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Kerry tried to dampen fuss over Israeli PM's speech

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It is ridiculous to think that the UN went through all the trouble they did to get those sanctions passed and enforced for some "theoretical" idea. cheesy.gif

No one (Iran wants it blah blah blah...) wants Iran to get nuclear weapons.

The nuclear weapons are a "theoretical threat" because no one actually know if Iran considers turning the nuclear program into a nuclear weapons program.

>>>Answer to why the UN went through all the troubles of passing sanctions on Iran:

They put sanctions on Iran to get leverage during negotiations and as a deterrent!<<<

The sanctions will be a reminder/deterrent as to keep Iran from considering turning its nuclear program into a nuclear weapons program.

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For as much as Netanyahu thinks of himself as a key part of Iran negotiations, he is mostly a distraction. With his rant before the UN about Iran crossing the red line in 6 months he forfeited any legitimate role Israel could have had in negotiations. He is now trying to justify his importance with the Republican US Congress who will only use him in its political dance with Obama on a larger scale of dominating government policies.

In the final analysis whatever direction negotiations take, it will be only between the US and Iran. Netanyahu has diminmized himself as a selfish politician seeking re-election in a country where he has less than a mandate as its leader. US leads the P5+1 nations involved in negotiations, none with whom Netanyahu has any influence. You won't see Netanyahu asking to address the parliaments of Germany or Russia for example. Netanyahu is making a desparate last minute attempt to show Israelis how critical he is in Israeli's survival and why they need him again. Obama and Kerry do not hold Netanyahu in smiliar stature.

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Another warmonger giving another speech in congress. Is this really news, other than the war machine and it's 1000s of jobs are secured? coffee1.gif

I wonder what you'd be writing (or tweeting) if you were drinking coffee in Iran.


No it is Netanyahu who is playing politics in the worst way possible. He is detrimental to both Israel and the US.

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There are many, in fact most including Obama, US politicians that need to sit down and take lessons from Netanyahu on speech giving. This man looks you in the eye not over your head. No matter if you believe what he is saying he is good at convincing people he is sincere from his heart. He uses notes as reminders in his speech and does not focus on a teleprompter. Yes Netanyahu's speech makes Obama's speeches look like something the 7th grade Class President gave in the cafeteria after lunch. Netanyahu's style and charisma is impressive no matter if you believe the content of that speech or not.

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Many Israeli journalists concur that Netanyahu's speech was banal and has done more harm than good damaging support in US and hastening Iran negotiations.

“Not only will his speech in Congress not slow down or delay the negotiations between the US and Iran, it will accelerate them"
“Netanyahu’s speech yesterday did not enlist the Democrats, rather it pushed them away: for example, take the reaction of [Democratic House minority leader, Nancy] Pelosi, a prominent supporter of Israel. The conclusion: it was not the Iranian centrifuges that Netanyahu had in mind yesterday, but rather the polling stations in Israel.”

No it is Netanyahu who is playing politics in the worst way possible. He is detrimental to both Israel and the US.

He let the cat out of the bag. Thanks to him, the whole world knows that after a few years, the mad mullahs will be able to crank up their nuclear program at will and produce as much enriched uranium as they want. That will have enormous repercussions on the negotiations and if Obama insists on going forward with it, there will be a big political price to pay for the democrats. Netanyahu outfoxed Obama every step of the way. The man is a hero. thumbsup.gif

He let nothing out of the bag. He has no other option. He simply wants the US to wage a proxy war for him.

Unfortunately, the person who can do that is the Commander-in-Chief and he has ticked him off. Netanyahu and his pack of soi dogs can spend their nights baying at the moon.

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He simply wants the US to wage a proxy war for him.

Are you equating insisting that Iran not be allowed to enrich uranium - like most other nations using nuclear power - is war? It is what the US position has been up till now and the subject of numerous UN resolutions. All Netanyahu is asking is that Obama stick to what he has said that he wanted all along. He is asking for a deal that will stop Iran from getting nukes, not just delay them until Obama is safely out of office.


Many Israeli journalists concur that Netanyahu's speech was banal and has done more harm than good damaging support in US and hastening Iran negotiations.

Not only will his speech in Congress not slow down or delay the negotiations between the US and Iran, it will accelerate them"

Netanyahus speech yesterday did not enlist the Democrats, rather it pushed them away: for example, take the reaction of [Democratic House minority leader, Nancy] Pelosi, a prominent supporter of Israel. The conclusion: it was not the Iranian centrifuges that Netanyahu had in mind yesterday, but rather the polling stations in Israel.


Actually, if you watched it, quite often Pelosi and the democrats were applauding quite vigorously.


I honestly can't see Kerry as a heavyweight in world politics, and I can't see Netanyahu giving a care.

And I can see that Obama dont give a...

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