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Bringing money over in cash

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The OP stated 3 - 500.000 Euros. I assume this means three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand Euros. If the OP is talking this amount IN CASH, I guess he is just having a laugh or needs his head tested. Who gets a mate to carry half a million Euros in cash halfway across the world as a favour. blink.png

Some people have friends they can trust with their life, others have drinking mates, it's obvious which category TV members fall into.

I believe you are being disingenuous. You then follow it up with a thinly veiled condescending insult.

There are many issues here, trusting your friend is the very least of them. Of course, everybody has a friend they could trust not to steal their cash.

The biggest issue is explaining to the authorities when leaving Switzerland why your friend is carrying half a million Euros for you.

The next is the possibility that your friend mislays the money or is robbed between leaving the bank in Switzerland and handing the bag of cash to you in Roi Et.

The third is how your friend is going to withdraw half a million Euros in cash from several accounts in your name.

There are other risks as well, including counterfeits and the risk for you carrying the money around in Thailand.

Everything about this thread and your attitude suggests this is just another of your silly trolling threads but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

If you consider me a troll, it is you allowed to skip reading my threads and even replying to them.

I asked a genuine question, which is if there would be problems at the airport of origin.

Anyone who is not just replying with intention to stir the pot would know that I can transfer the money in advance to my friends account, so that he can withdraw it as his, and can get accordingly a statement from the bank.

The transfers to his accounts could be done in smaller installments, and so could be his withdrawals, to satisfy the bank requirements.

I have never heard about a customs officer asking to proof how you earned the money in the past. If you can proof it was withdrawn from your account I assume that is enough proof that it is your money.

Keep in mind that I didn't ask if I should trust my friend, nor did I ask what the risk is if I walk around with money in Thailand or how I can get it exchanged, and I'm also not interested in comment on that.

I understand that many people on this forum have never seen 500.000 Euro together in their entire life, so the envy is great to make some baiting and insulting posts. I'm not interested in those.

If you have anything useful to add as how I can get MY money in Euro notes in Thailand through legal ways, you are invited to post your knowledge. If your only intention is to insult me and get this thread closed, please stay away.

Edited by Anthony5
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The OP stated 3 - 500.000 Euros. I assume this means three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand Euros. If the OP is talking this amount IN CASH, I guess he is just having a laugh or needs his head tested. Who gets a mate to carry half a million Euros in cash halfway across the world as a favour. blink.png

Some people have friends they can trust with their life, others have drinking mates, it's obvious which category TV members fall into.

I believe you are being disingenuous. You then follow it up with a thinly veiled condescending insult.

There are many issues here, trusting your friend is the very least of them. Of course, everybody has a friend they could trust not to steal their cash.

The biggest issue is explaining to the authorities when leaving Switzerland why your friend is carrying half a million Euros for you.

The next is the possibility that your friend mislays the money or is robbed between leaving the bank in Switzerland and handing the bag of cash to you in Roi Et.

The third is how your friend is going to withdraw half a million Euros in cash from several accounts in your name.

There are other risks as well, including counterfeits and the risk for you carrying the money around in Thailand.

Everything about this thread and your attitude suggests this is just another of your silly trolling threads but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

If you consider me a troll, it is you allowed to skip reading my threads and even replying to them.

I asked a genuine question, which is if there would be problems at the airport of origin.

Anyone who is not just replying with intention to stir the pot would know that I can transfer the money in advance to my friends account, so that he can withdraw it as his, and can get accordingly a statement from the bank.

The transfers to his accounts could be done in smaller installments, and so could be his withdrawals, to satisfy the bank requirements.

I have never heard about a customs officer asking to proof how you earned the money in the past. If you can proof it was withdrawn from your account I assume that is enough proof that it is your money.

Keep in mind that I didn't ask if I should trust my friend, nor did I ask what the risk is if I walk around with money in Thailand or how I can get it exchanged, and I'm also not interested in comment on that.

