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Thai editorial: Corruption is killing thousands on our roads


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It is a deeply corrupt, inward looking society that does not bother learning from its neighbors or the rest of the world for that matter.

Heard a story, not sure if it is true, that traffic lights were automated to help ease Bangkok's congestion. The police saw this as a challenge to their jurisdiction and started directing traffic against the lights so that it would fail. The system failed. The designers never dreamed that a police force would actually direct traffic against a traffic light.

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I agree with most of the posts on this subject. Corruption that seems to run right through to the high levels of everything mean there are two or maybe even three different societies existing here, all governed by money and greed and depending upon which you fit into will determine what 'favours' you receive.

The chaos on the roads is just one of the issues that cannot be addressed because 1) they don't know how 2) they can't be bothered and 3) some of them make too much money by looking the other way.

It is a psychological trait I think.

Thai's seem to place themselves above more learned people because 'no can do it better than a Thai' when in reality just about everybody can.

They refuse help, refuse advice and any kind of assistance that might give the impression they haven't got a clue.

And it seems to me that the more clueless you are the more likely it is you will achieve an elevated position.

I came here a year ago, thinking paradise was what it would be, but it doesn't take long for the truth to hit home.

This could be a fabulous country to live, many of the people are wonderful, but it is destroyed from within.

I have met some lovely people, even helpful policemen and army officials who have been nothing but courteous and respectful but it is not the norm.

The situation on the roads is a manifestation of the hypocrisy that seems to permeate a lot of Thai thinking and hence life here.

And for those of us who genuinely came here to help and make things just a little bit better, especially for young people and more especially the less privileged young people, it is soul destroying to sit and watch as those who could have an influence just couldn't give a damn and are quite happy to take their fat salaries, wallow in the glory their position gives them and ignore their responsibilities.

'Oh that's not how we do things here' we are told. No it isn't and you'd better wake up quick to the fact that it ought to be.

On my 11 hour flight here, filled with excitement about the possibilities and what I wanted to achieve I read some of the teachings of the Buddha. An attempt to begin to understand the culture and mindset.

Might as well not have bothered.

One thing I read that stuck with me though was his teaching that 'everything is not self'

My god there are a few here that need to apply that in their lives and actions.

It is the same in any monetised society. Thailand just has more cry babies. Check the mirror. Than the entire rest of the planet and all foreigners. Not too many grateful in the entire lot of them. Pass the tissues. Read something Christian and get back to us. You got a set of plastic ones, definately not brass. Bag of wind. Self righteous, pompus -wussy. Any of that mean anything to you? I'm asking because pal, you don't see yourself. That's your luck.

Mighty strong stuff youse is taking boy, a little rehab wouldn't go astray junior.

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