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Phuket residents block entrance to hotel


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Whoever filled the complaint, I sympathize with him/her.

I wish I would file a report about my local Wat, that starts blaring their speakers from 5 in the morning.

But nobody will listen to me anywaysad.png

That's one of the reasons I'm moving to Pattayathumbsup.gif

Don't want to spoil it for you before you're even here, but in Pattaya they also have temples, and Mosques which I think they don't have in your neck of woods, and if you've heard them a few times every day you will pay money to live next door to a Wat.

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The name of the general manager is Denis Martin. I take this as an indication (perhaps mistakenly) that the hotel is foreign owned. If that is the case I suspect (perhaps mistakenly) that the local thais would see them as an easy/soft target and do not fear the repercussions that would result from behaving in such a way towards a locally owned establishment. One that perhaps had "protection" or was "connected".

If so it is just another example of them all joining in to give the "farang" a kicking. Good old fashioned xenophobia, not moslem fundamentalism.This is all conjecture on my part. No doubt one of the local (Phuket) TV contributors can refute or confirm my suspicions.

I have no idea who owns the particular hotel, but many, if not most, major Thai owned hotels, have foreign managers.

Noise complaints, and other complaints, are made all the time in Thailand, but I have not heard of hundreds of Thais forming a lynch mop in other similar cases. I am quite sure this is yet another case of muslims going berserk when Islam is questioned.

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Is it difficult this year to communicate with people in Bangkok from regions further afield ?

Haven't been there for a few months !

"They advised that the resort CEO is currently in Bangkok and therefore could not comment any further on the matter." ?

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Whoever filled the complaint, I sympathize with him/her.

I wish I would file a report about my local Wat, that starts blaring their speakers from 5 in the morning.

But nobody will listen to me anywaysad.png

That's one of the reasons I'm moving to Pattayathumbsup.gif

Do what our village did when the noise from the local wat got too much. Get a spokesperson to have a word with the head monk and be prepared to back it up with a withdrawal of alms and donations. Peace was soon restored.

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It seems in this situation that a representative from the mosque could have made an appointment to meet and talk the matter over with the resort but nooooo, they get da mob and make threats.... oh, yea, a mosque.

If you read the article then you'll note the hotel complained first so perhaps they should have approached the Mosque in the first instance?

If you read the article then you'll note that the hotel claims not to have complained.

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Wouldn't it be nice if Thailand was to pass an "all inclusive" noise law. One the states that no business, entertainment venue both private and commercial, market, Temple, Mosque, Church create or product noise exceeding "XX decibels recorded and heard at XX distance", at any time day or night. After the third violation that location will be banned from any further noise emitting activity. A special permit must be obtained and in effect for events that can not avoid exceeding the noise law. Such as special celebrations, fireworks displays etc.

It's not prejudicial it does not single out any one group. It's fair and it respects everyone's rights to living peacefully. You may think it is far fetched but several communities in the US have this law in effect. I also read the some cities in Europe also followed suit. Not sure which ones.

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Whoever filled the complaint, I sympathize with him/her.

I wish I would file a report about my local Wat, that starts blaring their speakers from 5 in the morning.

But nobody will listen to me anywaysad.png

That's one of the reasons I'm moving to Pattayathumbsup.gif





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The name of the general manager is Denis Martin. I take this as an indication (perhaps mistakenly) that the hotel is foreign owned. If that is the case I suspect (perhaps mistakenly) that the local thais would see them as an easy/soft target and do not fear the repercussions that would result from behaving in such a way towards a locally owned establishment. One that perhaps had "protection" or was "connected".

If so it is just another example of them all joining in to give the "farang" a kicking. Good old fashioned xenophobia, not moslem fundamentalism.This is all conjecture on my part. No doubt one of the local (Phuket) TV contributors can refute or confirm my suspicions.

I have no idea who owns the particular hotel, but many, if not most, major Thai owned hotels, have foreign managers.

Noise complaints, and other complaints, are made all the time in Thailand, but I have not heard of hundreds of Thais forming a lynch mop in other similar cases. I am quite sure this is yet another case of muslims going berserk when Islam is questioned.

Bloody hell, now you've jacked the protest up into a lynch mob, where did that come from?

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Gee.... Muslims are not happy about people being NOT happy with the noise at 5 am. Total surprisew00t.gif

Everyone should just shut up and put up with loud speakers blaring at 5am, because apparently in Mohammed's time they had loud speakers to make sure ALL hear the call for prey

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The name of the general manager is Denis Martin. I take this as an indication (perhaps mistakenly) that the hotel is foreign owned. If that is the case I suspect (perhaps mistakenly) that the local thais would see them as an easy/soft target and do not fear the repercussions that would result from behaving in such a way towards a locally owned establishment. One that perhaps had "protection" or was "connected".

If so it is just another example of them all joining in to give the "farang" a kicking. Good old fashioned xenophobia, not moslem fundamentalism.This is all conjecture on my part. No doubt one of the local (Phuket) TV contributors can refute or confirm my suspicions.

I have no idea who owns the particular hotel, but many, if not most, major Thai owned hotels, have foreign managers.

Noise complaints, and other complaints, are made all the time in Thailand, but I have not heard of hundreds of Thais forming a lynch mop in other similar cases. I am quite sure this is yet another case of muslims going berserk when Islam is questioned.

Bloody hell, now you've jacked the protest up into a lynch mob, where did that come from?

What do you think it means when an angry mob says it will "take matters into it's own hands"?

What usually happens when you have an enraged mob of offended muslims anywhere in the world? If they just wanted to talk, could one of them not just have called the hotel?

Edited by monkeycountry
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The name of the general manager is Denis Martin. I take this as an indication (perhaps mistakenly) that the hotel is foreign owned. If that is the case I suspect (perhaps mistakenly) that the local thais would see them as an easy/soft target and do not fear the repercussions that would result from behaving in such a way towards a locally owned establishment. One that perhaps had "protection" or was "connected".

If so it is just another example of them all joining in to give the "farang" a kicking. Good old fashioned xenophobia, not moslem fundamentalism.This is all conjecture on my part. No doubt one of the local (Phuket) TV contributors can refute or confirm my suspicions.

I have no idea who owns the particular hotel, but many, if not most, major Thai owned hotels, have foreign managers.

Noise complaints, and other complaints, are made all the time in Thailand, but I have not heard of hundreds of Thais forming a lynch mop in other similar cases. I am quite sure this is yet another case of muslims going berserk when Islam is questioned.

Bloody hell, now you've jacked the protest up into a lynch mob, where did that come from?

What do you think it means when an angry mob says it will "take matters into it's own hands"?

What usually happens when you have an enraged mob of offended muslims anywhere in the world? If they just wanted to talk, could one of them not just have called the hotel?

Actually he's right you know. "Lynching" implies a particular form of neck therapy which is not the usual choice of offended muslims ...

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It seems to me that a simple solution would be to reduce the volume down to a reasonable level. Noise pollution laws exist in Thailand, use them. Irrespective of who or what is making the noise, it should not disturb others.

I have stayed at this hotel / resort. It's upmarket and peaceful. I am sure that the owners and guests do not want the tranquility interrupted by amplified sound, whatever the source.

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