S. officials should continue to use the bully pulpit to highlight the junta’s assault on basic freedoms. Washington also should limit cooperation with Bangkok, and especially the Thai military, in the future. If the regime responds by moving closer to authoritarian China, Washington should respond with a shrug. Neighbor Burma illustrates the problems with that strategy."

It would seem some people like the opinion piece on forbes. Just like the "democracy died today" when Ms. Yingluck was impeached. Seeking justice seems to infringe on liberty and democracy of criminals.


Ref. post nr: 60

That would be something heh. Imposing travel bans and freeze assets and at the same time do this:

The U.S. is showing up in force to honor the passing of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz.

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama changed their travel plans in India to attend the funeral and brought with them a delegation of 29 high-profile current and former U.S. officials and members of Congress.


Saudi Arabia has terrible human rights records and no democracy but the US love them.

"There are no jury trials in Saudi Arabia and courts observe few formalities" All no problem for Obama.


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