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Five Frenchmen arrested for Phuket ATM skimming fraud 'in the millions'


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A PIN is a 4-digit number, and you can choose that number when you get your ATM card. Why not remember a little personal story that can be combined with your PIN, like a 4-digit date that only you can remember?

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Five man who happened to be lucky enough to have gained French citizenship decide to blacken the name, no pun intended of that said country by engaging in criminal activity in Thailand.

They should be stripped of their citizenship and not be allowed a transfer back to France to serve their time in a cushy western prison.

How do you know they were not born in France,maybe 2nd-3rd generation.You can't make a citizen stateless.Also,why should the Thai taxpayer pay for their incarceration.

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Its taken 6 pages, but here we go ................

Congratulations to the BIB for taking this scum off the streets and helping to make our world a safer place to live in.


(.....there, didn't hurt did it?.....)

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"FIVE FRENCHMEN" French wasn't the common denominater that first struck me.

That's because your eyes kicked in before your brain.Now if you heard this story on the radio,you would be thinking bad things about all things French and be none the wiser about race.Funny old thing,predudice,eh.

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I could say that about many of the foreigners being allowed to enter Thailand. They should never be allowed in . I would be willing to pay thousands more for my visa if the Thai government made a serious attempt to get rid of the numerous scum entering. And i am talking about every country.

The French Africans and French Arabs we are seeing around Phuket are a constant menace. All riding around on there big scooters (that they have no skill in riding), beeping their horns, driving erratically nearly cause accidents. Now to add to the list we have card skimming. It was only on Monday that I had 3 people at 3 different times complain about these groups, their reckless behaviour and lack of respect for anyone else. Not sure how they are staying here because none seem to work, but they need to be turned around at the border or at the airport, nobody wants them here.

5555,none seem to work on the tourist, holiday island that is Phuket,who would have thought that.

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welcome to thailand

thai jail is not french jail have a good time in bangkok hilton AHAAHAHHA

If they didn't rip off any Thai's,they wont be there long.It's up to the French,and the other countries whose citizens were skimmed.This is the loop hole in Thai law.Visa overstay problems at best.The only way skimmers get caught is they,or their bosses are greedy.Quick couple of skims and out.Take a break and go to another city.

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"FIVE FRENCHMEN" French wasn't the common denominater that first struck me.

That's because your eyes kicked in before your brain.Now if you heard this story on the radio,you would be thinking bad things about all things French and be none the wiser about race.Funny old thing,predudice,eh.
Not if I had heard their name or their accents. I would have known straight away they were 'baduns.'
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Put them in solitary confinement until one of them gives up the name of the one who got away and also what they did with the money whistling.gif

Or to an "inactive post" - tied to, in the middle of some jungle!

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Only two things to say.

1. Skimmers are targeting SCB as there is no smart chip in the card.

2. At least they didn't rat out their missing friend, unlike a certain nationality well known for it.

You would never read this in the news: Khun Pepe from france reenacted the crime and took police back to the lair where 5 ladyboys were smoking ice and making new ATM cards with some Bulgarian accomplises.

more often than not it's this: "Khun Somchai then told police..."

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Napoleon was Corsican...

Still more than halfway from were the culprits are originating from.


three quarters of West and Central Africa speak French, its as easy to get a French passport as it is to buy a Motobike.............I have a French heritage, French last name, and was offered a French passport in Tresheville, Cote d'Ivoire while working there..........didn't take him up on it.coffee1.gif

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Five man who happened to be lucky enough to have gained French citizenship decide to blacken the name, no pun intended of that said country by engaging in criminal activity in Thailand.

They should be stripped of their citizenship and not be allowed a transfer back to France to serve their time in a cushy western prison.

How do you know they were not born in France,maybe 2nd-3rd generation.You can't make a citizen stateless.Also,why should the Thai taxpayer pay for their incarceration.

Don't give a shit..they look African to me..

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Living in Phuket i can say the card skimming is a nightmare here , even in front of bank with camera all around they put skimmers. Iv been scammed and many of my friends too. Lucky enough they withdraw in USA while i was in Thailand so i could prove to my bank it was a scam and got money back . ( internet bank not thai one ).

I wonder what happens if its ur thai debit card and they withdraw in Thailand....

Now , i saw many news about police catching gangs for this kind of scams , but i never saw a news about the judgment and the sanction. Anybody got infos of that ?

Btw im french , for the guy wondering why all this types of guys are here without working. Most of them sell drugs in France ghettos , and come to Thailand for holidays/cash laundering.

I want to add that the french community is as pissed of as anybody and probably more about thoses retards making bad name for us.

Hopefully they get at least some years of jail......

As has been said many times - if you have a Thai bank account - you have one major account WITH NO ATM FACILITIES where the majority of your money stays. Then you have a second account where you can withdraw via an ATM. When you need to transfer money you go inside the bank and transfer money from the large NON ATM account to the lesser ATM account. If you do get skimmed then it's only for less than 10,000 baht. You also set your withdrawal limit on the minor account at 1,000 THB / per day. You can always get more than this if you go inside the bank with your passport. Yes it takes more time but also saves heartache if you are skimmed.

