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Hillary Clinton used personal email at State Dept., possibly breaking rules


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Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules

WASHINGTON — Hillary Rodham Clinton exclusively used a personal email account to conduct government business as secretary of state, State Department officials said, and may have violated federal requirements that officials’ correspondence be retained as part of the agency’s record.

Mrs. Clinton did not have a government email address during her four-year tenure at the State Department. Her aides took no actions to have her personal emails preserved on department servers at the time, as required by the Federal Records Act.

It was only two months ago, in response to a new State Department effort to comply with federal record-keeping practices, that Mrs. Clinton’s advisers reviewed tens of thousands of pages of her personal emails and decided which ones to turn over to the State Department. All told, 55,000 pages of emails were given to the department. Mrs. Clinton stepped down from the secretary’s post in early 2013.

Full story: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/03/us/politics/hillary-clintons-use-of-private-email-at-state-department-raises-flags.html

-- The New York Times 2015-03-03[/b]

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That's what I was thinking until I read past the headline.

Her work-related emails should be on record.

That she used a private account means that all sorts of official business conducted by email could have been hidden from auditors.

I guess she'll say that she mis-wrote.

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Yawn...Probably more secure than the government email anyway.

And does anyone really think that she's the only one in government who discusses the business of government using personal email accounts or other less easily documented means of communicating?

Tom Delay and Robert Ney probably wish they had used smoke signals to conduct their business.


Edited by Suradit69
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"By the advice of my attorney I take my constitutional rights under the 5th amendment to the constitution of the United States"

This where it ends. Just keep this in mind when and if she tries to run for President......Remember the old saying, "Remember the Alamo"......now its, "Remember Benguasie"

Sure, and we should trust her and her advisors to turn over anything and everything that is pertinent.

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Remember the old saying, "Remember the Alamo"......now its, "Remember Benguasie"

I have to say that is one of the more innovative spellings I've seen.


Ha! Ha!

Yep, I shall certainly remember Bengausie! (Near Dundee isn't it?)

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Yawn...Probably more secure than the government email anyway.

And does anyone really think that she's the only one in government who discusses the business of government using personal email accounts or other less easily documented means of communicating?

Tom Delay and Robert Ney probably wish they had used smoke signals to conduct their business.


Good point - knowing all that - she would have known better - I mean after white water, the account swapping crime and other things in a long list that never seems to end she should have stayed away from this sort of thing but didn't i.e. America's dumbest woman strikes again. The so called smartest woman in America still goes ahead and does as she pleases anyway. So is it because she is dumb or is it because she thinks like the Goober and all America is to stupid to know better or will buy into a line that she is picked on - I mean what other store bought Senator, failed sec. of state and former first lady ever had to put up with things like this.

It must have been the PTSD she suffers from after all those sniper bullets - lets face it the woman is a lair and always will be and its not a vast right wing conspiracy to point that out - just a fact.

I have a new name for her it is called Flack bait - she is not running for office just wasting other peoples time and taking as much money as she can along the way. Stick a fork in her - she is done.

The sooner the Dem party sends her a retirement package the better it will be for them. They should simple say to her 'what difference does it make'.

We need to be able to "like" a post more than once.

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Hopefully enough dirt will be dug up to keep her out of the Democrat primary, letting a decent human being beat whatever whacko the Republicans put up. See there I can spell the parties correctly although it doesn't reflect what they have become. <deleted>

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My guess is that the NYT also thinks she's a loser and is trying to derail any possible candidacy. Otherwise the NYT is a big Dem supporter and wouldn't breath this.

With only a little more than 1.5 years before the election, it's time to start dumping her.

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Yawn...Probably more secure than the government email anyway.

