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Netanyahu warns US 'bad deal' would put Iran on nuclear path


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By his blatant disrespect for President Obama and arrogant disregard for American political protocol, Netanyahu set back Israel - American relations (particularly in regards to support from American people of color) 50 years, and probably stimulated more ISIS recruitment interest than all jihadist social media efforts combined.

Ultimately he did enormous damage to Israel's interests.

Absolutely disgraceful.

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nuclear nations complaining about non-nuclear nations developing nuclear weapons

hmm there's a word for that.. hypocrisy

That's the same kind of thinking that says we should let every nut case have a gun. It may be hypocrisy but it is coated with sanity!

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I have always been a strong and unequivocal supporter of Israel. Until now. Netanyahu has disgraced the nation of Israel, made a mockery of the US political system and disrespected the office of the President of the United States.

My hopes are with Iran that they take full advantage of this political mess created by Netanyahu, that they get the bomb and that they chose the testing ground carefully.

The US should draw all military support for Israel.

My thoughts are with the people of Israel but the next massacre will be one of your own making.

That is a high price to pay for your ruffled feathers.

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How soon we forget the Saddam used chemical weapons on the Kurds.

Only because the US essentially supplied them.



Not only they sold weapons to Iraq but also to Iran during the Iran-Iraq war. Remember the Iran-contra affair? Selling both sides weapons during a war.???

Hind sight is 20/20. If they continued until both sides had no one but women and old men it would have solved a lot of the problems that exist now. Sad but with the kind of thinking that goes on in that part of the world it is would have been viable option.

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By his blatant disrespect for President Obama and arrogant disregard for American political protocol, Netanyahu set back Israel - American relations (particularly in regards to support from American people of color) 50 years, and probably stimulated more ISIS recruitment interest than all jihadist social media efforts combined.

Ultimately he did enormous damage to Israel's interests.

Absolutely disgraceful.

You are looking at the situation totally through the Liberal Lens... a huge number - maybe a majority of American approve... I think Israelis will agree enough to reelect

Bottom line obama lovers just can't stand 'Dear Leader' being shown up for the naive Muslim lover that he is..

TRUST IRAN... what a joke

Why not? You trust Saudi Arabia and they flew planes into your buildings.

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The biggest difference between Israel having nukes and Iran having nukes is that Israel has no intention of using them. They are a deterrent. Why are libs incapable of working this out for themselves?

So if there is no intention to ever use them why not just disarm them and get rid off them and become a nuclear free country

I think Isreal prefer to have the threat of the bomb on their side and prefer no one else near them is in this position

If Isreal can have the bomb then so can their neighbours, whether it be friend or foe

What gives them the right to decide?

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I admit I could only watch less than 10 minutes of this fear/war mongering nut case give his speech.

But what really saddened me was watching some of our US politicians fawning over a foreign leader

in basically an unprecedented breech of protocol to call in any foreign leader & let them dictate/campaign to

our supposed elected representatives what is right & what is wrong.

I think they should all be at least fired if not hung.

What are these morons thinking? What it looked like is exactly what it was.

Basically bending over for a foreign countries leader instead of discussing intelligently what their own constituents want

& while they may be divided as always in the US as to what the president decides it does not in any way suggest such

kowtowing to some foreign nut case with more blood on his hands than most in modern history.

Not to mention his Iran BS has been going for how many years/decades?

I do not care for Democrats nor Republicans as they are equally useless to Americans but I remember it was not long ago

so many were in an uproar over the President bowing out of cultural respect to Emperor Akihito...Which is no different than that Emperor shaking Obama's hand in the US

Yet it was probably the same complainers who last night all but dropped their pants when they basically bowed much deeper & fawned all over this nut case.

Sickening really & an embarrassing display for Americans of which I cannot recall anything worse in my lifetime.

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Hind sight is 20/20. If they continued until both sides had no one but women and old men it would have solved a lot of the problems that exist now. Sad but with the kind of thinking that goes on in that part of the world it is would have been viable option.

Hind sight? You need hind sight to say "Taking a country off of our 'State Sponsor of Terrorism' list so that we can then send them chemical weapons ingredients is a bad idea"????

Or "Secretly sending weapons under the table to our enemies will not work out the way we hope"????

As far as your morally horrific logic, it never works. When you have prolonged, multi-decade war that kills a large part of the population, it tends to only result in the emergence of an even worse entity. Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, Taliban in Afghanistan, ISIS in Iraq....all of them only were able to gain power due to the decades of war that preceeded, and it almost certainly made them that much more brutal for it.

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Israel seems to be doing pretty good for themselves, as far as their own agendas are concerned. What I can't figure out is why Israel is so desperate to convince and persuade the USA to embrace issues of which have absolutely no benefit to the people of the USA. The USA has lost more sons and daughters, and shed more blood and spent more money towards Israel, and has nothing to show for it.

Alright, I'll give credit to everyone who defends Israel, and all the things they do. But the thing that seems obtuse is that Israel seems to feel that the USA is somehow obligated to protect it. That seems odd, considering that Israel makes almost all of its decisions without the approval of not even one US citizen with voting rights.

The USA is thousands of miles away from the Middle East. If anyone out there wants to argue that the USA cannot defend its borders if it sets its mind to it, then they are mistaken. The USA does not need Israel to be anything less than great.

I think Israel has the USA duped. The USA is a place that takes in people in need... and not expends efforts to establish other people's personal agendas against other peoples out there in the wide world. That is the way it should be.

Without the USA, Israel would fade into anonymity silently, or they would nationalistically push the button and take out everyone to prove their banal points.