I understand that many people on this forum have never seen 500.000 Euro together in their entire life, so the envy is great to make some baiting and insulting posts. I'm not interested in those.

If you have anything useful to add as how I can get MY money in Euro notes in Thailand through legal ways, you are invited to post your knowledge. If your only intention is to insult me and get this thread closed, please stay away.

why are you getting all hysterical ? there has been some good advice and observations made

seems to me you have all the answers already so why did even post your thread ?

but to answer your original question, would be problems at the airport of origin ? answer

yes there could with someone carrying 500k in cash and Mr customs would be very interested (see link)

and be under no illusion that they cant find the notes in suit cases or one ones person they can


on the Thai side same same

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I believe you are being disingenuous. You then follow it up with a thinly veiled condescending insult.

There are many issues here, trusting your friend is the very least of them. Of course, everybody has a friend they could trust not to steal their cash.

The biggest issue is explaining to the authorities when leaving Switzerland why your friend is carrying half a million Euros for you.

The next is the possibility that your friend mislays the money or is robbed between leaving the bank in Switzerland and handing the bag of cash to you in Roi Et.

The third is how your friend is going to withdraw half a million Euros in cash from several accounts in your name.

There are other risks as well, including counterfeits and the risk for you carrying the money around in Thailand.

Everything about this thread and your attitude suggests this is just another of your silly trolling threads but I will give you the benefit of the doubt.

If you consider me a troll, it is you allowed to skip reading my threads and even replying to them.

I asked a genuine question, which is if there would be problems at the airport of origin.

Anyone who is not just replying with intention to stir the pot would know that I can transfer the money in advance to my friends account, so that he can withdraw it as his, and can get accordingly a statement from the bank.

The transfers to his accounts could be done in smaller installments, and so could be his withdrawals, to satisfy the bank requirements.

I have never heard about a customs officer asking to proof how you earned the money in the past. If you can proof it was withdrawn from your account I assume that is enough proof that it is your money.

Keep in mind that I didn't ask if I should trust my friend, nor did I ask what the risk is if I walk around with money in Thailand or how I can get it exchanged, and I'm also not interested in comment on that.

I understand that many people on this forum have never seen 500.000 Euro together in their entire life, so the envy is great to make some baiting and insulting posts. I'm not interested in those.

If you have anything useful to add as how I can get MY money in Euro notes in Thailand through legal ways, you are invited to post your knowledge. If your only intention is to insult me and get this thread closed, please stay away.

why are you getting all hysterical ? there has been some good advice and observations made

seems to me you have all the answers already so why did even post your thread ?

but to answer your original question, would be problems at the airport of origin ? answer

yes there could with someone carrying 500k in cash and Mr customs would be very interested (see link)

and be under no illusion that they cant find the notes in suit cases or one ones person they can


on the Thai side same same

First of all, I'm not from Cyprus nor is my money in Cyprus, I want to get it out of Europe before a Cyprus event happens in the rest of Europe.

What your article shows is a person who tried to smuggle money out of Cyprus without declaring it, so completely unrelated to my question. I have no intention to smuggle my money out of Europe, but I want to bring it over legally and declare it at the outbound and inbound borders.

The majority of the money sits currently in US$ in a trading account in my home country, the other part is in Euros. When I mailed my trading bank they answered they will charge an exchange commission of 0.25% for the Dollars and they use the exchange rate of ECB. I took a look on the ECB site and they use today a rate of 1.0963 while the rate on the international markets currently is 1.0853. That mean doing it all via transfer will set me back over 1500 Euro


So taken all this into account I thought it would pay off to find a cheaper solution. e.g. find a solution to withdraw the money in US$ and bring it over.

