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Families of 3 missing UK girls urge 'Please come home!'


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Better that they get beheaded or abused by IS than to return home as radicalized terrorists. The UK will discover that 2nd generation Muslims are a threat to their national security. Good riddance.

Agree, why do their families even think that the average British citizen want them back in Britain?

They made their choice even though they are only 'kids'. Even <deleted> Cameron was appealing for them to return home....why? So they can live amongst us? plotting to kill everyone, f that

I think it is partly Cameron considering Muslim votes in the upcoming election and partly the usual kowtowing, which western politicians still claim will work in the face of ever strengthening evidence to the contrary. In private, I would imagine our leaders are at their wit's end as to what to do in the face of an ever more angry and resentful mon-muslim populace demanding this fundamentalism be dealt with firmly - we live in interesting times, alas..

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Aside from their families would else actually wants these girls back? The way I see it that's 3 potential terrorists who have walked out of the UK. If they do turn up they should not be allowed back in.

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Whilst I agree with you, if they do turn up they have to be arrested to prevent them going somewhere, another country and harming innocent people. We have to assume that they are terrorists, but what to do with them in reality?

All I can see is that laws should be put back in place that they can be tried for treason and whilst it wouldn't carry the death penalty they could enforce life in jail with no chance of release. I would much prefer that they were hanged, but it's not going to happen.

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I'm not complaining. I've always said that if you want Sharia law then go and live in a Sharia country instead of trying to implement Sharia law in my home country.

If any other Muslims don't want to live in the UK please leave as soon as you can and renounce your UK citizenship. I would be very happy with that.

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Better that they get beheaded or abused by IS than to return home as radicalized terrorists. The UK will discover that 2nd generation Muslims are a threat to their national security. Good riddance.

Agree, why do their families even think that the average British citizen want them back in Britain?

They made their choice even though they are only 'kids'. Even Cameron was appealing for them to return home....why? So they can live amongst us? plotting to kill everyone, f that

I think it is partly Cameron considering Muslim votes in the upcoming election and partly the usual kowtowing, which western politicians still claim will work in the face of ever strengthening evidence to the contrary. In private, I would imagine our leaders are at their wit's end as to what to do in the face of an ever more angry and resentful mon-muslim populace demanding this fundamentalism be dealt with firmly - we live in interesting times, alas..
Maybe if Cameron had stood up and said "no way are they coming back to Britain" then he would probably have a lot more people backing him in the elections, but he's too pussy-assed to stand up and say it. Why do we always have to suck up to these people? They plot to cut our heads off for <deleted> sake!
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I dont agree with the posts above.

If these girls have been groomed, they are victims of a sort.

They are going to end up as sex slaves, not warriors.

I wonder who is doing the grooming? The local mosque?

I'd agree with you except all three are straight A level students which implies they should have enough sense to be able to distinguish right from wrong.

Your point about who is doing the grooming is a valid one though. I wonder why that aspect isn't being investigated.

Straight A students don't = wisdom or even street smarts. Straight A's means sitting still in a hard seat for many months, and playing the learning game better than other students. Some people I've known who have made the dumbest decisions, were former scholars when in school or U.

Aside from their families would else actually wants these girls back? The way I see it that's 3 potential terrorists who have walked out of the UK. If they do turn up they should not be allowed back in.

I don't judge the girls too harshly because, well, they're girls. Girls (and boys) make many dumb-ass decisions. I think, if they want to return to their parents and show genuine remorse for their stupid decision, they should be allowed back. Looked at another way: If they're genuinely spooked by their decision, and return home, they could become spokespeople to dissuade impressionable girls (and boys) from making similarly stupid decisions. Of course, the chance of them being able to return is near nil, because once a person goes and joins ISIS, they've got a better than 50/50 chance of either getting killed in a bombing raid or killed by ISIS fanatics for one reason or another. Easy to get in, near-impossible to get out, except by going up to Muslim heaven in a puff of acrid smoke. For a cute young girl, that would include getting gang-raped prior.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well what an absolute shock. The father of one of the girls who blamed her school, the government, the airline and every one else in the UK for her running off to be a jihadi bride has now been revealed that he is also a fanatic who attends Islamist rallies held by Anjem Choudary.

You reap what you sow. He was another one of these "moderate Muslims" we are always told about who in reality, just like every other moderate Muslim, is pro-Islamist and anti-West.

As I've said before, anybody willing to leave the UK to join a terrorist organisation should be allowed to go, hell they should even be encouraged to leave, then after they are out of the country revoke their citizenship, never let them back in and investigate their families to find more radical would-be terrorists. Then kick them all out of our country too and investigate their friends and families, and repeat and repeat and repeat.