Some Thai banks have an ATM usage message sent to you mobile phone for a small monthly fee. This will quickly alert you if any fraudulent activity is occurring on your account.

Edited by johnnycthedog
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Lets call a spade a spade..these fine upstanding gentlemen are are an oppressed minority who as citizens of some french African 3rd world colony have the right to enter the 1st world mother country and travel on French passports. I am sure they earn't their tourist money honestly so they could come to Thailand for an extended holiday. The white guy coerced them into committing the crime (several hundred times) and the French govt will be doing cartwheels to help them...not

Lets call a spade a spade...

Posting a comment like this are you implying the 1st world white people are unscrupulously clean?

I think the guys in the photo are a tad better than you.

Racism? Who started it and who has it in their blood today? You should know the answer very well.

Be proud of yourself.


Perhaps the "name" issue is actually an oblique way of asking this question:

"Why is it that North African/African minority groups make up about 13.5% of the population of France, but they seem to account for (according to the media) 90+% of the crime committed by French citizens in Thailand?"

Does it mean that "whitey" French crooks, with traditional Gallic names, prefer to thieve at home, or are the ex-colonised just easier to catch?

No, they're simply more likely to be thieves. Enough with this PC BS.

Lets call a spade a spade..these fine upstanding gentlemen are are an oppressed minority who as citizens of some french African 3rd world colony have the right to enter the 1st world mother country and travel on French passports. I am sure they earn't their tourist money honestly so they could come to Thailand for an extended holiday. The white guy coerced them into committing the crime (several hundred times) and the French govt will be doing cartwheels to help them...not

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They got French nationality like the UK Pakistanis got their UK passports: Unethically, illegally and without the support of the mass of the people. These mu***m immigrants were forced on us. Unable to integrate and permanently hostile to their host nations they turn to crime and terrorism....as represented by Jihadi John and his parasitic family. These guys are not French except on a technicality.

So very true

Ever wondered why ONLY the majority of the above mentioned people get PR in the 'Western developed' countries?

It is almost impossible for a 'normal' person to even get a genuine holiday visa - This is a fact.

You will reap what you sow.


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French ?

Really ?

these are frenchmen? what happened? did france move to Harlem?

Oh the irony. Some on TV have complained about the use of the word "farang," saying it groups too many nationalities together. So when the press actually assigns the correct nationality, people are STILL getting their panties in a twist. Farangs in Thailand have got to be the most color-obsessed people alive.

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They don't look a bit like Napoleon...............coffee1.gif

No. I think he was much shorter...

And I think they each have two arms and two eyes.

I think you mistake Napoleon for Nelson.

Oh dear! History never was my strongest subject... facepalm.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just opened another bank account. The teller asked me if I wanted a new ATM card/online banking with that. I told her no, I've a couple of other accounts I can use for that with not enough in them for me to lose any sleep over.

I don't remember bank accounts without these admittedly convenient functions being 'hacked' many years ago. And people are also going off 'smart'phones' aka GPS for the Government. I'm no Luddite, but ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of which there's something called the french foreign legion and they accept all sorts of foreigners and one of the perks is after you complete their service you gain french citizenship.

The worst thing about this is to have a bunch of outsiders some maybe french looking at this and seeing a non blond haired, blue eyed aryan type being called french and getting all offended and hurt when the french themselves created the FFL and give citizenship to the ones who have completed service.

I don't know why but some europeans/americans have this type of mentality like when they go to foreign countries like for example asian ones they expected to be treated like kings etc but yet get offended if asians/africans go to their countries.

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  • 1 month later...

IMHO these <removed> should have their brains blown out publicly on TV and the same done to anyone similar. They don,t even have the guts to put on a mask, walk into a bank, and say "Hands up, this is a robbery" ! They are the worst scum on the planet, unfortunately operating in a country that will not even reimburse their victims for funds lost ! Do You get the general idea of my distaste ?

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IMHO these <removed> should have their brains blown out publicly on TV and the same done to anyone similar. They don,t even have the guts to put on a mask, walk into a bank, and say "Hands up, this is a robbery" ! They are the worst scum on the planet, unfortunately operating in a country that will not even reimburse their victims for funds lost ! Do You get the general idea of my distaste ?

So.....if we do that, what do we do to murderers, rapists and kiddy-fiddlers?

By advocating something that bad, you inadvertently debase punishments for worse crimes.

Think about it.

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IMHO these <removed> should have their brains blown out publicly on TV and the same done to anyone similar. They don,t even have the guts to put on a mask, walk into a bank, and say "Hands up, this is a robbery" ! They are the worst scum on the planet, unfortunately operating in a country that will not even reimburse their victims for funds lost ! Do You get the general idea of my distaste ?

Obviously, you worship money higher than life.

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