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and just gives me another thought...

so the OP's "friend" will bring the cash... let us assume he declares it on the entry form to Thailand and gets it stamped... so from a Thai perspective it is the OP's "friend" money... and he is now the only one who could go to a Thai bank and say "look, I brought the money from abroad, it is legally declared in my name, so please give me millions of Thai Baht.." the OP could not do it and the OP would have no prove that the money came legally from abroad, so using it for anything that needs that prove (i.e. buying a condo), the OP would be stuck with useless Euro bills...

said all that... OP... just send me the payment instructions for your bank, I will cash the money and then will meet you at the airport when I come next time... you better hope I make the flight and / or do not miss you at the airport... cause as I said.. the money will be legally mine from a Thai customs perspective thumbsup.gif

Edit: the quotes around "friend" are there on purpose... friendship tends to be tested when several hundreds of thousands of Euro are involved...

You ever been in Thailand?

I walk into any respectable money exchanger in Thailand with 1 Million Euro in cash, and it will be exchanged to Thai Baht at a whim with no questions asked, given that they have that amount of Thai Baht available of course.

But a picture of your passport will be taken, you will be on video...

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and just gives me another thought...

so the OP's "friend" will bring the cash... let us assume he declares it on the entry form to Thailand and gets it stamped... so from a Thai perspective it is the OP's "friend" money... and he is now the only one who could go to a Thai bank and say "look, I brought the money from abroad, it is legally declared in my name, so please give me millions of Thai Baht.." the OP could not do it and the OP would have no prove that the money came legally from abroad, so using it for anything that needs that prove (i.e. buying a condo), the OP would be stuck with useless Euro bills...

said all that... OP... just send me the payment instructions for your bank, I will cash the money and then will meet you at the airport when I come next time... you better hope I make the flight and / or do not miss you at the airport... cause as I said.. the money will be legally mine from a Thai customs perspective thumbsup.gif

Edit: the quotes around "friend" are there on purpose... friendship tends to be tested when several hundreds of thousands of Euro are involved...

You ever been in Thailand?

I walk into any respectable money exchanger in Thailand with 1 Million Euro in cash, and it will be exchanged to Thai Baht at a whim with no questions asked, given that they have that amount of Thai Baht available of course.

But a picture of your passport will be taken, you will be on video...

So what's the problem, the money isn't stolen or obtained through illegal activities, neither are it copy notes it will in fact be declared when entering Thailand.

By the way, I have made it clear already that I have no intention at all to exchange it at 35.23 to the Euro, and at the time that the rate is better, I can split in 2000 Euro blocks and have it all changed without visiting the same exchange booth twice.

Edited by Anthony5
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and just gives me another thought...

so the OP's "friend" will bring the cash... let us assume he declares it on the entry form to Thailand and gets it stamped... so from a Thai perspective it is the OP's "friend" money... and he is now the only one who could go to a Thai bank and say "look, I brought the money from abroad, it is legally declared in my name, so please give me millions of Thai Baht.." the OP could not do it and the OP would have no prove that the money came legally from abroad, so using it for anything that needs that prove (i.e. buying a condo), the OP would be stuck with useless Euro bills...

said all that... OP... just send me the payment instructions for your bank, I will cash the money and then will meet you at the airport when I come next time... you better hope I make the flight and / or do not miss you at the airport... cause as I said.. the money will be legally mine from a Thai customs perspective thumbsup.gif

Edit: the quotes around "friend" are there on purpose... friendship tends to be tested when several hundreds of thousands of Euro are involved...

You ever been in Thailand?

I walk into any respectable money exchanger in Thailand with 1 Million Euro in cash, and it will be exchanged to Thai Baht at a whim with no questions asked, given that they have that amount of Thai Baht available of course.

Bullshit... even though this IS Thailand, they have money laundering rules and NO RESPECTABLE money exchanger will change your 1Mio Euro to THB without CLEAR and UNDISPUTABLE prove of the source and import declaration of the funds... which you will NOT have when your friend brings it in!

So fine, you just confirmed that you've never been in Thailand.

I have tried to exchange just under $10,000 USD in Thailand. I tried to get bills that were as clean, unmarked, etc as I could, the exchanger still refused about 20% of them.

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