20 years ago nobody would ever have believed that we would have a large population of immigrants settling in our country who hate us and our ways and wanted to destroy us but we would have no power to do anything about it and just be forced to tolerate it.

They move to the UK and then attend rallies to demonstrate how much they hate the UK and the West but then they cry foul when their offspring willingly run off to be used as a sex slave for barbaric terrorists. We are living in an alternate reality, I swear.

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An update on one of the fathers of these girls. Video now shows him burning flags and in a protest in London with an ISIS flag (or something similar) behind him. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. thumbsup.gif

It's another good example of so called "moderate Muslims" and what the truth really is. He came out saying that he was just a moderate Muslim who had no idea how his daughter was radicalised. Then he blamed the UK for letting her go, then he blamed the school, then he blamed the UK government. The MET police even apologised to him.

Then it came out that he is the typical fundamental pro-Islamist Muslim, like all "moderate Muslims" are. Let this be a lesson to expect that Muslims will lie, excuse and play a victim to further their agenda onto their host country.

I already posted this in an old thread but here is an example of "moderate Muslims":


But what this story also shows is how these so called "moderate Muslims" get their way in a country which is terrified to be seen as racist or intolerant. The whole country bowed down to this guy and even apologised to him for his daughter running off to join ISIS when it was all his own doing for brainwashing her with Islam since birth. It's a scary prospect for what the future holds for the UK as the Muslim population grows and exerts more power over it.

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From the same school as the 3 in the OP.

Four teenage girls barred from travelling abroad are pupils at the same east London school attended by three girls already thought to have fled to Syria.

All seven teenagers attend Bethnal Green Academy in Tower Hamlets.

A number of adults involved in their care have also had their passports seized.

There was evidence to suggest family members in the case had not been "full and frank" with social services, the judge said, and that the girls were becoming "more radicalised".

The good old PC Brigade still trying to suppress information.

Barrister Christopher Barnes, for Tower Hamlets Council, and barrister Jennifer Carter-Manning, for the Metropolitan Police, argued against naming the school attended by the girls barred from travel


Edited by JockPieandBeans
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From the same school as the 3 in the OP.

Four teenage girls barred from travelling abroad are pupils at the same east London school attended by three girls already thought to have fled to Syria.

All seven teenagers attend Bethnal Green Academy in Tower Hamlets.

A number of adults involved in their care have also had their passports seized.

There was evidence to suggest family members in the case had not been "full and frank" with social services, the judge said, and that the girls were becoming "more radicalised".

The good old PC Brigade still trying to suppress information.

Barrister Christopher Barnes, for Tower Hamlets Council, and barrister Jennifer Carter-Manning, for the Metropolitan Police, argued against naming the school attended by the girls barred from travel

Let them all leave, why on earth would you want to keep radical wannabe terrorists in your country? Everyone is always saying we should kick out terrorists and now we are stopping them from willingly leaving on their own accord!

Somebody should setup a fund to pay for flights for Muslims who want to leave the UK and go to live in ISIS. It's is a win-win situation, everyone would be happy. By barring these people from leaving some of them will for certain be responsible to future "incidents" in the UK.

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An update on one of the fathers of these girls. Video now shows him burning flags and in a protest in London with an ISIS flag (or something similar) behind him. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. thumbsup.gif


Yep, I love America one minutes and torching flag and blowing up children the next. What is it with these people that they can take absolutely no responsibility for anything . . . themselves, their children, their spouses . . . it is always some else fault or always looking to blame someone else. Pathetic little people.

Oh, and they should go and try to retrieve their whacked out little . . . or do they expect the UK to place someone decent and honorable in harms way to locate their little warped POSs. Anyone supporting ISIS or joining ISIS is simply nothing more than a POS, so are a'holes that migrate to a host country and then protest, riot and/or burn flags in their host country that welcomed their ungrateful butts.

Edited by F430murci
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  • 1 month later...

British jihadi brides 'on the run'


Three British jihadi brides are now on the run from Islamic State in Iraq, according to a source in the terrorist-held city of Mosul.
The girls, thought to be aged around 16, were married off to IS militants but have since been reported missing, with the terror group now "thoroughly searching for them" after their escape.
The exact identity of the girls and their fate is not known.
Continued here:
http://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/british-jihadi-brides-on-the-run/ar-BBjG2Ui (13/05/15)

Edited by katana
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An update on one of the fathers of these girls. Video now shows him burning flags and in a protest in London with an ISIS flag (or something similar) behind him. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. thumbsup.gif

It's another good example of so called "moderate Muslims" and what the truth really is. He came out saying that he was just a moderate Muslim who had no idea how his daughter was radicalised. Then he blamed the UK for letting her go, then he blamed the school, then he blamed the UK government. The MET police even apologised to him.