I am not afraid of Iran. I am afraid of the people so desperately trying to convince us and persuade us to be afraid of Iran; people who don't give a damn about us, and moreover degrade us if we slightly lift a finger in disagreement to anything they utter.. people who roll along like a great bulldozer and involve the USA in political issues that we really should not be involved in. One would almost think that Israel is a province of the USA, like the US Virgin Isles, or Puerto Rico.

Israel is wearing out its welcome. Times are getting tough. People are going to begin cutting their losses soon. Loyalty begins at home, and not abroad.

Just a few thoughts on this. Apologies if I offended anyone.

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By his blatant disrespect for President Obama and arrogant disregard for American political protocol, Netanyahu set back Israel - American relations (particularly in regards to support from American people of color) 50 years, and probably stimulated more ISIS recruitment interest than all jihadist social media efforts combined.

Ultimately he did enormous damage to Israel's interests.

Absolutely disgraceful.

You are looking at the situation totally through the Liberal Lens... a huge number - maybe a majority of American approve... I think Israelis will agree enough to reelect

Bottom line obama lovers just can't stand 'Dear Leader' being shown up for the naive Muslim lover that he is..

TRUST IRAN... what a joke

Why not? You trust Saudi Arabia and they flew planes into your buildings.


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Am I missing something here? is Iran still on the list of state sponsors of terrorism?

If so why is the so called president of the United States negotiating with them? is it possible that he's irrational?

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Can someone tell me why Boehner is not in jail?

"The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 30 January 1799, currently codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953) is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years."

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Why not create a 53rd state called Israel.

All problems solved.

The 53rd state.

Great movie with Samuel L Jackson.

The art of illusion is truly exceptional.

P.O.O. (point of order)

51st State (in both usages)

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Can someone tell me why Boehner is not in jail?

"The Logan Act (1 Stat. 613, 30 January 1799, currently codified at 18 U.S.C. § 953) is a United States federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. It was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law with imprisonment of up to three years."

As much as I wish your interpretation was valid....

It Sadly isn't

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It would help enormously in reducing world tensions if we were actually honest enough to tell the truth. The truth sometimes would not enrage nearly as many people though. I am no fan of Iran but lets not have more sons and daughters dying in the sand pit over conflicts that are totally unnecessary and unjustified, and in this case a reason to display aggression being perpetuated by a complete falsehood, a lie.

What did Ahmadinejad actually say? To quote his exact words in Farsi:

"Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad."

That passage will mean nothing to most people, but one word might ring a bell: rezhim-e. It is the word "regime." pronounced just like the English word with an extra "eh" sound at the end. Ahmadinejad did not refer to Israel the country or Israel the land mass, but the Israeli regime. This is a vastly significant distinction, as one cannot wipe a regime off the map. Ahmadinejad does not even refer to Israel by name, he instead uses the specific phrase "rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods" (regime occupying Jerusalem).

So this raises the question.. what exactly did he want "wiped from the map"? The answer is: nothing. That's because the word "map" was never used. The Persian word for map, "nagsheh" is not contained anywhere in his original Farsi quote, or, for that matter, anywhere in his entire speech. Nor was the western phrase "wipe out" ever said. Yet we are led to believe that Iran's president threatened to "wipe Israel off the map." despite never having uttered the words "map." "wipe out" or even "Israel.".

Even now through over use of the term we modify it even further and end up with "Threatened to destroy Israel" etc etc. Iran is not on record for 'wanting to destroy Israel', that is a lie, it is propaganda and innocent people die as a result of it.

The rumor mill sure runs then...

Wipe Israel 'off the map' Iranian says

New York Times -

By Nazila Fathi
Published: Thursday, October 27, 2005
TEHRAN — "Iran's conservative new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Wednesday that Israel must be "wiped off the map" and that attacks by Palestinians would destroy it, the ISNA press agency reported.
Ahmadinejad was speaking to an audience of about 4,000 students at a program called "The World Without Zionism," in preparation for an annual anti-Israel demonstration on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan.
His tone was reminiscent of that of the early days of Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979. Iran and Israel have been bitter enemies since then, and anti-Israel slogans have been common at rallies.
Senior officials had avoided provocative language over the past decade, but Ahmadinejad appears to be taking a more confrontational tone than Iranian leaders have in recent years."
Edited by Scott
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[code}The enemy of your enemy is your enemy[/code]

In ANY context outside of absolute certitude it is a sign of abject stupidity. Did Netanyahu provide even a shred of certitude? No.. Nothing. NO THING. Go **** ******** you ignorant ****.

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The Prime Minister of America Bibi Netanyahu has spoken of the dangers Iran poses, any other opinion is not just un patriotic, but tantamount to treason.

That would be because anybody wishing to whitewash the Iranian regime has stinky stuff trailing on their shoes.

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The brainwashing of America began with Edward Bernays. Look him up. It seems unpatriotic to question anything the government or the media says (yes, including the NYT), even when presented with facts ( the correct translation of "Wipe Israel off the map"). Bibi first said Iran were close to a nuclear bomb in 1992. Israel has hundreds of undeclared, illegal nuclear weapons. since then Israel has attacked one of its neighbours every couple of years. Iran has attacked no one since 1798, but these re just the facts.

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I admit I could only watch less than 10 minutes of this fear/war mongering nut case give his speech.


Which country is the war mongerer?

Iran is on record for wanting to destroy Israel.

Death to Israel blah blah blah.

Israel doesn't want death to Iran.

Only to stop that country dedicated to their destruction not to have nukes.

A very reasonable demand in this situation.

Now now, JT, you know it's against forum rules to deliberately post false information; Iran is on record for wanting to wipe out the regime, not the country. We have established this as fact. Also, that was a past government, so has little relevance to today.

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