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difficulties you encounter with your Thai partner

Crazy chef 1

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My communication with my Mrs is okay,i speak enough basic Thai,and she speaks fairly good english,what drives me nuts though,and there have been other threads on this,is when i am speaking to her,and another family member or friend says something and she totally drops our conversation,and talks to the Thai person,i have told her several times this is rather rude,and in fact i have blown up about it a couple of times,i don't know if this is a Thai trait,i have noticed when a group are together,mostly women,they all tend to talk at once,and contrary to the myth of soft spoken Thai ladies,the voices will get louder and louder,a phenomenem my friend calls 'full chicken farm'.

Yes, that drives me nuts as well. I bite my tongue, sigh heavily, and do something else until she comes back to talk.

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I have only just seen this thread and in the original post it was mentioned about a "Witch Doctor" when my Son was born, Mother from Korat we took him to meet the Grandparents. Whilst there some decrepit old man came hobbling up to the house and after a short time quite literally sprayed his saliva all over my Son. Irrespective of any supposed religious and or cultural concerns no one seemed to consider the health issues. Did this old guy have TB and any other contagious illness. Suffice it to say my son was swiftly removed and bathed. I was the next morning walking around the area carrying my son when shouting caught my attention and I was told to return to the house as the baby could be possessed by a ghost, needless to say my trip was cut short.

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My tilak complain about my womanising as I can pick up any chick in Pattaya.

So I give her money.

I tell her I only lub her the others are just roots on the side should she leave.

She say she know as I am hansum man.

How much do you give to the roots on the side?


I did ring my ex and ask her to go to bar where my tilak work ( at that time i since pay bar 5000 baht to own her. ) and go out with her for night and find out if she play around and my ex took extreme umbridge to this and called me rude names.

What she told me to do is a physical impossibility.

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I'm also German, but multilingual.

I fell in love with a Thai lady two years ago, and we talked about our different histories every day. So, we already knew each other quite well before I moved over to Thailand as an expat.

She's a modern young lady, kind of hippyesque, she's a real globetrotter.

She's got a lovely daughter who now passed her high school diploma and will attend college in Pattaya.

We never really married (just coupled in a temple in Surin), her daughter's education and her career outside the bar girl scene was more important.

She's a perfect manager in Thailand, and I let her make most of the decisions.

She manages everyday life, flat for me, internet, everything. She even managed to set up a small building construction company and make her brother the boss.

I've got enough troubles with authorities in Germany, all for money, of course. That's my part of the deal, I'm her ATM :D

Edited by micmichd
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My communication with my Mrs is okay,i speak enough basic Thai,and she speaks fairly good english,what drives me nuts though,and there have been other threads on this,is when i am speaking to her,and another family member or friend says something and she totally drops our conversation,and talks to the Thai person,i have told her several times this is rather rude,and in fact i have blown up about it a couple of times,i don't know if this is a Thai trait,i have noticed when a group are together,mostly women,they all tend to talk at once,and contrary to the myth of soft spoken Thai ladies,the voices will get louder and louder,a phenomenem my friend calls 'full chicken farm'.

Yes, that drives me nuts as well. I bite my tongue, sigh heavily, and do something else until she comes back to talk.

mate,i should do that but sometimes,i just explode,of course,the Thai's flee the area en masse,then later i have to give a grudging apology,and like small animals waiting in the bushes they crawl back one by one,sure some of them doe eyed,and looking scared,as i beat my chest in a tarzan like fashion calling for more beer.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

i think your relationship sucks because you order her around, she wants to take her newborn back to her village for her religious beliefs and culture and whatever and you tell her 'Aint gonna happen.' she doesn't listen to your rambling because your always talking down to her, she most likly with you for the money and your probably too old for her.

OUCH w00t.gif

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Too bad there's not a way to make your jizm taste like pla ra, they'd all swallow then. Mine would be after me 3-4 times a day.

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Doesn't swallow.

mine either


In the beginning of a relationship, I give them this riddle:

What's the bird of peace?

Mai ru. The dove

What's the bird of prey?

Mai ru. The esgle

Whatks the bird of wisdom?

Mai ruuuuu. The owl

What's the bird of love?

Mai ruuuuuuu. Mai ruuuuu, Tirak.

What is it?

The swallow

It takes some time to sink in.


If nothing helps, I play with my 3 girl friends, the Schecter, the Ovation and the Nylon Takamine.


You are a very naughty man,sir,i salute you.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

i think your relationship sucks because you order her around, she wants to take her newborn back to her village for her religious beliefs and culture and whatever and you tell her 'Aint gonna happen.' she doesn't listen to your rambling because your always talking down to her, she most likly with you for the money and your probably too old for her.

OUCH w00t.gif

I certainly am...6 years her senior....holy mackerel...

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Without someone learning 'a' language proficiently, and learning it together, and discussing issues -- ya'll are gonna have problems. My guess from experience: I'll give you 3 to 1 odds that you're divorced in less than 5 years. Best of luck. Just my humble opinion.

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My wife is very westernised, she speaks reads and writes english,also works in real estate , we can communicate perfectly ,but when our son was born if she had wanted to take him home so her monk could but a string on his wrist who would i be to stop her ,the same as i dont stop her praying every night for 10 minutes or putting flowers in a vase in front of her favourite monk ,so who are you to stop your wife ,her jailer?

No, but if SHTF I bet she is smart enough to have you take her back to your home country's jurisdiction, divorce you, take half your assets, plus child support, etc, etc, etc.

I like my non-westernized wife with both of us right here in the LOS thank you very much.

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I don't understand how you get to the point of marrying someone when you can't effectively communicate with them.

Ya never know! The sex might be smoking hot. Transcending language limitations.

I wouldn't marry someone just because the sex was good.

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I have only just seen this thread and in the original post it was mentioned about a "Witch Doctor" when my Son was born, Mother from Korat we took him to meet the Grandparents. Whilst there some decrepit old man came hobbling up to the house and after a short time quite literally sprayed his saliva all over my Son. Irrespective of any supposed religious and or cultural concerns no one seemed to consider the health issues. Did this old guy have TB and any other contagious illness. Suffice it to say my son was swiftly removed and bathed. I was the next morning walking around the area carrying my son when shouting caught my attention and I was told to return to the house as the baby could be possessed by a ghost, needless to say my trip was cut short.

OMG you sound like a farang germaphobe. Spray the kid down with Betadine, place him in a sealed plastic tent that only let's in air with particulate less than 0.005 microns, and only let the in-law look at him thought a one-way mirror mounted in an adjacent room.

In ten years, you kid will have an immune system that Western brats will envy. Why the heck do you think the germ-conscious farang get the 'trots' immediately after drinking filtered water here in the LOS, no less actually eating, <gasp>, "Street Food"!!!

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I don't understand how you get to the point of marrying someone when you can't effectively communicate with them.

Ya never know! The sex might be smoking hot. Transcending language limitations.

I wouldn't marry someone just because the sex was good.

I know marriages built on less.

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The problem with my wife is that she wants to much sex, I'm knacker ed,

Introduce her to battery operated 'massage devices'. However, once that bridge is crossed, you lose your importance in the overall scheme of the world. Well, maybe she still needs the income that you provide, but you're relegated to cohabitation with "Sally and her 5 sisters." Maybe she'll let you pilot that 'massage device' prior to you handing over the monthly stipend. Maybe!

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