Then it came out that he is the typical fundamental pro-Islamist Muslim, like all "moderate Muslims" are. Let this be a lesson to expect that Muslims will lie, excuse and play a victim to further their agenda onto their host country.

I already posted this in an old thread but here is an example of "moderate Muslims":


But what this story also shows is how these so called "moderate Muslims" get their way in a country which is terrified to be seen as racist or intolerant. The whole country bowed down to this guy and even apologised to him for his daughter running off to join ISIS when it was all his own doing for brainwashing her with Islam since birth. It's a scary prospect for what the future holds for the UK as the Muslim population grows and exerts more power over it.

Utter rubbish

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good riddance, I hope many more leave, and I agree that if they end up beheaded, good. Rather that than be a threat to the UK any time in the future. Multiculturism was not wanted by most yet it was forced upon the population by a government who is supposed to listen to its people. It has NOT worked and never will. Tony Blah blah blah should face war crimes aswell in the not too distant . . .

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They are probably back in Europe somewhere lying low.

I do not think that any European will be surprised by this article.

Islamic State (IS) fighters are being smuggled into Europe by gangs in the Mediterranean, a Libyan official has told the BBC.

Government adviser Abdul Basit Haroun said smugglers were hiding IS militants on boats filled with migrants.


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They are probably back in Europe somewhere lying low.

I don't rate their chances of survival too high if caught by ISIS. We'll never hear from them again if they are caught, that's for sure.

Me neither. They made a choice, I do not recall reading that they were forced there at gunpoint.

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I don't rate their chances of survival too high if caught by ISIS. We'll never hear from them again if they are caught, that's for sure.

Lets hope ISIS catches these traitors and I shall look forward to seeing the video

They deserve all they get and its a shame their Dad could not be with them but I guess there is some comfort that he will hopefully see his kid beheaded by the exact people he worships.

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An update on one of the fathers of these girls. Video now shows him burning flags and in a protest in London with an ISIS flag (or something similar) behind him. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. thumbsup.gif

It's another good example of so called "moderate Muslims" and what the truth really is. He came out saying that he was just a moderate Muslim who had no idea how his daughter was radicalised. Then he blamed the UK for letting her go, then he blamed the school, then he blamed the UK government. The MET police even apologised to him.

Then it came out that he is the typical fundamental pro-Islamist Muslim, like all "moderate Muslims" are. Let this be a lesson to expect that Muslims will lie, excuse and play a victim to further their agenda onto their host country.

I already posted this in an old thread but here is an example of "moderate Muslims":

But what this story also shows is how these so called "moderate Muslims" get their way in a country which is terrified to be seen as racist or intolerant. The whole country bowed down to this guy and even apologised to him for his daughter running off to join ISIS when it was all his own doing for brainwashing her with Islam since birth. It's a scary prospect for what the future holds for the UK as the Muslim population grows and exerts more power over it.

Utter rubbish

Nothing rubbish about it, what he posted was SPOT ON and you only have to Google Muslims and then any European country and you will see the true face face of Islam that is of course if you pull your head out the sand.

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An update on one of the fathers of these girls. Video now shows him burning flags and in a protest in London with an ISIS flag (or something similar) behind him. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. thumbsup.gif

It's another good example of so called "moderate Muslims" and what the truth really is. He came out saying that he was just a moderate Muslim who had no idea how his daughter was radicalised. Then he blamed the UK for letting her go, then he blamed the school, then he blamed the UK government. The MET police even apologised to him.

Then it came out that he is the typical fundamental pro-Islamist Muslim, like all "moderate Muslims" are. Let this be a lesson to expect that Muslims will lie, excuse and play a victim to further their agenda onto their host country.

I already posted this in an old thread but here is an example of "moderate Muslims":


But what this story also shows is how these so called "moderate Muslims" get their way in a country which is terrified to be seen as racist or intolerant. The whole country bowed down to this guy and even apologised to him for his daughter running off to join ISIS when it was all his own doing for brainwashing her with Islam since birth. It's a scary prospect for what the future holds for the UK as the Muslim population grows and exerts more power over it.

Utter rubbish

Your proof that everything I posted is "utter rubbish"?

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My message to papa: If you raise kids in a soup of hatred mixed with forced belief in wrong-headed myths - then bad things are likely to happen. Those mid-teen girls are cute, slim, and look foxy. Muslim men twice or 3x their age are going to have fun with their spirited little sex slaves. Sorry pops, but just be glad you don't hear what really happens to your little girls in captivity.

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