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Current PC is around 8 years old and is slow. Running windows 7 with only 2gb. of ram

Processor Intel® Core 2 CPU 6600@ 2.40 GHz

64 bit operating system Have a 20" monitor which is fine.

Could some informed boards members please give me some specs. for a new system? And best places to purchase please?

I only use the PC for accessing the net and downloading.

Any helpful replies are appreciated.


the system you have would improve with double the Ram you have, and a fresh install of windows.

that said it depends where you are, and your budget, and your capabilities

you would need to spend 10,000 baht ish for a better spec pre-made system here - http://www.advice.co.th/product/desktop/hp/hp-pavilion-110-331x-f7g63aa-akl-/A0069129 includes 4gb Ram and a 1tb harddrive - linux installed

up to 14,000 baht for an i3 with the same specs here- http://www.advice.co.th/product/desktop/hp/hp-pavilion-500-450x-j1f62aa-akl-/A0070019 - linux installed

or 17,000 baht for an i5 dell with 4gb Ram and a 500gb h/d here - http://www.advice.co.th/product/desktop/dell/dell-vostro-3902mt-w260734th-/A0072897 - would require an operating system, but a linux install would suit your needs

building your own would save you a bit maybe,

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Agree on more RAM for sure. That alone might do it.

I don't know about the fresh install. I'd put the RAM in first.

Often we think a computer slowed down when the reality is we are asking more of it. 8 years ago 2 gig of RAM might have been OK but adding new programs and services can begin to eat into that too much.

I was told by Microsoft at a seminar that beginning with Win 7 the system did a CRC on the core kernel and boot files and replaced them upon booting if they were corrupt. I was told that was different from XP back (I think XP) and that the installation should stay stable. At the least, people I know sure feel a lot better about 7 for stability than they did XP. Something sure changed from Win 98 when re-install or repair install seemed like a weekly event, LOL.

Starting with Win 7, I believe that defrag runs in the background and is set to run once a week or I'd also go there. Someone correct me if I'm wrong because fragmenting can slow it down a ton. I'm running 8.1 now and there are enough differences I don't remember each version any more...

RAM, and report back please. :)


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I agree with more RAM.

I have a i5 from 2011 with win7 64 bit and I added 4gb on top of 4gb, so 8gb now.

It flies now.

It a very cheap upgrade and easily done by yourself.

I might buy a new pc next year but I said that last year as well, he-he.

Win10 sounds interesting but I am not gonna buy that for my current pc, the next one very likely.

I can always use the old one as media pc and mount it next to the TV.

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I had a 6400 with 6GB of RAM, reinstalled Windows every year to keep it speedy but still slow compared to my new i5 with an SSD and 8GB RAM.

I'd gift the old computer to someone who can use it as they have little second hand value. Like me, you got good use out of the old one so even while it is still okay for basic everyday tasks I felt it was time to treat myself to something new. My replacement was around 35k but I got what I wanted including a 250GB SSD, didn't need to scrimp. If I wanted to save money then a 128GB SSD and an i3 would still give good performance for under 20k.

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A new i3 or i5 is the best way to go. New equipment will keep you up-to-date for the next few years. Windows 10 is free and works great. With a Microsoft account, you can use the new office programs from MSN.com so long as you stay online. Also, an Office 365 subscription will allow you to download the office programs and install them locally as well as give you unlimited storage on One Drive. Outlook.com is now superior to Gmail. Check out the latest reviews on Cnet. Productivity is now moving online and, so long as you have a reliable Internet connection, you don't need many programs installed on your machine any more.

BTW getting an AMD or Nvidia graphics card will give you better performance than integrated graphics.

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Took my PC to the shop today and got another 2GB of ram.

Computer now considerably faster and many thanks to all who gave me invaluable advice.

Regards to all.

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