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Guest IT Manager

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Guest IT Manager

As a result of more complaints than have ever been registered before, one member has been asked to leave.

This decision was the result of a lot of negotiation and discussion among admins, and a lot of reading posts and topics.

6 topics posted as flame bait have been removed, the member has been removed, and over the next few days we will see how to move forward.

In one post Georgie, you said you had chased The Gent out. You didn't, the admins did. More than one of the flame wars was a direct result of your starting an argument, in my opinion, just to inflame The Gent, which succeeded.

Do it again, and I will repeat the exercise. On you. Myself. 9999 days. For the slow mathematician, 2,003 AD sometime. You escaped it this time because 1 admin voted for not doing it.

I will not tolerate you playing the slanging match for no good reason. This forum is a place to discuss issues, not be a kid. You want to be a kid, go to bangkoksexy and play all you like.

Now play nice. Or I will whack you good.

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Do it again, and I will repeat the exercise. On you. Myself. 9999 days. For the slow mathematician, 2,003 AD sometime. You escaped it this time because 1 admin voted for not doing it.

IT, just for us slow mathematicians, did you mean 2030 AD sometime? :o:D:D

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Do it again, and I will repeat the exercise. On you. Myself. 9999 days. For the slow mathematician, 2,003 AD sometime. You escaped it this time because 1 admin voted for not doing it.

IT, just for us slow mathematicians, did you mean 2030 AD sometime? :o:D:D

He takes rather a lot of Changs Leith :D

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It's a shame re. the Gent. If he could have restrained himself, this would not have happened. He might be a great guy to have in a "fire-fight" but in the civilian world he goes "postal" too easily.

Best of luck, Gent... :o

Boon Mee

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It must have been a difficult decision to remove someone from this forum. However, in light of some of the topics this banished person posted, I think it was the right decision. Afterall, this is a FORUM and not a place to direct your prejudices against any one group.

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