This is the least of the fat, mad liberal cow's sins. Just a blatant flaunt in the face or authority because nobody in Washington gives a flying <deleted> what liberls do or dont do. her sins go back to when her old man was president and most recently to Benghazi. Go back to when her intern boffing old man Slick Willie was POTUS and I, long with millions, believe they were both complicit in the murder of White House legal Council, Vincent Foster, who was about to reveal all the Clinton's dirty laundry. This cow's inaction in the Benghazi murders is not her first trip down murderers' row.then is tanamount to sanctioning murder of 4 US personnnel in the Benghazi embassy. Her and our muslim brotherhood IS sympathetic president stood by and ignored pleas from our troops there who were being over run and subsequently killed. She and osama should be charged as accomplices to murder and be thrown in Leavenworth for the rest of their miserable worthless lives.

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Yawn...Probably more secure than the government email anyway.

This is the least of the fat, mad liberal cow's sins. Just a blatant flaunt in the face or authority because nobody in Washington gives a flying <deleted> what liberls do or dont do. her sins go back to when her old man was president and most recently to Benghazi. Go back to when her intern boffing old man Slick Willie was POTUS and I, long with millions, believe they were both complicit in the murder of White House legal Council, Vincent Foster, who was about to reveal all the Clinton's dirty laundry. This cow's inaction in the Benghazi murders is not her first trip down murderers' row.then is tanamount to sanctioning murder of 4 US personnnel in the Benghazi embassy. Her and our muslim brotherhood IS sympathetic president stood by and ignored pleas from our troops there who were being over run and subsequently killed. She and osama should be charged as accomplices to murder and be thrown in Leavenworth for the rest of their miserable worthless lives.

Well, i know it's late and hopefully when you read your rant again in the morning after you have sobered up you will be suitably embarrassed! She should be charged together with "Osama"? Oh deary deary me, take more water with it is my advice! Your misogynistic rantings about Mrs Clinton will, i am sure, not stay long on here, but i have to say that the funniest thing about your rant is when you describe her as a "Liberal"! Hilarious. If you really do believe that you must be somewhere to the right of Attilla The Hun!

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Yawn...Probably more secure than the government email anyway.

This is the least of the fat, mad liberal cow's sins. Just a blatant flaunt in the face or authority because nobody in Washington gives a flying <deleted> what liberls do or dont do. her sins go back to when her old man was president and most recently to Benghazi. Go back to when her intern boffing old man Slick Willie was POTUS and I, long with millions, believe they were both complicit in the murder of White House legal Council, Vincent Foster, who was about to reveal all the Clinton's dirty laundry. This cow's inaction in the Benghazi murders is not her first trip down murderers' row.then is tanamount to sanctioning murder of 4 US personnnel in the Benghazi embassy. Her and our muslim brotherhood IS sympathetic president stood by and ignored pleas from our troops there who were being over run and subsequently killed. She and osama should be charged as accomplices to murder and be thrown in Leavenworth for the rest of their miserable worthless lives.

Well let's start with the fact that Benghazi did not have an embassy shall we?


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Well, it didn't help her a few years back when wikileaks exposed some of her email text. She made a comment about Christina Kirchner being a front while her husband, the former president, was really still running the country. If there's one thing Hillary can spot it's a female politician riding her husband's coat tails. wink.png

I'm waiting to hear about the email service she was using. The Clintons are a very shrewd bunch, I wouldn't be surprised to learn they have their own server with world-class security.

I think there is a lot of dirt on the Clintons that others already know of but are waiting for strategic moments to reveal. On both sides of the political divide. I think her biggest threat at the moment is from her own party, the GOP will save their trashing until after the primaries. There may not be a 'blow her out of the water" scandal, more likely a death of a thousand cuts. Joe Biden's smile sees to be getting bigger and brighter every day. I'm hoping for some entertainment. I want to see the run-up to the primaries get as ridiculous for the Dems as it was for the GOP back in 2011.

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Which is why she is known as "Hillary Rotten Clinton" in many circles. But it is the millions donated to the clinton global initiative by foreign governments which is going to be her downfall.

Stick a fork in her.

Edited by snarky66
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